-Caveat Lector-

 Canadian Coalition Against the Death Penalty - http://www.ccadp.org

 National Execution Alert -               October 2000


 Stacey Lawton (TX) page at http://members.xoom.com/ccadp/staceylawton.htm

 Execution set for October 4, 2000...7:00pm (EST)

 "I am an African-American I have dreadlocks in my hair, I am the only
 one on Texas death row who has them...I love to work out and to stay in
 shape, I love to read, write, sing and play basketball." (Stacey
 Lawton's website at www.ccadp.org)

 Stacey Lawton was 22 years-old  when he was charged with the 1992 murder
 of Dennis L. Price.

 A recent investigation by the Dallas Morning News found "that nearly 1
 in 4 condemned inmates has been represented at trial or on appeal by
 court-appointed attorneys who have been disciplined for professional
 misconduct at some point in their careers. Others have been represented by
 court-provided attorneys who dozed in trial, failed to investigate their
 case or put in minimal preparation." There are insufficient statewide
 standards and funding for lawyers handling death penalty cases which means
 that poor defendants who can't afford a private lawyer a more likely to
 get the death penalty.

 Stacey Lawton is one of many who did not receive adequate legal
 representation and therefore was prevented from having a fair chance at
 trial. In the direct appeal brief filed on Mr. Lawton's behalf to the
 Texas Court of Criminal Appeal, his lawyers gave contradictory
 statements. The court noted at several points "that appellants argument is
 poorly, if not inadequately, briefed."

 Stacey lost the appeal and is now scheduled to be executed October 4,

                              Please Contact:

                          Governor George W. Bush
                          Office of the Governor
                               PO Box 12428
                          Austin, TX  78711-2428

                         Board of Pardons & Parole
                            Attn: Gerald Garret
                      P.O. Box 13401, Capitol Station
                             Austin, TX  78711

                         Austin-American Statesman
                               P.O. Box 670
                             Austin, TX  78767
                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]

                          The Dallas Morning News
                            2726 South Beckley
                             Dallas, TX 75224
                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]

                           The Houston Chronicle
                               P.O. Box 4260
                            Houston, TX  77210
                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]

                           For More Information:

               Texas Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty
                      3400 Montrose Blvd., Suite 312
                             Houston, TX 77006
                           David Atwood-contact
                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 Bobby Lee Ramdass (VA)-B/?
 October 10, 2000...9:00pm

 "What do you think, am I going to see a light?" Bobby asked his lawyer,
 F. Nash Bilisoly, while having his last meal. They were sitting in the
 room adjacent to the one with the gurney for lethal injection, waiting
 to hear from the Supreme Court on August 17, 2000. Less than three hours
 before the slated execution the call came and a stay was granted.
 Now that a new execution date has been set for October 10th, Bobby and
 his lawyer, who fought the state at every turn, know what is coming
 next. They have been through most of it before.

 Bobby  was sentenced to death for the robbery and murder of a 7-Eleven
 store clerk. He was 19 years-old at the time of the crime, Sept. 2,
 1992.  Bilisoly argues that Bobby has been denied a fair trial because
 of errors which his original trial lawyer, Leonard Piotrowski, made.
 He failed for example to consult ballistics experts who might have been
 able to show that the gun went off accidentally and he advised his
 client not to take the stand.

 Furthermore, he did not object to a court-appointed psychologist who was
 biased. Bilisoly noted that "anybody with any resources would have
 gotten a counter-mental health expert" to explain the effects of Bobby's
 poverty-stricken childhood and the abuse he suffered by his mother's
 boyfriend "...but he didn't have any resources."

 In addition, Bobby's jury should have been told that if they would have
 imposed a life sentence instead of death he never would have been
 eligible for parole. The jury, when putting  this question to the judge
 was told that they "are not to concern themselves with what may happen
 afterwards." As Justice Stevens stated in his dissenting opinion when
 this issue came before court and was rejected 5 to 4: "...we know this
 jury would have recommended life instead of death if it had known that
 Ramdass was parole ineligible and we know the jury did not get a clear
 answer to its question. ...Why does the Court insist that the
 Constitution permits the wool to be pulled over their eyes?"

                              Please Contact:

                        Governor James Gilmore, III
                          Office of the Governor
                         State Capitol, 3rd Floor
                            Richmond, VA 23219
                           phone: (804) 786-2211
                            fax: (804) 371-6351

                           Virginia Parole Board
                       c/o Department of Corrections
                              P.O. Box 26963
                            Richmond, VA 23261
                           phone: (804) 674-3081
                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

                          Richmond Times-Dispatch
                              P.O. Box 85333
                            Richmond, VA 23293
                              (804) 649-6000
                            fax: (804) 775-8059
                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]

                            The Virginian-Pilot
                               P.O. Box 449
                             Norfolk, VA 23501
                           phone: (757) 446-2314
                            fax: (757) 446-2414

                           For More Information:

             Virginians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty
                               P.O. Box 4804
                         Charlottesville, VA 22938
                           phone: (804) 263-8148
                            fax: (804) 263-4431
                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Further Upcoming Execution Dates:

 November 1, 2000:        Jeffery Dillingham (TX)

 November 8, 2000:        Gary Etheridge (TX)

 November 9, 2000:        Miguel Flores (TX)

 November 15, 2000:      Tony Chambers (TX)

 December 5, 2000:        Gary Miller (TX)

 ____________________________ >>

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