-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: <A HREF="http://members.aol.com/smartnews/nb_nhhi01.htm";>Neil
Brick's NHHI Conference Presentation - 2001</A>
Neil Brick's NHHI Conference Presentation in Athens, GA on July 7, 2001

This page has been put on the web by S.M.A.R.T., P O Box 1295, Easthampton,
MA 01027 E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This transcript is from a presentation by Neil Brick at the Survivor's in
Recovery: Healing Inside and Out - 2001 Annual Survivor's Conference - New
Hope Healing Institute - July 7, 2001. Some of the topics discussed may be
triggering. The conference is educational and not intended as therapy or
treatment. All accusations are alleged. Our providing the information below
does not necessarily constitute our endorsement of it. The resources listed
below are for educational value only.

Click here to return to our home page:

This is a transcript of the second half of the presentation :

Data proving the existence of recovered memory, ritual abuse, mk-ultra and
information on the backlash. First, some basic definitions :

What is Ritual Abuse? "...is methodical abuse, often using indoctrination,
aimed at breaking the will of another human being. In a 1989 report, the
Ritual Abuse Task Force of the L.A. County Commission for Women defined
ritual abuse as: "Ritual Abuse usually involves repeated abuse over an
extended period of time. The physical abuse is severe, sometimes including
torture and killing. The sexual abuse is usually painful, humiliating,
intended as a means of gaining dominance over the victim. The psychological
abuse is devastating and involves the use of ritual indoctrination. It
includes mind control techniques which convey to the victim a profound terror
of the cult members ...most victims are in a state of terror, mind control
and dissociation" (Pg. 35-36) "Safe Passage to Healing", by Chrystine Oksana,
1994, HarperCollins, 1-800-822-4090

What are Secret Societies?  Some secret societies allegedly practice ritual
abuse. "Cults practicing ritual abuse exist as a secret society....Secret
societies compete for membership with established organizations. Therefore,
they have to offer something not accommodated by the establishment: wealth,
power, fame, sex, drugs, security, promise of salvation or eternal
life....There can be secret societies within secret societies." (Pg. 48)
"Safe Passage to Healing"

The existence of recovered memory is a fact. Anyone that denies this is
ignoring large amounts of data.

The information for this part is a synopsis of data from "Memory, Trauma
Treatment, and the Law" by Brown, Scheflin and Hammond, W.W. Norton and Co.
New York and London, C 1998 (http://www.wwnorton.com) Page 370-381

The base rates for memory commission errors are quite low, at least in
professional trauma treatment. The base rates in adult misinformation studies
run between zero and 5 percent for adults and between 3 - 5 percent for
children. These numbers are quite different than what you might here from the
pro-fms people or the media.

"Occasional unwitting misleading suggestions (Yapko, 1994a), even the
suggestion of a diagnosis of abuse, cannot adequately explain illusory
memories of child sexual abuse." (p. 379) Occasional suggestions about abuse
are not generally effective, except in highly suggestible people.

My conclusion is that memory contamination is very unlikely, except under
extreme conditions. From the data presented, it sounds like it is almost
totally impossible for anyone to make a memory error for the central plot of
a memory simply by hearing disinformation. A variety of other factors would
have to be in place. Even under hypnosis without several social influence
factors, it sounds like it is extremely rare (4-6% of 7-10%, less than one
percent of people) may be influenced by disinformation.

It sounds like most people would almost have to be in a cult or in a cult
like situation or under considerable duress to produce an untrue memory.
Theories that claim that a "false" memory can be created simply by hearing an
erroneous statement or because a person is looking for "filler" to complete
the central plot of their memory, are probably wrong.

But, if all the information in the media and society available to most
survivors is biased toward the incorrect position that memories of abuse are
false. And a survivor is manipulated and pressured by their family
emotionally and cognitively, it is very possible that a survivor may wrongly
believe that their memories are not true.

