-Caveat Lector-

Government requesting public input?
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             SMOKE SCREEN
Get a transcript of the questions asked by the democrats and
follow the intent of their questions. None of their questions were
about the possible crimes of Clinton.

On the first day of "the investigation of Bill Clinton" it seems
the democrats did not have one question about the issue being
investigated. Instead of an investigation of Clinton, his crack
sniffers put Starr on trial instead.
What matters it if every one of their innuendo's were true? No matter
what Starr or Charley Manson has done, IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH
After Starr, the democrats complained about his conclusions and
When presenting his "defense", these same crack sniffers did
not present one defense, instead they brought in their own patsies
who only did what they accused Starr of ... dictating to congress
what the fate of Clinton should be !

               UNCLE TOM IDIOTS
Clinton has the support of a segment of his own Uncle Tom's. It
seems they have even called Clinton the first black president.
They remind me of some of the idiot blacks I have seen when
watching COPS. In these segments I have seen the cops in the
arrest of blacks and in the event whole crowds of blacks begin to
scream and threaten the cops for arresting a black man.
It doesn't matter that the black fugitive just raped a black woman
or thathe black man is selling dope to their kids or that the black
fugitive just robbed and killed another black... Just because of
their hateful prejudice of whites, they would rather let their
fellow blacks be victimized rather than to be arrested by a filthy
white man.
Uncle Tom, ask your black master Clinton if he would be willing to
take a polygraph test on questions about what he really thinks and
says about blacks when none can hear him.
If the black secretary wasn't a stupid uncle tom, your buddy
Clinton would have used her as another black stepping stone. Just
a black idiot to be turned into a felon and sent to prison to save
himself !
              What does Clinton care about blacks?
What/Who does Clinton really care about? Every one around him is
like toilet paper he uses to wipe with and then flushes when he
has no further use for it.
For the idiot blacks who wish to keep serving their black master,
just keep on trucking. He will throw out some scraps to keep you
picking his cotton and maybe every once in a while, he will give
you a big piece of water melon.
As for the segment of black Clinton boot lickers, let me ask
them some questions about what they have said about equal rights
and punishment under the law for blacks and why it their same
standards does not belong to Clinton.

                       THE CHAMELEON
* When it serves his purpose Clinton calls on Christian preachers,
talks about God and prayer... goes to church and pretends like he
is a Christian.
* When in Israel, Clinton made sure to be photographed wearing a
Jewish beanie to get the support of Jews... Those of the Jewish
religion say that Jesus Christ is either a fabrication or a
liar... When with the Jews, this Christian/follower of Jesus
Christ, changes hats and becomes one of those who know Christ was
a liar.
* When with blacks, this chameleon becomes a soul brother.
* When he needs the money and votes of homos, this "Christian"
makes it a right of homosexuals to be in the military with all of
those pretty naked young men.
* When this Christian is not being photographed carrying his bible
on Sunday, he is signing bills to make it legal for babies to have
their brains sucked out 10 seconds before their birth.

Whites, blacks, homosexuals, Jews or Christians ... just like all
those stupid women, he has you on your knees sucking his ....

It seems the politicians and press are always telling us what the
American people think and what they want.
If I am allowed to speak for myself, this American would like for
each politician to answer these questions to the press and the
American people.
Instead of the politicians telling us (the people) what we think,
let them answer these questions and tell the American people what
their response to these questions are.

Let the questions be published in the district of all congressmen
and senators. Along with the questions, let the newspapers of each
district publish the responses of their own congressmen/senators.
If that congressman/senator refuses to reply, let it be reported.
If indeed they are "our representatives", then let them answer our
                         PARTY LEMMINGS
Instead of being outraged at the criminal politicians, the party
groupies are brainwashed into protecting the crooked politicians
who force those same laws on them !
We are forced to pay taxes used to hire cops. If we (the people)
dare mock the laws of the politicians, the politicians have
ensured that we be arrested (knocked down and beat up if we
resist), they will take our wealth by force, imprison us and put
our safety and lives in danger.
If we dare break the laws of the politicians, hired thugs (cops-
paid for out of our own taxes) will take our wealth and our
Yet idiot party groupies would circumvent the laws of the land in
order that their criminal political mob bosses are above the laws
they impose on the nation?

