-Caveat Lector-


Code warriors
Simon Singh explores the fascinating history of secret communication
by Damon Smith
CRYPTOGRAPHY, by Simon Singh. Doubleday, 402 pages, $24.95.
Today corporations and civil libertarians routinely join forces in the US to
lobby for secure encryption software, much to the dismay of law enforcers and
the National Security Agency. Few parties would claim to understand the
technology and mathematical logic behind such programs, however. In The Code
Book, an admirably lucid account of the evolution of cryptography, Simon Singh
writes of the codes and ciphers that have been used to ensure privacy from the
ancient world to the computer age. As he did in his acclaimed book Fermat's
Enigma, Singh masterfully weds historiography and science writing, carefully
elucidating the often mind-boggling mechanics of encryption while spinning
tales of political intrigue and skullduggery, wartime bravery and great
mathematical ingenuity.

The Code Book is a highly entertaining guide to the world of enigmas and the
peaks of human cleverness, an overview of world history seen through the x-ray
goggles of a fun-loving scientist. "History is punctuated with codes," Singh
writes in his introduction. "They have decided the outcomes of battles and led
to the deaths of kings and queens." To reinforce this point, Singh recounts one
of the most famous episodes in British history: the 16th-century plot to
assassinate Queen Elizabeth. With the dramatic sense of an accomplished
novelist, Singh tells how the plan was foiled when a government minister
deciphered a letter sent by Mary Queen of Scots to her fellow Catholic
conspirators -- a revelation that resulted in her execution, marking a turning
point in the fate of Britain.

Singh uses this story primarily to illustrate the basic weakness of an
encryption technique known as monoalphabetic substitution, which prevailed
through the European Renaissance even though Arab scholars had learned long
before to break it using frequency analysis. He explains that it was eventually
replaced by the polyalphabetic Vigenère square, which protected military and
government dispatches for 250 years, until the eccentric genius Charles Babbage
(who developed a prototype for the first modern computer) discovered a method
for cracking it in the mid 19th century.

Throughout his book, Singh tantalizes the reader with fascinating stories of
how ciphers have played a role not only in historical events but in some of
Western civilization's best-kept secrets, such as the mysterious identity of
the Man in the Iron Mask, made famous by Alexandre Dumas. He also relates the
story of the Beale treasure, a $20 million fortune amassed in the Old West and
buried somewhere in Virginia, the directions to which are contained in a set of
encrypted papers that have thus far eluded the sharpest analytic minds, not to
mention professional treasure hunters. Part of the allure of these tales is
that Singh has a special talent for creating suspense, revealing just enough
information to engage one's imagination, but cloaking the essential details
until the last possible moment.

In addition to charting the development of encryption practices, one of Singh's
primary objectives is to show how the indefatigable efforts of cryptanalysts --
those who decipher coded messages -- have spurred important scientific
advancements. For instance, the invention of radio at the turn of the century
made it easier for government cryptanalysts to gather intelligence, as anyone
with an antenna could easily intercept enemy communications, but it also drove
the need for stronger encryption methods. This eventually resulted in the
"mechanisation of secrecy," the creation of machines to scramble messages
beyond the pen-wielding abilities of human beings, which has given rise to the
public-key cryptography widely used today by businesses and governments.
Another theme of The Code Book is the ongoing struggle between code makers and
code breakers, a dynamic Singh characterizes as "an intellectual arms race that
has had a dramatic impact on the course of history." Certainly this was the
case during the First and Second World Wars. Singh tells the story of Alan
Turing, a brilliant mathematician who devoted himself to the war effort at
Bletchley Park and helped to crack the Enigma code machines used by the Nazis.
Turing and his colleagues' breakthroughs prevented U-boat attacks and
ultimately shortened World War II, but because of the British intelligence
community's policy of maintaining secrecy for its operations, his important
work was never recognized.

Delicately approaching the subject of binary code (the language of computers)
in the final chapters, Singh manages to give a cogent explanation of how
software encryption developed from modular arithmetic, one-way functions, and
huge prime numbers without losing the careful balance between suspenseful
narrative and technical detail. And he presents the latest theories on how a
truly unbreakable code -- a far-out system based on the emission of polarized
photons -- may be at the doorstep of scientific knowledge.

The only criticism one might make of The Code Book is that Singh occasionally
coddles the reader, overexplaining fundamental ideas or rehashing problems he's
already elaborated fully. Still, that kind of repetition is reassuring to the
nontechnical reader. Peppering the text with graphs and diagrams, the former
BBC producer just wants to make sure anyone can follow along on his journey.
People with a general interest in world history, linguistics, or mathematics,
and especially crossword fanatics, will find this fascinating survey of secret
writing particularly hard to put down.

Damon Smith is a freelance writer living in Cambridge.

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