-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www.jya.com/cyber-trip.htm">Cybercrime, Cyberterrorism,
Many embedded links, at site.

15 December 1998


DoD News Briefing
Tuesday, December 15, 1998 - 1:40 p.m.
Mr. Kenneth H. Bacon, ASD PA


Q:     Different subject.

The Center for Strategic International Studies put out a report today
warning about the threat of cyber-terrorism, and it's something new. The
Defense Science Board put out one in '96. There have been other [words]
in this building. The Center study, they said the main reason was to try
to get the nation to pay attention to this thing -- a serious threat
that nobody's concentrating enough on.

What's the feeling here? Is the nation doing what it needs to to counter
the possibility of an electronic Pearl Harbor?

A:     I haven't read the report so I can't comment specifically on that

The threat of an electronic Pearl Harbor or the threat of
cyber-terrorism -- which could be much less hyperbolic than an
electronic Pearl Harbor -- is clearly one that's getting increasing
attention in this building and throughout the government.

There was, as you know, a critical infrastructure task force and report
last year or early this year, that has led to some reorganization within
the government, and a new focus on ways to protect our critical
infrastructure -- whether it's the power system or whether it's the
water systems or whether it's our computer systems. So increasing
attention is being paid to that.

I think it's an area in which it's very difficult to say that enough
attention is being paid, in part because the question always arises, how
much is enough? But clearly, it's one that's of growing concern to the
military and growing concern to this Administration as well.

So it's getting more attention in the building, and more attention
outside the building. And I might add, I believe it's getting more
attention from private industry as well.

[End excerpt]


Source: http://www.csis.org/pubs/newpubs.html

Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)

December 15, 1998
Cybercrime... Cyberterrorism... Cyberwarfare...

Averting An Electronic Waterloo

A Report of the CSIS Global Organized Crime Project

William H. Webster, project chair
Arnaud de Borchgrave, project director
Patrick R. Gallagher, task force chair
Frank J. Cilluffo, task force director & editor
Bruce D. Berkowitz, task force editor
Stephanie Lanz, task force research assistant & editor

The United States today faces a new and unprecedented threat: strategic
information warfare. There is now the potential for a dedicated,
sophisticated adversary to conduct coordinated strikes against the
computers, communications systems, and databases that underpin modern
society. This is not mere hacking or computer crime; rather, the
objectives are geopolitical and economic. And traditional national
security solutions will be ineffective. U.S. leaders must prepare for
this threat, unseen until it is unleashed, and work effectively with the
private sector owners and operators of the information
infrastructure-the primary targets-to thwart attacks on the foundation
of U.S. prosperity and strength. This report assesses that threat and
points the way toward practical responses.

William H. Webster is a former director of the CIA and the FBI and
serves as chair of the Global Organized Crime Project. Arnaud de
Borchgrave is a senior adviser at CSIS and director of the Global
Organized Crime Project.



Project Membership


Summary of Recommendations
2.Key Judgments
3.The Challenge
4.What Would Strategic Information Warfare Look Like?
5.Addressing the Threat
6.Roles of Government and Industry
7.Criteria and Recommendations for Policy Response

CSIS Panel Report 96 pp.November 1998ISBN 0-89206-295-9 $21.95

Order the Report


Source: http://www.csis.org/pubs/cyberfor.html

The United States is now exposed to a host of new threats to the
economy, indeed to the whole of society. It has erected immensely
complex information systems on insecure foundations. The ability to
network has far outpaced the ability to protect networks. The economy is
totally dependent on these systems. America's adversaries and enemies
recognize this dependency and are developing weapons of mass disruption
and destruction.

In today's electronic environment, many haters can become a Saddam
Hussein and take on the world's most technologically vulnerable nation.
America's most wanted transnational terrorist Osama bin Laden uses
laptops with satellite uplinks and heavily encrypted messages to liaise
across national borders with his global underground network. There is no
shortage of terrorist recipes on the Internet, step-by-step cookbooks
for hackers and crackers (criminal hackers) and cyberterrorists.

