Much more could be said about non-linear biological effects exploitable by
EP weapons. In this short introduction, however, we want to move on to
another key problem of these weapons; how to generate and deliver the
destructive action to the target.

This Special Report presents some details on high-power RF and microwave
generators, an area of highest priority in Soviet research and development.
There are two essential types of devices which can be used in EP weapons;
oscillators using beams of electrons or plasmas, and solid-state devices.

Solid state radar, whose development is driven by the needs of military
aircraft and missiles, is one of the fastest advancing areas of electronic
technology today. Although solid state devices do not (yet!) reach the very
high powers attained by electron beam devices, miniaturization makes it
possible to build today complete, highly sophisticated phased-array radars
of suitcase-size, with several kilowatts of average output. The principal
advantage of this technology is that it permits extremely sophisticated
"tailoring" of pulse shape in space and time, in a compact system, with
direct coupling to high-speed computers. This is exactly what is needed in
order to optimally exploit non-linear biological effects. What is lost in
brute power is thus gained in efficiency.

Recent breakthroughs in what is called "high-temperature superconductivity"
open up the perspective that both types of EP generation
technology--electron beam as well as solid state--are going to undergo
revolutionary improvements in the years immediately ahead. The impact of
this revolution cannot even be estimated at this time, but it will certainly
mean radical reductions in the size of devices having a given
electromagnetic "firepower".

As our discussion of biological effects already indicated, electromagnetic
anti-personnel weapons depend essentially on "tuning" the output signal to
the target. This goes not only for the frequency and amplitude of the
signal, but for its entire space-time "shape." Figure 6, for example, is
drawn from thermographs of models of the human body irradiated by RF
radiation of the same frequency, but with field geometries. These and other
experiments demonstrate, that the areas of maximum absorption of
electromagnetic energy inside the body depend on the geometry of the
incident wave. By choosing the right geometry, the energy can be focused
into any desired area, such as the brain.

A sophisticated EP weapon must thus be able to project a specific geometry
of electromagnetic field onto a distant object, over a given terrain and in
given surroundings. Without going into technical details of waveguides and
various antenna types, we shall briefly present one of the relevant
techniques: the principle of the phased array.

A phased-array antenna consists of an assemblage of many individually
controlled emitting (or receiving) elements, placed in a fixed geometrical
arrangement. The output field of the array is the sum of the waves emitted
by the individual elements. By electronically controlling the relative
phases of these individual signals, the output field can be given any
desired "shape" and direction, limited only by the wavelength used, the
number of elements and the size of the array. The huge soviet ABM radar at
Krasnoyarsk, for example, contains an 83-meter diameter phased array of
thousands of elements. The output can consist of a single, very narrow beam,
or hundreds of independently directed beams, all depending on the "phasing"
of the elements. This radar can track large numbers of missiles
simultaneously, without any mechanical motion of the antenna.

The functioning of phased-array antennae is thus closely related to
holography, or three-dimensional photography. In a hologram, a photographic
plate records interference patterns, corresponding to the phase
relationships of laser light reflected from the object. When the holographic
plate is illuminated by a laser, the phase relationships are "reconstituted"
and the viewer has the impression of seeing a three dimensional object.

The ensemble of elements of a phased-array antenna takes the place of the
holographic plate, but at a much longer wavelength than visible light
(centimeters and millimeters instead of fractions of a micrometer). When
operated in a receiving mode, the phased array obtains much more information
than an ordinary antenna; like the hologram, it measures entire
electromagnetic field geometries, not merely a one-dimensional,
electromagnetic "signal"

The holographic principle underlying phased-array systems points to a
potentiality for creating any desired three-dimensional, electromagnetic
field distribution around a target object, from a distance, correcting for
reflections, obstacles and other interference. Moreover, the field can be
transformed and shifted from one location to another in space within a
fraction of a second. Thus, an ideal EP-weapon could attack many individual
targets, simultaneously or in rapid succession. One or more phased arrays
would be used in receiving and transmitting modes to "lock on" to selected
targets, and determine the necessary geometry of the attack pulses. To fully
exploit such potentialities, the weapon would require for its
target-acquisition and beam-control systems, sophisticated high speed
computers, able to perform complex computations of the "inverse-scattering"
type. Miniaturized systems of this sort are well within the reach of 'fifth
generation' computer technology. "Hybrid" digital-analog systems would be
simpler, smaller, and faster still. There is much overlap in requirements
between EP weapons and systems developed for strategic defense(SDI).

For concrete weapons applications, simpler devices will often suffice;
trade-offs can be made among range, output power, extent of three
dimensional field control, and sophistication of biological effects.

As was the case earlier with nuclear weapons, many people may be tempted to
think that EP anti-personnel weapons constitute "absolute weapons" against
which no defense is possible. A glance at the history of the SDI, or of
military science and technology in general, shows why no such thing ever has
or will exist.

An obvious aspect of defense is to detect, locate, and neutralize weapons
before they can be used. Antenna structures of EP weapons are resonant
structures which can be detected in various ways. Spetsnaz deployment of EP
weapons can be countered by intercepting the weapons or weapons components
in transport, by appropriate surveillance of the areas around potential
targets, and by the whole range of countermeasures which can be taken
against the Spetsnaz groups themselves. Of course, the EP weapon declares
its existence as soon as it is turned on, and itself becomes vulnerable to
rapid counterattack if readiness and appropriate means are at hand.

