-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

PLEASE circulate as far and wide as the hoax story.

Well the jig is up.
I spoke with Sheriff Mattis on the telephone yesterday, Friday 21 January
VERY pleasant guy. At first.

I told him I had seen all over the infomation about the "case" and/or
"settlement" and that I'd like a copy of the final settlement that specified
the statement(s) that have been quoted.
He asked where I was from. I responded that had little to do with the issue
at hand but that I was from Maryland just the same. He responded in a very
clear and calm manner that since I was clearly not a citizen of Wyoming he
was under no obligation to assist me. I thought he was worried that with a
big file of the case it would be expensive. I offered to send him via check,
money order or wire a total of 50 dollars to cover any and all expenses and
that should it cost more that I would be more than happy to submit further
funds. At this point he became rude and I was told that he would not help
since I was not a citizen of Wyoming. He then asked if I worked for a
federal agency, since I live in Maryland and was making calls about this
issue. I told him I wasn't. Realizing that this was going to get me nowhere,
I decided to hang up.

If there is ANYONE who gets this and is in fact from Wyoming, PLEASE submit
immediately a Freedom of Information Law/Act request to this man's office.
In any case, it looks like when it came time to put up or shut up, "Sheriff"
Mattis decided to shut up.

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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