Another excellent source of information with information on fms and traumatic
memory is : "Memory and Abuse - Remembering and Healing the Effects of
Trauma" by Charles L. Whitfield M.D. Using clinical truths and laborious
scholarship, Dr. Whitfield brings his clinical experience and knowledge about
traumatic memory to examine, explore and clarify this important issue. Health
Communications, Inc 3201 S.W. 15th St, Deerfield Beach, FL.33442-8190.

Symptomology is also an important proof that dissociation is connected to
extreme abuse. There are many studies that show this connection.

Dissociation as a mediator of psychopathology among sexually abused children
and adolescents. Kisiel CL, Lyons JS Am J Psychiatry 2001 Jul;158(7):1034-9
"The study group consisted of 114 children and adolescents (ages 10-18
years).... The findings suggest a unique relationship between sexual abuse
and dissociation. Dissociation may be a critical mediator of psychiatric
symptoms and risk-taking behavior among sexually abused children."

The role of childhood interpersonal trauma in depersonalization disorder.
Simeon D, Guralnik O, Schmeidler J, Sirof B, Knutelska M Am J Psychiatry 2001
Jul; 158(7):1027-33 "Childhood interpersonal trauma as a whole was highly
predictive of both a diagnosis of depersonalization disorder and of scores
denoting dissociation, pathological dissociation, and depersonalization.

Iatrogenic memory change. Examining the empirical evidence. Leavitt F Am J
Forensic Psychol (19)2: 21-32, 2001. "Certainty of sexual abuse predated
treatment in 33% of the cases. Therapeutic causation was unlikely in another
26% because personal certainty of abuse emerged on average 4.1 years after
termination of treatment. The pattern was similar for groups treated with and
without hypnosis. Remarkably few patients recovered first memories in therapy
with the help of hypnosis. This study places the percentage at 4%. Thus, in
the direct study of patients who recovered memory of childhood sexual abuse,
hypnosis was not an important factor in the emergence of sexual abuse
memories. ...The results do not support widespread implanting of novel
memories of sexual abuse by therapists."

The Spectrum of Dissociative Disorders: An Overview of Diagnosis and
Treatment by Joan A. Turkus, M.D. "Researchers and clinicians believe that
dissociation is a common, naturally occurring defense against childhood
trauma. Children tend to dissociate more readily than adults. Faced with
overwhelming abuse, it is not surprising that children would psychologically
flee (dissociate) from full awareness of their experience." The dissociative
spectrum (Braun, 1988) extends from normal dissociation to poly-fragmented
DID. All of the disorders are trauma-based, and symptoms result from the
habitual dissociation of traumatic memories....The dissociated memory is
alive and active - not forgotten, merely submerged (Tasman & Goldfinger,
1991). Major studies have confirmed the traumatic origin of DID (Putnam,
1989, and Ross, 1989), which arises before the age of 12 (and often before
age 5) as a result of severe physical, sexual, and/or emotional abuse."

Suspected repressed childhood sexual abuse: Gender effects on diagnosis and
treatment. Sullins CD Psychology of Women Quarterly 1998 Sep Vol 22(3)
403-418 "These results do not support reports that many therapists neglect
clients' current symptoms and instead focus on memories, use controversial
techniques, make suggestive statements regarding abuse, or immediately assume
that their clients have repressed memories."

...recent research demonstrating that bizarre memories cannot be suggested
(Pezdek, Finger, Hodge, 1997)

Business Week - 6/11/01 - Developments to Watch - Troubled Kids: It's
Nurture, Not Nature - "Researchers, who have followed 593 families since
1975, report that the risk of certain mental illnesses triples in children
whose parents are excessively harsh or abusive, or provide inadequate
supervision. In families with such poor parenting, 63% of the children
developed depression, anxiety, drug abuse, or other psychiatric ailments by
the time they were adults, says a report in the current Archives of General
Psychiatry..."It didn't matter if the parents had disorders or not. It was
the way they raised their children that determined whether the child had a

Another connection is the willingness of governments and agencies to perform
"unethical experiments" on people in Canada and the United States.