The famous "Faraday cage" and other forms of electromagnetic shielding can
provide some protection against EP weapons, especially if the
characteristics of the EP signal are known in advance and countermeasures
are devised accordingly. Unfortunately, a sophisticated weapon can "tailor"
its pulse to get through nearly any given kind of shielding utilizing
non-linear, inverse-scattering techniques and a process known as
"self-induced transparency." A Faraday cage under certain conditions can be
transformed into an antenna, focusing the signal on the inside and even
enhancing the effect for the unfortunate persons inside.

In theory, biological effects can be offset by creating a controlled
"electromagnetic environment" around the target, with the effect of
"detuning" the target relative to the anticipated signal of the attacking EP
weapon - a kind of "immunization." To realize such potentialities will
require a major research effort, but one having important spinoffs for
biology and medicine.

The application of holographic principles to EP weaponry has profound
implications for the future shape of warfare. The deployment of such weapons
and the defense against them cannot be understood in terms of
"point-to-point trajectory" concepts associated with conventional firearms
and artillery. Actually, even in the past, competent military doctrine has
always emphasized the geometries of "fields of fire" generated by overall
deployment of mobile weapons over a given area, as opposed to mere
"straight-line" action of an individual weapon. the geometrical aspect
becomes much more explicit in the era of EP weaponry, in which "firepower
counts as the ability to control the electromagnetic field geometry on the
field of battle, through coordinated deployment and operation of mobile
phased arrays and related devices.

The situation could therefore be summed up as follows: in practice, both the
use of EP weapons and defense against them is a tricky, sophisticated
business, if the antagonists are at comparable levels of technology,
knowledge, and preparation. A surprise attack against an unprepared enemy is
simpler and very devastating. In this respect, EP weapons are no exception
to the general rules of warfare."

Tennenbaum, Jonathan.(1988). Soviet Work on Electromagnetic Pulse Weapons.
Executive Intelligence Review. Pg. 17

The 1987 edition of the U.S. Department of Defense review, Soviet Military
Power, contains the following stern warning about the current Soviet
mobilization to perfect electromagnetic pulse (EP) weapons: "Recent Soviet
developments in the generation of radio-frequency (RF) energy have potential
applications for a fundamentally new type of weapon system that would
degrade electronics or be used in an anti-personnel mode. The Soviets
already have or are working on much of the technology for such a system. In
their research the Soviets have generated single pulses with peak power
exceeding 1 billion watts and repetitive pulses of over 100 million watts..
No significant technological obstacles stand in the way of a prototype
short-range tactical RF weapon."

In this Special Report, we shall document that the U.S.S.R. presently
possesses the essential technological base, plus knowledge of advanced
biophysics, to realize a wide variety of tactical and strategic
electromagnetic anti-personnel weapons. We shall demonstrate this from the
Soviets' own technical publications. Fortunately, we are not able to show
pictures of EP weapons on parade in Red Square-if we could, it would be too

Figure 1 shows, on a map of the U.S.S.R., some of the known centers of
Soviet work on the science and technology of EP weapons. For example,
advanced high-power microwave generator work is carried out at the Applied
Physics Institute in Gor'kiy near Moscow, at several institutes in Tomsk, at
the Moscow Lebedev Institute, in Lengingrad, Novosibirsk, and other
locations. Advanced biophysical research of military importance is going on
at the Institute for Biological Physics (G.M. Franck) at Pushchino near
Moscow, at the Siberian Division of the Academy of Medical Sciences at
Novosibirsk, at several institutes in Alma Ata, in Vladivostok, and at a
number of establishments linked to the Soviet manned space program. (There
is significant overlap between space medicine and the biophysics of EP
weapons effects.) The question marks on the map indicate that only a very
small part of the relevant research and development ever finds its way, even
obliquely, into available Soviet technical journals. Military secrecy is
much stricter and all-encompassing in the East than the West.

An interesting article appeared this year by one V.M. Koldayev in the Soviet
journal Biologicheskiye Nauki dealing with "The Correction of Acute
Microwave Exposure by Drugs-Experimental Results." In the article a large
number of pharmaceuticals are evaluated for their capability of enhancing
the resistance of the human organism to microwave radiation. Both preventive
treatment, before exposure, and post-exposure treatment are discussed.
Koldayev stresses a point which is key to the Soviet approach to microwave
and radio-frequency effects: "Intensive microwave radiation changes the
membrane characteristics of cells and ion transport, generates electrical
breakdown at the boundaries of phase regions and other effects causing a
destruction of living processes. Research in recent years has shown that the
'thermal conception' of microwave effects is inadequate."

Kolayev points to a major stumbling-block of Western biophysical research:
the absurd, but stubborn insistence on the part of the Western research
"establishment", that electromagnetic radiation could have no other effect
on a living organism than to increase its temperature (I.E., in Koldayev's
words, the "thermal conception"). As a result of this blind spot, many
Western specialists still refuse to accept the existence of precisely those
kinds of effects upon which the most lethal Soviet EP weapons depend.

