-Caveat Lector-

Filling the Vacuum

What is painfully clear is that the Columbine killers and their fellow teen
sociopaths imbibed deeply of the toxic waste that courses through the
culture of death now engulfing our whole society. And they were particularly
vulnerable to these toxins because the adults who aren’t actually involved
in promoting this moral subversion and cultural pollution have, because of
cowardice or indifference, done little or nothing to protect children from
these influences. Moreover, they have allowed the militant secularists of
academe, the decadent culture vultures of Hollywood, and the left-wing
activists in the courts and legislatures to evict God, prayer, the Bible,
the Ten Commandments, and moral absolutes not only from the government
schools, but almost entirely from the public sphere. But nature abhors a
vacuum, and the God-shaped vacuum we have allowed to be formed in our midst
has been filled with diabolical venom that is now killing us.

In his Farewell Address of September 17, 1796, President George Washington
warned precisely of this danger. The father of our country wisely noted:

Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity,
religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man
claim the tribute of patriotism who should labor to subvert these great
pillars of human happiness — these firmest props of the duties of men and
citizens. The mere politician, equally with the pious man, ought to respect
and to cherish them. A volume could not trace all their connections with
private and public felicity. Let it simply be asked, where is the security
for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation
desert the oaths which are the instruments of investigation in courts of
justice? And let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can
be maintained without religion. Whatever may be conceded to the influence of
refined education on minds of peculiar structure, reason and experience both
forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of
religious principle.

In like manner, John Adams commented in 1789: "Our constitution was made
only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for the
government of any other." And in 1799, another giant of the founding period,
Dr. Jedidiah Morse, presciently observed: "Whenever the pillars of
Christianity shall be overthrown, our present republican forms of
government, and all the blessings which flow from them, must fall with

The self-evident truth of these sentiments was universally recognized in
their day. Virtually all of the American people of this period possessed
firearms in their homes — without trigger locks, security cases, and gun
safes — yet there is no record of any mass-murdering rampages. This was so
because the people were morally, as well as physically, armed: They were
taught, and understood, right from wrong. And they encouraged right, and
discouraged wrong, behavior.

Shaking the Foundations

There was no clamoring choir of organized perverts, pseudo-savants, and
tax-paid bureaucrats to challenge George Washington when he said: "It is
substantially true that virtue or morality is a necessary spring of popular
government. The rule indeed extends with more or less force to every species
of free government. Who that is a sincere friend to it can look with
indifference upon attempts to shake the foundation of the fabric?"

Unfortunately, many of our leaders today not only "look with indifference"
but are actively involved in shaking the foundation. Please note that Rosie
O’Donnell did not direct any of her ire at Warner Brothers or Time Warner,
her parent companies, which have been responsible for churning out some of
the most violent, obscene, and degenerate "entertainment" imaginable. Nor
did she take to task her fellow celebrities who luxuriate in lucre produced
from the raw sewage that they pump into the living rooms, theaters, and
stereos throughout our land. The hypocritical media/entertainment clerisy
did not scourge SONY Corp. for inciting violence with a new video game ad
that beckons none too subtly with this invitation to mayhem: "Get in touch
with your gun-toting, testosterone-pumping, cold-blooded murdering side."

Nor did the anti-gun moralists express outrage at the incredible hypocrisy
and crass commercial exploitation of MTV in scheduling a special "Fight for
Your Rights: Take a Stand Against Violence" program immediately after the
Columbine shooting. MTV, of course, has been a leading purveyor of all the
worst filth and violence in popular entertainment. Only a few weeks before
the massacre, MTV had featured a major extravaganza glorifying Marilyn
Manson — and this after his influence had been so powerfully demonstrated in
previous school murders by troubled teens.

