-Caveat Lector-

Hello Simillimum,

Lyghtforce Homoeopathy email list:

Homeo-list's "Homoeopathy online" e-zine:
http://www.lyghtforce.com/HomeopathyOnLine/index.html (latest issue)

previous issue with David Little's article in rebuttal to Rudi Verspoor's
"homoeopathy renewed" article which glorifies Sequential Therapy dressed in
new clothes by Rudi- who David is too professional and polite to mention is
a self-admitted failure at classical homoeopathy with only 10 or so years of
learning and practice prior to his undertaking a massive political campaign
to alienate the study of "classical" (Hahnemannian) homoeopathy in favor of
"modern" (allopathic/routinist/) methodology. (David is currently teaching
me not only homoeopathy, but politeness and diplomacy- and also homoeopathic
psychology -he may be including my name with some others on the Homeopathy
list as a good heartedly sneaky ploy to get me to "measure up" to the kind,
patient and well thought out communications of some of the others- instead
of my often blunt and precipitous declamations off the top of my head-
perhaps another year of my constitutional remedy...  :)

Some of us will be aware already of medical "turf wars" detailed in "Divided
Legacy" by Harris Coulter, (also "The Medical Mafia" by Guy Lanctote MD, &
many others)  -or otherwise apparent within "Western/modern/European"
socio-politico-economic control structures -to the discerning eye.
Homoeopathy, Chiropractic, and Osteopathic (manipulative) have all come
under extreme pressure in the U.S., which had suppressed the
wholistic/dynamic "spiritual heart" of these schools, and sought - with
great success- to either eradicate the teachings and replace them- or
pollute them -with allopathy.

It is quite apparent that the imho "Divinely inspired" Art of Homoeopathy is
under attack on several fronts just now. From without, by allopathy-as ever,
and from allopathically inspired reductionist science which is seeking the
"scientific mechanism" of homoeoepathy - which we can only imagine would be
put to the use of allopathically codifying and administering the remedies or
the discoverable (partial/digital) "scientific" electromagnetic or other
analogues thereof .... I cannot think of many WORSE things than "scientific"
investigation into the electronic "transmission" of remedy "signatures." ...
and from WITHIN- by historical revisionists and others who would seek to
distort the Homoeopathy of Hahnemann or to replace (in the name of
"Progress" of course) our teachings with other "modern" erroneous short-cut
"homoepathy for dummies" and allopaths.

It is a very sorrowful situation on the face of it- yet it DOES offer us the
opportunity to "potentize"  the learning that David has spent many years
researching and testing clinically within our own lives and practices- it
appears NOW that allopathic practices with pharmaceutical chemical
suppression are reaching the end of their effectivity, and that our time of
opportunity to be of service will likely come with a very large NEED- for
the truly curative Homoeopathy of Hahnemann and followers of his lineage -
in the treatment of "resistant" TB, and other antibiotic "resistant" disease
vectors which could become epidemic along with other "emerging" symptoms of
long-term wholesale suppresion of chronic disease in the not too distant

Someday, I hope I can see India- and see what it is like to have homoeopathy
respected equally with other healing arts - so much more balanced than the
crazy money controlled U.S.  !

It is a pleasure sharing this cyber-learning space with you all  - gotta go
make money now....  <sardonic grin>

Dave Hartley

-----Original Message-----
From: David Little [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 1999 6:20 AM
To: Similllimum
Subject: Discussions on Homoeopathy at Lyghtforce

Dear Simillimum,

   I don't know how many of you are on the lyghtforce Homoelist at this
time, but there have been some really good discussions on a number of
topics. Will Taylor, Chris Kurz, Steve Waldenstein, Dave-H, and some nut
case called David Little, and others, have been present very deep
material on homoeopathy. I forwarded one of my posts about the
characteristic symptoms which is an integral part of the discussion at
the moment. I would suggest if you have time to take part. If you wonder
where a lot of our HOE colleagues are, they are teaching on the
lyghtforce Homoeolist. You can access the Homeolist by going to the
Homeopathic Homepage [Jon Haworth's] on the Internet. Perhaps, someone
can post the details.

Best, David

Visit our new website on Hahnemannian Homoeopathy and Cyberspace
Homoeopathic Academy at
David Little © 1999

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