Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


"While not ignoring how far we have sunk, we should not make the
parallel mistake of assuming that we are stuck here. Today's victors
have no lock on history, or even on the next election. Politics,
unlike sports, does not end at the finish line, the fourth quarter, or
the championship. It flows on, in endless permutations, and the
right-minded always have the burden of making their case anew. A
favorite sentence of Russell Kirk's, borrowed from T. S. Eliot, is
appropriate here: 'There are no lost causes, because there are no
gained causes.' Let the work continue." --National Review



It's that time of year again, when the Sociocrats (or "New Democrats,"
as they like to call themselves) park their luxury imports, exchange
their starched white collars for open blue ones, forgo Chardonnay for
Budweiser, and commune with their most loyal voters to dispense a
lifetime supply of "class warfare" rhetoric.

Albert Arnold Gore and his cadre will use this Labor Day weekend to
laud the "working class" [read: those who are beneficiaries of special
interest protection rackets like organized labor, or income
redistribution schemes like recipients of some form of "welfare"] and
villainize the "rich and powerful" [read: those who pay taxes to
support the "working class"]. The rich and powerful, as defined by the
Gore ilk, are those families with combined annual incomes of more than
$30,000 ("working families," as defined by George Bush).

Class warfare, now a staple of Democrat campaigns, is the ultimate
un-American exercise of political hypocrisy. The practice -- in
America -- has its origins with the campaign of that wealthy
aristocrat, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who demonstrated that making an
ever-larger number constituents dependent on income redistribution
enforced by the central government is a winning political strategy.
FDR understood this admonition from his elder cousin, Teddy Roosevelt:
"Arrogance and envy, the bitter scorn of the rich man for the poor man
and the bitter hate of the poor man for the rich man, are merely the
opposite sides of the same dark shield...."

At a time when millions of Americans were suffering under the Great
Depression, FDR said, "Here is my principle: Taxes shall be levied
according to ability to pay. That is the only American principle."  Of
course, that was not quite an "American principle," but a paraphrase
of Karl Marx's Communist maxim, "From each according to his abilities,
to each according to his needs."

FDR set the stage for the entrapment of future generations by the
welfare state and the incremental shift from individual freedom and
free enterprise to dependence on the state and socialism.  Soviet
dictator Nikita Khrushchev said of the political trend launched by
Roosevelt's "New Deal," "We can't expect the American People to jump
from Capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders
in giving them small doses of Socialism, until they awaken one day to
find that they have Communism."

Despite all his class warfare rhetoric, FDR did not hail from the
ranks of the "working class" but from wealth and privilege, as did his
present-day students Al Gore and Teddy Kennedy. These modern-day
"inheritance welfare liberals," though from different socioeconomic
strata, identify strongly with government welfare dependents because
the former were dependent on their inheritance throughout their
formative years, and never developed the character and spirit of those
who have -- of their own accord and initiative -- sustained their
families and communities.

Inheritance welfare liberals have managed to lock the lips of
generations of government welfare "voter blocks" to their Democrat
posteriors. Al Gore is currently leading the pack with his campaign
mantra: "They're for the powerful; we're for the people."

This weekend, we will hear much ballyhooing about George W. Bush's
"risky plan" to leave $1.3 trillion of the projected $4.5 trillion
ten-year budget surplus in taxpayers' pockets -- though Gore will
phrase it: "Risky investing in a tax break for the wealthy." Of
course, all Mr. Bush has proposed to do is reduce tax rates
proportionally -- meaning those who were paying more would keep more.

Gore will warn that the Bush plan will wreck the "Clinton/Gore"
economy and that his alternative proposal for $2.3 trillion in new
government tax-and-spend programs will do more for the "working
class." Accordingly, Gore's new campaign mantra should be: "Ask not
what you can do for your country, ask what your country can do for

Of course, the only thing the Bush plan will wreck is Gore's effort to
shackle more citizens to central government welfare spending programs,
and thus, expand his dependent constituency.


On the political front...

Campaign cash quid pro quos are alive and well! Bill Clinton quietly
installed three new ambassadors without the consent of the
Republican-controlled Senate. Carl Spielvogel is the new ambassador to
Slovakia; James A. Daley is the new ambassador to Barbados; and Robin
Chandler Duke, a former president of the National Abortion and
Reproductive Rights Action League, is the new ambassador to Norway. A
review of Federal Election Commission records by the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee staff notes that the three have given $550,900 to
Democrats over the last three years.

>From the Bush campaign...

