-Caveat Lector-

The last time the Pacifica board tried to change and censor the programming,
the people themselves came out and demanded their station be left alone. I
KNOW the people will come out again and fight for the station.

WBAI-FM, 99.5, New York is having it's pledge drive this week. It's the only
thing worth listening to on radio, forget television, to get alternative

I have every hope both Pacifica and WBAI on the East Coast will ALWAYS
remain just as they are, because there is enough awareness at the grass
roots level for both stations that the people will come out and fight.

Both stations are having such an impact, I'm sure people in high places are
getting nervous. God forbid either station goes, because NOTHING will ever
change if they do.

<<<As a media watch group dedicated to promoting greater diversity in the
press, FAIR has followed with distress the deepening crisis at the
country's first listener-supported community radio network. Over the
last year and a half, Pacifica's management has increasingly
orchestrated censorship-- including of FAIR's own radio show,
CounterSpin-- retaliatory personnel moves and the disenfranchisement of
listeners and local advisory boards in order to impose its often
regressive decisions on the network.

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