-Caveat Lector-

Mar 29th 2001
>From The Economist print edition

IN AUGUST 1986, an astronomer at the University of California,
Berkeley, noticed a 75-cent discrepancy in the accounts for a
computer in his laboratory. This was an intriguing problem for
Clifford Stoll. When he investigated, he found that somebody had
broken into his computer and used it for a short time without
permission-just enough to unbalance the accounts.

In what has since become the first, legendary, tale of computer
forensics, Dr Stoll spent a year of meticulous work tracking and
recording the hacker's movements. He watched him use the Berkeley
computer to attack military computers in Alabama, California and
inside the Pentagon. It turned out that the intruder, a German hacker
called Markus Hess, was selling American military secrets to the
Russians. Mr Hess was caught thanks largely to Dr Stoll's diligent
pursuit of him.

Fifteen years later, computer forensics is a growing commercial and
legal activity. It even has its own academic literature. Computer
forensics refers to the set of tools and techniques that is needed to
find, preserve and analyse fragile digital evidence, which is
susceptible to alteration and erasure at many levels. Its
practitioners gather these data, and create a so-called "audit trail"
for criminal prosecutions. They search for information which may be
encrypted or hidden in graphics files, unallocated disk-space and
even random memory dumps known as file slack. Most cunningly of all,
they set up "honeypot" computers that lure malicious hackers (as the
branch of the hacking fraternity that aims to damage the machines it
gains access to is known) into giving themselves, and their
techniques, away.

The most ambitious public example of this is the Honeynet Project, a
network of honeypot computers that was set up a couple of years ago
by Lance Spitzer of Sun Microsystems. Last week, the Honeynet Project
reached the conclusion of its "Forensic Challenge", a sort of digital
version of the game "Cluedo" ("Clue", to Americans), which attempts
to discover that, for example, "Miss Hackwell" did it to the Linux
with the Ramen worm. The challenge showed that analysing traces of an
attack by malicious hackers is not as easy as it sounds.

David Dittrich, the co-ordinator of the Forensic Challenge (and a
security engineer at the University of Washington, in Seattle),
offered contestants a snapshot of one of Honeynet's hacked systems.
The challenge for the teams was to see who could find out most about
what had happened.

Each of the 13 submissions took a slightly different approach, and
nearly every entrant found at least one thing that the others had
not. But, even though many entrants had more than six years'
experience in security or systems administration, only three teams
identified the information that showed who was probably behind the

The Honeynet Project is run by a group of 30 computer-security
engineers, some of whom, says Mr Dittrich, have "slightly chequered"
pasts. But it has proved its worth. Last year, for example, it
successfully tracked down a group of malicious Pakistani hackers who
were trying to use the network to attack websites across India.

That attempt highlights one common reason that malicious hackers
attack computers. They are looking for a way of launching a veiled
attack on a third party. But what the project also found is that most
attempts to do this are not, actually, very sophisticated. There are
legions of low-tech "script-kiddies" who are using automated software
tools to find and take over any vulnerable computers on the Internet.
Well-known and easily available programs, such as NetBus, Back
Orifice and Sub 7, allow a malicious hacker to gain full control of
that machine's operating system. Last year, script-kiddies used a
similar technique to launch so-called distributed denial-of-service
attacks on the websites of Amazon, eBay, Yahoo! and CNN, bombarding
them with junk until the volume of traffic paralysed them.

Hack to the future

This sort of attack is likely to become more frequent. The Internet
is, in any case, set up in a way that makes it difficult for
computers to distinguish friend from foe. And the spread of "always
on" connections such as cable modems and digital subscriber lines
mean that lots of computers with poor security are permanently linked
to it. As computers get cheaper, many owners have come to view them
as little more than appliances like televisions, and are unconcerned
about protecting them from hackers. Because of this, sophisticated
break-in techniques are no longer necessary.

Security experts therefore reckon that the automated tools used by
script-kiddies are an important threat. One such tool, the Ramen
worm, attacks computers that run a particular version of the Linux
operating system. Everything needed for an attack is bundled together
in this program. It can scan computers for vulnerabilities in their
security systems, break through any gap it finds, install itself on
its new host, and propagate itself to other machines. Ramen itself is
not that serious a problem, as it is easy to detect and shut down.
But more sophisticated programs, such as Lion, are now causing
serious trouble, and worse could be to come.

The only bright spot on the horizon is the development of automated
investigation tools to counter the automatic hacking tools. An early
example of this is the Coroners Toolkit (TCT), which speeds up and
standardises the process of making a digital-forensic examination.
TCT makes copies of configuration files (which show how the computer
it is checking is set up), log files (which record what the computer
has been up to), process-information files (which indicate how the
computer has actually done the things it has been up to),
network-state files (the conversations that the computer has been
having with other computers), and other critical data necessary to
make the evaluation. It also makes it easier to find the files that
have been created, accessed and modified during an attack, and it is
able to reconstruct deleted files from raw data found in various
hidden parts of a computer's hard disk, such as unallocated space and
file slack.

Despite these burgeoning countermeasures there is, of course, no such
thing as perfect security. So is it worth setting traps, hiring
consultants and patching holes, if there is nothing on your system
worth stealing or that is costly to repair? It might be, for there is
also the thorny issue of liability. The courts have yet to decide who
is liable if a computer system with lax security is used to launch a
denial-of-service attack, but a number of lawsuits are pending.

As far as the criminal law is concerned, computer forensics has come
a long way. But the field is still far from the position in which
malicious hackers are, like ordinary criminals, caught and prosecuted
often enough to provide some sort of deterrent. Which is a pity, for
few, these days, do as little as 75 cents' worth of damage.

Copyright © 1995-2001 The Economist Newspaper Group Ltd.

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