-Caveat Lector-

<cont'd from Part 1>

     These {NLT Weapons} included "Acoustic" (pulsed/attenuated
high-intensity sound, infrasound (very low frequency) and
Polysound (high volume, distracting) as well as High-power
microwaves (HPM) that possessed the capability of
"deters/incapacitates people...
     These and other classified weapons are being passed to
domestic law enforcement agencies as shown by the 1995 ONDCP
(Office of National Drug Control Policy) International Technology
Symposium "Counter-Drug Law Enforcement: Applied Technology for
Improved Operational Effectiveness" that outlined the "Transition
of advanced military technologies to the civil law enforcement
     There are some observers who fear that the burgeoning
narcotics industry is an ideal "cover" in which to "transit" Non
Lethal Technologies to domestic political tasks.  Whether this is
merely a misplaced "Orwellian" fear remains to be seen.  However,
organised crime is so globally "organised" that experts now
believe it is impossible to eradicate or even effectively
     The foregoing gives some necessary background to the origins
and timing surrounding the development
of anti-personnel electromagnetic weapons, and in particular
demonstrates that the USA have an intense and long established
interest in mind control and behaviour modification that spans
five decades.
      As we have seen, fragmentary information has surfaced for
brief spells, only to disappear, once more, from public scrutiny.

It remains to be said that a great many advances in the realm of
electromagnetic field technology and mind control techniques
have, apparently, been made during the sixties, seventies and
eighties.  In particular, veterans of the Vietnam war are still
coming forward with bizarre stories, which collectively (if
true?) point to a leap in knowledge that largely remains hidden
behind the thick curtain of security classification.28  Major
Edward Dames, formerly with the Pentagon's Defence Intelligence
Agency until 1992, was a long serving member of the highly
classified operation GRILL-FLAME, a programme that focused on
some of the more bizarre possibilities of intelligence gathering
and remote interrogation.  Known as "remote viewers" GRILL-FLAME
personnel possessed a marked psychic ability that was put to use
"penetrating" designated targets and gathering important
intelligence on significant figures.  The programme operated with
two teams; one working out of the top secret NSA facility at Fort
George Meade in Maryland, and the other at SRI.  Results are said
to have been exemplary.
      Following the Oliver North debacle the Secretary of Defense
officially terminated GRILL-FLAME fearing bad publicity were the
programme to  become known to the public.  The leading members of
the project - including Dames - immediately relocated to the
privately owned and newly formed Psi-Tech, and continue their
work to this day, operating under government contract.   In the
course of his work, Dames was (and remains) close to many the
leading figures and proponents Anti-Personnel Electromagnetic
Weapons especially those that operate in the neurological field.
During NBC's "The Other Side" programme, Dames stated that "The
US Government has an electronic device which could implant
thoughts in people."  He refused to comment further.  The
programme was broadcast during April of last year (1995).
      This over-view is merely a "fragmentary" glimpse of
programmes that have been, and continue to be blanketed under
tight security classification.
      Where information was available through FOIA filings, a
great deal of additional information (in fact the greatest bulk)
was purposely destroyed or otherwise lost.  However, this writer
considers that what is available is sufficient to draw the
conclusion that ongoing research, development and deployment of
EM weapon systems that impact on the biological functions of the
body, or more importantly, interfere with the human mind, are
cause for the greatest humanitarian concern.
      In an age where the threat of global warfare has diminished
as a result of the easing of tension between east and west, it
can be anticipated that some form of introspection will occur in
the developed western nations.  Societies that have been
generationally and economically honed for warfare do not, on the
whole, assume "for peace" production with such vigour and
ability. Why this is so, is not the subject of this paper.
Unable to so readily project the "shadow" outwards on to another
nation, the enemy without soon distils to become the enemy
within?29  In the United States30, for example, there is a
rapidly developing trend of co-operation between the military and
law enforcement agencies in LTL weaponry.  Whilst it is clear
that this is driven to some extent by budgetary considerations,
there remain legitimate concerns regarding the longer term effect
on democracy.
