-Caveat Lector-

Door Kept Open for Priest-Sex Lawsuits By Jean Guccione, Times Staff Writer "A federal judge Thursday upheld the constitutionality of a California law that opened courthouse doors to more than 1,000 people who sued the Roman Catholic Church for allegedly failing to protect them from predator priests. U.S. District Court Judge William Q. Hayes in San Diego became the second judge in California to reject arguments that the law illegally interferes with the Catholic Church's religious practices. "The failure to supervise or negligent hiring of a person that commits sexual assault does not implicate or effect any religious belief, opinion or practice," Hayes wrote. The ruling arises from a negligence suit brought by a woman who alleged that she was repeatedly raped and sexually abused by a priest at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Escondido beginning when she was 12. Her alleged abuser, Father Victor Uboldi, is dead. She is suing the Sisters of the Precious Blood, the religious order of nuns who once ran the school. The San Diego diocese asked the court to overturn the law." http://www.latimes.com/features/religion/la-me-priests23dec23,1,6720601.story?coll=la-news-religion&ctrack=1&cset=true

 EU Arrest Warrant Issued for 22 CIA Operatives
    Reuters      Friday 23 December 2005
Suspects wanted for allegedly kidnapping Egyptian cleric in Italy in 2003.
    Milan - A Milan court has issued a European arrest warrant for 22 CIA agents suspected of kidnapping an Egyptian cleric from Italy's financial capital in 2003, Prosecutor Armando Spataro said on Friday.
    Milan magistrates suspect a CIA team grabbed Hassan Mustafa Osama Nasr off a Milan street and flew him for interrogation to Egypt, where he said he was tortured.
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