-Caveat Lector-

From: curio
Subject: Response to Aquino Lawsuit
Date: Thu, 08 May 1997 09:34:15 PDT

Having worked in many facets of the child abuse field for 10 years I've seen
all manner of atrocities committed against children and witnessed all types
of adult games played to avoid culpability. Having worked inside government
systems I've seen the lack of resources allotted to adequately investigate,
let alone alleviate child abuse at it's most simplistic level - physical,
emotional, sexual abuse and neglect. Child abuse is rampant. It's one of the
secrets in our society that nobody wants to hear about.
After being involved in well over 600 unique situations I've become familiar
with many aspects of child abuse cases. I've worked equally at exonerating
those parents who were erroneously caught in the System as well as seeking
justice for those children who needed protection.
Ten years ago I was introduced to a newly recognized form of child abuse.
The labels keep changing in the professional Community but for my purposes
I'll call it ritual abuse. Having a 17 year personal background in the
"occult" has educated me about types of individuals who walk this path -
from the intentionally malevolent to the benevolent - and everything
in-between. As I've heard childrens statements about their abuse in occult
settings and seen the evidence, this form of maltreatment is probably the
most heinous abuse imaginable. Unfortunately, not everyone in the System is
trained to recognize this form of maltreatment. It became politically
popular for professionals to address this type of crime, but presently, due
to a backlash, it has become unpopular in some circles to discuss it.
I've read countless books and research material on this subject -pro and con
- as well as personally gathering documentation on several alleged ritual
abuse cases. I've reviewed the reasons for prosecutorial failure and
carefully reviewed claims of what appeared to be false accusation. Both of
these scenarios can be tools for learning.
After networking with many professionals around the country who worked in
the trenches, I began to see a pattern. The pattern was one of systematic
harassment and threats. Additionally the newspapers printed their own
one-sided version of events despite efforts to correct this. Several people
who became friends told me of threats they'd received and related their
frustration and *serious* concern.
Clearly more people need to speak out on this topic. Everyone I spoke with
who handles these cases took exception to a report by FBI Ken Lanning which
downplayed these crimes. In fact various cults have this report on their
The Presidio Army Base case became known to me after meeting several parents
and children who related their experiences. These people gave me newspaper
articles, and internal documents supporting their claims that their children
had been molested in the late 80's but there appeared to be no successful
resolution for them other than a large out of court settlement with the
Army. Some of these people are devastated to this day. (Journal of
Orthopsychiatry article) This case evidenced a catch-22 rapidly growing
familiar to me. Statements made about occult rituals not being used by the
prosecution due to unfamiliarity and concern about bringing this matter into
the courtroom. I spoke to an internal investigator who related that he
believed at least 20 pre-schoolers had been molested. Even Ken Lanning makes
public statements that many children were molested on the Presidio Army
Base. I also began investigating the developing pattern of some of these
cases particularly in Northern California. Mass child molest, terrorized
kids, all making delayed statements that were difficult to explain. I read
that Michael Aquino - Leader of a Satanic cult had been processed out of the
Army in 1990 after a multi-jurisdictional investigation. I viewed internal
CID tapes of interviews with children in various parts of Northern
California and heard the full horror of what they related. These tapes will
not be released to the public, but some parents were allowed copies which
were then given to interested parties.
Then I discovered the internet and found Michael Aquino posting on
alt.satanism. Michael Aquino was a Lt. Colonel in the Army who specialized
in psychological operations.
I accessed some court documents about his case and sent away for others
which filtered in this past year. I questioned him about these documents and
he willingly participated in a "debate" with me. For my purposes I simply
referred to him and his new pseudonym as the "Aquino spokesperson." Mr.
Aquino explained that no children were molested at the Presidio; the reason
children were stating that was due to parents wanting to sue the army for
large sums of money; therapists were the "true source of child abuse" as
there was no such event as ritual molestation of children anywhere. It was
all a "witch hunt" and he was never processed out of the Army but had been
re-assigned elsewhere along with a Top Secret clearance although his
