-Caveat Lector-

Democrats Unveil New 'Safer' Tax Scheme
WASHINGTON, DC - With the 'risky' Republican tax cut scheme fading into
history, the Democrats have revealed their plan for a new 'Safer Tax'. "We
all know that it is not safe to give the American people back any of their
money," said House Minority Leader, Dick Gephardt. "That is why we are
offering a bill that would implement the safest tax system known to man."
The new 'Safer Tax' proposed by the Democrats would tax all Americans at
100%. All money would then be brought to Washington and redistributed to the
American people on a 'needs only basis'. A new Government agency called the
'Central Economic Department' (CED) will be created to help distribute the
money. The CED will employ an army of 'Monetary Needs Assessors" (MNA) who
will be given the job of determining the financial needs of those Americans
they are assigned to oversee. Each American will be required to meet with
their MNA on a weekly basis in order to prove their financial needs. Once
the MNA determines a person's financial need, then the MNA will issue a new
form of currency that will be redeemable for goods and services.
GOP leaders have already condemned the new 'Safer Tax' proposal. Said
Congressman Chris Cox, "Their proposal is nothing more than pure
unadulterated Communism!"
Responding to Cox's condemnation of the 'Safer Tax', Congresswoman Maxine
Waters exclaimed, "Men like Cox are only concerned with protecting their
rich business buddies. That is why they continue to risk the safety of the
American economy by trying to give people their money back. This type of
recklessness has got to stop. That is why I am supporting the new 'Safer
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Disclaimer: This story is totally false not one shred of it is true! It was
created for entertainment purposes ONLY. Any resemblance to the truth is
purely coincidental.

Robert F. Tatman
Computer Help Desk
Desktop & LAN Services
Systems Department
Philadelphia Newspapers, Inc.
The contents of this message represent the opinion only of the writer, and
may not be construed to indicate the endorsement of Knight-Ridder, Inc.;
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