-Caveat Lector-


John Kennedy Jr. - Plane Crash

Our investigation of the tragedy which killed pilot John Kennedy Jr. and his
passengers has resulted in the following preliminary findings.

1. The so-called leaked "FBI document" released by Sherman Skolnick is
a fake.

2. The so-called "Interpol Leak" is also a fake.

3. Officials lied about the true facts leading up to the crash.

4. Officials lied about the weather conditions in the area.

5. Officials lied about communication from the plane to the ground and the
times of communication.

6. Officials lied about John Kennedy's experience as a pilot. He was an
experienced, good pilot.

7. John Kennedy Jr. was flying visually at night over water when he should
have been flying on instruments regardless of weather conditions. He did
not have an instrument rating.

8. Even the best and most experienced pilots can become disoriented over
water at night.

9. Tail numbers (so-called "N" numbers) of aircraft are not "serial numbers"
of aircraft.

10. We have located two witnesses who claim to have seen an explosion in
the sky in the direction of the crash at the exact time the incident occurred.

11. The bodies were not cremated the same day they were recovered nor
the day after as the rumor mongers claim.

12. Nobody, and I mean nobody, outside of official channels knows
anything whatsoever about the true cause of the crash. Whatever officials
know they are not sharing.

Steve Wingate

California Director

Anomalous Images and UFO Files

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