-Caveat Lector-

>From http://www.centrexnews.com/columnists/skousen/2002/0412.html



by Joel Skousen

April 12 2002
Copyright Joel M. Skousen

Partial Quotations with attribution permitted.
Cite source as Joel Skousen's World Affairs Brief

Notice of speaking engagements for Mr. Skousen:

1) FEE National Convention: May 3-5 in Las Vegas, Nevada. See http://www.fee.org/
for registration details. I will hold a special briefing for WAB subscribers who 
Hope to meet many of you there in person.

2) For those of you who weren't able to attend my Los Angeles area speech last
month, video tapes are available from the sponsors of the event: They are $20 post
paid. Send a check or MO (leave blank the Pay to Order of...line) and mail to Chief
David, 6771 Warner Ave. #2462, Huntington Beach, CA 92647


Global planners for a New World Order know that most citizens of Western
countries, even dumbed-down as they are by public education and dependence on
establishment media sources, would be highly resistant to a frontal assault against
national sovereignty, such as handing over direct legislative powers to the United
Nations General Assembly. So, that’s not the way planners are proceeding. Vesting
real legislative powers in the UN, binding upon all nations, will be the last step in 
globalization process. Globalists are currently paving the way for that step by first
building up regional governments such as the EU and the Free Trade Area of the
Americas (FTAA)--so that citizens become accustomed to relinquishing national
control over currency, trade, and environmental issues to a supranational
organization. But even as these move ahead, eager globalist planners are busy
implementing three non-elected structures of global governance that will effectively
destroy national sovereignty, even while Congressmen and members of Parliaments
wallow in the illusion that they still control their own destiny. I call these new
structures Trojan Horses, because each appears small in scope, hollow of authority,
and benign in intentions. But, the mandate of each has built-in language allowing for
infinite expansion of powers in response to the litany of man-made crises that will be
foisted upon the world in due course.

Who are the global leaders orchestrating this movement? All are members of one or
more of several overlapping secret organizations, such as the Trilateral Commission,
the Bilderbergers, the Aspen Institute, the Club of Rome, the Atlantic Alliance, the
Council on Foreign Relations, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, and the
Committee of 300, among others. One of the reasons there are multiple, overlapping
groups is to make it difficult to identify the top leaders, or trace the lines of 
authority. Meetings and activities for all of these groups have been picking up in pace
since the provocative terrorist events of Sept. 11. Despite the secrecy in which all
these groups meet, these are NOT, I emphasize, where the high level decisions are
made. These are all leadership meetings where old line globalist conspirators recruit
and influence other up and coming leaders. Globalist plans are announced and
strategy discussed. Disagreement is tolerated on issues of implementation but not on
the overall course planned. People who aren’t team players aren’t invited back.

The Trilateral Commission held a major conference this past week in Washington,
DC. There were about 150 international leaders in attendance including Vice
President Richard B. Cheney, Secretary of State Colin L. Powell, Secretary of
Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld, Federal Reserve Board Chairman Alan Greenspan,
former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, and former head of the US Federal
Reserve Board Paul Volcker (who has been recently called back to public service to
head a committee to work out a bailout for corrupt auditing firm Arthur Andersen and
Co.). According to the Washington Times, "The running line at this meeting is
definitely going, ‘What do we do now, and where do we go from here?’" quoting
Francois Sauzey, the Commission’s press officer. Major presentations on global
taxation and increased management of world trade are scheduled. The more
sensitive topics are never announced to the public. The Bilderbergers are also
meeting soon (May 30- June 2) at the Westfields Marriott, near Washington’s Dulles
Airport. As usual, they will occupy the entire hotel and security will be massive. If
these meetings are innocuous discussions of foreign policy, why the extreme
paranoia and highly effective attempts to control leaks?

Here are the three major objectives, which I believe are being discussed and
implemented as Trojan Horses. Note that for each of the three, the initial mandate
will not affect or disturb the affairs of the majority in any nation--a crucial tactic 
insiders have long since learned to employ to ensure public complacency.