If any of your family filed false tax reports, you would be fined
and/or imprisoned ... But Richard Nixon was exposed in tax fraud
and what fines/prison term did this criminal get?

IF Clinton has committed the same acts others have been
fined/imprisoned for, then he is a criminal.
IF Clinton has committed the same acts others have been declared
to be a felon for, then Clinton is a felon.
                        SEXUAL RELATIONS
                    What do these words mean?
Relations or relationships are some kind of interaction between
two or more people.
If you are involved in a romance, that is a romantic relation.
If you are involved with someone at work, that is a work
Relations: notes something that two or more people do together.

                          SEX RELATIONS
Sex relations involve any act done to arouse and/or reach a sexual
Visual ... stripping, specific movements ...
Verbal ... dirty talk
Hand touch ... legs, breast, buttox ... what ever causing or
stimulating an erection.
Sex organ touch ... by another sex organ, hand or mouth.

In SEXUAL RELATIONS, the interaction between two people is sex.

If a strange man called a woman and talked about poetry, vacuum
cleaners or mushrooms, he would not be guilty of any crime, but if
he began to talk about oral sex, he could be convicted of a crime.
If the other party has no wish to hear it, it is an illegal sex
act and if the other party wants to hear it, it is a legal sex
When this verbal interaction takes place between two people it is
a sexual relationship.

Under the laws an adult male having an under age girl give him
oral sex, would be convicted of a sex act with an under age girl.
He would not be arrested for patting her on the head or holding
her hand. The charge involving oral sex would be made BECAUSE IT

Thinking about sex is not a relation, but when people interact
together for the purpose of arousal and/or a climax, it is a
sexual relationship.

First Clinton pointed his index finger at the American people and
in your our face and now he is flipping his middle finger at
congress and lying in their face.
To hear the "media" you would think the whole caper is just about
what Clinton said about a sexual relationship. Other than this
bald face lie there are a dozen more.
i.e. Clinton said he didn't remember who the woman was.
Here he dropped his pants for her over and over to get oral sex
and he testified under oath that he didn't remember who she was?
How many men have had sex with a woman 5 times, exchanged gifts
with them and don't know who they are?
In other interviews I have seen Clinton's groupie politicians rave
how Clinton has such a great mind and memory.
First Clinton got to flip the American people the bird and now
congress is doing it.
                   LYING ABOUT SEX UNDER OATH
In one news program (20/20 Nov 89), three people were interviewed
after they had been convicted as felons for lying about sex under
#1 Mr Congressman/senator, can this or any nation stand if
government officials are not obligated to obey the laws they make
for the people?

#2 Is it your will (congressman/senator) that government officials
are above the laws they impose on the American people?

#3 If any government official is above the law ... If the "leader"
of our nation is not subject to the laws of the land, is he a
president or is he equivalent to a king/dictator?

                         COUNTER ATTACK
Now that Clinton is on trial, smoke screens are used to change the
issues to all others who are bringing the case against him.
If others are involved in wrong doing, isn't that another case?
Just think what would happen across the nation if every one on
trial began to dig up dirt on the prosecutor, the judges and the
cops to use as their defense ! Would such tactics be allowed in the
courts if non politicians tried to use them?

If the impeachment hearings are to find criminal acts Clinton has
been involved in,
#4 then why are these investigations (of those bringing the case
against Clinton) being made a part of the case against Clinton?

#5 If those parties bringing the case against Clinton are guilty
of some criminal act then isn't that another court case against

#6 If those bringing evidence against Clinton are not accused of
any criminal acts then (except to hide Clinton's own guilt), why
is any investigation of them even considered?

                  INNOCENT BY AN OTHER'S GUILT
When one of the members of some party are busted in some filth,
they get on tv and say, well look what the people in the other
party are guilty of.
If a man was being tried for molesting a child and his defense was
"Well, Joe Smith sells dope", would he be found innocent because
some other guy was committing another crime?