The Soviets presently lead the world in research into a crucial, but not
much publicized field called "optical biophysics," sometimes referred in the
West as "bioelectromagnetics," which deals with the electromagnetic
organization of living processes. Although modern research into this area
goes back to Louis Pasteur, the most consistent and sustained efforts were
launched in Russia by V.I. Vernadsky (1863-1945), the physicist biologist,
geologist, and architect of the Soviet atom bomb project.

Vernadsky's scientific training focused on the works of Pasteur and
radioactivity pioneer Pierre Curie, and included visits to the Pasteur
Institute and other leading European science institutes. Vernadsky initiated
the systematic search for reserves of uranium and other technically crucial
minerals throughout the Russian empire, and was a key organizer of the
pre-World War I economic mobilization in Russia. As founding director of the
State Radium Institute in Leningrad, Vernadsky launched in 1926 a crash
program of fundamental research into the "physical geometry" of living
processes, which would include a comprehensive study of their interaction
with electromagnetic radiation:

"Only a few of the invisible radiation's are known to us at present. We have
hardly begun to realize their diversity and the inadequacy of our knowledge
of these radiations which surround us and pass through us in the biosphere,
and to understand their basic role in the processes going on around us, a
role which is difficult to comprehend by those accustomed to other
conceptions of the Universe...We are surrounded and penetrated, at all times
and all places, by eternally changing, combining and opposing radiation of
different wavelengths--from 10 millionths of a millimeter to several

Out of Vernadsky's program came the Soviet military slogan: "He who controls
the entire electromagnetic spectrum will dominate the world." It was
Vernadsky who coined the now-common term "biosphere," emphasizing the fact
that the totality of living matter on the Earth forms a coherent process in
powerful mutual interaction with the climate and geophysical conditions of
the planet. This work was the basis of the concept of "planetary war"
advocated by Marshal Ogarkov, according to which all available scientific
knowledge concerning the biosphere is to be mobilized in war in order to
crush the enemy. This includes development of means of weather modification,
manipulation of the ionosphere and other layers of the atmosphere,
large-scale biological warfare, triggering of natural disasters, as well as
global electromagnetic warfare.

Vernadsky's efforts provided the scientific atmosphere for the launching of
the most powerful current of Soviet biophysical research, that associated
with Alexander Gurvich(1874-1954). Gurvich was the first to systematically
demonstrate that absorption of minute amounts of "tuned" electromagnetic
radiation, down to individual quanta, can decisively influence the course of
biological events. This is now known in the Soviet literature as the
"informational role of electromagnetic radiation in biological systems."

In connection with this research, Gurvich developed that first "field
theory" approach to the geometry of living processes, and discovered the
universal ultraviolet light emission of cells called "mitogenetic
radiation". He was the first to point to the capability of biological
molecules such as proteins and DNA, to absorb energy at long wavelengths and
reemit the stored energy at much shorter wavelengths-phenomena which are
intensively studied today under the name of "multiphoton processes in
non-linear spectroscopy." Gurvich was thereby a pioneer in the area of
advanced research which is decisive for the most devastating forms of
electromagnetic anti-personnel weapons.

Gurvich's student G.M. Franck founded the Institute of Biological Physics in
Pushichino, which still bears Franck's name, and is today a key center of
military-related research on electromagnetic pulse effects on biological
systems. Another Gurvich disciple, Prof. Vlail Kaznacheev, heads the Medical
Division of the Soviet Academy of Sciences in Novosibirsk, with close ties
to the military space establishment. Kaznacheev carried out a decade-long
series of experiments on the electromagnetic basis of the pathogenic action
of viruses and poisons. Another member of the Gurvich school, Alma Ata
biophysicist Inyushin, wrote an article in the Red Army paper Krasnaya
Zvezda in 1984, declaring that breakthroughs of "revolutionary significance"
were being made in the optical biophyscis field. Since then, Inuyushin's
name completely dropped out of Soviet scientific literature, indicating that
he is now working in a top secret program. Indeed, almost the entirety of
the huge Soviet effort in biophysics of the Gurvich-Vernadsky variety has
"gone underground" since 1983-84.

One indicative area of continued Soviet publications is on the "non-thermal"
effects of low-level microwave radiation in the millimeter wavelength band.
Since at least the late 1960s, a U.S.S.R.-wide network of more than 21
institutes has conducted research into this field, led by Prof. N.D.
Deyatkov of the Soviet Academy of Sciences. This research is continuing to
this day. Late last year, for example, the Soviet microwave technology
journal Radioelektronika published two long papers on biological effects,
written by known members of the Deyatkov group. These papers discussed the
mechanisms by which millimeter radiation interacts with internal
electroacoustical oscillations, notably in cell membranes, to generate the
resonant, frequency-dependent effects documented in a large number of

The significance of these sorts of publications is not that they give a
direct "peek through the window" at weapons-development; rather, they
indicate an orientation of "civilian' basic research programs to the type of
phenomena of relevance to weapons applications.(It is unlikely that
electromagnetic anti-personnel weapons would work with pure millimeter
waves. Millimeter-band "harmonics" would be included in complex pulse forms,

Unfortunately, Devyatkov's area of research was all but closed down in the
U.S., following the conclusion of "biological warfare accords" between the
U.S. and the U.S.S.R. in the early 1970s-another concession from which the
Soviets have extracted great strategic profit.