Anti-Gun Hysteria

But the zealots will not be deterred from their agenda. "It isn’t our
American culture that’s wrong," said Senator John Chafee (R-RI) a militant
anti-gun bigot. "What’s wrong is our nation’s love affair with guns." He was
backed up by Senator Edward Kennedy (D-MA), who echoed Rosie and Hillary.
"It’s time to say enough is enough is enough is enough," said the Hero of
Chappaquidick, who, like our morally challenged President, is less than
convincing when dealing with George Washington’s concerns of virtue and

The fanatics all joined rank behind President Clinton’s sweeping gun control
plan, which many of them admit would not have prevented the Littleton
tragedy. The proposed law includes provisions for:

• Holding adults, including parents, criminally liable for allowing minors
access to firearms, with mandatory prison sentences of three to ten years
and fines up to $10,000.

• Mandating "safety locks" on all guns sold.

• Raising the legal age for handgun possession from 18 to 21 years of age.

• Banning possession of certain semiautomatic rifles by those under 21 years
of age.

• Requiring a three-day (possibly extended to a five-day) waiting period for
all handgun purchases.

• Limiting individual handgun purchases to one per month.

• Subjecting buyers of explosives to the same Brady law background checks
required of gun purchasers.

• Requiring background checks on firearms buyers at gun shows.

The fascist-minded folks at HCI were deliriously joyful. "We almost don’t
have adjectives to describe how important this comprehensive package is,"
said HCI communications director Naomi Paiss. "The level of public focus and
outrage is unprecedented," enthused HCI public policy director Adam Eisgru.

At least some in the media denounced this sordid and exploitive spectacle
for what it was. Denver’s Rocky Mountain News declared in an editorial:
"Aides said Clinton is counting on public reaction to the Littleton shooting
to pressure reluctant legislators to give their support [for his gun control
package]. Such opportunism is distasteful in a time of general mourning.
Contrast it with the Colorado legislators who withdrew their gun bills after
the Columbine shooting. If Clinton’s proposals have merit, they do not need
to sweep into law on a high tide of feeling."

Among those who recognized and exposed the brazen Clinton-HCI-Hollywood
hustle is Mrs. Gail Keasling, whose own child was murdered by another young
monster produced by the demented contemporary culture that Senator Chafee
finds so perfectly salutory. In her open letter to Congress, she wrote:

As the mother of a murdered child, and as an intelligent person, I find the
President’s exploiting of the school shootings highly offensive. My child
was murdered with a fence post by a recidivist juvenile on probation. I see
no one calling for a ban on fence posts. Eight-year-old Cary Medlin, of
Greenfield, TN, after being raped and sodomized, was murdered with a knife.
Eight-year-old Niki Read of Millington, TN, after being raped, was murdered
with her own shoelace. I see no one calling for a ban on those items, yet
they were used to murder small children....

We have more gun laws on the books than Carter has liver pills, yet people
of all ages continue to murder others. First-degree murderers serve on
average 5.6 years in prison. It takes 15-20 years to get a convicted killer
executed.... Then you have the child shrinks who keep telling us we will
damage our children if we tell them no, or dare to impose retraints on them.
The government then backs the shrinks up by tying the hands of parents
behind their backs. If we dare to spank, or impose restrictions on a child
we are considered child abusers....

"More gun control will not change the hearts of those set to do evil," noted
Mrs. Keasling. "Even if all guns in America were destroyed, those who have
their hearts set on doing evil will do it anyway. More gun control will not
deter one murder. Less violence produced by the entertainment industry would
help, as movies, TV, and video games are a form of brainwashing. Are you
going to impose VIOLENCE CONTROL on the entertainment industry too?"

 © Copyright 1999 American Opinion Publishing Incorporated


(An Affiliated Publication of the
John Birch Society)

The John Birch Society

Since 1958, members of The John Birch Society have led the movement to
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The membership of The John Birch Society is comprised of thousands of
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our rejection of totalitarianism in any form.

Alex Jones Presents..

If "pro" is the opposite of "con," what's the opposite of "progress"?

"If ever time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the
highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its
experienced patriots to prevent its ruin."
                                        -- Samuel Adams (1780)

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