-Caveat Lector-


Cosmic Smack Encourages Life To Go Forth and Multiply

By Robert Roy Britt
Senior Science Writer
posted: 02:00 pm ET
08 March 2001

A discovery that earthly flora and fauna rebound and advance
rapidly after catastrophic collisions by space rocks highlights
the resourcefulness of life and bolsters a growing suspicion
that evolution does its best work in extreme crises.

When a comet or asteroid smacked Earth 65 million years
ago, the dinosaurs bid farewell. They could not adapt to a
world remade by the extreme ecological violence. They were
not alone. Roughly two-thirds of all life on Earth vanished.

But new species sprang forth from the catastrophe, evolving
quickly to fill new niches of climate, water and soil conditions.
A new study examined extraterrestrial dust to pin down just
how quickly.

In a mere 10,000 years -- the blink of an eye on a geologic
time scale -- the planet was repopulated by newly evolved
versions of tiny critters that had been mostly wiped out by the
impact, according to a study published in the March 9, 2001
issue of the journal Science.

"We simply don't get significant evolutionary
change without an extraterrestrial cause."
-- Luann Becker, University of Washington

Around the globe, layers of sediment deposited by ancient
seas hold a record of what has lived and died on Earth going
back billions of years. And when scientists dig, they usually
find a layer less than an inch (2 centimeters) thick that
contains virtually no fossils and is thought to correspond to the
time of the mass extinction. Careful analysis recently yielded a
surprisingly short estimate for the period of time represented
by those fossil-free layers, and the new thinking is that new
species arise and evolve much more quickly than scientists
had imagined.

The mass extinction came, the thinking goes, after a cosmic
impact in what is now Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula shook the
planet and sent up a choking mix of dust and chemicals that
darkened the global skies for possibly decades. Most plankton
and many tropical marine invertebrates, especially
reef-dwellers, perished in the event, along with many species
of land animals and plants.

Until now, some researchers have supposed it took hundreds
of thousands of years for many species to die out as the
impact combined with other killing mechanisms, such as
long-term volcanic activity or changing sea levels.

Clues in space dust

The new research measured space dust laid down in the
ancient sediment. Packed inside the dust, and revealing its
extraterrestrial origin, was helium 3, an isotope of helium that
is rarely found on Earth except when it originated from space.

The dust, deposited at a steady rate over millions of years,
revealed how much time passed -- just 10,000 years --
between the demise of vast numbers of marine organisms and
the rebirth of new ones.

"These types of severe mass extinctions seem to pave the
way for life to more or less reinvent itself and come back even
stronger and more capable of adapting to extreme
environmental change," said the University of Washington's
Luann Becker, who was not involved in the study. "We simply
don't get significant evolutionary change without an
extraterrestrial cause."

Becker, who in February provided evidence that an earlier
mass extinction was caused by a space rock, said the new
study is consistent with what paleontologists have been
suggesting in recent years: The worst extinctions seem to be
rapid events. And she said the ability of organisms to
re-emerge quickly might shed light on how life evolved on Earth
in the beginning, billions of years ago, when the planet was
regularly pummeled by comets and asteroids.

Ruling out other causes of extinction

The evidence for the short recovery is recorded in exposed
layers of Earth that formed at the bottom of ancient seas about
100 miles (160 kilometers) north of what is now Rome.

Prior to the impact, marine organisms lived and died in droves,
and their corpses helped create a global coffin of limestone
that built up over the eons. Abruptly, the limestone layers stop,
covered over by thin layer of clay that formed in the virtual
absence of marine life. Above that clay the limestone sharply
resumes, which means marine organisms had repopulated the
Earth, and had done so in a rather sudden manner.

Researchers have long known the thickness of this relatively
fossil-free layer of clay, but they have argued over how much
time passed during its creation. The clay layer marks the
boundary between the Cretaceous and Tertiary Eras of
geologic time.

"And now we know how far apart they are in time," said
Kenneth Farley, a Caltech geochemist and coauthor of the
Science paper discussing the research.

The finding implies that the impact itself, along with the severe
climatic and geologic effects it generated, was the primary
reason the dinosaurs and other species perished.

Others have speculated that ongoing volcanic activity might
have been a significant contributor, but Farley and others say
that volcanism would have been a slower killing mechanism,
requiring 100,000 years or more to deal the amount of death
now thought to have occurred in less than 10,000 years.

"I think it rules out long-term progressive kinds of [extinction]
processes like sea-level change or volcanism," Farley said in a
telephone interview.

The finding would also rule out multiple impacts as the cause
of the extinction event.

"There's been a longstanding debate whether the mass
extinctions at the [Cretaceous-Tertiary] boundary were caused
by a single impact or maybe a swarm of millions of comets,"
said Sujoy Mukhopadhyay, a graduate student at Caltech and
lead author of the paper.

Alessandro Montanari of the Geological Observatory in Apiro,
Italy, also worked on the study.

The fossils of critters that emerged, survived and thrived in just
10,000 years now speak volumes about the tight relationship
between life and cosmic catastrophe.

"It's clear when you look at the species before and after, that
there are new [species] after the impact," Farley said. "Surely
they've been culled from whatever population existed before the
event. They haven't re-evolved from scratch. It shows how fast
new species can populate a niche."

This rapid diversification of species is "particularly exciting
because it implies that impacts might have accelerated the
evolution of life on Earth," said Matthew Genge, a researcher at
the London Natural History Museum.

Details in the dust

The chronology of death and rebirth was created by a steady
supply of space dust that works its way to Earth from farther
out in the solar system.

Asteroids located mostly between Mars and Jupiter, in a region
known as the Asteroid Belt, bump and grind over time and
create large amounts of dust. And comets that pass through
the inner solar system release spurts of dust, which is spread
through space over time.

These processes have been generating relatively consistent
amounts of dust for many millions of years. Drawn toward the
Sun by gravity, this dust captures and carries a high
concentration of helium 3 that is riding outward from the Sun on
the solar wind, a stream of energized particles.

The dust brings the helium 3 to Earth in miniscule but
near-constant amounts. Some of it is stripped from the dust
during entry into the atmosphere, but a steady fraction makes
it to the surface. Genge, who studies the sources and effects
of cosmic dust and meteorites, said using the dust to create a
chronology is a very reliable method.

Comet or asteroid?

The new research might also shed light on the origin of the
space rock that caused the extinction.

Genge said the findings suggest the impactor was not a
"short-period" comet (like Comet Halley that regularly orbits the
Sun). Periodic comets rarely spend more than a few tens of
thousands of years in the inner solar system, explains Genge,
before being swallowed by the Sun.

"We should see a gradual increase in the amount of helium 3
brought in by dust just before the impact and a decrease
afterwards if it was a periodic comet," he told SPACE.com.
"This is, therefore, evidence that the [Cretaceous-Tertiary]
impactor was either an asteroid or a long-period comet."

Long-period comets originate as far as a third of the way to the
nearest star in a halo of objects called the Oort Cloud, which
surrounds our solar system. They can be tossed our way by
the gravitational effects of passing stars.

More controversial claims have been made that these comets
might be hurled Earthward by gravitational changes when our
solar system passes through the dense plane of the Milky
Way Galaxy, which it does periodically as we orbit around the
galactic center.

Researchers have tried to tie this periodicity to an apparent
cycle of mass extinctions occurring every 26 million years or
so, though there is no agreement on the issue.

"It is thus interesting to ponder that if the position and motion
of a planetary system controls the rate at which impacts occur,
then it may also influence the biological evolution in habitable
planetary environments," Genge said. "Too many impacts, and
evolution may be stalled; too few, and it may only crawl along."

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