-Caveat Lector-


(CNNS,  05/14/99)  --  A  network  report  which  aired yesterday
foresaw problems for  Kosovo  refugees.   Living  in  tents,  the
thousands  of emigrants would be okay during the next few months,
stated the  narrator,  but  what  about  when  winter comes?  The
broadcast segment ended with the warning that temperatures  would
then be well below freezing and the encamped refugees would be in
a very uncomfortable situation.

But isn't NATO on the verge of winning  their  war  over  Kosovo?
Isn't victory "just around the corner?"  If it's anticipated that
Kosovo  refugees  will  still be in their camps come next winter,
then apparently the war  against  Yugoslavia  is  a long way from
being over.

"Reading the tea leaves" is one  of  the few ways of getting past
both NATO and Serb propaganda.  For example, the report mentioned
above on future sufferings, during winter,  of  Kosovo  refugees,
contains  a hidden message:  subtext -- that this war may drag on
for awhile.

President  Bill  Clinton,   in   an  Oscar  quality  performance,
yesterday gave an impassioned speech in which he played Romeo  to
a  Juliet audience.  As if kneeling with arms extended before his
beloved, Clinton  wooed  listeners  with  a  new  story:  that 15
Kosovars had been tied up and set on fire by the Serbs.

Bill Clinton: he simply seduced a nation.

It will be interesting to find out, later on, if the Clinton tale
of  15  ignited  Kosovars  is true.  But that fact-finding may be
overwhelmed by a future  barrage  of imaginative reports now that
the White House has brought in a  PR  expert  to  assist  in  the
selling  of  the  Yugoslav war.  Joining the Clinton spin doctors
will be Leslie  Dach,  who  "will  try  to  spread the word about
interesting stories of individual  refugee  families,  of  heroic
humanitarian  relief  work, of Serbian atrocities against Muslims
remaining in  Kosovo."   [1]  He,  according  to  ABC  News, will
apparently work to shore up deteriorating public support  in  the
U.S. for the Yugoslav war. [2]

The White House propaganda,  like  the  NATO bombing, is about to
intensify.   But  some  point  out  that  the  Serbs   also   use
propaganda.   That,  in  itself, has become anti-Serb propaganda,
with the USA mass media  often  hinting that the Serb reports are
likely  lies.  After all, they're by Serbs.  As local commentator
Carl Estabrook explains,  "When  U.S. television carries material
from Yugoslavian TV,  the  label  'Government-controlled  Serbian
Television'  is  prominently displayed -- but CNN doesn't carry a
'Corporate-controlled American Television' warning." [3]

At any  rate,  reports  available  at www.serbia-info.com, though
partisan to the  Serb  cause,  also  routinely  cite  independent
sources in their stories.  If the Serbs are inventing their news,
then  it  ought  to be easy for pro-NATO propagandists to contact
the cited,  independent  sources  utilized,  and  refute what the
Yugoslav press is saying.  But this has not happened.

In a report  issued  by  this  news  service  on  May 9, 1999, we
relayed a story from the PBS program, "The McLaughlin Group,"  in
which  host  John McLaughlin stated that the U.N. commissioner on
human rights  has  now  included  NATO  as  a  likely subject for
charges of war crimes  and  crimes  against  humanity.   [4]  The
Tanjug  News Wire corroborates that Mary Robinson, a human rights
official with the United  Nations,  visited  the  city of Nis, in
Yugoslavia, to eyewitness effects of a NATO cluster  bomb  attack
there.   [5]  The  NATO  bombing  of Nis, in which civilians were
slaughtered when a cluster  bomb  hit  a non-military target, was
briefly covered even  by  USA  TV  networks.   CBS  Evening  News
reported  the  outrage,  and  their  on-site reporter was visibly
shaken by the event.   However  the subsequent US/NATO bombing of
the Chinese embassy pushed the story of the Nis massacre  out  of
the headlines here in the U.S.

Tanjug News Wire reports that *ten* cluster bombs were dropped on
the residential area of Nis. [6]

According to another report by  Tanjug, easy to verify or refute,
"The international  organization  Human  Rights  Watch  expressed
today   its   concern   that  NATO  was  violating  international
humanitarian law in Yugoslavia."  Reportedly, "Human Rights Watch
particularly expresses its concern for destruction of the objects
of economy, attacks on Yugoslavia's electrical transformers which
primarily serve  civilians  and  the  destruction  of  several of
Yugoslavia's television and radio  stations,  bombarding  of  the
city hospital in Nis on May 7 and Chinese embassy in Belgrade, as
well  as  bombing of civilian vehicles because they were not seen
or misidentified." [7]

