-Caveat Lector-

Dissension Grows In Senior Ranks On War Strategy
U.S. May Be Winning Battles in Iraq But Losing the War, Some Officers Say

By Thomas E. Ricks
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, May 9, 2004; Page A01

Deep divisions are emerging at the top of the U.S. military over the course of
the occupation of Iraq, with some senior officers beginning to say that the
United States faces the prospect of casualties for years without achieving its
goal of establishing a free and democratic Iraq.

Their major worry is that the United States is prevailing militarily but failing
to win the support of the Iraqi people. That view is far from universal, but it
is spreading and being voiced publicly for the first time.

Army Maj. Gen. Charles H. Swannack Jr., the commander of the 82nd Airborne
Division, who spent much of the year in western Iraq, said he believes that at
the tactical level at which fighting occurs, the U.S. military is still winning.
But when asked whether he believes the United States is losing, he said, "I
think strategically, we are."

Army Col. Paul Hughes, who last year was the first director of strategic
planning for the U.S. occupation authority in Baghdad, said he agrees with that
view and noted that a pattern of winning battles while losing a war
characterized the U.S. failure in Vietnam. "Unless we ensure that we have
coherency in our policy, we will lose strategically," he said in an interview

"I lost my brother in Vietnam," added Hughes, a veteran Army strategist who is
involved in formulating Iraq policy. "I promised myself, when I came on active
duty, that I would do everything in my power to prevent that [sort of strategic
loss] from happening again. Here I am, 30 years later, thinking we will win
every fight and lose the war, because we don't understand the war we're in."

The emergence of sharp differences over U.S. strategy has set off a debate, a
year after the United States ostensibly won a war in Iraq, about how to preserve
that victory. The core question is how to end a festering insurrection that has
stymied some reconstruction efforts, made many Iraqis feel less safe and created
uncertainty about who actually will run the country after the scheduled turnover
of sovereignty June 30.

Inside and outside the armed forces, experts generally argue that the U.S.
military should remain there but should change its approach. Some argue for more
troops, others for less, but they generally agree on revising the stated U.S.
goals to make them less ambitious. They are worried by evidence that the United
States is losing ground with the Iraqi public.

Some officers say the place to begin restructuring U.S. policy is by ousting
Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, whom they see as responsible for a series
of strategic and tactical blunders over the past year. Several of those
interviewed said a profound anger is building within the Army at Rumsfeld and
those around him.

A senior general at the Pentagon said he believes the United States is already
on the road to defeat. "It is doubtful we can go on much longer like this," he
said. "The American people may not stand for it -- and they should not."

Asked who was to blame, this general pointed directly at Rumsfeld and Deputy
Defense Secretary Paul D. Wolfowitz. "I do not believe we had a clearly defined
war strategy, end state and exit strategy before we commenced our invasion," he
said. "Had someone like Colin Powell been the chairman [of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff], he would not have agreed to send troops without a clear exit strategy.
The current OSD [Office of the Secretary of Defense] refused to listen or adhere
to military advice."

Like several other officers interviewed for this report, this general spoke only
on the condition that his name not be used. One reason for this is that some of
these officers deal frequently with the senior Pentagon civilian officials they
are criticizing, and some remain dependent on top officials to approve their
current efforts and future promotions. Also, some say they believe that Rumsfeld
and other top civilians punish public dissent. Senior officers frequently cite
what they believe was the vindictive treatment of then-Army Chief of Staff Gen.
Eric K. Shinseki after he said early in 2003 that the administration was
underestimating the number of U.S. troops that would be required to occupy
postwar Iraq.

Wolfowitz, the Pentagon's No. 2 official, said he does not think the United
States is losing in Iraq, and said no senior officer has expressed that thought
to him, either. "I am sure that there are some out there" who think that, he
said in an interview yesterday afternoon.

"There's no question that we're facing some difficulties," Wolfowitz said. "I
don't mean to sound Pollyannaish -- we all know that we're facing a tough
problem." But, he said, "I think the course we've set is the right one, which is
moving as rapidly as possible to Iraqi self-government and Iraqi self-defense."

