Is There a Connection Between Magnetics and Human Behavior?...07/03/00
 by Mitch Battros  (ECTV)

 Articles such as the one below are starting to come forward. The first
 phase of most research is to identify the problem. That's exactly what the
 CNN article indicates. The next phase is to identify the cause.

 I wrote an article earlier this year which reflects upon the possible
 cause of the escalation in mood and personality disorders. I have used my
 understanding of acupuncture and magnetics to help explain. Perhaps we are
 witness to a type of magnetic flux that is indeed affecting our own
 personal magnetic field. Some would even suggest we will soon experience
 an acupuncture treatment on a world wide scale, perhaps in the way of an
 energy wave. Some have called it a Photon wave. This goes in my "grey box"
 but I am surely open to this idea.

 (MB) As a N.A.D.A. Certified Acupuncturist, I have some understanding of
 magnetics and the human (animal) grid. It has
 been known for thousands of years there is an energy that runs through all
 living things. The Chinese call this energy "Chi" or "Qi". The Japanese
 call it "Ki". The eastern Indians (India) call it "Prana". The Mayans call
 it "Gaia". And of course, Luke
 Skywalker calls it "The Force".

 It is when this energy is out of balance, that it manifest as illness
 (both physical and mental). The very basics of acupuncture
 is the study of the human gird or energy field, and its connection to our
 anatomy.  The largest part of an acupuncturist study,
 is defining and identifying the energy points which network through the
 human (animal) body. These energy points are known
 as "meridians". Meridians are a network of bio-magnetic grids (energy
 points) that run through all living things. When the life
 force energy i.e., "Chi, Ki, Prana, Gaia, The Force" is out of balance, it
 manifest as illness. What an acupuncturist will do is
 manipulate certain meridians, depending on the ailment, to bring balance
 back to the body/mind.

 I believe it is more than possible the current "magnetic shift", due to
 the suns solar cycle, has a direct affect on human
 (animal) behavior. Could this be the cause of hundreds of dolphins
 beaching themselves? Also the phenomenon of migrant
 birds flying in areas never before seen. Could it be true there is an
 epidemic of "mood and personality" disorders such as
 Depression, Anxiety, Phobias, Addictions? Is this a result of the earth's
 magnetic field shifting? Could this "magnetic shift" in
 addition to affecting our weather, also be affecting humans as well?

 Just as the Earth has its magnetic field, so do humans. It makes sense
 that what would certainly disrupt one, would disrupt the
 other. Are we indeed connected to the Earth (Universe) in ways current
 science cannot explain. Perhaps we will find the
 answers in our ancestors ancient text.

 Equation: Sunspots = Solar Flares = Magnetic Shift = Shifting Ocean and
 Jet Stream Currents = Severe Weather (and perhaps emotional disturbance?).


 More Americans Say They've Been On Verge Of Nervous Breakdown...07/03/00

 (CNN) WASHINGTON -- The proportion of Americans who say they've felt the
 threat of a nervous breakdown provoked
 by stress, depression and anxiety is on the rise, according to a study
 released Sunday.

 The study, by Indiana University researchers, found that in 1996, more
 than 26 percent of adults surveyed said they had felt an impending nervous
 breakdown, up from 19 percent in 1957. In addition, another 7 percent said
 they had experienced a mental health problem, a question not asked in the
 1957 survey.

 "Still," the study says, "it is unclear whether the number of nervous
 breakdowns has increased over the past 40 years, or whether the meaning of
 the term has changed so that the public's attitude toward psychological
 problems has become more accepting."

 The increase, most of which occurred in the last 20 years, could be caused
 by a combination of more people experiencing psychological problems and a
 lessening of the stigma associated with admitting to a nervous breakdown,
 said Ralph Swindle Jr., the study's lead author.

 "There's been a real change in both Americans' attitudes toward
 acknowledging mental health problems and in their willingness to talk to
 people about it," said Swindle.

 The survey questioned 1,444 American adults from March to May 1996 and has
 an error margin of plus or minus 3 percentage points. The findings are
 reported in the July issue of American Psychologist.

 Less serious than mental illness

 The study notes that its findings deal with a concept of the nervous
 breakdown that renders it a less serious condition than mental illness.

 "The way the general population uses the term 'nervous breakdown' is a
 mental collapse," said co-author Bernice Pescosolido. "They were talking
 about getting to a point in their lives where they couldn't carry on."

 Participants in the 1996 study saw a nervous breakdown as related to
 stress, depression and anxiety, which they considered much less serious
 than conditions such as schizophrenia.

 Those most likely to say they had anticipated a nervous breakdown were
 young, white single mothers with low incomes and no involvement with
 organized religion, the researchers said.

 As the percentage of Americans reporting a feeling of impending breakdown
 has increased over the last four decades, the cause of those feelings and
 the way they're dealt with has also changed.

 Contributing factors

 In the 1957 survey, most people said health problems had caused them to
 feel close to a breakdown. But in 1996, the most frequently cited causes
 were relationship problems, including divorce, separation and other
 marital strains.

 Demographic factors that consistently increased the likelihood of people
 feeling close to a nervous breakdown over the three study years were:
 Being white, being a woman, having no religion, having less family income,
 being younger, having children,
 and not being married.

 While 44 percent of people experiencing these feelings in 1957 sought
 medical help, only 18 percent did so in 1996. People instead turned to
 nonmedical health professionals such as psychologists, social workers and
 counselors. About 18 percent sought help from such sources in 1996
 compared to less than 1 percent in 1957.

 The proportion of people seeking help from friends and family has also
 increased, quadrupling to 28 percent in 1996.

 Policy implications

 The researchers note that for an estimated 162 million Americans covered
 under some form of managed care plan, primary care physicians often are
 the initial provider of mental health services for the kinds of problems
 associated with nervous breakdowns.

 "It seems somewhat ironic to us," they write, "that although the public
 appears more accepting of mental health services from nonmedical
 providers, they may have to access services through physicians, who they
 see as less appropriate sources of help for mental health problems."

 The authors also write that "a mental health policy emphasis that is
 prevention centered -- focused on building coping skills, fostering stress
 resilience, and strengthening ties with family and friends -- is in
 keeping with the present results."

 Mitch Battros
 Producer - Earth Changes TV

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