Testifying before a congressional committee in June 1996, Director of
Central Intelligence John Deutch said criminal hackers were offering
their services to so-called rogue states with "various schemes to undo
vital U.S. interests through computer intrusions" and warned that an
"electronic Pearl Harbor" was now a real threat. In his commencement
address to the U.S. Naval Academy in May 1998, President Clinton
outlined the magnitude of the new electronic perils:
Our security is challenged increasingly by nontraditional threats from
adversaries, both old and new, not only hostile regimes, but also
international criminals and terrorists who cannot defeat us in
traditional theaters of battle, but search instead for new ways to
attack by exploiting new technologies and the world's increasing

The president was not referring to the future when he added,
"Intentional attacks against our critical systems are already under
way." Even traditionally friendly nations have used their electronic
capabilities to penetrate triple firewalls protecting the systems of
high-tech corporations and have stolen billions in proprietary secrets.
Tomorrow's frontline commanders will be drawn from the ranks of computer
wizards. The sandal culture is challenging the wingtips. The National
Security Agency's (NSA) new electronic sheriff, responsible for
protecting NSA's ground stations, is a 23-year-old GS-14. In the
civilian sector, "techies" have moved into senior management positions.

Computers Are the Weapons and the Front Line Is Everywhere is the
subtitle of the recently published (Simon & Schuster) book, The Next
World War, by James Adams. What is at stake is a redefinition of U.S.
security interests. And that is the challenge that this report has
confronted. Keyboard attacks do not draw blood or emotion but they can
paralyze the nation's critical nerve centers. A smoking keyboard does
not convey the same drama as a smoking gun, but it has already proved
just as destructive. Armed with the tools of cyberwarfare, substate or
nonstate or even individual actors are now powerful enough to
destabilize and eventually destroy targeted states and societies.

Security is no longer defined by armed forces standing between the
aggressor and the homeland. The weapons of information warfare can
outflank and circumvent military establishments and compromise the
common underpinnings of both U.S. military and civilian infrastructure,
which is now one and the same. Almost all of the Fortune 500
corporations have been penetrated electronically by cybercriminals. The
FBI estimates that electronic crimes are running at about $10 billion a
year. But only 17 percent of the companies victimized report these
intrusions to law enforcement agencies. Their main concern is protecting
consumer confidence and shareholder value. They say that reporting
cyberrobberies exposes them to leaks and that there is no substitute for
constantly enhancing their own defensive electronic security.

Internet scams are also proliferating. Almost 100,000 investors were
lured to a Web site touting a high-tech start-up with revolutionary
Internet devices, a partnership with Microsoft, and an initial public
offering (IPO) with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) — all
phony. But the imaginative perpetrator pulled in $190,000, including
$10,000 wired from Hong Kong. Soon 14 million will have on-line trading
accounts and millions more are surfing the 'Net for stock tips. Slick
looking ghost sites, perfect replicas of legitimate logos, are clever
Ponzi schemes. The SEC's Internet cyberforce scans the Web for scams and
investigates 100-odd complaints each day.

Probing attacks against the Pentagon — there are tens of thousands a
year — are routed and looped through half a dozen other countries to
camouflage where the attack originated. Information warfare specialists
at the Pentagon estimate that a properly prepared and well-coordinated
attack by fewer than 30 computer virtuosos strategically located around
the world, with a budget of less than $10 million, could bring the
United States to its knees. Such a strategic attack, mounted by a
cyberterrorist group, either substate or nonstate actors, would shut
down everything from electric power grids to air traffic control
centers. A combination of cyberweapons, poison gas, and even nuclear
devices could produce a global Waterloo for the United States.

A red team put together by the intelligence community in 1997 pretended
to be North Korea. Some 35 men and women specialists, using hacking
tools freely available on 1,900 Web sites, managed to shut down large
segments of America's power grid and silenced the command and control
system of the Pacific Command in Honolulu. The Defense Information
Systems Agency (DISA) launched some 38,000 attacks against its own
systems to test their vulnerabilities. Only 4 percent of the people in
charge of targeted systems realized they were under attack and of these
only 1 in 150 reported the intrusion to superior authority. Ninety-five
percent of DISA's traffic — the equivalent of one entire Library of
Congress every four hours — moves along highly vulnerable public lines.

Hacker attacks on federal agencies have grown exponentially, as have the
'Netizens on the World Wide Web. Internet users now number 120 million —
70 million of them in the United States. An estimated 1 billion people —
one-sixth of humanity — will be on-line by 2005, two-thirds of them
abroad. There is a new Web site every four seconds. The challenges to
intelligence and law enforcement agencies grow at the same dizzying
pace. At the beginning of the 1990s, a computer hard drive seized in a
criminal investigation would contain some 50,000 pages of text. Now law
enforcement agents have to deal with 5 million to 50 million pages of
data. But the ability of these agencies to retain computer talent is
seriously jeopardized by the compensation packages offered by the
private sector.