The capability to generate controlled high-power pulses of electromagnetic
energy has long been a top priority area for Soviet applied physics research
and development. It even has its own name in the Soviet literature, for
which no direct equivalent term exists in the West: sil'notochnaya
elektronika. It includes things like explosive cathodes and other technology
for high-current relativistic particle beams, energy storage and pulse
compression technology, non-linear plasma devices such as the plasma focus,
"explosive" MHD power generation, EMP simulators, etc.

Significant parts of this R&D are being carried out in "purely peaceful"
programs, such as controlled fusion energy and accelerators for elementary
particle research. So, Soviet development of gyrotron devices for
ultra-high-power microwave generation has the "official purpose of providing
means for heating plasmas in experimental fusion reactors. And, in fact,
gyrotrons can do exactly that. But, the technical advances thus made-or
acquired from the West-under "civilian" fusion research programs with
international cooperation, can immediately be transferred to secret military
programs. Thus, Rudakov's huge "Angara V" electron beam pulse generator,
allegedly constructed for fusion research, was obviously motivated by some
other reasons than just the publicized ones.

Soviet development of high-power magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) generators is
another interesting example. For many years, Vice-president of the U.S.S.R.
Academy of Sciences E.P. Velikhov has directed a large program to perfect
this technology for direct conversion of chemical combustion energy into
electricity, for a variety of "peaceful" applications.

These are figures from 1977, ten years ago. Given intensive Soviet work in
this field in the intervening period, we must assume that they can obtain
the same or better output with much smaller devices. These and the famous
"Pavlovskii" pulse generators play an important role in the Soviet's own
version of the SDI, as power sources for beam weapons. They provide enough
power for very devastating types of mobile anti-personnel weapons.

The heart of an EP anti-personnel weapon is the system for generating and
emitting the electromagnetic radiation. Here the Soviets can draw from their
vast experience with all types of military radars, including the large
phased-array installations at Krasnoyarsk, Pechora and elsewhere, as well as
advanced research into relativistic electron beam devices for
ultra-high-power EP generation. The article by Robert Gallagher documents
how the Soviets have led the world in development of pulsed gyrotrons and
related EP devices covering a wide frequency range. This new hardware is
being "spun off" in great quantity and variety as a product of the
sil'notochnaya elektronika thrust. Nor have the potentialities of
solid-state been neglected. While the Soviets may lag in some of the most
exotic microchip technology, they are quite familiar with solid state radar
systems applicable (among other things) to miniaturized EP weapons.
"Briefcase size" EP weapons for "close-in" Spetsnaz assasinations and
related missions, are well within Soviet technological capability.

Recently, it was announced that the U.S.S.R. intends to use its new, heavy
space-lift system Energiya, with five times the payload of the American
space shuttle, to station some very large structures in orbit. Besides a
larger version of their present space station, one of the plans is for a
huge "solar power station" which would relay its energy to Earth via a
high-power laser or a beam of microwaves. (A similar project was considered
by the U.S. NASA, but rejected because of the of inadvertently irradiating
populated areas.) With a proposed several gigawatts of continuous power at
its disposal, such a station could carry out weather modification as well as
electromagnetic warfare on a large scale. Of course, compact nuclear
reactors (which the Soviets are already using in radar reconnaissance
satellites), especially in a pulsed mode, and MHD devices, could be much
better energy sources for a military system. given a sufficient supply of
energy, a large, phased-array EP system in orbit could attack entire cities,
with loss of life comparable to nuclear weapons, but without collateral

However, it is not necessary to station EP weapons in space in order to have
firepower on a "strategic" scale. The Soviets have been early masters at
combining their knowledge of geophysics and non-linear wave propagation to
develop novel types of over-the-horizon radar. Using combinations of
phased-array installations with a very large effective aperture, it is
theoretically possible to project lethal electromagnetic signals over
thousands of kilometers. At shorter ranges, incoming missiles and aircraft
might be destroyed using EMP-like effects. Soviet activities should be
closely watched in these respects, especially in view of the potential "dual
purpose" exploitation of certain facilities.

(The following list is not intended to be comprehensive, but merely
exemplifies extensive Soviet scientific efforts in fields relevant to EP
weaponry. The interested reader will find further literature through the
cited publications.)"

All-Union Conference on High-Current Electronics, Novosibirsk 1986
(conference proceedings, in Russian).

O.V. Betsky, A.V. Putvinsky, "Biological Effects of Millimeter Waves of Low
Intensity" (Russian) and M.V. Golant, T.B. Rebrovak, "The Analogy between
Certain Systems of Living Organism and Technical UHF between Certain Systems
of Living Organisms and Technical UHF Devices," (Russian in Radioelektronika
29, Nr.10, 1986.

G.I. Budker, "The Gyrocon: An Efficient Relativistic High-Power VHF
generator," Particle Accelerators 10, 1979.

