12 June 2000

Dr. Steven M. Greer announced today that the long-awaited process to
disclose definitive evidence and proof regarding extraterrestrial
UFOs and covert government projects related to the subject has been funded
and launched.

Disclosure News Programming (DNP), an investigative reporting news
organization, has been formed to spearhead and coordinate this
disclosure over the next year. Key features of the project include:

A prolonged, sustained and coordinated multimedia global release of
definitive evidence and the testimony of top secret witnesses about
extraterrestrial intelligence, secret and compartmented government
programs and advanced technologies related to energy and propulsion systems;

An integrated strategy which includes a multi-part investigative news
special, compendia books and transcripts of government witness
testimony, an Internet site dedicated to the disclosure evidence and on-going
executive briefings for government, military, scientific, congressional,
international, and corporate leaders;

A de facto international government disclosure by virtue of the large
numbers of military, intelligence, government, corporate, scientific and
government-related institute witnesses now ready to come forward during
this integrated and sustained program;

A news conference during which top-secret witnesses disclose the full
nature of their direct knowledge concerning the subject.

Currently, over 200 top-secret witnesses have been identified in the US,
Brazil, United Kingdom, Denmark, Germany, Norway, Belgium, Russia, Italy
and other countries. It is important to note that during briefings at the
Pentagon and with senior congressional leaders and Executive Branch
staff that this civilian effort to disclose this matter has been repeatedly
green-lighted and even encouraged.

Disclosure News Programming and its related strategies are supported by
a team of senior researchers and consultants with substantial expertise in
military affairs, international affairs, national security, science,
technology and related areas.

This international team working intensely on the disclosure process has
been recently joined by one of the most senior aerospace executives in
American history - a person who has specific knowledge since the 1970s of the
planned use of Ballistic Missile Defense (the Star Wars program) to target
extraterrestrial objects in space - even though there is no evidence of
any credible threat from these craft.

It has been determined that the combination of accelerating global
environmental degradation and the dangers associated with the
weaponization of space necessitates a near-term disclosure process. The risks
of doing nothing and the benefits to humanity resulting from disclosure make
it clear that such an effort - long overdue by most accounts - is now a
global imperative.

The public is invited to assist in this project by referring credible
government and corporate witnesses who have first-hand knowledge of
these covert programs, as well as other evidence and materials, to Disclosure
News Programming (DNP).

Contact: Disclosure News Programming (DNP)
Steven M. Greer, MD
540 456 8302 (Telephone)
540 456 8303 (Fax)
Exopolitics - Alternative News for ecology, consciousness &
Universe politics.  MIRROR SITES:
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Alfred Webre
Vancouver, BC

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