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From: Craig White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Subject:  EU Commission Proposes Accelerating Its Expansion Talks With Six Nations
Date: Wednesday, October 13, 1999 10:42 PM

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EU Commission Proposes Accelerating Its Expansion Talks With Six Nations
By James G. Neuger=20

EU Commission Urges Expansion of Enlargement Talks (Update2)
(Adds comments on Czech progress in 13th paragraph.)=20

Brussels, Oct. 13 (Bloomberg) -- Romano Prodi's new European
Commission proposed opening European Union membership talks with
six more mainly Eastern European countries, while ruling out a
quick extension of the bloc's common currency to the other side
of the former Iron Curtain.=20

The commission recommended that the EU upgrade Bulgaria,
Romania, Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia and Malta to the status of
full applicants. It declared Turkey a ``candidate country''
though put off negotiations until Turkey improves its human
rights record.=20

Prodi's recommendation challenges the EU's 15 governments to
push ahead with the expansion of the bloc, while refusing to set
entry deadlines. It also gives Eastern European governments
political cover to proceed with painful economic reforms such as
cuts in subsidies and the overhaul of the welfare system.
``For the first time since the fall of the Roman Empire, we
have the opportunity to unite Europe,'' said Prodi, a former
Italian prime minister. He called his expansion strategy ``bold
and imaginative while remaining practical and realistic.''=20

Eastern Europe's more advanced economies -- Poland, the
Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovenia, Estonia -- began negotiating
EU membership together with Cyprus last year. Prodi called for
decisions starting in 2002 on the eligible countries, suggesting
the first new members could join as early as 2003 or 2004.=20

The signal to start talks with the remaining six in 2000
would have to come from EU leaders at a summit in Helsinki in
December. The commission called for ``differentiated''
negotiations with each country proceeding at its own pace.=20

Level Playing Field
``It is important that our immediate neighbors have the same
chances as us,'' Estonian Economics Minister Mihkel Paernoja said
in Helsinki today. ``We feel quite uncomfortable that they have
not been included to date.''=20

The recommendations by Prodi's commission, in office for a
month, came with a number of strings attached. The new 11-nation
common currency, the euro, should remain off limits to the
Eastern states until well after they have joined, the commission

It could be ``highly damaging'' for countries still shaking
off the legacy of communism to lock their exchange rate forever
to the currency of the West's advanced economies, the commission

Poland, the largest of the EU's would-be Eastern members,
was singled out for criticism for its failure to modernize its
steel and farming industries. EU leaders are concerned that
Polish farmers would need extra subsidies, which already eat up
half of the bloc's 90 billion euro ($97 billion) central budget.
``We can say the bottle is half full or half empty,'' said
Andrzej Harasimowicz, information director at the Polish
committee on EU integration in Warsaw.=20

Czech Republic=20

In the Czech Republic, the commission's criticism of the
slow pace of reforms risks adding to the growing political
firestorm that could lead to the collapse of Prime Minister Milos
Zeman's government, analysts said.=20

The commission knocked the Czech government for dragging its
feet on legal changes in areas including health, labor, justice
and the environment. The report came as former Prime Minister
Vaclav Klaus' Civic Democratic Party, the main opposition party,
threatened to end the cooperation that brought a Social
Democratic-led minority government to power last year.=20

In addition, Bulgaria was told that negotiations are
contingent on a decision by the end of the year on ``acceptable''
dates for closing four unsafe nuclear reactors and on more
evidence of economic progress. Romania was ordered to overhaul
and pump more money into its child care institutions, and to take
more steps to stabilize the economy.=20

Collision Course=20

Strategic necessity has collided with economic realities in
the enlargement talks. While quick expansion is a favorite
subject of political speechmaking, shouldering the costs is
another matter.=20

The countries closest to the East -- Germany and Austria --
fear an influx of cheap migrant labor. The EU's poorer states --
Spain, Portugal and Greece -- fear that they will have to compete
with the East's lesser-developed economies for EU subsidies.=20

The bloc is also seeking to repair ties with Turkey, which
was left off the original list of candidates because of its
suppression of the Kurdish minority and longstanding territorial
disputes with Greece.=20

Ties have improved since the Kosovo war refocused the West's
attention on stability in southeastern Europe, followed by a
Turkish earthquake in August that killed more than 15,000. The EU
has since freed up financial aid for Turkey that Greece had held

[sourde: Bloomberg]

