-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Army Spouse: Calling it Quits
Ed.: A NonComs spouse reflect on the decision to leave the service. Many
military families that write us are experiencing similar sentiments.

By Cynthia Neil, Army Spouse

After 21 years in the "Army Family" it is time for us to move on.

At other points, when I considered the approach of this moment, I thought
that I would meet this challenge with deep regret. But because of changes in
priorities of senior leadership, lack of intellectual honesty of civilian
overseers, and the diminished emphasis on integrity in the day to day
business of running the Army I am itching to be free of the ties that bind.

When I married my husband 16 years ago, he made it clear to me that as much
as he loved me, the Army would always come first. It had given him a job he
loved, it had given him the opportunity to see a large part of the world, and
had made it possible for us to meet and fall in love.

Although this was a difficult pill to swallow, over time I observed that
there was a justifiable pride in being a member of the armed forces that made
whatever sacrifices we as a family must endure, not only understandable but a
point of patriotic pride.

Missed birthdays could be endured, forgotten anniversaries could be forgiven,
and tight money situations managed because that was my contribution to the
preservation of freedom.

But in the last 5 years I observed the values and the purpose of the military

At one time the Army was run by warriors who understood that their job was to
lead soldiers into battle and to protect and defend our country.

To do this, they had to respect the laws they had sworn to uphold, and earn
the trust of the soldiers they had been assigned to lead through competence
and a compassionate understanding. They understood that even the finest of
warriors have their limitations.

It was the obligation of the Field Grade leaders to tell the civilian leaders
when their limits had been reached.

It was the obligation of the senior NCOs to bridge the gap of understanding
between soldiers and officers.

And it was the obligation of the soldiers themselves to trust that their
leaders were looking out for their best interests.

Ever since the Somalia debacle, the first two parts of this sacred contract
have been repeatedly broken.

Today, the Army is not so much led as it is managed.

Leadership implies commitment and commitment requires courage. It takes
courage to say, "we do not have the parts we need to repair our equipment."

It takes courage to say "we have not had enough time to train to meet the
requirements of competency".

It takes courage to say, "I have made an error in judgment and I will take
responsibility." While I have seen plenty of errors in judgment in my two
years at our post, I have yet to see anyone accept responsibility.

Pundits ask why the best and brightest talents as well as senior technical
specialists are leaving the military in droves, but no one is really
listening to the answers.

In a study of middle level officers conducted at Fort Leavenworth, when
permitted to speak anonymously, majors and captains stated it was largely
because they did not trust their senior leadership to be looking out for
their best interests.

To paraphrase one of the most telling comments, one person stated that they
believed that senior officers would "drive a truck over junior officers if it
would result in career advancement".

This does not indicate trust in the senior leadership. Why should a college
educated individual take less money than he is worth, for benefits which are
questionable at best, to work for leaders they cannot trust?

Logic dictates that they should not, and while some of them may find
patriotism a compelling reason for a while, in the face of disrespect for
their talents and opinions, eventually they will choose another higher paying

With regard to the senior NCOs, in the early years of my experience with the
Army I was told that should you ever as an NCO's wife need help and be unable
to find it, go to your Command Sergeant Major, that is his job and he will be
happy to help you.

I have in my only experience with a CSM found this to be ludicrously untrue.

It would appear to me that CSMs today are little more than enlisted Generals.
They attend functions and micromanage resources.

My husband and I have learned that in today's Army what's right doesn't
necessarily matter. Soldiers' welfare doesn't necessarily matter. Truth is
barely relevant. All that matters is the next star or the next stripe. That
is the real unspoken mission of many of today's leaders.

Voices from the Frontlines

For The Record
Ed.: About LTC Ellerbee, commander 3/504 PIR. Was he a victim of political
By a fellow Officer

I personally know LTC Ellerbee. He was one of the first "leaders" I met when
assigned to 10th Mountain. Throughout the seven years I've known him he has
proven himself a great person, soldier and leader. I don't know what went on
in Kosovo and truly don't care.

I did see him just 3 weeks ago and he is doing the "soldier thing" of driving
on and attempting to continue to provide great service to his country.

I "TRUST" LTC Ellerbee to LEAD! That means I don't need to know everything
that went on in Kosovo. I trust his judgment and would be more than happy to
have a man like him protecting my back. That's the kind of man he is.
3/504Th in Kosovo

By John C. Regner

Saw your latest commentary on incidents in the military. Right On! Commanders
who feel they have been made a scapegoat for the actions of their
subordinates should request a court martial or an Article 32 investigation.
That's what they're for.