Logic bombs, Trojan horses, worms, viruses, denial of service, and other
information warfare tools are now the arsenal in a new geopolitical
calculus whereby foes can take on a superpower that can no longer be
challenged with conventional weapons. No enemy can match the U.S.
military, as demonstrated in the Gulf War. Cyberterrorism and
cyberwarfare thus become a plausible alternative.

They are no longer the stuff of science fiction. America's adversaries
know that the country's real assets are in electronic storage, not in
Fort Knox. Virtual corporations, cashless electronic transactions, and
economies without inventories — based on just-in-time deliveries — will
make attacks on data just as destructive as attacks on actual physical
inventories. Bytes, not bullets, are the new ammo. Or, most
dramatically, a combination of bytes, bullets, and bombs.

The forces of global integration also lubricate the counterforces of
disintegration and corruption. The criminal economy has gone global and
is branching out as fast as the legal economy. But these transnational
criminals are not interested in bringing down the system. They know that
technology and the Internet have changed the landscape for financial
services. A new breed of transnational criminals with high-tech
methodologies has made its debut. They are recruiting top-drawer
computer skills for their global operations that know no borders. Law
enforcement, on the other hand, is stymied by frontiers that are not
even lines on the map in cyberspace. In fact, law enforcement's
electronic capabilities are from 5 to 10 years behind the transnational
crime curve. Budget-constrained government agencies average about 49
months to order, acquire, and install new computer systems vs. about 9
months in the private sector. Crime syndicates purchase state-of-the-art
as soon as it becomes available. Ten thousand high-powered scanners are
being smuggled in from Asia every month. They can intercept and record
law enforcement agencies' mobile phones, faxes, and even landline
communications. They are also used by organized crime groups to steal
proprietary secrets from high-tech companies. As law enforcement's
computer crimes detectives follow cybertrails, they often find
themselves being followed by the same criminals they are tracking.
Imagine a serial killer shadowing the homicide detectives to find out
how much they knew, which would provide the killer the opportunity to
perfect the technique of killing, explained one cybersleuth.

The National Computer Security Center has reported a sharp rise in
cybercrimes and other information security breaches. Of the 520 large
U.S. corporations, government agencies, and universities that responded,
64 percent reported intrusions, up 16 percent in a year. The Internet
was the main point of attack.

The Internet is already its own global state, with its own economy and
its own digicash, and is starting to change the way the world economy
functions. Direct sales over the 'Net are expected to reach $5 trillion
in the United States and Europe by 2005.

Cyberterrorists, acting for rogue states or groups that have declared
holy war against the United States, are known to be plotting America's
demise as a superpower. Director of Central Intelligence George Tenet
says, "an adversary capable of implanting the right virus or accessing
the right terminal can cause massive damage." And hackers from around
the world have proved they can do just that. They have crashed systems
from abroad (a 16-year-old English boy took down some 100 U.S. defense
systems in 1994); rerouted calls from 911 emergency numbers in Florida
to Yellow Pages sex-service numbers from Sweden; disrupted troop
deployments to the Gulf in February 1998 from California where two
youngsters, directed by a hacker in Israel (codenamed The Analyzer),
launched attacks against the Pentagon's systems, NSA, and a nuclear
weapons research lab. The deployment disruptions were described by
Deputy Secretary of Defense John Hamre as "the most organized and
systematic attack" on U.S. defense systems ever detected. In fact, they
were so expertly conducted that President Clinton was warned in the
early phases that Iraq was most probably the electronic attacker.

The new pervasive tools of information technology blend truth and
fiction in ways not easily discernible to decisionmakers. The Internet
is also a global superhighway for disinformation. Thus, potentially
damaging decisions can be taken as shortened time lines mandate
immediate action. Cyberterrorists clearly perceive a new global reach
for their activities as they train themselves with tools of information
warfare. People are trained to become Rangers and Seals, supersonic
fighter pilots and astronauts, and daredevil mercenaries. Hackers and
crackers similarly can be turned into a network of global terrorists
whose mission might be, as it was for the Supreme Truth cult in Japan
when it launched a sarin gas attack against the Tokyo subway system in
1995, the collapse of capitalism in the United States

Using the tools of information warfare, cyberterrorists can overload
telephone lines with special software; disrupt the operations of air
traffic control as well as shipping and railroad computers; scramble the
software used by major financial institutions, hospitals and other
emergency services; alter by remote control the formulas for medication
at pharmaceutical plants; change the pressure in gas pipelines to cause
a valve failure; sabotage the New York Stock Exchange.

