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Australian government refuses to release its own youth report
By Margaret Rees
26 May 2001
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The Australian government has failed to release the Prime Minister John Howard's own
Youth Pathways Action Plan Taskforce report, even though it has had the document in
hand for months. The report remains hidden because a small section sheds some light
on the desperate plight of many young people receiving the Common Youth Allowance, a
welfare payment that covers students and young unemployed.
The taskforce's official brief was to "examine young people's transitions from
school to work, further education and active participation in community life”.
Compiled by handpicked business figures, charity leaders and government officials,
much of the Footprints to the Future report predictably agrees with the thrust of
government policy, endorsing a narrow vocational framework of training youth to
serve the requirements of big business.
One section, however, provides a glimpse into the impact of the government's
measures. Under the heading "Income Support," the report makes mild criticism of the
practice of "breaching"—whereby Centrelink and other government agencies cut or stop
welfare payments for breaches of official procedures.
"Some young people are having breaches imposed on their payments without sufficient
account taken of difficult personal circumstances,” it states. “Some of these
breaches are being imposed by Job Network agencies who have no youth-specific
knowledge or service expertise."
The report continues: "Disconnection from income support often precedes a more
general disconnection from the community and must be examined seriously...
Marginalised young people indicated that, in some circumstances, they had turned to
petty theft or drug dealing to survive."
The report does not give any statistics, either about the extent of breaching or the
hardship created, let alone attempt to make a systematic analysis of the issue. That
is hardly surprising. Stripping young people of welfare entitlements is not the
result of inexperience in Job Network agencies. It is an essential aspect of the
government's program of "mutual obligation," under which welfare recipients are
required to perform work or other activities.
Young people are having their benefits slashed for failing to adhere to the most
minor regulations. Breaching penalties range from $280 to $350 for failing to reply
to an official letter and from $630 to $1,300 for failing to attend an interview.
The average penalty for rule infringement is $763.
About 53 percent of all welfare penalties are imposed on people under the age of 25,
including 58 percent of all purely administrative breaches, such as missing an
interview. This is because most mutual obligation requirements are targetted at
young people.
Breaching is particularly high for participants in Work for the Dole schemes. Nearly
half the participants in these schemes—7,000 out of 18,000—were breached in the 15
months to March 1999.
These penalties have left increasing numbers of unemployed youth and students
destitute, given that the Youth Allowance is currently only $140.50 a week, which is
about half the officially-recognised poverty line for a young single person.
Homeless people are also acutely vulnerable to breaching. They often miss mail
instructing them to attend an interview.
Although the Footprints report devotes considerable space to the problems facing
young Aboriginal people in the transition from school to work, it says nothing about
the high rate of breaching inflicted on Aboriginal people. Research reveals that
administrative breach rates are consistently twice as high for Aboriginal people
receiving employment-related payments.
Alluding only indirectly to this situation, the Footprintsreport recommends that
government agencies "ensure that preparing-for-work agreements take into account the
individual situations of young people, are culturally appropriate and focused on
local community circumstances".
Even these limited references proved too sensitive for the government. In
parliament, Community Services Minister Larry Anthony claimed that breaching had
diminished under the Howard government. Only 9,500 people "lost that total
entitlement for breaching" and the government had introduced a "gradual regime to
ensure that we did not penalise people unfairly”.
Anthony's figures clearly misrepresent the true situation. In the financial year
1999-2000, according to official statistics, 13,647 people—or 7.7 percent of those
receiving an allowance—received three breaches, for which the penalty is total loss
of allowance for eight weeks.
Far from the punitive system lessening, there has been a 250 percent increase in the
number of people penalised since 1997. In 1999-2000, some 302,000 breach penalties
were imposed on 200,000 people, cutting government spending by $170 million. Another
172,000 penalties were imposed, but were revoked on appeal.
This regime is specifically aimed at reducing government expenditure on welfare,
forcing the jobless into low-wage employment on sub-standard conditions and using
their desperation to drive down the wages and conditions of all workers.
The Community and Public Sector Union revealed last year that the Business
Partnership Agreement between Centrelink and the Department of Employment contains
breaching quotas for the unemployed. Centrelink has its annual departmental funding
of $120 million increased or decreased by 5 percent depending on whether these
quotas are met.
The Footprints report was drafted during 2000 while another taskforce was drafting
the Welfare Reform Report, known as the McClure Report, which recommended the
extension of mutual obligation measures to sole parents and mature-aged unemployed
The government adopted that recommendation in this week's Budget, anticipating that
it will save $923 million over four years by cutting welfare payments or driving
people off them altogether. The breaching regime that is already shattering the
lives of young people will be applied to ever-wider layers of the working class.
That is why the Footprints report, which politely criticised the system, could not
be released.

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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
The libertarian therefore considers one of his prime educational
tasks is to spread the demystification and desanctification of the
State among its hapless subjects.  His task is to demonstrate
repeatedly and in depth that not only the emperor but even the
"democratic" State has no clothes; that all governments subsist
by exploitive rule over the public; and that such rule is the reverse
of objective necessity.  He strives to show that the existence of
taxation and the State necessarily sets up a class division between
the exploiting rulers and the exploited ruled.  He seeks to show that
the task of the court intellectuals who have always supported the State
has ever been to weave mystification in order to induce the public to
accept State rule and that these intellectuals obtain, in return, a
share in the power and pelf extracted by the rulers from their deluded
[[For a New Liberty:  The Libertarian Manifesto, Murray N. Rothbard,
Fox & Wilkes, 1973, 1978, p. 25]]

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