Though Gore continues to challenge Mr. Bush to better his plans to
distribute government largess, Bush has stayed on his message --
education. Gore can't defend his administration's 8-year history of
essentially disregarding children in government schools while
pandering to his most vociferous supporters, union "teachers," too
many of whom are barely qualified. (We should note here, as Mr. Bush
has repeatedly, that while the big ugly mug of the NEA tends to cast
its shadow on all teachers, there are tens-of-thousands out there who
remain truly dedicated to the profession of teaching, and have not
followed the path of those who have reduced their profession to a

Observation Points:
"Al Gore has given George W. Bush the greatest present any politician
can receive: The gift of an opponent's hypocrisy." --Tony Snow

>From Amerika2000 -- the Demo-lition...

Along the lines of the above-referenced challenge, Gore announced a
$253 billion federal prescription-drug plan, saying, "The time for
generalities without specifics I think is just about over. ... As far
as specifics are concerned, it's about time [for Bush] to put up or
shut up time." (That's a lot of tax-funded charity for a guy who could
only muster up $353 for charitable contributions out of his own pocket
two years ago.)  Roll Call's editor, Morton Kondracke, says of the
Gore plan, "It would put the federal government in charge of drug
pricing and coverage decisions, almost certainly inhibiting lifesaving
medical research and innovation." [See "Hillarycare," Version 5.2]

Joe Lieberman was still waxing away with the Old Testament.  "In some
sense, you might say the Red Sea finally parted and more Americans
than ever before walked through behind President Bill Clinton and Vice
President Al Gore," he said in a predominantly black church. That
"sense" would be nonsense, unless Lieberman is using the "Red Sea" as
a euphemism for that bridge to the Clintonistas' 21st century "New
Socialist Utopia."

There is some debate about how much Joe Lieberman is wrapping his
message in the Bible. Howard P. Berkowitz, Anti-Defamation League
national chairman, wants Lieberman to cool it. "The First Amendment
requires that government neither support one religion over another,
nor the religious over the non-religious. ... This country was
established not on freedom of the press, it was established on freedom
of religion."

The real news in this flap over Lieberman's political stump
religiosity is that had these remarks been made by a Republican at
every whistle-stop, the hypocritical media would have labeled that
candidate a "right-wing Christian" and used their media platforms to
marginalize that candidate.

AlGoreisms: "You make the decision to run first and then you run with
all your heart and soul. ... You're going to rip the lungs out of
anybody else who's in the race, and you're going to do it right." --
on his 1998 presidential campaign. [Memo to Mr. Bush: Take note!] {}
"I made a commitment that I would do everything I possibly could to
help Bill Clinton be the best president he could possibly be. He is
also my friend." --on his pal, Bill [Memo to Mr. Gore: Friends don't
let friends trample the Constitution.]

Lieberlines: "It's just this simple: We as a nation cannot afford to
make Barney Rubble investments in a George Jetson world." --perhaps
referring to the Gore/Lieberman plan to "save" Social Security?

Observation Points: "(Al Gore) reminds me a bit of Barbie's boyfriend,
Ken: He's buff, he's honed, he looks terrific, but he has no private
parts. I'm not referring to his distinguishing characteristics, but to
a general lack of human personality. Clinton puts together a focus
group to find out what he should do. Gore puts together a focus group
to find out who he should be." --Mark Steyn  {}  "Gore has proposed a
whole bunch of government spending programs run by the Internal
Revenue Service...It adds up to about 500 billion in spending programs
that would be run by IRS." --Bob McIntyre, Citizens for Tax Justice

In other political news...

On HILLARY! The Rodham-Clintonista's stump, hubby Bill wooed
supporters with this message: "I have worked as hard as I could to
turn our country around. Now, the work must be carried on by others.
No one is more qualified than Hillary to do it." Doesn't say much for
the Vice Prevaricator's qualifications....

HILLARITIES!: "We're going to have a very stark choice in this
election between me and my opponent at the presidential level as to
whether we continue the policies that have worked or we go a different
direction." Even HILLARY! is thinking she is going to be running the
country next year.

Observation Points: "I think Lazio has reached out to this community.
He can get 15 to 20 percent of it, she was running against a guy who
would have gotten about 2 percent." --Public nuisance #1, Al Sharpton,
encouraging HILLARY! to bow a little  lower when they next meet.


Last week, George W. Bush was the media laughingstock after confusing
billions with trillions while discussing his proposed $1.3 trillion
tax cut. Did you hear Joe Lieberman on CNN this week? Jesse Jackson
asked what he and Gore would do with projected budget surpluses, Mr.
Lieberman answered: "We will take $500 million of it and invest it in
paying down the deficit." **We think he meant "billion," but who


Clintonese:  "I think I have given evidence that I need to be in
church." --in a televised interview about his "faith."  {}  "I think
we have to be careful here not to go crazy." --Secretary of State
Madeleine Albright, diplo-babbling about her department's refusal to
acquire FBI information about "credentialed press" on the State
Department beat who are in fact foreign spies. **Too late!  {}  "This
is the modern-day version of the poll tax and the literacy test." --
J.L. Chestnut Jr., a black lawyer, commenting on denying the right to
vote for convicted felons, most of whom are black.