      The reality of an increasingly (and increasing number of)
impoverished lower class as a result of "swords to shears"
economics, is certain to result in growing civil unrest,
disobedience, strife, inner city turmoil and quite possibly much
worse31.  Rather that seeking to resolve the underlying causes of
these tensions, it is feared that governments will increasingly
resort to more durable measures to quell domestic dissent.
Western industrial nations are especially prone to these
developments for a variety of reasons32.
      Less Than Lethal Anti Personnel weapons33 are seen in some
influential quarters as being the ideal remedy for future
domestic disturbances of this magnitude34. The danger with such
possibilities is that western democracy may begin to fail, or
suffer such severe set-backs in its traditional democratic forms
that it will become increasingly repressive and oligarchic.35
Armed with innovative technological weapons that do not
necessarily kill,36 but which render disenfranchised segments of
society physically inactive, emotionally stupefied and incapable
of meaningful thought is a goal of those who favour a
"psycho-civilised society"   This is a frightening and all too
realistic scenario.  Whether by design or by default such an
outcome is nothing short of a dictatorship.
      This is the real fear for the future of some classes of Non
Lethal weapon developments and the use to which they have been,
or may be put to.
              ENDS    ADDENDUM 23 APRIL 1996  Following the
preparation of this paper and prior to its publication by Dr.
     Nick Begich in "Earthpulse Flashpoints," a small number of
factual errors and miscellaneous comments have been received and
are now included below for the sake of accuracy.
      1)  Footnote 35.  Naom Chomsky, in correspondence with this
writer, advises that: "...we don't really 'argue that democracy
has already been replaced.'  Rather, that its functioning depends
on an authentic free press, and that it exists only in part.
That there is a one-party state - in the sense that there are
only factions of 'the business party' is not our idea; C. Wright
Mills, among others, going way back." 2)  Chomsky also refers to
my caveat about the "Spotlight" article (see footnote 26)
concerning the comments ascribed to Dr. Horvath and observers
that "It's not the kind of comment that a Harvard physicist would
be likely to make."  It's such an glaring observation that I
wonder why I hadn't thought of it myself.  I still haven't heard
back from Dr. Horvath, if indeed such a person exists.  This
citation, therefore, needs to be taken with even greater care.
On the other hand, Dr. Steve Aftergood of the Federation of
American Scientists has now written to me advising: "Spotlight
is, to my mind, a thoroughly non-credible source (as you
suggest).  Without being able to verify the rest of the article,
however, the quotation ascribed to me was accurate." 3)  In a
lengthy telephone call, British researcher, Armen Victorian,
pointed out a number of relevant and interesting facts: A) Maj.
General Stubblebine is no longer with Psi-Tech - he was removed
in a  "palace coup" engineered, Armen says, by Major Ed. Dames
and Col. John Alexander.  B) In addition to his (DoD backed) Ad
Hoc advisory role on Non Lethality for NATO, Alexander has now
moved to head up multi-millionaire, R. Bigelow's, new Nevada
based National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS).  Bigelow
is recruiting "top draw" personnel to study fringe science
subjects including Remote Viewing, UFO's etc.  Jacques Vallee,
the renown French born UFO researcher is also part of the team.
Armen will have a more in-depth article on these matters
published in a forthcoming issue of Robin Ramsay's LOBSTER.
      4)  Project Monarch:  Martin Cannon has more recently
written stating that he believes this project to be fabricated.
      1 Interestingly, this capability is now confirmed in recent
press reports in regard to LTL weapons.
     2 For a fuller account of the Nazi experiments refer to
Resonance No 29 November 1995, published by the
Bioelectromagnetic Special Interest Group of American Mensa Ltd.,
and drawn from a series of articles published by the Napa
Sentinel, 1991 by Harry Martin and David Caul.
     3 In particular the publication of John Marks "The Search
for the Manchurian Candidate" (Penguin Books, London 1979) and
Walter Bowart's "Operation Mind Control" (Fontana Books, London
     4 Walter Bowart.
     5 See Delgado's "Physical Control of the Mind: Towards a
Psychocivilised Society", "Intracerebral Radio Stimulation in
Completely Free Patients" in Schiwitgebel & Schwitzgebel (eds.).