Wolfowitz, who is widely seen as the intellectual architect of the Bush
administration's desire to create a free and democratic Iraq that will begin the
transformation of the politics of the Middle East, also strongly rejected the
idea of scaling back on that aim. "The goal has never been to win the Olympic
high jump in democracy," he said. Moving toward democratization in Iraq will
take time, he said. Yet, he continued, "I don't think the answer is to find some
old Republican Guard generals and have them impose yet another dictatorship in
an Arab country."

The top U.S. commander in the war also said he strongly disagrees with the view
that the United States is heading toward defeat in Iraq. "We are not losing,
militarily," Army Gen. John Abizaid said in an interview Friday. He said that
the U.S. military is winning tactically. But he stopped short of being as
positive about the overall trend. Rather, he said, "strategically, I think there
are opportunities."

The prisoner abuse scandal and the continuing car bombings and U.S. casualties
"create the image of a military that's not being effective in the
counterinsurgency," he said. But in reality, "the truth of the matter is . . .
there are some good signals out there."

Abizaid cited the resumption of economic reconstruction and the political
progress made with Sunni Muslims in resolving the standoff around Fallujah, and
increasing cooperation from Shiite Muslims in isolating radical Shiite cleric
Moqtada Sadr. "I'm looking at the situation, and I told the secretary of defense
the other day I feel pretty comfortable with where we are," he said.

Even so, he said, "There's liable to be a lot of fighting in May and June," as
the June 30 date for turning over sovereignty to an Iraqi government approaches.

Commanders on the ground in Iraq seconded that cautiously optimistic view.

"I am sure that the view from Washington is much worse than it appears on the
ground here in Baqubah," said Army Col. Dana J.H. Pittard, commander of a 1st
Infantry Division brigade based in that city about 40 miles north of Baghdad. "I
do not think that we are losing, but we will lose if we are not careful." He
said he is especially worried about maintaining political and economic progress
in the provinces after the turnover of power.

Army Lt. Col. John Kem, a battalion commander in Baghdad, said that the events
of the past two months -- first the eruption of a Shiite insurgency, followed by
the detainee abuse scandal -- "certainly made things harder," but he said he
doubted they would have much effect on the long-term future of Iraq.

But some say that behind those official positions lies deep concern.

One Pentagon consultant said that officials with whom he works on Iraq policy
continue to put on a happy face publicly, but privately are grim about the
situation in Baghdad. When it comes to discussions of the administration's Iraq
policy, he said, "It's 'Dead Man Walking.' "

The worried generals and colonels are simply beginning to say what experts
outside the military have been saying for weeks.

In mid-April, even before the prison detainee scandal, Peter Galbraith, a former
U.S. ambassador to Croatia, wrote in the New York Review of Books that "patience
with foreign occupation is running out, and violent opposition is spreading.
Civil war and the breakup of Iraq are more likely outcomes than a successful
transition to a pluralistic Western-style democracy." The New York Review of
Books is not widely read in the U.S. military, but the article, titled "How to
Get Out of Iraq," was carried online and began circulating among some military

Likewise, Rep. John P. Murtha (Pa.), a former Marine who is one of most hawkish
Democrats in Congress, said last week: "We cannot prevail in this war as it is
going today," and said that the Bush administration should either boost its
troop numbers or withdraw.

Larry Diamond, who until recently was a senior political adviser of the U.S.
occupation authority in Iraq, argued that the United States is not losing the
war but is in danger of doing so. "I think that we have fallen into a period of
real political difficulty where we are no longer clearly winning the peace, and
where the prospect of a successful transition to democracy is in doubt.

"Basically, it's up in the air now," Diamond continued. "That's what is at
stake. . . . We can't keep making tactical and strategic mistakes."

He and others are recommending a series of related revisions to the U.S.

