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From: "Rich Martin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Danforth reportedly targets Waco siege whistleblower
Date: Friday, September 01, 2000 1:07 AM

                  From the Home of Rich & Peggy Martin

       Grand Prairie, TX 75050                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

           It's nice to be important, but it's important to be nice.

                      INTRODUCTORY COMMENTARY

 This was a long time coming, but surely it was expected. The Special
 Persecutor appointed by Janet Reno to investigate the govt misdeeds
 at Waco has finally shed his skin and is going after his real target, one
 of the few remaining honorable men involved in the massacre of the
 Davidians. Hitler/Stalin couldn't be any more cunning.

 After seeing how the govt even eats it's own when they get out of line,
 does anyone believe that had Koresh lived that he would have gotten a
 fair trial (in front of govt stooge Smith)?

 Rich Martin
 Editor of Slick

  Subj: Danforth reportedly targets Waco siege whistleblower
  Date: 8/31/2000 9:14:13 PM Central Daylight Time
  From: <A HREF="mailto:WacoTragedy News">WacoTragedy News</A>

  A few of us had a running debate about who Danforth's team was going to go
after. I totally believed it was Johnston, others believed it was the husband
and wife team. The government detests whistle blowers... prepare for battle



  Danforth reportedly targets Waco siege whistleblower


  By Lee Hancock / The Dallas Morning News

  The former prosecutor who warned last year of a possible cover-up of
  actions in the Branch Davidian siege has been told he is being targeted
  for prosecution by Waco Special Counsel John C. Danforth.

  Friends and associates of former assistant U.S. Attorney Bill Johnston say
  he has been told by the special counsel's office that he will soon be
  on charges ranging from obstruction of justice to making false statements to
  federal investigators.

  They say he has been told that the charges stem from his withholding of
  several pages of personal, pretrial notes from the 1994 federal prosecution
  surviving Branch Davidians.

  They say that Mr.  Johnston's action was a mistake driven by his concern
  his notes would be misused by others in the U.S.  attorney's office who
  were angry about his public criticism of the Justice Department's handling
  the Waco tragedy.

  Mr.  Johnston declined to comment Thursday, referring questions to his
  criminal defense attorney.  The lawyer, Michael Kennedy of New York City,
  released a brief written statement Thursday confirming that the Waco
  counsel has threatened Mr.  Johnston with federal indictments in both Texas
  and St. Louis.

  "This law office and Mr.  Johnston believe that he was unfairly targeted
for his
   frequent criticism of the U.S. government and for blowing the whistle on
  government's efforts to mislead the public about the government's use of
  pyrotechnic devices against the Branch Davidians," said Mr.  Kennedy, whose
  past clients include New York socialite Ivana Trump and Whitewater target
  Susan McDougal.

  Officials with Mr.  Danforth's office in St.  Louis declined to comment

  But Mr.  Johnston's friends and former law enforcement associates in Waco
  say they already are rallying support for the embattled former prosecutor,
  starting a legal defense fund for what is expected to be an aggressive
court battle.

  "We've got a group together.  We're raising money.
  I'm spending most of my time today working on calling on some people with
  deep pockets," said David Smith, a former Waco city manager.  "We're ready
  to fight 'em.  I think that they're going to find that this community is
100 percent
  behind Bill."

  Several Waco officials said U.S.  District Judge Walter S.  Smith Jr.  was
  dismayed by reports of the special counsel's treatment of Mr.  Johnston
  that he told Mr. Danforth's investigators last week that they could no
  carry firearms into the Waco federal courthouse and would be allowed only
  access to the building given to the general public.

  Judge Smith, who has presided over all of the litigation arising from the
  Davidian standoff, has declined to comment.

  But other officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said two
  for Mr. Danforth who had previously officed in the courthouse have not
  since the judge told them he had ended his court's cooperation with Mr.
  Danforth's inquiry and said he considered their actions against Mr.
Johnston a

  Mr.  Johnston was part of a team of five assistant U.S.
  attorneys and Justice Department lawyers who prosecuted survivors of the
  51-day siege, which began with a gunfight in which four federal agents died.
  The shootout started when agents from the federal Bureau of Alcohol,
  Tobacco and Firearms tried to search the Branch Davidians' compound and
  arrest leader David Koresh on firearms charges.

  The siege ended on April 19, 1993, with a fire that consumed the compound
  with Mr Koresh and more than 80 followers inside.

  The case regained public attention in summer 1999 after a former FBI
  told The Dallas Morning News that bureau agents had fired at least two
  tear gas grenades capable of sparking fires on the last day of the siege.

  Justice Department officials initially ridiculed the allegation but then
were forced to
  acknowledge that pyrotechnic devices had been used during the
  FBI's final tank and tear gas assault on the sect's embattled building.

  Mr.  Johnston wrote Attorney General Janet Reno exactly one year ago
  Wednesday to warn her that some of her subordinates within the Justice
  Departments may have withheld evidence from her and the public about
  the FBI's use of pyrotechnic grenades.

  Ms.  Reno had expressly ordered FBI commanders not to use anything
  that might spark a fire when they assaulted the Branch Davidians' compound
  on April 19, 1993, with tanks and tear gas.

  Shortly after the controversy broke, Ms.  Reno appointed Mr.  Danforth as a
  special counsel.  She asked him to review government actions in the
  standoff and determine why government officials had so long denied that the
  FBI had used anything capable of sparking fires.

  Mr.  Johnston went public shortly after sending Ms. Reno a written warning.
   He said in late August 1999 he felt compelled to speak out after being
  6-year-old documents setting out how FBI agents fired at least two military
  gas grenades capable of sparking fires.

  The documents suggested that Mr.  Johnston had been present when FBI
  agents discussed their use of the devices.  Those discussions took place in
  meetings with federal prosecutors preparing the criminal case against
  sect members.

  Mr.  Johnston said he decided to go public and warn Ms.  Reno because he
  believed the documents had been sent to him by other prosecutors to stop his
  efforts to help the Texas Rangers catalog and identify shell casings from
  standoff that some government critics alleged were pyrotechnic
  government munitions.

  Mr.  Johnston resigned from the U.S.  attorney's office in February, ending
  17-year career as a federal prosecutor.

  But his friends in Waco said he continued to be summoned for questioning
  by investigators for Mr. Danforth, who twice brought him before a federal
  grand jury.  In a particularly grueling three-day interrogation in St.
Louis last
  month, friends said, Mr. Johnston was even warned that he could expect to
  be indicted if an article on his Davidian ordeal being prepared for
  in Texas Monthly ever appeared in print.

  The article, titled "Law's good soldier," appeared in the September issue as
  part of the magazine's annual issue on the state's 20 most influential

  "How they treated him was a disgrace," said Carey Hobbs, a friend of Mr.
  Johnston's who owns a Waco manufacturing plant and is assisting in his legal
  defense fund.  "People here who know the details are just livid.  You meet
somebody and talk to 'em' about it, and tears run down the cheeks of grown
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