If there is one person I hate, it's a superior who will sacrifice a decent
subordinate to save his own career. These are not gentlemen--they're cowards.
Plugging towards Retirement

By an Air Force NonCom

I am currently a SSgt in the Air Force, on active duty. As a Military
Training Leader, I deal with this nation's future day in and day out.

As I see it, our military's future is not what it should be. In today's Air
Force, between the mandatory "feeling's of others" classes, and lectures, we
are lowering standards and pushing through trainees who do not belong in the

I consistently see senior leadership doing everything possible to keep a
person in the service, even when they clearly do not belong there. It has
even come to the point that we are seemingly no longer allowed to train our
subordinates to uphold the values of military service and exhibit the
discipline required of military service.

I for one, am consistently "counseled" by my superiors to "not be so rough or
abrasive" in dealing with my Airmen and to be more open, caring and to
'smile' more.

While I fully believe that this style of leadership is desirable in the
private sector, it is not conducive to building a fighting force that is
disciplined, respectful and well trained.

Our problems are wide ranging...from lack of responsible leadership, to the
corporate atmosphere, to the drastically >lowered standards, to inadequate
funding. All could be remedied with time. These things are prompting many
experienced NCOs and officers to leave the service in droves.

Nine and a half years ago, when I joined, we had from what I could see,
responsible leadership, good treatment and an atmosphere that was conducive
to high morale and discipline. In fact, if I could have signed up for 30
years then, I would have. I loved it that much.

But now, I just hope to serve out my 20 years and take my retirement with me.
This ship is sinking and I hope that it stays afloat and the leaks are
plugged long enough for me to complete my career.

The Role of the NCO
Ed.: I agree that NCOs can do more than we currently allow them to. Given the
right preparation they will make outstanding platoon leaders and could even
fly choppers, as many other armies demonstrate. The writer also points to a
better linkage between officers and other ranks. Officers who rise through
the ranks could bring a better understanding of the human leadership factor.

By R.R.

I take issue with the general perception that seems to persist among the
officer corps that NCOs have to be "allowed" to do their jobs, or encouraged
to do their jobs.

In my 25 years as an NCO, I never asked permission to do my job, I just did
it, and if the junior officer that I worked for (platoon leader or whatever)
wanted to come along for the ride and learn, so be it.

As a First Sergeant, those were MY troops that I temporarily loaned to the
officers from time to time. If my troops were not getting trained properly,
my beef was with the Platoon Sergeants, and not the Lieutenants. My point is
that too many NCOs and officers seem to be making excuses for the NCO corps.
Whatever happened to NCOs doing the right thing because it was the right
thing to do?

As a senior NCO for many years, I never accepted the excuse of another NCO
that his officer "wouldn't let him do his job".

Your suggestion that NCOs run platoons with a reduced compliment of officers
will only work with proactive NCOs, and not those who wait for permission to
do their job.

How about changing the officer procurement system and make service as an NCO
a prerequisite along with an all NCO review board to decide who is qualified
to become an officer. Seems to me the Israelis tried it, and it works. I hate
to say it, but the majority of quality officers I worked with came from the
ranks. I'm not sure if that is an indictment of the officer procurement
system or the OER system that demands officers become slaves to that picket
fence, rather than focus on the mission.

Quality of Life Update: Warner-Hutchinson, VA improvements pass House,
Illegal aliens, Bethesda investigation, Great Ideas, more ...
Ed: It's tough to cover so many health care issues in one small article, but
Pete stays on top of the brush fires. Until Election Day, we must keep up the
pressure. Let's watch if the candidates say something about military
healthcare in the upcoming debates.

By Pete Peterson, Quality of Life Editor
Website: http://medical.militarybenefits.org/

It now looks like the Warner-Hutchinson amendment, part of the yet to be
reported FY 2001 Defense Authorization Bill, may get a "green light." This
will allow our MEDICARE eligible retirees and their dependents access to
TRICARE, which will become essentially a "second payer" to MEDICARE. These
seniors will have to continue to pay Part B of their MEDICARE premiums.

Those of us, who have intimate dealings with TRICARE on almost a daily basis,
wonder where the "capacity" is coming from to absorb the added 800,000
patients and their families. We repeatedly get examples of TRICARE not being
a "second payer" on anything, usually because the primary payer paid 80% of
what TRICARE would have allowed anyway. If somebody pays something, TRICARE
tries to pay nothing.