N.D. Deyatkov, E.A. Gel'vich, M.B. Golant, "Radiophysical Aspects of the Use
in Medicine of Energetic and Informational Action of Electromagnetic
Radiation," (Russian), Seria Elektronika SVC (UHF Electronics), Nr. 9(333),

A.G. Gurvich, Mitogenetic Analysis of the Excitation of the Nervous System,
Amsterdam 1937; "Une theorie du champ biologique," Bibliotheca
Biotheorectica, Ser. D, II. See also Michael Lipkind, "Gurwitschs Theorie
vom Biologischem Feld," in the German-language magazine Fusion, 8.Jg., 1987,

V.M. Inyushin, D.R. Chekurov, Laser Biostimulation and Bioplasma, (Russian),
Alma Ata 1975.

S. Kassel, "Soviet Development of Gyrotrons," RAND Corp. Report R-3377-ARPA,
May 1986.

V.P.Kaznacheev, L.P. Mikhailova, Ultraweak Radiation in Intercellular
Interactions, (Russian) U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk 1981.

V.M. Koldayev, "Pharmacological Correction of Acute Microwave Effects,"
(Russian) Biologiecheskiye Nauki, 1, 1987.

V.I. Vernadsky, The Biosphere, 1926 (Russian and French editions).

Editor's note. Here are more substantiating articles in support of
Tennenbaum's information. It is in list format.

Liebig, Michael.(1988).Radio-Frequency Weapons: Strategic Context and
Implications. Executive Intelligence Review. Pg. 42.

Michael Liebig is Managing Director of EIR nachrichtenagentur GmbH in
Wiesbaden, Federal Republic of Germany. The following paper was presented at
conferences in the Federal Republic of Germany, France, and Italy.

"...It is obvious that the whole complex of RF technologies, precisely
because of the vast potential for military application, is highly
classified. Detailed information on RF systems is extremely scant in the
public domain. Yet we do know the scientific-technological basics of RF
systems and their interaction with biological and other soft targets. While
operational RF weapon systems may not yet exist as such, it can be stated
categorically, that not just research, but development work towards
operational RF weapons, is underway in the East and West, especially in the

Pg. 40. "Radio-frequency weapons" is a misleading name, carried over from a
pragmatic understanding of earlier stages of electronic warfare. For
example, it was thought, mistakenly, that the use of microwaves as
anti-personnel weapons depended upon the heating effects of such waves upon
targeted material. Today, it has been shown that properly tuned
electromagnetic pulses have mortal effects at levels of energy-deposit as
low as two or three orders of magnitude below those required to kill
cell-tissue by means of induced thermal effects. This comparison illustrates
the importance of the term "non-linear effects."

The most important of the near-term applications of non-linear
electromagnetic effects are in the domain of optical biophysics, either as
strategic or tactical anti-personnel weapons, or to produce global effects
within the biosphere surrounding those personnel. However, there is also the
prospect of disintegrating non-organic material, as well as the disruption
of apparatus, through the same class of technologies. In applying the notion
of technological attrition to all such electromagnetic-pulse weapons as a
general class, it is the principles causing all of the indicated range of
effects which must be considered as a unit for purposes of shaping strategic

All of the weaponry based upon "new physical principles," including lasers,
particle beams, and non-linear electromagnetic-pulse effects, belong,
together with the role of high temperature superconductivity, to the domain
of sub-atomic physics. Modern high-energy physics, especially that focused
upon so-called "force free" status of plasmas, shows that sub-atomic
phase-space has a distinct, Kepler-Gauss sort of inherent curvature. It is
also shown, that non-linear effects of coherent electromagnetic pulses, as
phenomena of the macro-scale, are rooted in the non-linear physics of the
curvature of "force-free," least-action states in the sub-atomic domain.

One of the most important lines of inquiry to this effect today, is modern
optical biophysics' attention to the decisive role of precisely tuned,
inherently coherent electromagnetic pulses in living processes.

Conceptually, this new work belongs to the tradition of Pasteur's work on
optical biophysics and the definition of living processes presented by Luca
Pacioli and Leonardo da Vinci nearly 500 years ago. Essentially, modern
instruments permit us to detect and measure localized coherent pulses in the
range of quanta of emission, leading into what is called today "non-linear
spectroscopy" of living processes. The comparison of the results obtained in
this way in biological research, with lessons learned from high-energy
physics of force-free plasma states, is the key to design of strategic and
tactical anti-personnel assault weapons and related applications."

Frazer, James W. PhD and Frazer, Joyce E.(1988, Mar.Apr.)How Radiofrequency
Waves Interact with Living Systems.21st Century.Pg. 50.Dr. Frazer, adjunct
professor of pharmacology, University of Texas Health Science Center San
Antonio. Dr. Frazer was featured as a weapons expert on CNN's Special
Report,1985 and discussed his ten year Air Force career and on
electromagnetic effects. His conclusion that "radiofrequency weapons could
be the wild-card in the arms race."