Documentation about the Human Radiation Experiments with links is available
at : http://www.aches-mc.org/radiation_exp.html

LSD 'Guinea Pig' Wins in Court - Government, Prison Doctor Confess to
Negligence - Citizen investigation revealed that hundreds of inmates were
used in scientific experiments in 1960's, 1970's - Jim Bronskill and Mike
Blanchfield - Ottawa Citizen page A 1 - OTTAWA - "The federal government and
a former prison psychologist have confessed to battery and negligence for
giving LSD to a teenage inmate -- a drug she says caused brain damage and
hallucinations. The admission by the government and by Mark Eveson, a
psychologist, in Ontario's Superior Court of Justice is a victory for former
prisoner Dorothy Proctor. A total of 23 female inmates were administered LSD
as part of a 1961 study at the now-defunct federal Prison for Women in
Kingston, Ont."

Psychologist, Ottawa admit giving LSD to teen inmate - 1961 study - 6/23/01 -
Jim Bronskill and Mike Blanchfield - Southam News and Ottawa Citizen - OTTAWA
- The federal government and a former prison psychologist have confessed to
battery and negligence for giving LSD to a teenage inmate - a drug she says
caused brain damage and hallucinations...LSD was given to 23 prisoners as
part of a 1961 study at the federal Prison for Women in Kingston, Ont. The
prison is now closed. In 1998, Ms. Proctor sued the government and former
officials of the Correctional Service of Canada for giving her the drug,
saying it has caused brain damage and terrifying
hallucinations....investigation by the Ottawa Citizen and Southam News showed
hundreds of federal inmates were used in scientific experiments during the
1960s and 1970s."

"Acres of Skin - Human Experiments at Holmesburg Prison - A True Story of
Abuse and Exploitation in the Name of Medical Science," by Allen M. Hornblum
pub by Routledge, 29 West 35th St. NY, NY 10001, ISBN 0-415-91990-8 "Kligman
violated the Hippocratic injunction to do no harm to the test subjects under
his care...Research ethics, which should have been a core element of their
program were deemphasized...as the years passed and troubling aspects of that
research program began to receive media attention, the university (University
of Pennsylvania) was not prepared to jetison Dr. Kligman and his ...prison
research...Kligman brought in ...millions of dollars." (P. 238-239)

Survivors have written books recently on ra/mc mk-ultra as well. Carol Rutz'
book walks us through her horrifying journey of experimentation and training
by her CIA torturers beginning at the age of four as part of the government
sanctioned Bluebird/Artichoke and MKULTRA Projects. Using electroshock,
drugs, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, and insidious trauma, our government
performs Mind Control experiments on her and other innocent children. The
objective is creation of a Manchurian Candidate-a sleeper assassin-as well as
instilling skills in ESP and remote viewing. A Nation Betrayed also shows how
our own tax dollars paid doctors and hospitals to conduct Cold War research
with chemical and biological warfare materials and radiation.
http://www2.dmci.net/users/casey. - Email [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fidelity Publishing
P.O. Box 365, Grass Lake, MI 49240-0365

"Secret Weapons - Two Sisters' Terrifying True Story of Sex, Spies and
Sabotage" by Cheryl and Lynn Hersha with Dale Griffis, Ph D. and Ted
Schwartz. New Horizon Press, P O Box 669 Far Hills, NJ 07931 - ISBN
0-88282-196-2 is a well-documented, verifiable account of not one, but two
childrens' long untold stories of being CHILD subjects of Project MKUltra.

Quotes from the book: "By the time Cheryl Hersha came to the facility,
knowledge of multiple personality was so complete that doctors understood how
the mind separated into distinct ego states, each unaware of the other.
First, the person traumatized had to be both extremely intelligent and under
the age of seven, two conditions not yet understood though remaining
consistent as factors. The trauma was almost always of a sexual nature..." p.

"The government researchers, aware of the information in the professional
journals, decided to reverse the process (of healing from hysteric
dissociation). They decided to use selective trauma on healthy children to
create personalities capable of committing acts desired for national security
and defense." p. 53 - 54

The book also contains a variety of documents on mk-ultra and different
projects as well as reports to the Presidential Committee on Radiation and
Mind Control, including information on the five Canadians' lawsuit against
the U.S. Government.