Rep. Steve Buyer (R-IN), Chairman of the House Military Personnel
Subcommittee, ended his year of obstruction to helping military retirees by
recently stating he would support making the Warner-Hutchinson Amendment
"permanent." That's quite a shift for Buyer, who recently was appointed one
of the 89 Vice-Chairs of Vets for Bush/Cheney. He must have finally gotten
the word that rhetoric doesn't matter between now and election day - only
action on what they have in front of them this year, oft ignored by the
Republican leadership, will cut it. No more broken promises.

Unfortunately, none of the above spells relief for those of us who are not
yet MEDICARE eligible. That's probably some other year, and will require more
of us get off of our butts.

The Veterans Affairs Health Care Personnel Act of 2000 just passed the House
providing a pay raise for 30,000 VA nurses and improved access to VA health

In addition to giving VA nurses the same annual increase other federal
employees receive, H.R. 5109 would refine the way VA officials survey local
salaries and provide for greater nurse participation in decision making at VA

Another key provision directs SECDVA to carry out a pilot program in four
geographic areas to improve health care access to veterans who live
considerable distances from VA medical facilities. More "demos!" VA would
cover some of the costs of care and services at non-VA hospital facilities
for participating veterans whose private or Medicare plans would pay the
lion's share. SECDVA has to make sure 70 percent of the veterans in the
designated pilot areas live at least two hours driving distance from the
closest VA medical or surgical facility. This'll be the first time VA has
involved itself in coordinating health plan benefits provided veterans by
third parties.

>From a former "river rat," we got word he finally found a surgeon who would
do the operation on his wife as a TRICARE assignment. While his wife was in
"post-op," he noticed guards stationed near some of the recovering patients.
Being curious, he asked why. It was explained that the patients were illegal
aliens also recovering from surgery.

"River rat's" wife now needs another operation requiring different a surgical
specialty. The closest surgeon TRICARE can find is 75 miles one-way from
their home. TRICARE numba 10!

Our friend Dale Eisman (the "Iceman") of The Virginian-Pilot is reporting
that Bethesda is the target of an investigation demanded by an angry Rep.
C.W. "Bill" Young (R-FL), Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee.
Young is angry about the medical treatment an injured Marine received last
spring at the Navy's flagship hospital. The Navy has commissioned an
independent investigation of the management at the National Naval Medical
Center in Bethesda, MD, headed by retired Rear Adm. William J. McDaniel.

McDaniel's group is to submit a report next month, including detailed
recommendations about the hospital's future.

McDaniel, who was an administrator at the Portsmouth Naval Medical Center,
said he's troubled by signs of "a loss of focus" among Bethesda staffers
about the hospital's mission.

OK, Admiral, but who's looking at Portsmouth and the other 436 MTFs?

No, still no answer to my call for an investigation of the fake emails at US
Army Medical Command. It's becoming very Clintonesque, but these emails
weren't lost - they were fabricated. "The Colonel" has asked for his
congressman's help with his part of this TRICARE cover-up. Heavier guns are
being brought to bear on the target.


GI HUMOR - The Master Chief and the TRUTH
Ed.: A Navy Master Chief tells nothing but the Truth and no one believes him
- not even his wife. Warning: This joke is not PC.

A Master Chief Petty Officer and his female yeoman are having an affair, so
one afternoon they get a motel room and engage in strenuous lovemaking. He's
not used to the pace, so he falls asleep afterwards and doesn't wake up until
about 2030 that night, at which time he realizes it's late and that he has to
get home.

So he says to his yeoman, "Quick! While I get dressed, you take my shoes
outside and drag them around through the grass and mud." Puzzled, the
secretary complies.

When the Master Chief gets home about 9:30 his wife confronts him and asks
him where he's been. The man says, "I cannot lie to you. I spent the better
part of the day with my secretary in a motel room, then I fell asleep, woke
up later, and came right home."

His wife looks down at his shoes and says, "You lying bastard, you've been
out playing golf again!

Ed.: WWII, Italy 1944. The 34th Infantry in action with tank destroyer

MOH Update: Gino Merli, (MOH 1stInd Div, Belgium 1944) suffered a mild stroke
and is currently in Mercy Hospital in Scranton, PA. He's had a rough time the
past few months with his Parkinson's disease. Despite the setbacks, Gino's a
fighter and doesn't give up, no matter how tough things get.

Cards can be sent to Gino via his wife Mary. Hopefully he'll be soon and
he'll have a few waiting for him. Address is: 605 Gino Merli Drive,
Peckville, PA 18452

Note: If you know of any MOH recipient who is hospitalized or has passed
recently, please write James H. Also, if you would like more info on MOH
recipients and their stories, please email James H at

Rank and organization: Captain, U.S. Army, 168th Infantry, 34th Infantry
Division. Place and date: At Villa Crocetta, Italy, 29 May 1944. Entered
service at: Stanford, Mont. Birth: Geyser, Mont. G.O. No.: 1, 1 February

Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity above and beyond the call
of duty. Capt. Galt, Battalion S3, at a particularly critical period
following 2 unsuccessful attacks by his battalion, of his own volition went
forward and ascertained just how critical the situation was.