"The nonthermal effects of electromagnetic radiation on living cells offer
clues as to what is life, as well as to understanding Soviet research on the
possibility of controlling human thought and emotional experience." Pg. 54.
"In earlier work, Adey's group had shown a modulation sensitive effect on
calcium efflux from chick brains. These findings created considerable
controversy, but were completely substantiated by work done in Environmental
Protection Agency(EPA) laboratories at Research Triangle Park in North
Carolina. The subsequent history of their group is of interest. Adey's group
continued with practical and theoretical studies of nonlinear response of
biological systems to low-intensity fields-but with nearly annual cuts in
funding levels. The federal agencies monitoring that work have been
fragmented and the people either left or transferred to other fields of
endeavor. Price, Frazer, Mori, and all of the people performing the original
lymphocyte experiments have resigned, been victims of reductions in force,
gone into other areas of research, or retired. Thus, an area of research of
great interest to theoretical biology has been very effectively choked off."

Wellborn Stanley & Daniloff, Nicholas.(1984, Oct. 1`). Can U.S. Hold Its
Lead Over Soviets in Science Race? U.S News and World Report.Pg 53.

"The Soviets, for example, experiment extensively in parapsychology and
psychic warfare," in modification of weather and in the biological effects
of microwave and other electromagnetic fields. Much of this research is
given high priority.

Commission on Security and Cooperation In Europe 102nd Congress First
Session. The Moscow Meeting of the Conference on the Human Dimension of the
Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe 10 Sept.-4 Oct.1991. Pg. 9.

"Many individual Soviet citizens also attended, seeking help in redressing
grievances against the Soviet system after decades of lawlessness and
arbitrary administration of justice. Complaints ranged from unjustified loss
of employment and placement in psychiatric hospitals to subjection to
space-based rays launched and maintained by Soviet security organs. The U.S.
delegation was able to do little more than listen to these individuals and
forward their complaints to the Soviet delegation or the relevant republican
authorities, suggesting to the Soviet delegation that it address the
problems of these individuals."

Baker, CB.(1997?). Youth Action News.Pg. 6-7

the 1980 book: Human Possibilities: Mind Exploration in the U.S.S.R. and
Eastern Europe, was written by a leading U.S. scientific researcher in
parapsychology, Stanley Krippner, Ph.D. The book described the 1960
discoveries of Y.A. Kholodov, a leading Soviet expert on the effects of
electromagnetic fields on the brain. ...Krippner continued: "These Soviet
attempts to construct holographic models resembles the work of Karl Pribram,
who has suggested not only that sensory information is relayed in bits and
pieces to be sequentially reconstructed by neuron interaction, but also that
sensory cells can interact as to form the sort of interference pattern
typified by a hologram."

Baker, CB.(1984?).Electronic Mind-Control.

"At the 1979 U.S. Psychotronic Association conference, Lt. Col. Thomas E.
Bearden provided additional information about soviet usage of ELF for mind
control ...In 1968, Litisitsyn, who happens to run the documentation center
(in the U.S.S.R.) which has all the medical information there, wrote a
paper...reporting that the U.S.S.R. had 'succeeded in controlling the
induction...of images and sensations... into another biological system--a
human being." "...Litisitsyn received his Ph.D. in highly esoteric,
non-linear, mathematical brain-wave theory... "Litisitsyn's paper reported
that the Soviets broke the genetic code of the human brain. "they worked out
23 EEG band-wave lengths, 11 of which were totally independent. So if you
can manipulate those 11,youcan do anything to that living system it normally
can do itself--anything at all. This is all from a paper in the (U.S.)
Defense Documentation Center--1968, translation from the Soviet Union."
"...the relationship between Soviet ELF signals and the Litisitsyn paper was
described in a 1978 documentation packet on ELF issued by the Planetary
Association for Clean Energy. ...The P.A.C.E. documentation continued:
"Litisitsyn also reported that the Soviet scientists have developed and
fitted a theory to actual brain wave measurements, and could insert material
on electromagnetic carriers, directly into the brain and could control
whether or not the process stimulated conscious awareness of the
individual." ...The monitoring of time coherent and phase locked
psychoactive modulations suggests strongly the following: The psychoactive
modulation effectively locks -in the multiple carrier frequencies (say 11 to
23). On these locked -in multichannels, brain-coded information is inserted,
feeding it directly into the captured target-brains." "Potentially, almost
anything could be inserted in the target brain/mind systems., and such
insertions would be processed by the biosystems as intercranially-generated
data/effects. Words, phrases, images, sensations, and emotions could be
directly inserted and experienced in the biological targets as internal
states, modes, emotions thoughts, and ideas...."

Wortz, Edward al.(198?)An Investigation of Soviet Psychical Research.
in Mind at Large. pg. 235.

"The term psychotronics was coined by a French journalist after the analogy
with electronics, bionics, nucleonics, and so forth. the Soviets have
devised their own term-psychoenergetics. Pg.249

"A review of possible NBIT (novel biophysical information transfer)
transmission mechanism that are compatible with current modern physics
yields three schemes.

1. VLF and ELF electromagnetic waves.

2. Neutrinos, based on the photon theory of neutrinos.

3. Quantum-mechanical waves, based on the schizophysical interpretation of
basic quantum mechanical theory.

Presently, most U.S. and soviet experiments on psychic phenomena, as well as
the use of the law of parsimony, would point to ELF/VLF mechanisms, but the
other two possibilities cannot be ruled out.