"[My] Christian sect was very intolerant...Christians thought they
were the only ones going to heaven...and I said heaven is going to be
a mighty empty place with nobody else there." --Consummate Village
Idiot Ted Turner, at his U.N. summit, chastising Christianity for
"religious intolerance" and its oppression of "of religious freedom."
**Turner gave a billion dollars to the U.N. to buy himself a permanent
place at the podium, a platform he repeatedly uses to condemn
Christianity.  {}  "I want her to be able to turn on the TV and feel
somewhat safe. That's why we're here." --Lesbian Jackie Farrow and her
"partner" Valerie Hauch, protesting the decision by a Minneapolis TV
station to air the "Dr. Laura" show. **Dr. Laura may be the only thing
"safe" on network TV by this fall.  {}  From the "Village Academic
Curriculum" File: "Men rule everywhere and in everything, so why
should we care that boys do worse in high school?" --University of
Virginia law professor Amy Wax


"On Labor Day, America takes a holiday from work -- and comes to grips
with what Al Gore has faced every day for the last eight years."
--Kenny Noble Cortes  {}  "I don't know if I can live on my income or
not -- the government won't let me try it." --Bob Thaves, in the comic
strip "Frank & Ernest"  {}  "I am perfectly sane." --Ezola Foster, Pat
Buchanan's Reform Party running mate, on news that she accepted
workers' compensation payments for an undisclosed mental disorder  {}
"[After 'Survivor'], experts forecast a proliferation of reality-based
series on TV next season. Soon, TV will look so much like real life,
we won't need to turn it on." --Daily Scoop  {}  "I'm a liberal,
conservative, radical, middle-of-the-road, centrist Democrat."
--Hollywonk Richard Dreyfuss explaining his political philosophy  {}
"I'll be that old lovable rogue who can make a centrist waffle look
like red meat." --William Safire imagining what really went through
Bill Clinton's mind in his Demo-confab address  {}  "Lieberman is not
a moderate. He is simply Ted Kennedy with table manners." --Member

Night Lines:

Leno.... The Republicans have accused the Democrats of wasting the
past eight years, eight years of missed opportunities. I don't think
so. I don't think Clinton missed anybody in those eight years.  ....
Nabisco announced recently that...it's coming out with new bite-sized
Oreos that are easier to eat. How lazy are we getting in this country
when people are too exhausted to eat [a regular-sized] Oreo at this
point? Who eats an Oreo and goes, "Let me wrap the rest of this up--I
wish they were smaller."

Letterman.... Ralph Nader has chosen Winona LaDuke to be his running
mate. Things are really heating up now. It's a horse race! Winona
LaDuke, isn't she one of the "Dixie Chicks"? You may recall she was
once one of the "LaDuke's of Hazard." ....  President Clinton is back
from his trip to Africa. While in Africa he was presented with a
tribal robe. This is the first time Clinton has returned from a trip
with a robe that doesn't say Ritz-Carlton.  ....  Polls show Al Gore
out in front. Gore has become so confident that he is now raising
campaign funds legally!

Hamilton....  Joe Lieberman said America can't afford a Barney Rubble
president in a George Jetson world. If Al Gore had his way, we'd all
be driving Fred Flintstone's car.  ....  The White House blamed its
computer system for all its missing e-mail Wednesday. Officials said
the computers are antiquated and unstable. Apparently, qualities that
make a perfect Attorney General make a lousy PC. ....  George W. Bush
and Al Gore are bickering over the presidential debates format. The
fight is over the ground rules. On every question, Bush wants to be
able to phone a friend and Gore wants to poll the audience.  ....
President Clinton's job approval went up after his speech [at the
Democratic National Convention]. It's hard to argue with the record.
When the only person out of work in America is Kathie Lee Gifford, you
have to call the administration a success.

O'Brien.... The ratings for 'Live With Regis' are up about 27% from a
year ago, when Kathie Lee Gifford was still on the show. Ratings could
go even higher because producers have decided to change the name of
the show to "Live Without Kathie Lee."

Kilborn.... Bad news for Oprah. She is seeing the lowest ratings for
her show ever. Apparently she is taking the news hard. Friends of
Oprah say it's been hard for her to think, sleep...and eat frosting
out of a can!

(**) Denotes Editor's Comment

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A vote for Bush or Gore is a vote to continue Clinton policies!
A vote for Buchanan is a vote to continue America!
Therefore a vote for Gore or Bush is a wasted vote for America!
Don't waste your vote!  Vote for Patrick Buchanan!

Today, candor compels us to admit that our vaunted two-party system is a
snare and a delusion, a fraud upon the nation. Our two parties have become
nothing but two wings of the same bird of prey...
Patrick Buchanan

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