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<P><STRONG><FONT color=3D#333333 face=3Dsans-serif,arial =
size=3D+1><SPAN>EU Commission=20
Proposes Accelerating Its Expansion Talks With Six=20
Nations</SPAN></FONT></STRONG><FONT color=3D#333333 =
size=3D-1><SPAN><BR>By James G. Neuger</SPAN></FONT>=20
<P><FONT color=3D#333333 face=3Dsans-serif,arial size=3D-1><SPAN>EU =
Commission Urges=20
Expansion of Enlargement Talks (Update2)<BR>(Adds comments on Czech =
progress in=20
13th paragraph.)=20
<P>Brussels, Oct. 13 (Bloomberg) -- Romano Prodi's new =
proposed opening European Union membership talks with<BR>six more mainly =
European countries, while ruling out a<BR>quick extension of the bloc's =
currency to the other side<BR>of the former Iron Curtain.=20
<P>The commission recommended that the EU upgrade Bulgaria,<BR>Romania,=20
Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia and Malta to the status of<BR>full =
applicants. It=20
declared Turkey a ``candidate country''<BR>though put off negotiations =
Turkey improves its human<BR>rights record.=20
<P>Prodi's recommendation challenges the EU's 15 governments to<BR>push =
with the expansion of the bloc, while refusing to set<BR>entry =
deadlines. It=20
also gives Eastern European governments<BR>political cover to proceed =
painful economic reforms such as<BR>cuts in subsidies and the overhaul =
of the=20
welfare system.<BR>``For the first time since the fall of the Roman =
we<BR>have the opportunity to unite Europe,'' said Prodi, a =
prime minister. He called his expansion strategy ``bold<BR>and =
imaginative while=20
remaining practical and realistic.''=20
<P>Eastern Europe's more advanced economies -- Poland, the<BR>Czech =
Hungary, Slovenia, Estonia -- began negotiating<BR>EU membership =
together with=20
Cyprus last year. Prodi called for<BR>decisions starting in 2002 on the =
countries, suggesting<BR>the first new members could join as early as =
2003 or=20
<P>The signal to start talks with the remaining six in 2000<BR>would =
have to=20
come from EU leaders at a summit in Helsinki in<BR>December. The =
called for ``differentiated''<BR>negotiations with each country =
proceeding at=20
its own pace.=20
<P>Level Playing Field<BR>``It is important that our immediate neighbors =
the same<BR>chances as us,'' Estonian Economics Minister Mihkel Paernoja =

said<BR>in Helsinki today. ``We feel quite uncomfortable that they =
been included to date.''=20
<P>The recommendations by Prodi's commission, in office for a<BR>month, =
with a number of strings attached. The new 11-nation<BR>common currency, =
euro, should remain off limits to the<BR>Eastern states until well after =
have joined, the commission<BR>said.=20
<P>It could be ``highly damaging'' for countries still shaking<BR>off =
the legacy=20
of communism to lock their exchange rate forever<BR>to the currency of =
West's advanced economies, the commission<BR>said.=20
<P>Poland, the largest of the EU's would-be Eastern members,<BR>was =
singled out=20
for criticism for its failure to modernize its<BR>steel and farming =
EU leaders are concerned that<BR>Polish farmers would need extra =
which already eat up<BR>half of the bloc's 90 billion euro ($97 billion) =
budget.<BR>``We can say the bottle is half full or half empty,'' =
Harasimowicz, information director at the Polish<BR>committee on EU =
in Warsaw.=20
<P>Czech Republic=20
<P>In the Czech Republic, the commission's criticism of the<BR>slow pace =
reforms risks adding to the growing political<BR>firestorm that could =
lead to=20
the collapse of Prime Minister Milos<BR>Zeman's government, analysts =
<P>The commission knocked the Czech government for dragging its<BR>feet =
on legal=20
changes in areas including health, labor, justice<BR>and the =
environment. The=20
report came as former Prime Minister<BR>Vaclav Klaus' Civic Democratic =
the main opposition party,<BR>threatened to end the cooperation that =
brought a=20
Social<BR>Democratic-led minority government to power last year.=20
<P>In addition, Bulgaria was told that negotiations are<BR>contingent on =
decision by the end of the year on ``acceptable''<BR>dates for closing =
unsafe nuclear reactors and on more<BR>evidence of economic progress. =
was ordered to overhaul<BR>and pump more money into its child care =
and to take<BR>more steps to stabilize the economy.=20
<P>Collision Course=20
<P>Strategic necessity has collided with economic realities in<BR>the=20
enlargement talks. While quick expansion is a favorite<BR>subject of =
speechmaking, shouldering the costs is<BR>another matter.=20
<P>The countries closest to the East -- Germany and Austria --<BR>fear =
an influx=20
of cheap migrant labor. The EU's poorer states --<BR>Spain, Portugal and =
-- fear that they will have to compete<BR>with the East's =
economies for EU subsidies.=20
<P>The bloc is also seeking to repair ties with Turkey, which<BR>was =
left off=20
the original list of candidates because of its<BR>suppression of the =
minority and longstanding territorial<BR>disputes with Greece.=20
<P>Ties have improved since the Kosovo war refocused the =
West's<BR>attention on=20
stability in southeastern Europe, followed by a<BR>Turkish earthquake in =
that killed more than 15,000. The EU<BR>has since freed up financial aid =
Turkey that Greece had held<BR>up.</SPAN></FONT> </P>
<P><FONT color=3D#333333 face=3D"">[sourde:=20


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