Chapter Four

What Scientists are saying about brain research? What physics, engineering
and biology is needed to develop mind control technology? What do scientist
believe it takes to decode the brain? What is the level of neurological
research today? The answers are conclusive. Will Russian and Soviet
scientists develop neurological weapons on animals or humans? It is logical
to believe the many claims by victims that brain functions and every nerve
of the body can be controlled remotely with current technology.

Here is a list of what distinguished scientists are saying about
neurotechnologies. These are just a few of many examples.

Russell, Christine.(1976, Feb. 23).Are Computer Hookups to the Brain Next?
The Ultimate in Technology Predicted. Washington Star.

"...Such a prospect, dependent upon progress in 'breaking the internal codes
of the human mind," might be possible in as little as 20 years or may take
"several decades more," according to Dr. Adam V. Reed.[Rockefeller
University scientist]. But the 30-year-old experimental psychologist, who
was earlier trained as an electrical engineer, expects to see "electronic
extensions" of the brain within his own lifetime. His futuristic speculation
was part of a symposium on "Man-Computer relations" yesterday at the
American Association for the Advancement of Science meeting here. Reed
acknowledged the need to protect against the dangerous applications of
"thought control" -turning human beings into virtual robots-but his emphasis
was on what he saw as potential benefits. ...The main limit, however, is the
difficulty of unraveling the internal language of the brain. ..."I think
there will necessarily be intermediate steps before people would even want
direct hookups," said Dr. John McCarthy of Stanford University's department
of computer sciences."

Greenfield, Susan.(1995). Journey to the Centers of the Mind. Towards A
Science of Consciousness. W.A. Freeman & Co. NY. Pg. 196.

"If we could explain exactly how consciousness is generated by groups of
neurons under certain conditions, it would also mean that we had the ability
to manipulate on e another's consciousness to such a degree that it could
lead to the effective annihilation of the individual. This specter is
comparable to the ultimate, Frankenstein-like feat of the molecular
biologist in creating organic life. Whether or not such a world would be a
good place in which to live can only again be the stuff of science fiction."

Connor Steve.(1995, May 21).Science:The Last Great Frontier: The Brain is
the Ultimate Enigma.The Independent(London).Pg52.

"The human brain is the most complicated structure in the known universe.
...No superlative, it seems, is too grand to explain what is happening to
brain research, precisely midway through the international "Decade of the
brain" Gerald Fischbach, professor of neurobiology at Harvard, believes
philosophers inquiring into the human condition can no longer ignore the
brain experiments that are "among the most urgent challenging and exciting"
in all of science. "Our survival and probably the survival of this planet
depend on a more complete understanding of the human mind." he says. ....

Cornwell, John.(1994,Sept.4).A Mindfield For the Brains Trust.Sunday Times.

"...Penrose the 62-year old Rouse Ball Professor of Mathematics at
Oxford...who made his name by collaborating with Stephen Hawking in the
1960s on black holes, was drawn to the consciousness debate in the late
1980s... ...In Shadows of the Mind, Penrose demonstrates that mathematics
and physics are more central to the problems of consciousness than computer
science or even biology. At the same time, he urges that physics must take
consciousness into its scope. "...We must look for a feature of the brain,"
he says, "that can mediate between the microscopic world of quantum physics
and our everyday realm of classical physics." According to the view
prevalent in neurobiology, brain action is entirely controlled by the
interconnected system of "neuron switches" and nothing else: there is no
plausible role for the subleties of quantum action. But basing himself on
research of Stuart Hameroff, an anaesthetist at the University of Arizona,
and the work of Herbert Frohlich, a noted physicist who has made important
advances in the study of superconductivity, Penrose believes he has come up
with a suitable site and structure for quantum activity in the brain. In his
new book he describes how cell structures known as microtubules, found in
the branches of neurons (brain cells), have the ability to shrink and expand
between the microscopic realms of the quantum and our familiar world of
switches," says Penrose. "The microtubules are themselves microscopic tubes
made of proteins called tubulins. Each tubulin individually seems to behave
something like a switch, increasing neuronal numerosity by something like
10,000m" If Penrose is right, his book may be the first accessible report to
a general readership about the site, if not the actual substance, of the
Holy Grail of consciousness the precise point where quantum activity
interacts with classical physical activity in the brain. ...and by body-soul
dualists such as the veteran neurophysiologist Sir John Eccles, who believes
that a quantum physical effect mediates our spiritual souls and our physical
brains. ...Our conscious brains, he declares, are woven from subtle physical
ingredients that somehow enable us to take advantage of the profound
organzisation of our mathematically underpinned universe... ...Penrose
confesses he is very far from explanations; but he is adamant that no clear
answers will come unless the interrelating features of physics, mathematics,
biology and psychology are seen to come together...

Jibu, Mari, Hagan, Scott, Hameroff, Stuart R., Pribram, Karl H., Yasue,
Kunio.(1993, August 10)Quantum Optical Coherence in Cytoskeletal
Microtubules: Implications for Brain Function. BioSystems 32(1994)195-209.