1) GLOBAL TAXATION: This horse has not yet arrived, but it is coming. This topic
was the underlying objective of the Monterrey, Mexico conference on global debt
which just ended. The increasing crisis of poverty and debt in Latin American nations
is being used as the excuse to foment a call for global taxation. However, this
objective failed in Monterrey as it has in past conferences. Look for the Trilaterals,
Bilderbergers, and others to continue to make sure the World Bank plays hardball
with indebted nations in order to precipitate further crises. Once implemented, the
global tax levels will start out small and will be designed to only impact a few of the
wealthy (e.g.: a tax on international currency trades). Later, the tax rate will 
and will spread to other items of trade. Organizations such as the WTO, ostensibly
designed to control "free trade" worldwide, are strategically placed to act as
"transaction" tax collectors in this scheme.

2) UN MILITARY AND POLICE FORCES: No global government has any power until
it has police powers of enforcement. Globalists are even now working towards using
NATO as the eventual UN world police/military force. Like all aspects of the globalist
control scheme, the transition of NATO from a voluntary "peacekeeping" organization
to a global interventionist military machine is happening gradually. Americans
currently resist the notion of US troops serving under direct UN command as
"peacekeepers," but there is virtually no resistance toward having US troops serve in
similar roles under NATO. Currently, NATO is controlled by the US which contributes
most of the military forces. But, Americans will be surprised to learn that NATO has
always considered itself as an extension of the United Nations (though it acts
independently whenever the US demands--as in the Kosovo intervention). I predict
that the US will continue to help build NATO, under its leadership, while the
Europeans will tinker around with a small "EU rapid reaction force" (just to assuage
European pride and sensibilities). Then, in the next big war, when the US military will
be decimated by a pre-emptive nuclear strike by Russia and China, I foresee NATO
immediately transitioning into a full fledged UN army and absorbing the EU’s rapid
reaction forces--which are already fairly indistinguishable from NATO troops. Plans
are also proceeding in the Americas to build a regional unified military command
under NAFTA, mimicking the EU forces.

3) INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT (ICC):This Trojan Horse arrives at the
gates of every country in July of this year. The final four ratifications out of the 
necessary for the ICC to begin operations were received on April 11. The ICC now
claims jurisdiction over even those nations which failed to ratify--such as the US.
What I fear is that non- ratifying nations (whose leaders secretly favor the ICC
anyway) will slowly allow themselves to be "absorbed" into the ICC mechanism by
"voluntary" participation, supporting the prosecution of selected enemies already
before the court. Expect the special "war crimes" tribunal at the Hague to suddenly
merge with the ICC. There is no grass roots control over the selection of judges for
the ICC. Thus, we can be sure that no judges will be appointed to the World Court
who are not dedicated socialists (or worse) or who can not be relied upon to
condemn any person deemed to be an enemy of the NWO.

Gary T. Dempsey, foreign policy analyst at the CATO institute, framed the
controversial issues of the ICC succinctly: "Specifically, the court threatens to
diminish America's sovereignty, produce arbitrary and highly politicized ‘justice,’ and
grow into a jurisdictional leviathan. Already some supporters of the proposed court
want to give it the authority to prosecute drug trafficking as well as such vague
offenses as ‘serious threats to the environment’ and ‘committing outrages on
personal dignity.’ Even if such expansive authority is not given to the ICC initially, 
potential for jurisdictional creep is considerable and worrisome. Moreover, it appears
that many of the legal safeguards American citizens enjoy under the US Constitution
would be suspended if they were brought before the court. Endangered constitutional
protections include the prohibition against double jeopardy, the right to trial by an
impartial jury, and the right of the accused to confront the witnesses against him."

Dempsey continues, "The court theoretically would take action only when national
courts fail to fulfill their legal responsibilities. In fact, the preamble to the ICC 
statute states that the court ‘is intended to be complementary to national criminal
justice systems in cases where such trial procedures may not be available or may be
ineffective.’" Read his entire report at http://www.cato.org/pubs/pas/pa-311.html.
Presumably, however, any failure to prosecute someone the ICC is eyeing would be
viewed as "ineffective," opening up an entrance for the ICC to exercise its claim to
automatic extradition of any suspect it demands. Anyone who thinks this movement
is benign and not a serious blow to national sovereignty should wake up and

