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Dead Woman Who Accused Bush of Rape 11/12/2003 "Margie Schoedinger dies as a result of a gunshot wound to the head. Margie Schoedinger, the woman who allegedly filed a lawsuit against George W. Bush in December 2002, claiming that she had been raped, has died of a gunshot wound to the head, registered officially as "suicide". The allegations were serious: the law suit apparently filed against George W. Bush in the County Civil Court in Fort Bend County, Texas, on 2nd December 2002, claimed that George Bush, the former Governor or Texas and current President of the United States of America, had committed "individual sex crimes" against her and her husband. Margie Schoedinger further stated that after the claim, she had been harassed, that her bank account had been interfered with, that she had been threatened and beaten. She claimed 1 million USD in actual damages plus 49 million USD in punitive damages and emotional stress caused by the alleged incidents. Court documents filed on December 4th 2002 mention Bush, giving him 20 days to respond or appear in a court in Fort Bend. These papers were initialed by Fort Bend County Deputy Clerk, Becky Kasper. However, due to the ambiguous nature of the claims, which have never been substantiated, it is unclear whether the President of the USA was served with the suit." http://english.pravda.ru/world/20/91/368/11257_scandal.html

this article forwarded from L Moss Sharman - For Albanians, It's Come to This: A Son for a TV By Nicholas Wood 11/13/03 Durres, Albania, "Over the past 12 years, since the collapse of Stalinism here, a substantial trade in children has established itself in Albania, Europe's most impoverished and long most isolated country. No one has exact figures for the number of children involved, but the government estimates that 6,000 children have been sent abroad for use in begging and prostitution rackets, or in some cases sold to Western couples for adoption....Albania's anti-trafficking police estimate that more than 1,000 children are currently in Greece, working mainly as beggars....The trafficking is part of a larger trade in humans, including East European women shuffled through Albania for prostitution, and is an outgrowth of the misery and the organized crime that has blossomed in this clannish society. In Albania most documented cases of child trafficking have involved older children who are sold or rented by their families to minders, or pimps, who take them to Greece and Italy, where they work as beggars or child prostitutes."  http://www.nytimes.com/2003/11/13/international/europe/13ALBA.html

Anti-war activist charged for 'misusing phone' to protest to US
October 31, 2003
An Auckland peace activist who sent an e-mail to the US Embassy objecting to the war on Iraq has been charged with misuse of a telephone.
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