There are a variety of articles proving the existence of mk-ultra:

United States of America - Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments
(Public Meeting) Washington, D.C. - March 15, 1995 Valerie Wolf: "The main
reason that mind-control research is being mentioned is because people are
alleging that they were exposed as children to mind-control radiation drugs
and chemical experimentation, which were administered by the same doctors who
are known to have been involved in conducting both radiation and mind-control

26 July 1963 - MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence - SUBJECT:
Report of Inspection of MKULTRA - "The next phase of the MKULTRA program
involves physicians, toxicologists, and other specialists in mental,
narcotics, and general hospitals and in prisons, who are provided the
products and findings of the basic research projects and proceed with
intensive testing on human subjects." This may be heavy for survivors to
read. http://cryptome.org/mkultra-0003.htm

The Search for the Manchurian Candidate, the entire book, is online at

Many more articles and resources can be found at :

Another connections is Operation Paperclip, Nazi's being brought into the US
after WWII :

This url has 20 name files declassified by the CIA, including Mengele,
Barbie, Hitler and other famous Nazi's.

U.S. Tried to Find, Employ Nazis - By Ron Kampeas, Associated Press Writer -
4/28/01 - Washington (AP) - "There were the Nazis the United States wanted to
try as criminals, and there were other Nazis it wanted to try out as
employees....Some of the Nazis on the CIA payroll were wanted as war
criminals, and some lived well, apparently profiting from stolen Jewish
property....Allen Dulles, a senior OSS agent, never forgot Guido Zimmer, a
midlevel Nazi SS officer who negotiated the surrender of German troops in
northern Italy in May 1945. The success led to Dulles' eventual promotion to
CIA director." http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20010428/pl/nazi_files_9.html

CIA's Worst-Kept Secret - By Martin A. Lee - 5/16/01 -"The CIA reports show
that U.S. officials knew they were subsidizing numerous Third Reich veterans
who had committed horrible crimes against humanity, but these atrocities were
overlooked as the anti-Communist crusade acquired its own momentum...."The
real winners of the Cold War were Nazi war criminals, many of whom were able
to escape justice... " says Eli Rosenbaum, director of the Justice
Department's Office of Special Investigations and America's chief Nazi
hunter." http://www.consortiumnews.com/051601a.html

Germans at last learn truth about von Braun's 'space research' base -
Electronic Telegraph - Issue 2207 6/10/01 - Tony Paterson in Peenemunde " the
horrific conditions experienced by more than 20,000 foreign slave and
concentration camp labourers who perished through starvation and maltreatment
while constructing the V1 rocket at "Dora", the underground Nazi armaments
factory in Thuringia, central Germany. A Polish slave-labour survivor of the
Dora factory recalls how Wernher von Braun visited the works and seemed
"completely unperturbed" by the piles of corpses. Further evidence exposes
the role played by Heinrich Luebke, the former West German federal president,
as one of the organisers of Nazi slave labour at Peenemunde and at Dora. For
decades, allegations by Communist East Germany that Luebke was a "war
criminal" were dismissed by West Germany as propaganda."



This may be very heavy for survivors to read. Ratlines: The CIA & The Nazis -
Just as the immigration of Nazis and war criminals into the US involved the
use of several projects of which Paperclip is the most widely known such is
the case of MK-Ultra. There were 149 sub projects under MK-Ultra. The use of
drugs for truth serum and for mind control were conducted under a bewildering
list of Project or Operations. http://www.spiritone.com/~gdy52150/ratlines.htm

More data proving the existence of ritual abuse :