#7 When a politician is being investigated for immoral/criminal
acts and his party/Lemmings "defends" him by pointing the finger
at the filth/criminal acts of another politician, does that
* Prove he is innocent by an other's guilt or
* Just prove they are all scum balls?

We just saw one politician running for (the senate) murder another
politician in Tenn. Because one politician murders another, does
that make murder legal for all politicians?

                  How did you answer #1 and #2?
#8 IF politicians are not obligated under the laws of the land
because some other politician has committed another (or the same)
crime, then tell me how any politician can be held accountable to
the law?
                   "OVER TURNING THE ELECTION"
We are told that Clinton can not be impeached because it will over
turn the public elections?
#9 If elected politicians can not be removed by impeachment
"because it will over turn public elections, then tell me why
impeachment is not unconstitutional?

#10 If politicians can not be removed by impeachment because it
"will over turn public elections" then how has the impeachment of
any elected official been carried out?

#11 Impeachment is the legal process of our laws enacted for the
purpose of removing corrupt ELECTED POLITICIANS from office...
true or false?

#12 Is there one set of laws for all other elected officials who
has been put through the impeachment process and another set of
laws for Clinton?
                      "DEMOCRATIC PROCESS"
In campaigns and speeches they are always throwing around the
words democratic process and democracy. The words are synonymous.
The democratic process/democracy is the process in which the end
results is the majority of the people decide the issues.
Every politician/news reporter who asserts we have a democratic
process/democracy, is either ignorant of the word or they are just
bald face liars.
Politicians use these terms to make ignorant Americans believe
they are in control of their own government.
                         "MOB RULE"
When talking about a democracy the press and politicians call it
mob rule. They list reasons why the masses can not make their own
decisions and why we need to have politicians make our decisions
for us.

#13 IF America were a democracy (the majority of the people
decided laws), then which should dictate the laws of the land ...
the will of the people collected in opinion polls or the will of
the people decided in election booths?

                   RULED BY LAW NOT BY THE MOB
When the will of the majority contradicts the laws set down by the
politicians, we are told this is A NATION RULED BY LAW NOT A

#14 If this is not a democracy, if this is a nation ruled by law
and not public opinion, then what bearing does public polls have on
the decisions of the senate/congress on the impeachment of Bill

In Colorado the majority of the people (in an election) voted
against special rights for homosexuals. IN SPITE OF THE WILL OF
THE MAJORITY, a judge over turned their decision "because the law
took precedence over the will of the majority."

Each crime is defined (along with the sentence) in the law books.
#15 Now that Clinton has been exposed in criminal acts, does "mob
rule" ... from opinion polls, take precedence over the laws of the

#16 If the will of the majority people ... (documented in a legal
election in Colorado's homosexual issue) is over turned "because
the law takes precedence" then how does the will of the majority
(taken in opinion polls) take precedence over the laws of the

#17 Which matters under the laws of our government
(a) the will of the people recorded in public opinion polls or
(b) the senators/congressmen keeping their oath and executing all
laws, including those which punish criminal politicians?

A criminal act is easy to identify. If the government sends people
to arrest you, if one is fined and/or jailed for some act it is a
criminal act. If others have been fined and/or jailed for doing
the same thing Clinton has done, then Clinton is guilty of
committing criminal acts.
#18 If Clinton has committed the same criminal acts as others and
any congressman/senator does not enforce the laws of the land,
that senator/congressman is:
* a loyal servant to his office
* neglecting to do his duty
* protecting a criminal
* Give your own reason why any senator/congressman would mock the
laws they swore to uphold.

                      EQUAL JUSTICE FOR ALL
Unless there is one law for the people and another law for the
politicians ... If the intent of our government is equal justice
for all
#19 Will the government compensate every one in America who has
ever been fined for perjury?

#20 If the president of the United States is not prosecuted for
perjury, will you vote to release every imprisoned person who is
there for perjury?

#21 If the president of the United States does not have to testify
to the truth in a court, then how soon will the senate/congress
remove all laws which hold fines/imprisonment for with holding
evidence and "obstructing justice"?

#22 If the president of the United States can lie under oath, then
why should any citizen (in trial) of the nation be prosecuted for
telling the judge they will not tell the truth?