There is another crucial element necessary for fair ajudication of any case--the
power of the defendents to compel the testimony of witnesses for both the
prosecution and the defense. This constitutes the essential difference between the
new World Court and the Nurenburg Trials. At Nurenburg the allied forces had
control of all of conquered Europe and could secure the witnesses they needed. For
the ICC to effectively operate in fairness, it must have the power to enter any nation
and compel testimony not only for the prosecution but for the defense. It does not
have that power now, and it may be convenient (for their purposes) to keep it that
way. That is why Slobodan Milosevic’s goose is cooked. The Hague Tribunal will not
compel the testimony of Clinton, Kissinger, or the KLA commanders who have
personal knowledge of the conspiracy to falsify evidence in Kosovo of Serbian
atrocities. Even earlier, Clinton and his cronies had extensive dealings with Milosevic
and encouraged him to procede with using force to hold Yugoslavia together--and
now are allowing the Hague to prosecute him for use of force. It is a rigged game.
The ICC prosecution team will always be able to get the cooperation of globalist
leaders in every country to bring in witnesses against the accused, but will claim "no
authority" whenever defendants demand that witnesses from other countries be
subpoened in their behalf.

Americans are being feted with an anemic legislative red herring to make its citizens
feel safe from this new authoritarian threat. Republicans, still beating the drums of
support for the phony "war on terrorism," are focusing all opposition to the ICC on the
potential that some of our patriotic soldiers might be summoned before the World
Court on "war crimes" charges. Senator Jesse Helms (who has lost much of his old
sharpness after a major stroke) has teamed up with Senator Zell Miller to push for
legislation in Congress protecting our military from the jurisdiction of the Court. 
is a very weak tactic. In the first place, our soldiers might indeed unknowingly engage
in war crimes since they are taking orders from US or UN globalist leaders intent on
intervening improperly against other governments around the world. Those leaders
who send our soldiers to do illegal acts should be held responsible. The US
desperately needs to return to the constitutional restrictions on war making powers.
Furthermore, soldiers are not the only ones who need to worry about improper
attacks from the ICC. What about all the rest of us? Why not a blanket repudiation of
the ICC for all Americans? By limiting our legal reservations to our military personnel
or leaders, there is a tacit acceptance of the Court’s jurisdiction elsewhere in
America--that means over you and me.

Even Rep. Ron Paul’s improved legislation HR 4169 panders to the "protect our
soldiers" ploy in order to get support from Congress. It does contain a softly worded
sentence that exempts American citizens in general from the ICC--but it appears as
an afterthought. Soldiers are treated as if they are sacrosanct, which is improper.
Soldiers should always be held responsible for violating others’ rights--even when
just "following orders"--so they will be motivated to think, judge and demand
evidence of the justice of what they are being told to do. They do kill people and that
should never be done except in defense of fundamental rights. I realize that
complicates military command efficiency, but that is the only way to keep holocausts
and massacres from happening. The best way to make sure people don’t take life
except under truly justified circumstances to make everyone in the chain of
command (especially the highest leaders, who have access to the overall picture)
liable for their actions. None should have immunity simply for "following orders." The
ICC isn’t the proper venue for prosecuting these crimes, not only because of the
flaws mentioned, but because its promoters don’t have a clue about fairly defining
fundamental rights. Theirs is an agenda intent upon ruthless prosecution of all those
who fight against the NWO’s version of democratic tyranny, whether they be further
to the Left (Communists like Milosevic) or on the right (Christian conservatives and


Before addressing the question of terrorist access to red mercury fusion technology,
let’s review some of the basic differences between fusion and fission. Fusion is the
bringing together of two or more nuclei, to form one larger nucleus. No private
attempts to harness fusion in a powerful way have been successful, despite millions
in funding. On the other hand, fission, the splitting of atom, is a well established
technology that works. All existing nuclear weapons use fission technology. Fission
gives off much more radiation than fusion.

Red mercury, theoretically, allows for a fusion device to be built that rivals the 
of a small conventional nuclear fission bomb--but in a softball-sized package, making
it ideal for terrorists. According to Sam Cohen, one of the designers of the neutron
bomb, who was interviewed by J. R. Nyquist (www.jrnyquist.com), red mercury is "a
compound of tremendous energy density" probably manufactured under ultra high
pressure technology by which, Cohen theorizes, "You knock all these electrons out
so it's not the same atom. It pulls a lot more energy per gram than any other
explosive that I've ever heard of." However, there are no confirmed admissions or
leaks by any government official, or by scientists working in any of the government
labs, of a working red mercury fusion project, let alone a weapon. That doesn’t mean
there isn’t some "black" secret project going on to those ends, but I have no
confirmation from any reliable source. Because of the inherent difficulties with 
I am very skeptical of claims by Cohen and a few others that red mercury fusion
weapons exist, though I respect Cohen’s former scientific work. Nyquist asked
Cohen about Vreeland's statement that a two-megaton device could be made using
red mercury technology. Cohen said, "The answer is it's possible, but not
advisable...If you wanted to do damage, a dirty [fission] bomb is better." Cohen is
right. If terrorists want to make a big splash, they will build a "dirty" fission 
bomb, put
it aboard a ship, and sail it into one of America’s major harbors.