On Page 170 (first edition), of Cult and Ritual Abuse - Noblitt and
Perskin(Praeger, 1995), it states, "One of the best sources of evaluative
research on ritual abuse is the article "Ritual Abuse: A Review of Research"
by Kathleen Coulborn Faller (1994)....in a survey of 2,709 members of the
American Psychological Association, it was found that 30 percent of these
professionals had seen cases of ritual or religion-related abuse (Bottoms,
Shaver & Goodman, 1991). Of those psychologists who have seen cases of ritual
abuse, 93 percent believed that the reported harm took place and 93 percent
believed that the alleged ritualism occurred. This is a remarkable finding.
Mental health professionals are known to be divergent in their thinking and
frequently do not agree with one another regarding questions of the diagnosis
and etiology of psychiatric problems...this level of concurrence in a large
national sample of psychologists...would be impressive....the similar
research of Nancy Perry (1992) which further supports (the previous
findings)...Perry also conducted a national survey of therapists who work
with clients with dissociative disorders and she found that 88 percent of the
1,185 respondents indicated "belief in ritual abuse, involving mind control
and programming" (p. 3)."

Noblitt and Perskin's book also includes 5 pages (pgs. 100 - 104 - (first
edition) on the possible connections between the Masons and ritual abuse.

"(Margaret) Smith and many survivors...have described elements of Gnostic
thinking in this kind of cult. Many patients...have explicitly reported abuse
where Masonic regalia, ceremonies, or members were present." (pg 101) The
authors do not want to single Freemasonry as responsible for ritual acts of
violence, but believe it may be true." Greenwood Publishing Group, 88 Post
Road West, Box 5007, Westport, CT 06881, 1-800-225-5800, www.greenwood.com,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ISBN 0-275-96665-8.

Cult and Ritual Abuse - Its History, Anthropology, and Recent Discovery in
Contemporary America (Revised Edition) by Noblitt and Perskin, contains new
and updated chapters. A new chapter called "Empirical Evidence of Ritual
Abuse" contains a variety of research studies and data. "Dr. Colin
Ross...recently lamented that, at "present there is not a single published
clinical research study of Satanic ritual abuse involving a comparison group
and statistical analysis" (1995, p. 197). This observation was incorrect at
the time it was published and is still incorrect." p. 55 "A number of
authors...have argued that ritual abuse allegations are essentially false and
the result of suggestibility and social influence. However, this hypothesis
appears to be derived from subjective opinion and speculation rather than any
research findings. It has never been shown that people who report ritual
abuse are particularly suggestible. also see :

The McMartin (day care center) case of the 80's is an example of how a case
with legitimate data was "spun."

Tunnels were found under McMartin substantiating the children's claims. "In
1983, hundreds of kids disclosed to their parents and therapists that they
were abused at the prestigious McMartin Preschool in Manhattan Beach,
California. Seven people were arrest and charged with hundreds of counts of
child sexual abuse, setting off the longest and most expensive trial in U.S.
History (7 years)."(http://members.cruzio.com/~ratf/McMartIntro.html)

>From : http://members.cruzio.com/~ratf/McMartin.html/ "The results of the
survey by Ground Penetrating Radar proved consistent with discoveries of the
subsequent excavations, all of which confirmed not only the basic
descriptions of children but also specific details of location, interior
features and putative function."

Urls with data include : Psychic Dictatorship in the USA, Alex Constantine
(Feral House, 1995). Ray Buckey's Press Corps - and the Tunnels of McMartin

(part one - http://www.egroups.com/message/psnews/226,

part two - http://www.egroups.com/message/psnews/227,

part three - http://www.egroups.com/message/psnews/228,

part four - http://www.egroups.com/message/psnews/235)

(Note: egroups is now yahoogroups)

McMartin Preschool Revisited by Alex Constantine - 1996 -

also see smart issue #37 -

One of the pro-fms writers interested in the case has an interesting history
: Since the Eberles' first McMartin book appeared in 1989, they have achieved
national status as child abuse experts. In courts of law their work is
frequently cited, and they lecture widely to receptive audiences. The Eberles
once appeared as featured speakers at a conference held by Victims of Child
Abuse Laws (VOCAL), an organization that feted "The Politics Of Child Abuse"
as positively revelatory....Blurbs in their own pornographic tabloid, L.A.
Star, failed to mention that in the 1970s the authors once ran an underground
tabloid for pedophiles in Los Angeles, Finger, which delved heavily into
sadomasochistic sex, sex with children and sex acts involving human
excrement. Finger contained sexual drawings by children and pedophile

Elizabeth Loftus in 1998 was the president of the American Psychological
Society and that Ralph Underwager has been approved for Fellow status in the
American Psychological Society.