#23 If the president of the United States does not get the same
punishment as others in jail (for committing the same crimes)...
And if Clinton is not above the law/our king or our dictator...
then why can't lawyers sue the government for discrimination
against non-politicians and win?

Since when has the senate/congress made their decisions by public
If the senate/congress makes their decisions by the opinion of the
majority of the American people, then how was NAFTA/GATT put into
If the senate/congress is going to make their decision on public
polls, then let's ask the American people their opinion on
politician giving themselves raises, politicians taking gifts and
trips ....
#24 Mr. senator/congressman, if you are going to decide Clinton's
fate based on opinion polls instead of the law, then will you
agree to vote on all issues in agreement with the will of the
people taken in public polls ... or do public polls only take
precedence over the law when it comes to protecting criminals in
your political party?

#25 Mr. senator/congressman, is there any clause in the laws that
politicians are allowed to commit criminal acts with out
prosecution as long as they claim they are responsible for a good

#26 Mr. senator/congressman, by the standards of your own
morality, do you believe that corrupt politicians should be able
to commit criminal acts with out prosecution (as long as they are
responsible for a good economy)?

In all countries and in all organizations there will be criminals
and perverts. The decent people of those governments/organizations
have no blame in what the perverts do. The police force is not to
be blamed because there are corrupt cops nor is the Catholic
church to be blamed because child molesters have crept into their

The organization has no guilt UNTIL SUCH TIME THAT THEY
When the innocent of any organization/government begins to cover
up for the guilty, then the whole group enters into the corruption
of the criminals/perverts they are protecting.

The government of the United States is not corrupt because there
are corrupt politicians in it. The government of the United States
is corrupt because when criminal/immoral politicians are found the
rest of their political clicque enters into a scheme to cover their
immoral/criminal acts and protect them from the laws they impose
on the rest of us.

The shame of America to the world is not that any politician would
be impeached or imprisoned. The shame of America to themselves and
the world is that criminal/perverted politicians are protected by
our corrupt government.
Yes, America is a land of mob rule, but it is not the mob/people
who rules our nation. It is the mob bosses in our government which
rules by corruption and cover up of their own criminal partners.
What nation has honor, a nation in which corrupt politicians
circumvent the laws of the land and mock the oath they took to
uphold those laws ... or a nation in which politicians uphold the
laws they swore to serve?

#27 Does America have anything to be ashamed of because there are
corrupt politicians in our government (as there are in all
governments) or does America deserve shame because our government
is infested with corrupt politicians who cover up and protect
their criminal partners?
"This is not fair to the president"? What the party mob defines
as fair is one law for their criminal members and another law
for the American people.

#28 If there are non politicians convicted as criminals/felons for
doing the same things Clinton has done, then explain to us why
Bill Clinton is not a criminal/felon?
     Nov. 6, 1998 Date Line (tv news program)
It was reported that the reason why perjury is not always
prosecuted is because it is hard to prove. This is especially true
in cases about sex (with he says/she says)
a) When there is clear cut proof/a record to prove perjury beyond
a doubt people are charged with the crime.
b) A government employee (Barba Battalino) had oral sex with one
of her patients 3 times.
c) In court the woman lied under oath.
d) There was a record/proof (a phone tape) that she was lying
under oath.
e) For lying about sex under oath, the woman has become a felon,
she got a suspended prison sentence, she was found guilty of
obstruction of justice, she lost her government job and she is now
under house arrest for 6 months with an electronic monitor
strapped to her leg.

aa) There is a clear cut record that Clinton lied under oath (the
dress stain)
bb) The public employee Clinton used his government position to
get oral sex in a government office.
cc) Under oath Clinton lied.
dd) Clinton's sperm dna is the proof/record that he lied.
ee) What will be the sentence of this criminal?
* Impeachment
* Charged as a felon
* A prison sentence
* Charged with obstruction of justice
*  Lose his government job?
* An electronic monitor strapped to his leg
 and placed under house arrest?

The woman in this case was involved in oral SEX, and if oral SEX
is not SEX then how did the court convict this woman for denying
she had SEX under oath?