assignment was "part-time" due to "illegal" actions of the CID. He tried to
court-martial many involved in the case.
Since Aquino's version flew in the face of court documents, (See lawsuits)
stating he sued the Army with an obvious damage claim for being discharged,
I repeatedly challenged him to prove his assertions. I had a real interest
in discovering what the Army did on paper and what actions they might have
taken "behind the scenes" and therefore kept an open mind. He was kind
enough to keep responding, never with documentation - but dismissing me as a
"fundamentalist pedophile pervert" and later as the net "kook."
I had accessed over 50 cases of ritual crime through legal research and so
began posting court documents, and laws regarding ritual abuse/crime
interspersed in-between our ongoing debates. "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote he'd
be challenging me on other cases, not just his own, as there was "no such
event as the ritual abuse of children." I discovered that the same people
followed me from newsgroup to newsgroup most of whom were eventually
unmasked as his associates - all debunking the material - and all engaging
in the same mind games.
When internal court documents to Mr. Aquino's lawsuit arrived, more details
of the case was unveiled as well as specific documents submitted by Aquino's
lawyer, stating he had been discharged from active reserve duty as part of
his damage claim. (Aquino's damage claim) When faced with this
documentation, Aquino stated they didn't mean what they said. When I
insisted the documents left no room for doubt, he began stating that I was a
Stalker and a Libeler. As I quoted from documents and told others where to
access them and his on-going prevarications continued, I answered in kind in
sometimes heated debate. There were a group of people always playing the
same game with my posts; due to that I decided to send the internal
documents all over the internet.
At this point what Michael Aquino did or did not do in the past was not the
issue as I've always stated that he was never criminally charged or
convicted but "titled" under an investigatory report; the issue was why did
Michael Aquino appear to be lying about court documents in the present and
why were my posts *such a target.*
He decided to pin various peoples identity on me and pronounced it as fact
to the newsgroups several times. He even said he broached the security of
the Finnish anon-remailer and they told him who I was and named an
individual; he was "wrong."
Several people came to my attention in sci.psychology.psychotherapy who were
also stating there was no such event as ritual abuse of children. One such
person was John M. Price, Ph.D. Due to some remarkable coincidences, I asked
Michael Aquino whether he knew John Price. He said no. As one can see
through the various e-mails, which I've recently read for the first time,
John Price is a friend of Michael Aquino's and he appears quite eager to
discover my identity. Mr. Price had a picture of the hypnotherapist whom
Aquino was attempting to pass off as me in his FTP site under the name of
"Curio." This was after Ms. Rothman asked people to leave her alone.
The situation escalated as I confronted several Ph.D's on this newsgroup as
well as asking them why the same people stating ritual abuse "did not exist"
also claimed that sex with children was "not always harmful." You will find
this debate under the thread heading "John M. Price-Satanic Troll? UC Davis
Psychologist?" Mr. Price also wrote "Satanic troll" under his organizational
In summation, I believe this lawsuit is Michael Aquino's way of controlling
information about him and to silence somebody who is posting valid
documention - appellate documents - regarding ritual crime. Many people back
down from this man because of his on-ongoing lawsuit threats. This approach
of his is nothing new. I will not disclose my identity to this person
because I believe he is dangerous and his cult members have harassed me on
the internet repeatedly.
When I first posted material to the Internet I explained I would be as
forthcoming as possible about all issues except those pertaining to identity
and location for reasons of security. I have a number of ISP's that I can
forge posts from as well as forge to. This is done not to misuse the
Internet but to protect my identity while posting documented information
about ritual crime activity. Due to the problems with validating the source
of forged posts, I did not think there could be any legal case against any
particular ISP.
This is still the United States and I believe it is wrong to try and censor
speech just because you don't like the message. There has been no "libel."
At this point it is clear to me that since this Satanic cult leader can't
explain his way around court documents he will use every means at his
disposal to silence me.
Sincerely, Curio

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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