A website with information attempting to discredit the McMartin data
(http://www.ipt-forensics.com/journal/volume7/j7_2_1.htm) and the author's
contact info was listed as an IPT address, was listed under a website
sponsored by IPT, the Institute for Psychological Therapies, which was begun
in 1974 by Dr. Ralph Underwager after several years of private practice in a
large, multi-specialty medical clinic and several years of research work at
Youth Research Center. (http://www.ipt-forensics.com/about.htm)

(Please note: I definitely do not agree with Underwager here.) Ralph
Underwager quote from PAIDIKA, a Dutch pro-pedophilia newspaper,

PAIDIKA: Is choosing paedophilia for you a responsible choice for the

RALPH UNDERWAGER: Certainly it is responsible. What I have been struck by as
I have come to know more about and understand people who choose paedophilia
is that they let themselves be too much defined by other people. That is
usually an essentially negative definition. Paedophiles spend a lot of time
and energy defending their choice. I don't think that a paedophile needs to
do that. Paedophiles can boldly and courageously affirm what they choose.
They can say that what they want is to find the best way to love. I am also a
theologian and as a theologian, I believe it is God's will that there be
closeness and intimacy, unity of the flesh, between people. A paedophile can
say: "This closeness is possible for me within the choices that I've made."

Paedophiles are too defensive. They go around saying, "You people out there
are saying that what I choose is bad, that it's no good. You're putting me in
prison, you're doing all these terrible things to me. I have to define my
love as being in some way or other illicit." What I think is that paedophiles
can make the assertion that the pursuit of intimacy and love is what they
choose. With boldness, they can say, "I believe this is in fact part of God's
will." They have the right to make these statements for themselves as
personal choices. Now whether or not they can persuade other people they are
right is another matter (laughs).

"A Meta-Analytic Examination of Assumed Properties of Child Sexual Abuse
Using College Samples" a "pedophilia" study printed by the American
Psychological Association, in their professional journal "The Bulletin."
NAMBLA, The North American Man-Boy Love Association which advocates laws to
permit sex between adults and "consenting" children, hailed the study on
their website as "good news." One of the authors of the study, Robert
Bauseman, Ph. D. (a psychology professor, at the University of Michigan), has
an article in "Paidika, The Journal of Pedophilia," from the Netherlands
advocating sex with "willing" children. Bauseman also wrote a special issue
on sex between men and boys in 1990 by the Journal of Homosexuality called
"Male Intergenerational Intimacy." It questioned the "taboo" against "man-boy
sexual relationships." Other coauthors of the study include Bruce Rind
(Temple University psychology professor) and Philip Tromovitch (doctoral
student at University of Pennsylvania). Several people are challenging the
APA to condemn the study. The study is a compilation of 59 studies on how
college students cope with child sexual abuse.

"A Retractor's Account - Making Of An Illness : My Experience with Multiple
Personality Disorder by MacDonald, Gail, review by Philip M. Coons, MD,
Professor Emeritus, Dept. of Psych., Indiana Univ. School of Medicine. In the
forward of the book by Campbell Perry, Ph.D., scientific board member of
FMSF, "Dr. Campbell speculates...that her therapeutic experience was
"horrible," that she was "conned,"...who underwent "disguised" hypnosis.
(He)... makes these statements despite ...recent research demonstrating that
bizarre memories cannot be suggested (Pezdek, Finger, Hodge, 1997) Dr. Perry
did not review the treatment notes, journal entries...material which was
available in this case, nor did he personally examine (her)... Coon's review
describes Mrs. MacDonald's history. "Because Mrs. McDonald tells a
highly-biased, one sided account...Is her continuing memory loss evidence of
traumatic amnesia ? ...The psychiatrist who offered the opinion that (she)
had no psychiatric diagnosis was clearly in error...by (her) own
admission..." she had a variety of social adjustment problems prior to
therapy. From pg 109 - 113 of the "Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, Vol 1,
No. 1, 2000, ISSN 1529-9732, available from The Haworth Press, Inc. 10 Alice
St. Birmingham, NY 13904, [EMAIL PROTECTED], 607-722-5857.

