-Caveat Lector- http://www.tbrnews.org/Archives/a708.htm

Part 23

(October 28, 2003) The White House advisors have been making discreet inquiries on the Hill about the Bush plan to reinstitute a universal draft in Americaâthis in spite of the potentially deadly reactions that could blast the President out of the White House. Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld are pushing this in spite of repeated warnings, even from inside the Pentagon, that this would be political suicide. âWe need this and we are going to get itâ Wolfowitz said to one of our senior editors on Monday.

(October 29) âalthough statistics show an increase in spending, it appears that this is only a rush of pre-Christmas buying stimulated by retailers dropping prices. The White House is claiming that the economy is âroaring backâ but it is not. Hedge bets on this one, however. We do not want to be seen putting a damper on a recovery but we do not want to be seen as a toady for White House cheerleaders eitherâ.

(November 1) One of our people in Baghdad was roughed up and had his camera and film confiscated by MPs yesterday because he dared to film two dead GIs. That is the new policy direct from the PresidentâNo, repeat, no, pictures of dead Iraqi civilians and most surely, no dead or wounded GIs. Two foreign reporters have been shot very dead for disobeying these orders. We are deciding about pulling our people out and letting the Pentagon supply its faked pictures in the futureâ

(November 1) Our private polls indicate that if the elections were held today, âVietnam Georgeâ would have his sorry ass kicked by Dr. Dean. Kerry has the Vietnam killings dragging him down, no one is going to support Lieberman because he canât do business on Saturdays and the rest of the Demo pack are sorry losersâ

(November 2) In spite of the resistance of the White House, we are going ahead with our plans to do human interest bits on the families of dead GIs. We have no choice on this because of pubic pressure. Look for cries of âfilteringâ from the President. My God, statements like that about the press from him are rank hypocrisy. The current Administration will never tell the truth if a lie will sufficeâ

(November 5) A recent confidential report from the NSC sounds like something out of Alice in Wonderland! These rabid warmongers are obviously nutty as hell and the rest of us will have to suffer from it. November cannot come soon enoughâ

(November 6) Everyone is keeping their mouths officially shut over the Jessica Lynch/John Wayne film. Here were have a dumb hillbilly truck driver from East Jesus, Tennessee being put forward as a cross between Joan of Arc and John Wayne âshooting her way through battalions of terrified Iraqi Elite Guardsâ when in fact the poor bitch was smashed up in a truck crash and canât remember a damned thing...surprising Bush doesnât give her the Congressional Medal of Honor. Wasnât he put up for one for his heroic sorties in the air over Vietnam? (By God, he shot down 60 MiGs in one afternoon while reading the Bible with one hand) Or was that for hiding in a roadhouse in Louisiana when he was supposed to be in Texas learning to be a flyboy like his dad? Did I say Alice in Wonderland yesterday? Something by L. Ron Hubbard would be more to the pointâ

(November 8) Now that they put the feeding tube back in the human turnip, letâs not have any more sob stories about unplugging the brain dead.

FBI to Website Owner: "We Are Watching You"
by Elaine Cassel

Cryptome is a web site dedicated to investigating and publishing accounts of government improprieties, particularly as they relate to secrecy and First Amendment violations. On November 4, FBI agents visited the website's New York City office and met with site owner John Young.

Both agents, who are identified on the site and who left their official cards, said that they had information that Cryptome was a source of information that could be used to "harm the United States." Prior investigations by the FBI, the agent admitted, had not found any evidence of criminal wrongdoing, but the FBI was fearful that information on the site would end up in the "wrong" hands. Cryptome was asked to report to the FBI any "gut feeling" they had that its information would be a "threat" to the U.S.

One agent said that visits like these are increasingly common as the government seeks out information on threats to the U.S. The agents said they would "write up" a report on their visit. The agents asked that their names not be published, but Cryptome refused to honor that request. One reason for their request of anonymity is so that information about them cannot be pulled from one of many databases available online. (Funny how government agents don't want to be the source of data mining, but they certainly want to use it against us.)

Cryptome has a host of documents on its website, most government documents obtained from various sources. The site says it will not remove any document without a valid court order and no order has ever been served on them.

Young is no doubt aware that the FBI has probably already given his name to NYPD and that they will keep their eye out on him, pursuant to new regulations in which the feds ask local cops to help them rein in "suspicious" persons. Lucky for us that Young is watching the FBI.

Elaine Cassel practices law in Virginia and the District of Columbia, teachers law and psychology, and follows the Bush regime's dismantling of the Constitution at Civil Liberties Watch. She can be reached at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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