Speaking in 1966, Delgado asserted that his research "supported
the distasteful conclusion that motion, emotion and behaviour can
be directed by electrical forces and that humans can be
controlled like robots by push buttons."  (Think 32 July-August
      Delgado was funded by the Office of Naval Intelligence
(ONI).  It is believed he still works as a consultant for the US
     6 My italics.
     7 See "Mind Control and the American Government" by Martin
Cannon, LOBSTER 23.
     8 See "Neural Manipulation by Radar" by Armen Victorian,
LOBSTER 30, and also Time Magazine, July 1, 1974 "Mind Reading
Computer." 9Marks notes that the vast bulk of CIA key documents
were illegally destroyed, in 1973, at the order of the then DCI,
Richard Helms.  Other writers have noted the psychological
profile of Sirhan Beshara Sirhan noting a virtually impregnable
"amnesia"  which lasts to this day.  In 1968 Dr.
     George Eastabrooks (considered by some to be the grand-daddy
of hypnosis in warfare)  told a reporter at the Providence
Evening Bulletin that he had conducted extensive hypnosis work on
behalf of the CIA, FBI and  military intelligence.  He went on to
say that the key to creating an effective spy or assassin rests
in "creating a multiple personality, with the aid of hypnosis", a
technique which Eastabrooks considered as "child's play.  He went
on to suggest that "Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby could very
well have been performing through hypnosis."  Of interest in this
context was a book written by Lincoln Lawrence (a pseudonym), a
former FBI agent who revealed the existence of a 350 page CIA
document that outlined a technique termed RHIC-EDOM (Radio
Hypnosis Intra -Cerebral Control - Electronic Dissolution of
Memory.  Certainly many of the above cited CIA programmes were
dedicated to electronically inducing amnesia.  The case studies
of Dr. Ewen Cameron in this context remain the most notable and
the most chilling. ) 1010See his autobiography "The Scientist".
     11Anna Keeler in Full Disclosure 1989.
     12Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) report released under
FOIA.  Also see Anna Keeler.  Capt Paul E Tyler, MC, USN paper
entitled "The Electromagnetic Spectrum in Low Intensity Conflict"
(CADRE 1986) is also relevant in this connection.  Tyler's
observation are, understandably, shrouded in "maybes and what
ifs" but is non the less instructive when placed in context to
PANDORA and other projects.
     13 In an interview with John Marks.  CIA  veteran Miles
Copeland admitted to a journalist prior to his death that "The
congressional subcommittees which went into this sort of thing
got only the barest glimpse."    Likewise, hypnosis expert Milton
Kline, a veteran of covert experimentation in this field
confirmed in 1977,  that his work for the government continued.
     14 See A. J. Weberman's "The Story of Mankind Research
Unlimited, Inc." Covert Action Quarterly, issue 9, June 1980.
     15 Ibid.  Cited from  "leaked"  and/or "stolen" documents.
     16 Ibid.
     17Despite his apparently Democratic credentials President
Clinton is not a reformer in this regard.  In lock-step with all
previous administrations dating back to the 1930's, President
Clinton's administration is heavily composed of individuals who
are members of the CFR or the Trilateral Commission (or both).
There is some evidence to suggest that President Clinton had a
special and close connection to the Central Intelligence Agency
during his days as Governor of Arkansas.  Terry Reed, and ex CIA
agent has revealed that Clinton was an Agency "asset" during the
period he worked for the CIA.  This may not be as preposterous as
it appears in view of the "Starr Commission's" decision to
investigate this aspect of the President's past.
     1818In connection with "enhancing abilities of friendly
forces"  see numerous articles and expos_'s on Col. John B.