Another article with information on pro-fms researchers is at Messing With
Our Minds, an article by Husayn Al-Kurdi, "with (alleged) links to CIA mind
control experts and accused child abusers, the false memory movement turns
"blaming the victim" into a science." The article mentions West, Orne,
Singer, MK-Ultra, the Freyds, Underwager and Wakefield, Loftus, etc., at:

Harvard Society for Law & Public Policy, Inc. Harvard Journal of Law & Public
Policy - Spring, 1999 - 22 Harv. J.L. & Pub. Pol'y 523 The Guilty and the
"Innocent": an Examination of Alleged Cases of Wrongful Conviction from False
Confessions by Paul G. Cassell - "According to the authors(Leo and Ofsche),
in twenty-nine of these cases the false confession resulted in the wrongful
conviction of an innocent person." "examines nine of these twenty-nine cases
in detail. Based on review of original trial court records and other similar
sources, the part concludes that each of these nine persons were, in all
likelihood, entirely guilty of the crimes charged against them." "Only a
relative handful of Leo and Ofshe's cases would satisfy the criterion of
undisputed wrongful conviction."

A web site with many legal and related cases of ritual abuse is at :


This is another example that shows that ritual abuse definitely does exist.

Another fms proponent, who has testified in legal cases, also has an
interesting history : OTTAWA RECOVERED MEMORY PAGE

"In December 1995, two women filed ethics complaints with the American
Psychological Association (APA) against Elizabeth Loftus, PhD, regarding her
published statements about two legal cases involving delayed memories of
sexual abuse. Citing procedural considerations, however, the APA has declined
to investigate the women's ethics complaints."

"Jennifer Hoult (a concert harpist living in New York) and Lynn Crook (a
Washington State consultant) each filed separate complaints with the APA,
alleging that Loftus mischaracterized the facts of their legal cases in
published articles. Both women brought successful civil suits because of the
sexual abuse that the fathers (and the mother, in Crook's case) perpetrated
against them during their childhoods. At their trials, they presented
corroborative evidence that met the requirements for judicial proof of their
allegations." - http://users.owt.com/crook/memory/

"In further evidence of questionable activity by FMSF board members, Notes
from the Controversy (Treating Abuse Today, Nov./ December 1995, Jan./ Feb.
1996), discusses ethics complaints filed with the American Psychological
Association against Elizabeth Loftus regarding her article "Remembering
Dangerously", which was published in a 1995 issue of Skeptical Inquirer, a
publication of the Committee for the Investigation of Claims of the
Paranormal (CSICOP)."

Copies of "Lost in a shopping mall - A breach of professional ethics" and
"Logical fallacies and ethical breaches" are now available. Send an E-mail
request to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and ask for an attachment--or provide a mailing
address and copies will be mailed to you. These articles provide scholarly
critiques of Dr. Elizabeth Loftus' "lost in the mall" study... Volume 9,
Number 1 of "Ethics & Behavior," a peer-reviewed journal. Published by
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. 10 Industrial Avenue, Mahwah, NJ 07430;
Phone: (201) 236-9500. "Lost in a shopping mall" -- A breach of professional
ethics. Crook LS, Dean M Ethics & Behavior 9(1):39-50, 1999


"For example, Elizabeth Loftus accused Kenneth Pope, a respected memory and
trauma researcher, in the APA journal Clinical Psychology of being "wildly
reckless" in an area of ethics. Her claim was later investigated by the
journal and found to be false. The Fall 1997 issue of the journal published a
correction and apology for the "false statement disparaging Dr. Pope's
ethics". (POPE LETTER ETC) It is disheartening to observe the FMSF, which in
its newsletters and publications continually emphasizes the importance of
scientific discourse, actively promoting such accusations."
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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