#29 As a representative of the American people ... as a
senator/congressman who took an oath to uphold the law, will you
allow a liar/felon/criminal to retain the office of the president
of the United States?
The only thing different in laws and morality is that politicians
force their "morality" on others by the threat of taking their
wealth, arrest, jail, death and/or other means of intimidation.

#30 Tell me Mr. congressman/senator, how you have the gall to
circumvent the laws of this nation in your protection of criminal
politicians. Tell me how it is that you support the destruction
and killing of helpless/innocent Iraqis and yet you protect the
White House CRIMINAL who is ready to send weapons of death to kill

Congressman/Senator's signature

Now I hear Clinton is not a felon because he has not been
People have lied in court and have not even been caught, does
that mean they are not perjurers?
The law books give definitions of the acts to make one a felon.
Robbery, perjury, rape or murder ... all are defined.

No where in those definitions is there one clause which states
one must be caught or tried to meet that specification.

All such crimes are defined by some one committing a specific
People have gotten away with bank robbery, does that mean
they are not a bank robber (by the definitions specified in
the law books)?
If someone is not caught in a murder or tried for it, does that mean
they are not a murderer?

By the definitions of the law books, Bill Clinton is a felon.
By the evidence, Clinton is a felon.
The fact that he has not nor will ever be tried for his criminal act
does not change the fact that he is a felon.
It only proves that those congressmen/senators have jumped in bed
with him.                    ***
                   Criminal Law vs Impeachment
Impeachment is the process to remove corrupt politicians from
Criminal law is the process where by citizens are imprisoned,
fined and/or killed for their transgressions of some law.

Many politicians and/or government workers have been found guilty
of breaking the law and have been fined and/or imprisoned.
Politicians and non politicians are all held accountable under
criminal law.
Right now there are a lot of doings about the process of
impeachment and yet I have heard Nothing about Clinton being
charged under the criminal statutes!

#1 If any regular citizen were found guilty of doing the same
things as Clinton, what penalty is written under criminal law?
#2 Other elected politicians have been tried and convicted under
criminal law. How is Clinton any better than any other politicians
or how is he better than any other citizen?
#3 Will Clinton be charged for his criminal acts or is he above
the laws other politicians and citizens have been fined and
imprisoned by?
#4 There is nothing in the law that states that an elected
politician can not be charged with a crime until they have served
their term ... IN FACT many politicians have been tried and
convicted of crimes while their term still existed.
Tell me why Clinton is better than any other elected politician
... Why wasn't Clinton charged with the criminal statues in the
very week that he was documented to be a perjurer?
The politicians keep on saying a president can not be charged of a
crime while he is in office? Well I cannot find it written in any
laws nor can those I have asked.
Show us where this is written Mr. Politician?
Shame/injustice of the American government does not exist because
there are some criminal politicians. The shame/injustice of the
American government exists because the corrupt government
officials protect their criminal partners.
#5 (In addition to the impeachment process to remove corrupt
politicians), why hasn't the court CHARGED Bill Clinton UNDER the
same CRIMINAL LAWS that apply to every other citizen?
Upload this file to the internet, treat it like a chain letter.

The fact that many politicians will refuse to answer the questions
is proof of they are part accessories in Clinton's cover up.

Refer to this list of questions as the Pinocchio report. Every
time you see any senator/congressman out in public ask him/her
have they/will they respond to the questions of the Pinocchio
report. (have a copy with you).
Mr politician Clinton crack licker, will you take a lie detector
test and answer the questions:
#1 Would you vote to impeach clinton if you did not belong to his
#2 Would you follow the law to impeach Clinton if you knew it
would not get in the way of your personal agenda to hold power?
                Of course you won't.
As for those who read this letter, I am not stupid enough to think
that anything I say will shame the politicians into honesty.
They are lying criminals and they know it. They also know there
ain't a damn thing the American people can do about it because the
only people who has the power to bring them to justice are other
scum bag politicians who are covering up for each other.
               Obstruction of Justice?
     First justice must be defined...
#1 Justice begins with the implementation of some law.
#2 After some law has been established, the next step is gathering
information on those accused of breaking these laws.
#3 The next process is to try those accused
#4 and if found guilty, it is the duty of law officers to dictate
the punishment prescribed by that law.

