-Caveat Lector-

Spy Threat to U.S. May Be Marginal

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Lost amid the alarm over the alleged Chinese theft of U.S.
nuclear secrets is a conclusion being articulated by arms control advocates,
intelligence officials and even some Republicans: The threat to the United
States may be marginal at worst.

China has yet to field a weapon a decade after it purportedly stole design
information from U.S. nuclear weapons labs, they say. Some of the information
Beijing's spies allegedly collected is now declassified. And in the strange
world of nuclear strategy, a somewhat improved Chinese nuclear arsenal may
actually add to superpower stability, these critics argue, by reducing the
chances that anyone would be tempted to launch a preemptive first strike on
China's arsenal.

These cautionary voices have been drowned out amid the uproar on Capitol Hill
over a special report by a House select committee on Chinese espionage that
studied China's efforts to improve its nuclear warheads and the missiles that
deliver them.

Also lost is the fact that Tuesday's report is filled with conditional
phrases: the People's Republic of China ``could'' or ``may'' take detrimental
actions ``if the PRC decides to develop'' weapons it currently does not

``The depiction of China as an impending nuclear nemesis just does not accord
with the facts,'' said Robert Norris, a nuclear weapons expert with the
Natural Resources Defense Council, an arms control and environmental

Much of the report hinges on a prediction that China will soon test and field
improved weapons based in part on secrets allegedly stolen from U.S. nuclear
weapons labs. For example, China is developing a mobile DF-31 missile that
the report says could be tested later this year and fielded in 2002.

``It's a 15-year-old weapons system already. It's never been tested,'' said
Norris. ``It may be tested this year. I think five years ago I said the same

Rep. Christopher Cox, R-Calif., who chaired the House committee that wrote
the report, said nothing was blown out of proportion.

``We did not engage in opinion. We reported only facts, and that is why we
could agree with one another,'' Cox said.

Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, who served two Republican
presidents, cautioned Wednesday against overreacting to the espionage in a
way that so demonizes China that it hurts U.S. relations.

He told senators that even with stolen U.S. nuclear secrets, it would take
China 15 years to develop the capacity to manufacture weapons.

``I am worried about the deterioration in our relations with China,''
Kissinger told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

Some Democrats have noted that the report's predictions were written in a
``worst-case fashion,'' but both Republicans and Democrats alike were anxious
to position themselves as concerned and responsive to the perceived threat.

One fact not in dispute is that the U.S. arsenal is vastly superior to
Beijing's. China has 20 single-warhead ICBMs capable of reaching North
America. The United States has about 6,000 nuclear warheads that could reach

To field improved nuclear weapons with any confidence, China would have to
conduct several explosive tests per weapon, said Daryl Kimble of the
Coalition to Reduce Nuclear Dangers.

But China has signed the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, a pact about to be
considered for ratification by the National Peoples Assembly. The treaty bans
all nuclear testing, including underground.

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