More and more, 'Net watchers see groups of activists and extremists —
even terrorist groups with their own Web sites, from the unreconstructed
Marxist left to the neo-Nazi far right — interfacing with like-minded
individuals in a process that bypasses national governments, unbeknownst
even to their intelligence services. Civil protests in cyberspace are
also becoming more common. A hacker group that supports the Mexican
Zapatista rebels recently attempted to deny service of the Pentagon's
primary information Internet site, DefenseLink. The attacks protested
U.S. counternarcotics technology transfers to Mexican authorities.
Monitoring the 'Net now entails 500 million pages, soon to be several

Mr. Hamre believes "the new tools of terror," which can be used against
civilian as well as military targets, have posed "a very real and
increasing danger to national security." And these information warfare
tools are acquiring doomsday potential with the electronic equivalent of
the deadly human Ebola virus.

In 1986, a book entitled SOFTWAR documented how the Warsaw Pact
countries could soon cripple the West by launching attacks against U.S.
and NATO military and financial computer systems. The geometric growth
in the power and speed of personal computers had barely begun. Bill
Gates was not on anyone's radar screen. Then, three years later, the
Cold War ended. Now the threat is real and constant. Eight nations have
developed cyberwarfare capabilities comparable to America's. More than
100 countries are trying to develop them. Twenty-three nations have
cybertargeted U.S. systems, according to knowledgeable intelligence
sources. The head of the French equivalent of NSA was quoted in a French
magazine as saying, "information warfare is a permanent warfare."

China's army newspaper, Jiefangjun Bao, in a March 24, 1998, article
emphasized the need "to learn to launch an electronic attack on an
enemy" and ensure electromagnetic control in a area and at a time
favorable to us. To this end, we should cultivate partial information
superiority by combining active interference with passive interference,
electronic interference with repressive interference…. In a system
confrontation, we should learn to conduct a structural analysis and
study ways of structural sabotage.

Not since the advent of the atomic age in 1945 has the United States
confronted weapons that have the potential for altering the way wars are
waged. The United States has readied a powerful arsenal of cyberweapons
(e.g., planting logic bombs in foreign computer networks to paralyze a
would-be opponent's air defense system and shut down power and phone
service, and project video onto his TV stations), but at the same time
the United States keeps testing its own vulnerabilities. They are
enormous. There is still no technology for pinpointing the source of a
cyberattack. Nor are there laws or regulations for deciding when to
launch a cyberattack or counterattack. There has been no debate in
Congress about the use and nonuse of cyberweapons. Under what
circumstances would the United States resort to taking down the
computer-dependent infrastructure of a foreign country? U.S. regional
commanders have been ordered to review war plans in the context of
cyberweapons with the aim of conducting deadly but bloodless operations.

Most political leaders are reluctant to face the fact that not only are
the traditional prerogatives of national sovereignty being challenged by
the Information Revolution but they are disappearing rapidly in
cyberspace. The nineteenth-century model of an independent state has
become one of trappings rather than substance. Information technology is
also eroding hierarchies that have long served as information filters
for the people they rule or govern, thus constraining the actions of
officials within government structures.

The ever increasing speed of the technological revolution makes today's
snapshot irrelevant tomorrow. In the past four years, the computer chip
has gone from 1.1 million transistors to 120 million (Intel engineers
believe they can reach 400 million and, beyond that, 1 billion before
they run out of silicon gas), and supercomputers from 256 billion moves
per second to a mind-numbing 1 trillion. By coupling supercomputers,
scientists and engineers have achieved 10 trillion operations per
second. The latest desktop personal computers have now acquired the
speed of yesterday's supercomputer.

Intelligence augmentation is displacing artificial intelligence. Already
a man has been able to control a computer by thought alone after
receiving an electronic implant that fused with his brain cells. Emory
University's Roy Bakay got a volunteer's brain cells to grow into his
implant, thus linking up with its electronics. Quantum computing and
neural connectivity computing, based on the 73 trillion cells in the
human body, will be the next technological breakthroughs.