According to another report by  Tanjug, easy to verify or refute,
John Laughland, a commentator with the  London  Times  newspaper,
calls  the  NATO  bombing of Yugoslavia, "not only an attack on a
sovereign country but  a  barbarian  act  against the civilians."
Laughland reportedly adds that the NATO attacks are  "an  insane,
anti-civilizational act which I cannot understand." [8]

According to another report by  Tanjug, easy to verify or refute,
Austrian writer Peter Handke condemns the NATO bombing as well as
the way it's being covered by the  Western  media.   Handke  also
stated  that  all  "anti-Serbs  are,  in a way, the same evil and
insufferable as the  anti-Semites  once."   What  Handke means is
that it is just as wrong for NATO and  friends  to  demonize  the
Serbs  as  it  was  for  Hitler and friends to demonize the Jews.
Handke's statements were  reportedly  published  recently in both
the Austrian Weekly News and in the daily "Der Standard." [9]

Reports  are  flowing  on  Internet  that  several  lawyers,  not
affiliated with Yugoslavia, have brought suit against NATO in the
world  court.   NATO  is  reportedly  accused of war crimes.  The
lawyers are reportedly signatories  to  a document which says, in
part, that "Bombarding of civilians is not only amoral but also a
criminal act punishable by law of the Tribunal.  You may not kill
a child or woman in Belgrade on the pretext that you thus protect
lives of women and children in Pristina.  Even in a justified war
you may not murder civilians and devastate the country."  [10]

Please notice how the various credible reports cited in this CNNS
press release are  rarely,  barely,  or  even narily mentioned in
U.S. mainstream news reports.  Instead, emphasis  is  each  night
given  to  whatever Bill Clinton, an admitted liar, has said that
day.  Those resident here  in  the  U.S.  will  know the above is
true.  But international readers of CNNS may not be aware of just
how massively biased the reports being digested by most Americans
are.  This is pointed out as a partial apology to the  people  of
the  world:   most  Americans  are not witting monsters.

---------------------------<< Notes >>---------------------------
[1]  "Spin  the  Battle:   White  House Hires PR Expert to Handle
Kosovo," by Ann Compton. ABCNEWS.com, 5/13/99.
[2] Ibid.
[3] "News From Neptune:  Video Killed the Radio  Star,"  by  C.G.
Estabrook.   From local alternative newspaper, *The Octopus*, May
14-20, 1999.
[4] "Avalanche of New Data on Balkans War." CNNS, 5/9/99.
[5]  "Mary  Robinson as a witness of crime in residential area of
Nis." Tanjug News Wire, 5/13/99.
[6] "Civilians wounded in Nis." Tanjug News Wire, 5/13/99.
[7]   "Human   Rights   Watch:    NATO   violates   international
humanitarian law." Tanjug News Wire, 5/13/99.
[8] "Laughland:  Aggression  on  Yugoslavia  is a barbarian act."
Tanjug News Wire, 5/13/99.
[9] "Handke:  'Anti-Serbs Are  the  Same  Evil  as  the  Nazis.'"
Tanjug News Wire, 5/13/99.
[10] Those signing the document reportedly include

   David Jacobs and Brian Shell, Barristers and Solicitors,
   Shell, Jacobs Lawyers
   672 Dupont Street,
   Suite 401
   Toronto, Ontario
   Canada M6G 1Z6

   Christopher Black, Barrister and Solicitor,
   121 Nymark Avenue,
   Toronto, Ontario
   Canada M2J 2H3

   John Philpot, Barrister and Solicitor,
   Alariel Legault Beachemin Paquin Jobin Brisson & Philpot
   1259 rue Berri suite 1000
   Montréal, Québec
   Canada H2L 4C7

   Fred Stasiuk, Barrister and Solicitor,
   296 Mill Road,
   Unit B6
   Etobicoke, Ontario,
   Canada M9G 4X8

   Professor Peter Rosenthal, Barrister and Solicitor,
   Mathematics Department,
   The University of Toronto,
   Toronto, Ontario

   Professor Roberto Bergalli,
   Departament de Dret Penal i Ciences Penals
   Universitat de Barcelona,
   Av. Diagonal 684 E-08034
   Barcelona, Spain

   The American Association of Jurists:
   Alejandro Teitelbaum,
   Permanent Representative to the United Nations in Geneva.
   80 Quai Gillet
   69004 Lyon, France

   Alvaro Ramirez Gonzalez, President,
   Del Porton Oriental de la UCA 1 y media cuadra arriba
   Apdo Postal 3348
   Managua, Nicaragua

   Vanessa Ramos,
   Secretary General
   200 Mercer Street 4E
   New York, NY 10012

   Beinusz Szmukler,
   President, Consultative Council,
   Peru 971 8 piso, B
   1068 Buenos Aires, Argentina

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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