"Abstract 'Laser-like,' long-range coherent quantum phenomena may occur
biologically within cytoskeletal microtubules. This paper presents a
theoretical prediction of the occurrence in biological media of the
phenomena which we term 'superradiance' and 'self-induced transparency'.
Interactions between the electric dipole field of water molecules confined
within the hollow core of microtubules and the quantized electromagnetic
radiation field are considered, and microtubules are theorized to play the
roles of non-linear coherent optical devices. Superradiance is a specific
quantum mechanical ordering phenomenon with characteristic times much
shorter than those of thermal interaction. Consequently, optical
signaling(and computation) in microtubules would be free from both thermal
noise and loss. Superradiant optical computing in networks of microtubules
and other cytoskeletal structures may provide a basis for biomolecular
cognition and a substrate for consciousness.

Moravec, Hans.(1988). Mind Children The Future of Robot and Human

Editor's note; Moravec is an MIT professor, well-known and was on the
Learning Channel on Dec 16, 1997 on the program Future Fantastic. He
explains artificial intelligence and replacing the brain with a computer.

"Perhaps, with advances in high-resolution scanning, it will be possible to
achieve this effect without messy surgery: you might simply wear some kind
of helmet or headband that monitored and altered the interhemispheric
traffic with carefully controlled electromagnetic fields.

Rucker, Rudy.(1997, April 25).Imagined Worlds".International Herald Tribune.
Pg. 4.

"By Freeman Dyson. ...Harvard. Reviewed by Rudy Rucker. "The dominant
science of the 21st century will be biology." [physicist] Dyson expects
great advances in two areas of biological knowledge: the gene and the brain.
He suggests that the first may give us pet dinosaurs, and the second may
bring about "radiotelepathy."..."Radiotelepathy" is a word coined by Dyson
to express a surprising but logical idea: You could have something like a
cordless phone inside your head. That is, "After the organization of the
central nervous system has been explored and understood, the way will be
open to develop and use the technology of electromagnetic brain signals."

Dyson, Freeman.(1997)Imagined Worlds.President and Fellows of Harvard
College. Acknowledgments.

"This book grew out of a set of lectures given in May 1995 at the Hebrew
University of Jerusalem... ...The idea of radiotelepathy first appeared, so
far as I know, in the science-fiction novel Last and First Men, written by
Olaf Stapledon, in 1931, which the cells of a multicellular creature
communicate with each other by means of electric and magnetic fields... The
chief barrier to progress in neurophysiology is the lack of observational
tools. To understand in depth what is going on in the brain, we need tools
that can fit inside or between the neurons and transmit reports of neural
events to receivers outside. ...observing instruments...with rapid response,
high band-width and high spacial resolution...There is no law of physics
that declares that such an observational tool to be impossible. We know that
high-frequency electromagnetic signals can be propagated through brain
tissue for distances of the order of centimeters. We know that microscopic
generators and receivers of electromagnetic radiation are possible. We know
that modern digital data-handling technology is capable of recording and
analyzing the signals emerging from millions of tiny transmitters
simultaneously. All that is lacking in order to transform these
possibilities into an effective observational tool is the neurological
equivalent of integrated-circuit technology. We need a technology that
allows us to build and deploy large arrays of small transmitters inside a
living brain, just as integrated-circuit technology allows us to build large
arrays of small transistors on a chip of silicon. ...Radioneurology is in
principle only an extension of the existing technology of magnetic resonance
imaging, which also used radio-frequency magnetic fields to observe neural
structures. A rough estimate based on the available band-width indicates
that a million transmitters could be monitored through each patch of brain
surface with size equal to the radio wave-length. The factor of a million is
the ratio between the radio band-width, of the order of hundreds of millions
of cycles per second, and the band-width of a neuron, of the order of
hundred of cycles...."

Greenfield, Susan.(1996, Feb.25).Science: From Socrates to Silicon Chip?;
Artificial Intelligence has evolved so far... So are computers nearly
conscious? The neuroscientist Susan Greenfield argues that is all depends on
what 'conscious means."

"...Hence there is obviously a strong chemical-selective element in
determining consciousness. ..Admittedly, advanced machines are no longer in
thrall to digital on/off operations, and a silicon "retina" and "neuron"
have been built with analogue (ie dimmer switch) properties.


Superconducting Quantum
Interference Device (SQUID)
This is a list of excerpts from books and articles to the demonstrate the
level of brain mapping and reading today. SQUID seems to be the basis of
classified technology used to read brainwaves remotely. In The Brain Code,
Mechanisms of Information Transfer and the Role of the Corpus Callosum by
Noram D. Cook, 1986, he writes Phrases such as the 'brain code are used to
describe the set of fundamental rules concerning how information is stored
and transmitted from site to site within the brain. large groups of
neurons transmit the images, thoughts and feelings which we suspect are the
fundamental units of our psychological lives. ...The perspective on brain
function discussed in the following chapters is not claimed to be a complete
unraveling of the brain code, but I do believe that it is the beginning of
same and that the direction of future developments is already clearly

Coyle, Anna.(1992, Sept.14). Science and Technology: The Machine That
Watches You Think. Independent(London). Pg.14.

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