The mainstream media have been inexplicably silent in reporting life and
death developments in cyberspace. Ignored was the November 1996 report
by the Defense Science Board Task Force on Information Warfare. It
called for "extraordinary action" because, it said, "current practices
and assumptions are the ingredients in a recipe for a national security
disaster." It also predicted that shortly after the turn of the century
attacks on U.S. information systems by terrorists, transnational crime
syndicates, and foreign espionage agencies would be "widespread."

A year later, in November 1997, the Presidential Commission on Critical
Infrastructure Vulnerabilities said its fundamental conclusion was that
"[w]aiting for disaster is a dangerous strategy. Now is the time to act
to protect our future." The commission said that skilled computer
operators have demonstrated their ability to gain access to networks
without authorization…. Whatever the motivation, their success in
entering networks to alter data, extract financial or proprietary
information, or introduce viruses demonstrates that…in the future, some
party wishing to do serious damage to the United States will do so by
the same means.

Computerized interaction within and among infrastructures has become so
complex, the report warned, that we may be faced with harm "in ways we
cannot yet conceive."

This commission's report spawned two presidential decision directives
that are designed to protect the nation's critical computer
infrastructure. Now overseeing America's defense against cyberattack are
two NSC staff members: Richard Clarke, national coordinator for
security, infrastructure protection and counterterrorism; and Jeffrey
Hunker, director of the critical infrastructure assurance office. They
have been empowered to craft a national protection plan. The CSIS Task
Force concluded that these presidential decision directives were good as
far as they went but that they did not go far enough. The battleground
of the future will encompass the very foundations of America's
knowledge-based high-tech economy. There are now info-guerrillas intent
on doing major damage to the citadel of capitalism, and cybergeniuses in
their late teens and early 20s are the new frontline fighters, arguably
more important to the nation's defense than the men and women who fought
the country's wars in the past.

A national protection plan cannot be accomplished without private and
public partnerships because many of the key targets for cyberattack —
power and telecom grids, financial flows, transportation systems — are
in private hands. Such a partnership is a prerequisite of designing and
developing a defense system to protect both the private and the public
sectors against critical infrastructure attack. These partnerships
extend beyond humans to the technology itself. The National Research
Council recently completed its report, Trust in Cyberspace, which
advocated the need to build trustworthy systems from untrustworthy

The president's commission has identified only the tip of a very large
iceberg. The national security threat is strategic information warfare.
This CSIS report explores the hidden part of the iceberg and makes
recommendations for a strategy designed to avert an electronic Waterloo.

Judge William H. Webster
Project Chair

Arnaud de Borchgrave
Project Director


Source: http://www.csis.org/pubs/cybersum.html
Summary of Recommendations

Explain the threat

The most important step U.S. officials can take is to articulate and
explain to the leaderships of critical infrastructure providers and
major, dependent users the nature of the strategic information warfare
(SIW) threat, the threat's significance, and the need to prepare for it.
The public develops its perceptions of threats from many sources, but
the public is more likely to take these threats seriously if leaders
demonstrate their seriousness by implementing effective organizational
reforms and resource allocation priorities.

Develop national security policies for the Information Revolution

A policy to protect the United States against an information warfare
(IW) attack should be part of a broader strategy that addresses the
total impact of the Information Revolution on U.S. national security. To
date, no U.S. policy review has considered how the Information
Revolution has affected the country's beliefs about security or proper
preparations for dealing with such threats.
•The president should issue an executive order (EO) establishing U.S.
policy and explaining U.S. national security objectives vis-à-vis the
SIW threat.
•The EO should go beyond recent directives and should address the threat
of a concerted IW attack by a sophisticated, determined opponent.
•The EO should require a top-down review of existing organizations
assigned responsibilities related to IW, information security, security
policy, and cybercrime. The review should result in recommendations
ensuring that organizations' roles are consistent, do not overlap, and
do not leave gaps and specifying how and under what conditions they will
interface with each other.
•The EO should establish U.S. policy and guidance for the use of
offensive IW; this policy should address U.S. strategic doctrine and
several objectives in the use of offensive IW:
•Identify the officials who will have the authority to approve the use
of offensive IW under various specified conditions;
•Draft guidelines for acceptable and prohibited targets under specified
•Define roles and responsibilities of the White House, the national
security agencies, and the intelligence community under various
specified forms of offensive IW;
•Determine procedures for approval and oversight of the use of offensive
IW (including congressional oversight); and
•Identify high-priority functions for maintaining national defense, rule
of law, emergency preparedness, and continuity of government, and ensure
that these functions can be sustained in the face of SIW.

