-Caveat Lector-

Had 60 days to pull-out of Kosovo or get approval -- neither has happened!

May 26, 1999

Clinton in violation of law
Had 60 days to pull-out of Kosovo or get approval -- neither has happened

WASHINGTON, DC -- As of 12:01 am Wednesday, May 26, President Clinton will
be in clear violation of the 1973 War Powers Resolution. This is the first
time a president has violated the resolution since its enactment.

"President Clinton has nothing left to claim: he is in complete violation of
the Wars Powers Resolution, there is simply no other interpretation," said
US Rep. Ron Paul (R, TX).

Rep. Paul is one of 26 Members of Congress who have filed a lawsuit in
federal court against President Clinton in regards to his violation of the
War Powers Resolution and the US Constitution.

"No one can argue that a president must, when there is a direct, clear and
present danger to American lives, take defensive actions to protect our
national interest. However, 60 days ago this president decided to take
aggressive action against a sovereign nation; and has since had
congressional authorization rejected by a vote of 427 to 2," said Rep. Paul.

Under the War Powers Resolution, a president may engage in hostilities for
60 days without congressional approval. At the end of the 60-day period,
however, the president must have either received a Declaration of War,
received authorization to continue the action for another set period of
time, or begin withdrawing the troops. Since the bombing of Yugoslavia
began, the president has been denied a declaration of war and authorization.

"Once again, though, President Clinton is demonstrating his utter disregard
for the Constitution and laws of this nation. He apparently views himself as
a king, rather than the president of a constitutional republic; he must
believe that his will is the law, rather than the Constitution and acts of
Congress," said Rep. Paul. "To say this president is anything but dangerous
and reckless would be a gross understatement."

Rep. Paul said that while many presidents have violated, with the unspoken
consent of Congress, the constitutional responsibility for the initiation of
war, President Clinton has done so more frequently and brazenly than any
other this century.

"While I am hopeful this president will change his course, recent history
has shown this president holds no more respect for court orders than he does
for the Constitution or the War Powers Resolution. If he shows the same
contempt as in the past, our nation faces serious trouble."



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