Alexander.  Alexander, a former Commander of Green Berets special
forces was a member of the US "Phoenix"  assassination programme
in Vietnam.  Until recently he was Director of Non lethal
programmes in Los Alamos National Laboratory, but has since
resigned following, it is believed, an undue amount of negative
press.  He remains NATO's adviser on NLD.  Alexander wrote a book
an article ( and later co-authored a book entitled The Warrior's
Edge) published in Military Review in which he outlined a number
of hitherto "fringe" subjects - including telepa thy - that
should be brought in to the battery of future weapons.  Alexander
is dedicated to the development of a super-human soldier with
enhanced abilities leading to an "invincible warrior."  In his
book he likens such a soldier to be a JEDI KNIGHT, from the film
Star Wars (Project Jedi).  He has powerful sponsors including
Vice President Al Gore.  Alexander is cited as being the grand
daddy of NLD.  He is known to be heavily engaged in mind control
and psychotronic projects.  See Armen Victorian "Psychic Warfare
and Non lethal Weapons." 19In this connection the work of Dr.
James Lin of Wayne State University should be noted.  Lin has
written a book entitled "Microwave Auditory Effects &
Applications" in which he states "The capability of communicating
directly with humans by pulsed microwaves is obviously not
limited to the field of therapeutic medicine." 20Refer to Dr.
Robert Becker who has stated "Such a device has obvious
applications in covert operations designed to drive a target
crazy with "voices" or deliver undetected instructions to a
programmed assassin."  In 1974 Dr J F Scapitz filed a plan to
explore the interaction  of radio signals and hypnosis.  He
stated that "In this investigation it will be shown that the
spoken word of the hypnotists may be conveyed by modulate
electromagnetic energy directly into the subconscious parts of
the human brain - i.e. without employing any technical devices
for receiving or transcoding the messages and without the person
exposed to such influence having a chance to control the
information input consciously."  Schapitz' work was funded by the
      Despite FOIA filings his work has never been made
available.  Also it is interesting to note the date of 1974,
which almost exactly mirror's the period when the USSR commenced
its own programme that resulted in "Acoustic Psycho-correction
technology." 21During October 1994 Dr. Ross Adey visited London
to address a conference on the health implications of EM fields.
At that time this writer was collaborating with a well known
documentary film maker to make a documentary on this subject.  I
approached the conference organisers, given a free invite and
assured that I would be permitted to speak with Dr. Adey
      Additionally I assured the organiser that any meeting would
be strictly confidential and off the record if Dr. Adey would
feel more comfortable with that.  In the event Dr. Adey declined
to meet with me and my complimentary invitation to attend the
conference was rescinded.  Dr. Adey said the subject was "too
technical?" to discuss.
     22Much similar effects have been reported, for instance, at
the Women's Peace camp at Seneca, in New York state.
     23Psychic phenomena studies were, in fact, part of
classified Pentagon programmes dating back over two decades.  Two
separate "teams" conducted advanced experiments.  One team
operated out of SRI and the other from the NSA's Fort George
Meade facility in Maryland.  During that time, Major General
Albert N. Stubblebine, Director of US Army Intelligence and
Security Command oversaw a programme dedicated to "remote
viewing" where operatives were tasked with, amongst other things,
tracking Soviet "Boomer" submarines.
      Stubblebine is presently Chairman of the Board of Directors
of PSI-TECH a private company specialising in remote viewing and
other activities.  Col.
     John Alexander is also on the board.  The company also
employs Major Edward Dames (ex DIA), Major David Moorhouse (ex
82nd Airborne), and Ron Blackburn (former microwave scientist and
specialist, Kirkland Air Force base)..
     PSI-TECH operate in the private sector and have received a
number of classified government contracts.  During the Gulf war
the company was approached by DoD with a request that the
company's remote viewers be tasked with tracking and locating
Iraq's Scud missiles.  Col Alexander and C.B.
     Scott Jones (who has previously worked for the US government
on mind control technology) both share an interest in
Unidentified Flying Objects.  The highly regarded New York Times
journalist Howard Blum revealed in his book "Out There"  that
there is, indeed, a DoD UFO working group within the DIA.
       I  mention this aspect only to demonstrate that the
military and intelligence community are not averse to
experimenting in and expending prodigious amounts of tax dollars
on some of the "weirder" areas of life.
      The remote viewing teams were disbanded following the
Oliver North fiasco by the Secretary of Defense who was concerned
at the potential bad publicity.
       Thereafter, Psi-Tech was formed and the work continues...

<footnotes omitted>

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