-Caveat Lector-

[ http://www.cnn.com/2004/LAW/10/01/wtc.lawsuit.fbi/ ]

Not mentioned in the article below is that this guy worked
communications in the Egyptian army, and his father is a high-level
Egyptian diplomat. So add Egypt to your list of countries with
foreknowledge. <http://forum.total911.info/viewtopic.php?p=3#3>

>From CNN October 1, 2004:
A federal judge Thursday dismissed a civil rights lawsuit against an
FBI agent who administered a lie detector test to an Egyptian exchange
student detained in connection with the September 11 terrorist

Abdallah Higazy claimed that FBI Special Agent Michael Templeton
violated his civil rights by threatening him and his family during a
polygraph exam on December 27, 2001.

During that session, Higazy admitted possessing a hand-held pilot's
radio allegedly found in his hotel room across the street from the
World Trade Center. The radio, known as a transceiver, allows pilots
to communicate with other pilots in the air or with people on the

Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald issued a 57-page decision rejecting all of
Higazy's claims that his rights were violated, saying that Templeton's
actions were not "objectively unreasonable in light of clearly
established law."

In November 2002, after a Justice Department investigation, another
federal judge found no proof that Templeton coerced a confession from

A security guard told FBI agents he found the aviation radio inside a
locked safe in Higazy's room on the 51st floor of the Millennium
Hotel, across the street from where the twin towers stood.

Higazy... began a computer engineering graduate program at Polytechnic
University in Brooklyn September 4, 2001.

In other news, the dancing Israelis who were caught filming the
attacks filed their own civil-rights suit last month.


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