He volunteered, at the risk of his life, personally to lead the battalion
against the objective. When the lone remaining tank destroyer refused to go
forward, Capt. Galt jumped on the tank destroyer and ordered it to precede
the attack. As the tank destroyer moved forward, followed by a company of
riflemen, Capt. Galt manned the .30-caliber machinegun in the turret of the
tank destroyer, located and directed fire on an enemy 77mm. anti-tank gun,
and destroyed it.

Nearing the enemy positions, Capt. Galt stood fully exposed in the turret,
ceaselessly firing his machinegun and tossing hand grenades into the enemy
zigzag series of trenches despite the hail of sniper and machinegun bullets
ricocheting off the tank destroyer. As the tank destroyer moved, Capt. Galt
so maneuvered it that 40 of the enemy were trapped in one trench.

When they refused to surrender, Capt. Galt pressed the trigger of the
machinegun and dispatched every one of them. A few minutes later an 88mm
shell struck the tank destroyer and Capt. Galt fell mortally wounded across
his machinegun. He had personally killed 40 Germans and wounded many more.

Capt. Galt pitted his judgment and superb courage against overwhelming odds,
exemplifying the highest measure of devotion to his country and the finest
traditions of the U.S. Army.

For Article Submissions:

1. Please try to keep articles to 700 words or less. SUBMIT IN WORD FORMAT,
if possible!

2. Please submit your piece to one of our subject matter experts who can
assist you in pre-editing prior to final publication decision, unless you
feel strongly that your issue is so hot that Zimm needs to see it personally
and immediately. SFTT is not trying to duplicate a rigid chain of command
with titles and perks.

R.W. Zimmermann
We've had numerous requests from troops in different branches of the military
to establish this link so that we will all know how "all you others" talk
that talk. Please see below:
***** BOOK SALES *****
Hack's books About Face*, Hazardous Duty*, The Price of Honor* and The
Vietnam Primer can be found at www.hackworth.com. They make a great addition
to any library. Hack is offering them at a special SFTT price.
Defending America Newsletter: Administrative Volunteers:
R.W. Zimmermann, Chief Editor/President of SFTT and Tank Commander
David H. Hackworth, Spirit Guide, and undisputed Y2K Expert
Bill Rogers, Senior Assistant Editor and SFTT Vice President
Kate Aspy, Contributing Editor and Oracle
Barry "Woody" Groton, Chief TECH DROID and Medicine Man
John Cloven, Master web manager
Ed "Edgar" Schneider, Copy Editor, Man of Letters and gentleman:
James H., MOH Editor and NCOIC
Defending America


NOTE: The following list only includes the two primary assistant editors for
each service or special area. Please refer to our WEBSITE -- www.sftt.org,
for the complete listing.
ALL Letters and Articles for considered publication should be submitted to
one of our brave, resolute and caring volunteers.
U.S. Army:

Tig Dupre, Civil-Military relations, weapons expert and Senior Editor

CPT Scott Key, Armor, Generalist, Assistant to Chief Editor

Robert L. Duecaster, Legal

U.S. Navy:
Mark Crissman, Naval Aviation, Generalist and Senior Editor

Pat Nisley, Navy Generalist and XO

John J. Vanore, Surface Warfare, Reserve and Intelligence issues

U.S. Air Force:
Paul Connors, Senior Editor, AF Historian, Grunt experience, Procurement and
AirCrew issues

Sean Fermat, Fighters, WSO, Weapons, C&C, Generalist

U.S. Marines:

Maj. Gordon Todd, USMCR, Communications & Tech., Small Arms Training, Senior

Capt A. McRae, Marine generalist

US Coast Guard
Tom Grabowski

Department of Defense
Mike St.Clair Acquisition and Quality Assurance

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
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A vote for Bush or Gore is a vote to continue Clinton policies!
A vote for Buchanan is a vote to continue America!
Therefore a vote for Gore or Bush is a wasted vote for America!
Don't waste your vote!  Vote for Patrick Buchanan!

Today, candor compels us to admit that our vaunted two-party system is a
snare and a delusion, a fraud upon the nation. Our two parties have become
nothing but two wings of the same bird of prey...
Patrick Buchanan

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