Like many in the Special Forces, defense consultant Michael Vickers advocates
radically trimming the U.S. presence in Iraq, making it much more like the one
in Afghanistan, where there are 20,000 troops and almost none in the capital,
Kabul. The U.S. military has a small presence in the daily life of Afghans.
Basically, it ignores them and focuses its attention on fighting pockets of
Taliban and al Qaeda holdouts. Nor has it tried to disarm the militias that
control much of the country.

In addition to trimming the U.S. troop presence, a young Army general said, the
United States also should curtail its ambitions in Iraq. "That strategic
objective, of a free, democratic, de-Baathified Iraq, is grandiose and
unattainable," he said. "It's just a matter of time before we revise downward .
. . and abandon these ridiculous objectives."

Instead, he predicted that if the Bush administration wins reelection, it simply
will settle for a stable Iraq, probably run by former Iraqi generals. This is
more or less, he said, what the Marines Corps did in Fallujah -- which he
described as a glimpse of future U.S. policy.

Wolfowitz sharply rejected that conclusion about Fallujah. "Let's be clear,
Fallujah has always been an outlier since the liberation of Baghdad," he said in
the interview. "It's where the trouble began. . . . It really isn't a model for
anything for the rest of the country."

But a senior military intelligence officer experienced in Middle Eastern affairs
said he thinks the administration needs to rethink its approach to Iraq and to
the region. "The idea that Iraq can be miraculously and quickly turned into a
shining example of democracy that will 'transform' the Middle East requires way
too much fairy dust and cultural arrogance to believe," he said.

Finally, some are calling for the United States to stop fighting separatist
trends among Iraq's three major groups, the Shiites, the Sunnis and the Kurds,
and instead embrace them. "The best hope for holding Iraq together -- and
thereby avoiding civil war -- is to let each of its major constituent
communities have, to the extent possible, the system each wants," Galbraith
wrote last month.

Even if adjustments in troop presence and goals help the United States prevail,
it will not happen soon, several of those interviewed said. The United States is
likely to be fighting in Iraq for at least another five years, said an Army
officer who served there. "We'll be taking casualties," he warned, during that
entire time.

A long-term problem for any administration is that it may be difficult for the
American public to tell whether the United States is winning or losing, and the
prospect of continued casualties may prompt some to ask of how long the public
will tolerate the fighting.

"Iraq might have been worth doing at some price," Vickers said. "But it isn't
worth doing at any price. And the price has gone very high."

The other key factor in the war is Iraqi public opinion. A recent USA
Today/CNN/Gallup Poll found that a majority of Iraqis want the United States to
leave immediately. "In Iraq, we are rapidly losing the support of the middle,
which will enable the insurgency to persist practically indefinitely until our
national resolve is worn down," the senior U.S. military intelligence officer

Tolerance of the situation in Iraq also appears to be declining within the U.S.
military. Especially among career Army officers, an extraordinary anger is
building at Rumsfeld and his top advisers.

"Like a lot of senior Army guys, I'm quite angry" with Rumsfeld and the rest of
the Bush administration, the young general said. He listed two reasons. "One is,
I think they are going to break the Army." But what really incites him, he said,
is, "I don't think they care."

Jeff Smith, a former general counsel of the CIA who has close ties to many
senior officers, said, "Some of my friends in the military are exceedingly
angry." In the Army, he said, "It's pretty bitter."

Retired Army Col. Robert Killebrew, a frequent Pentagon consultant, said, "The
people in the military are mad as hell." He said the chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff, Air Force Gen. Richard B. Myers, should be fired. A spokesman
for Myers declined to comment.

A Special Forces officer aimed higher, saying that "Rumsfeld needs to go, as
does Wolfowitz."

Asked about such antagonism, Wolfowitz said, "I wish they'd have the -- whatever
it takes -- to come tell me to my face."

He said that by contrast, he had been "struck at how many fairly senior officers
have come to me" to tell him that he and Rumsfeld have made the right decisions
concerning the Army.

© 2004 The Washington Post Company

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