Impeachment is the law that deals with criminal politicians.
Congress/the senate are the law officers responsible for
implementing justice on this matter.

IF Clinton is guilty of crimes specified under the laws of
impeachment and congress/the senate does not apply the penalties
specified under the law, they have obstructed justice... They are
but criminals themselves.
                       High Crimes?
Under state laws, there are misdemeanors and felonies.
Felonies come in different degrees 1st, 2nd and 3rd.
Under state laws, the lowest crimes are misdemeanors and the
highest crime is a first degree felony.

Under federal crimes, there are only two categories, the low crime
of a misdemeanor and the high crime of a felony.
High crime as opposed to what? High crime as opposed to a low
crime. Under federal law, perjury is a high crime.
I heard some of the politicians say they were going to vote their
conscience? When they took their oath of office (a verbal contract)
they did not agree to "vote their conscience", they took an oath to
uphold the laws of the land.
The laws of the land stipulate that politicians committing high
crimes are to be impeached !
By protecting their fellow crooks, they make themselves accessories
to their crimes.
They are guilty of obstruction of justice and breech of contract !

Yes America is under mob rule and the two mob families are
the REPUBLICAN & DEMOCRAT CRIME FAMILIES. They are not criminals
because of what others do, they are a mob because they enter
into other's corruption by harboring and protecting criminals.

Tell me why draft dodgers are branded as criminals when our nation
is in battle, but other draft dodgers are allowed to call
themselves president?
Tell me why our military people risk their lives, die and/or live
through terror so a draft dodger politician can be photographed
giving "honor" to those who gave their lives?
                  SEPARATION IN CHURCH & STATE
If a teacher or student began talking about God or prayer on
public property, the ACLU would slap on a law suit before you
could blink. Tell me why Clinton can sit in the oval office (in
his official capacity) and talk about God and prayer when he gets
caught with his pants down?
Just before our last election, Clinton got on Air Force One and
went to a black church to campaign for his political clicque.
It must cost the tax payers thousands of dollars for police
protection when such a big politician comes to town... so tell me
(with all this "separation of church and state") how the state/tax
payers are forced to pay tens of thousands of dollars so
politicians can go to a church to combine the church in the
business of the government?
What happened to the "safety director" in Columbus Ohio who was
busted for drunk driving, hit skip and carrying a concealed
weapon? Where are other non politicians who were caught for the
very same crimes?
How is it that non politicians are put in jail and branded as
criminals for having crack, but when a politician in Washington
D.C. is caught with crack (he is not branded a criminal), he is
called a public servant?
After Heidi Fleiss was found running a prostitution ring, she was
branded a criminal who was sent to prison, but when a homosexual
prostitution ring is ran out of a politician's home, that
homosexual is not branded a criminal, he is called a senator of
the United States.
                   SEX WITH UNDER AGE CHILDREN
I have been watching the arrest and conviction of gobs of men for
having sex with underage kids on tv... but what happened to Jerry
Studs (a congressman of the United states) who had sex with an
under age male page?

         Maybe senator Kennedy will vote to impeach Clinton?
(Remember the black boxer who went to prison for rape just on the
word of a woman?)
Well, when one of Kennedy's nephews was accused of rape (with
physical evidence), the word of a woman is worthless against
politician's clicque.

When one of the Kennedys was busted for sex with an under age baby
sitter, why wasn't he convicted of rape?

If I remember "senator Kennedy" drove a woman off a bridge and
killed her... Gee, there wasn't even an autopsy?

Party mob bosses enacting the laws to prosecute their criminal
family members?  giggle, giggle.
Now what do you think would happen to any man who got Clinton's
daughter in a room alone, grabbed her by the crotch and pulled out
his ... for her to suck?
Mr. Reporter, the next time you get to interview Hillary Clinton ask
her what she would reccomend for any man who pulled his .... out
for her daughter to suck.
If this gets to someone who does not have to pay a long distance
call in DC, fax a copy to Henry Hyde 202-225-7682.
If your congressman or senator is a local call, ask for
their fax number and send them a copy.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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