Make strategic information dominance a national security objective

Currently the United States is a leader in the development and
application of information technology, and it is important that the
United States maintain this strategic information dominance (SID).

To retain leadership in the development and application of information
technology and the dominance of U.S. firms in the computer,
communications, and media industries, the United States must maintain a
friendly environment for businesses in the information industries. The
United States should undertake a review of policies and statutes that
affect the ability of the United States to maintain its SID; areas to be
reviewed should include antitrust policies, trade policies, technology
export controls, and other regulations that affect the business
environment and U.S. competitiveness.

Adopt policies that ensure critical government services

Federal, state, and local governments have unique roles in ensuring
vital government services — national defense, rule of law, and emergency
services readiness — even under the stressful conditions of IW attack.
Maintaining continuity in these areas can prove challenging and
expensive. Government officials need to identify those functions that
only government can perform and ensure that government has secure
information systems and processes to maintain these functions. This
requires updating and expanding government plans for the Information Age
and securing the essential infrastructures upon which all levels of
government depend.

Understand and work with the private sector

Most experts agree that commercial telecommunications and information
systems supporting critical infrastructures will likely be the primary
targets in preparation for an IW strike against the United States.
Cooperation by industry will be critical to the ability of the United
States to defend against, detect, and contain such attacks. Reports by
industry leaders suggest that the federal government mind-set still is
"government leads, industry follows."

Indeed, government and business have different objectives and operating
modes and often have good reasons to limit their cooperation. The
cultures of government and the U.S. telecommunications and information
industries are very different. The private sector will need to assume
much of the responsibility for protecting itself. Government can help in
specific, but limited, areas:
•Provide information on the nature and extent of the IW threat. The
government still has some sources of intelligence about the threat that
private companies cannot obtain on their own, but analysts and law
enforcement officials may not be able to recognize the evidence of IW
aimed at the telecommunications and information systems of the critical
infrastructures. Recent policy directives, including the establishment
of the National Infrastructure Protection Center under the Federal
Bureau of Investigation, aim to improve information sharing, but some
legal barriers still need to be overcome and officials in the law
enforcement and intelligence communities need to cooperate for these
measures to be effective.
•Raise the visibility of the threat to the leadership of critical
infrastructure providers and major, dependent users.
•Support private sector efforts (for example, the Information Systems
Security Board [ISSB] proposed by the National Security
Telecommunications Advisory Committee) to improve information security.
•Review the adequacy and effectiveness of privacy laws, property laws,
antitrust laws, and liability issues that are the legal foundation of
the private sector's ability to maintain its integrity and protect
itself from intrusion.
•Provide incentives to the private sector so that it takes measures that
not only improve its own security against SIW threats but also benefit
the country as a whole.

Prepare U.S. military for Information Age conflict

U.S. officials should review the role of IW in U.S. military policy to
ensure that U.S. military forces are prepared:

•Assess the overall role of IW in U.S. defense policy. The
major-regional-conflict standard on which the U.S. military currently
bases its planning is increasingly irrelevant as information systems
become the more likely target of attack. Traditional weapons systems and
force structure that dominate debates on defense spending may become
less relevant as IW capabilities develop.
•Clarify U.S. policy on deterrence with respect to IW. Policy should
articulate the linkage between IW and other forms of power projection.
•Ensure effective oversight with respect to offensive IW. Because much
offensive IW could be covert, U.S. leaders need to ensure that effective
oversight procedures exist.
•Overcome legal obstacles with respect to red-team exercises.

Prepare U.S. intelligence for Information Age threats

Information warfare threats, which can be generated quickly and from
many sources, will require the United States to rethink many of its most
entrenched concepts about how intelligence is supposed to work. U.S.
officials should develop new intelligence methods necessary to monitor
SIW threats:

•Revamp the U.S. intelligence organization and process to adapt to a
less hierarchical, less rigidly knowledge-based approach. More effective
methods for working cooperatively with the law enforcement community and
the industry supporting and building the critical infrastructures
platforms and technologies also are needed.
•Provide indications and warning of possible attack by working more
closely with the private sector as a source of expertise and
•Mandate high-priority intelligence collection requirements concerning
IW. The intelligence community must re-examine and coordinate its
collection methods and requirements.
•Develop plans for recruiting and outsourcing for the special talent
needed to analyze the SIW threat.
•Designate a national intelligence officer (NIO) whose portfolio is
dedicated to offensive and defensive IW.


More on the CSIS Task Force on Information Warfare & Security

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Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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