Cohen believes that Russia has red mercury technology, and maybe Iraq too. He
claims that US weapons inspectors have found evidence of red mercury transactions
between Iraq and Russia. I doubt Cohen’s claims for a couple of reasons. First of all,
this sort of intelligence information about such a critical military research endeavor 
Russia would be impossible to obtain without reliable defectors. I know of no Russian
defectors who have ever confirmed that Russia has red mercury technology--though
rumors abound about many "pie in the sky" technologies; I have no doubt the
Russians may be working on it. We have precious few intelligence agents working
inside Russia, thanks to the gutting of our intelligence services under Stansfield
Turner and other globalists who followed him as heads of the CIA. Russia knows we
now rely almost exclusively on electronic and space surveillance; and, therefore,
keeps all of its best military projects underground, away from the prying eyes of US
satellites and sensors.

Secondly, even if the Russians have succeeded in producing red mercury, they
would not be giving this dangerous technology away to the Iraqis (who can’t hold a
secret for long) unless the Russians themselves were maintaining direct control over
its use. One of the most prolific items of disinformation is that terrorists groups are
running around with weapons of mass destruction, compliments of the major powers.
Not so--at least not independently. The US, Russia and China keep tight control of
the "big" and powerful stuff--especially when they allow client states to act as their
surrogates. I doubt that Cohen has any reliable evidence or first-hand knowledge in
this regard. Cohen has been on the outside of the establishment nuclear community
since becoming a vociferous critic of the US government, so I don’t think he is getting
any crucial information from anyone still on the inside. He felt betrayed when the US
said they decided not to deploy his neutron bomb (which puts out copious amounts
of radiation while doing little physical damage--thus, killing troops but not 
or polluting the land, long-term). I think the US has actually lied about this issue,
though. Every other nuclear power has deployed neutron bombs. I’m sure the US
built them as well, but has simply hid them away rather that declare them to the
disarmament community.

Warning: I strongly suspect that the Bush administration will be looking for another
trigger event (a major terrorist act this year) to justify the planned offensive 
Saddam Hussein. As I have detailed in prior issues, there is evidence of US
foreknowledge and collusion in the events of 9/11 and thus, it is not unlikely that
another provocative terror event should follow suit. As I have continued to point out,
there is a strange anomaly present in America’s so-called "war on terrorism"- -there
have been no bona-fide Al Qaeda acts of terror in the US since 9/ 11, which does not
match the pattern of any known terrorist group in the world--especially a group
supposedly as large and well financed as Al Qaeda. Frankly, I’m suspicious of
everything the US claims about Al Qaeda. All the facts surrounding Al Qaeda,
including its existence, size, make-up and financing, come only from US intelligence
sources, who created this monster in the first place. How much of this information is
real versus manufactured to justify the current war, we may never know. One thing I
am sure of: terrorism in the US is a controlled phenomenon. Who’s pulling the strings
and why cannot yet be proven, though the clear benefactors of the 9/11 attacks have
been those in the US government eager to trample over Americans’ constitution
rights, as demonstrated in the radical passage of the egregiously misnamed US
Patriot Act.

Red mercury may be a disinformation tool used to prepare the public for some
explosive event coming in the future. Vreeland may have been used as a vehicle for
spreading this kind of disinformation. If I’m correct about the controlled nature of US
terrorism, the next attack will come as another high profile target, so most of my
readers living in towns or small to medium-sized cities don’t have to worry about
being victims of the attack itself. Those in major metros on the coast with open
harbors, like New York, Boston, San Francisco or Los Angeles, etc should make
contingency plans to get out of harm’s way. Of course, all Americans should be
highly concerned about the predictable loss of liberty and increased war expenditures
that will be generated in the wake of another attack.

Other Headlines from the newsletter:




» Archive of previous articles written by Joel M. Skousen

The full weekly edition of the World Affairs Brief is available for $24 per year.
Mr. Skousen's analysis is posted each Friday evening.
See www.joelskousen.com for details.

Copyright 2002 by Joel Skousen

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