Title: Der kursk!
> At this moment, Russian prosecutors base their conclusions
> on four major facts:
> 1. The is a history of collision between American and
> Russian submarines in the Barents Sea.
> 2. Three US Navy submarines were present in the area of
> the Northern Fleet's exercise at the time of the Kursk accident.
> 3. Immediately after the sinking of Kursk, one of the
> American submarines left the Barents Sea to dock in
> Norway for repairs. The submarine was followed by Russian
> reconnaissance planes and made an attempt to elude them.
> 4. NATO officials refused an official request from the
> Russian government for an objective inspection of the
> external hull of USS Memphis.
> http://www.aeronautics.ru/nws002/kursk001.htm
.  First of all, Eye Have no idea what really happened to the Kursk.  But I would say that the idea of super modern space age submarines with incredible "Tom Clancy 'Red October'" type capabilities and sonar, that if indeed these guys run into one another, then the public (ours and theirs) are being bilked out of billions of dollars. Weegee Boards cost a lot less.
2.  So what's new?
3.  Again, so what?
4.  These guys (Generals) have been thumbing their noise's at one another from the beginning.  Putin and Clinton may be joined at the hip but their respective military leaders have been  giving one another the finger (plucking the yew) for decades.  No matter how high conspiricies run, there are always cross currents, ie, guys running their own programs.  In other words, why should we confirm or disconfirm anything for the Russkies?  
   All out cooporation would be more suspecious than our (ok; not really mine or yours, but somebodies) military agreeing wholeheartedly to help them/
   Sig Heil!

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