
A-albionic Research Weekly Up-date of June 3, 2000

Subject: Estabrooks--Mind Control Criminal?

[Quote below from Probe Magazine, Vol 7, No. 4
May-June 2000 Pages 7-8 $5.00 CTKA, Citizens for
Truth About the Kennedy Assassination, PO Box
921688, Sylmar, CA. 91392-1688;

 . . .Other MC survivors who have gone public like
Blanche Chavoustie claim harassment from
unidentified perpetrators, indicating that managers of
clandestine MC research may still have enormous
resources to conduct surveillance and to cover up
what can only be described as a criminal abuse of
power.  The CIA said back in 1950 that "there are
definite limitations, especially since we are so
greatly handicapped by popular and official
prejudice against some of our methods."  Yet the
cold warriors went ahead anyway, paying leading
psychiatrists and psychologists to use unwitting
human beings without regard for their health or
future well-being.  If what Chavoustie and other
allegedly targeted individuals say is true, that MK-
ULTRA-like use of unwitting experimental subjects
has never really ended, the question has to be asked:
Why is this going on in the post-cold-war era?

 Psychiatrist Colin Ross believes he has found the
answer.  As he sought creative ways to help his
patients recover from childhood trauma and
dissociative identity disorder (DID), Ross discovered
a military secret he says is guarded as closely as the
atomic bomb.  He found evidence in the unclassified
papers of master hypnotist George Estabrooks that
the CIA and U.S. armed services have had offensive
operative Manchurian candidate program since the
late 1930s.  Estabrooks, head of the psychology
department at Colgate Unversity in Hamilton, New
York, had been a military consultant since the late
1930s.  In an October 7, 1940 letter to the Royal
Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), Estabrooks
offered to set up a "counter-espionage service based
on the use of hypnotism," where subjects would
engage in criminal acts with complete amnesia of
any wrongdoing.

 "I am quite convinced that I can have a  good
hypnotic subject enter your office and assassinate
you," he wrote, bragging how easy this would be,
provided "the experimenter did not suddenly find
himself in jail accused of high treason or attempted
murder."  He proposed a demonstration to
"deliberately set up a state of artifically induced dual
personality .. in a private room of any hospital  under
the guise of medical treatment." He assured the
RCMP that "we could show the extreme rapidity
with which hypnosis can be induced in a good
subject, his ignorance of ever having been
hypnotized, his inability to be hypnotized by anyone
else, and the extremely high grade cooperation which
a good hypnotic subject will give when handled by
an expert.

 In a retrospective on his career, Estabroooks wrote
in a 1971 Science Digest article, "One of the most
fascinating but dangerous applications of hypnosis is
its use in military intelligence.  This is a field with
which I am familiar through formulating guidelines
for the technique used by the U.S. in two world
wars." He then related how he hypnotized
intelligence officers to carry information to and from
Japan during World War II.

 The father of intentionally induced MPD,
Estabrooks heartlessly experimented with hypnosis
and drugs on orphaned children in two New York
State institutions."' Although she can't prove it,
Chavoustie suspects he was involved in experiments
in which she was a subject.  Her foot was implanted
while she was at Oswego, New York, not far from
his home base.  Estabrooks was deeply tied into U.S.
intelligence networks; he communicated regularly
with J. Edgar Hoover for three decades." Both
Estabrooks and Delgado were funded by the Office
of Naval Research at the same time.  Estabrooks also
mentored Martin Orne, handing him the torch taken
on when Morton Prince died.  Orne's paper on
"Anti-social Behavior and Hypnosis" is published in
a 1962 book edited by Estabrooks, _Hypnosis:
Current Problems_.  The younger hypnotist also cites
in his own writings, Estabrooks' 1943 textbook on
how to created Manchurian Candidates for military

Additions and Up-dates to Our Super-Catalog Since 1-
1-2000.  For ordering info e-mail: books@a-
albionic.com or http://a-albionic.com/merchform.html

Holy Blood/Holy Grail:  Do Ancient Parchments
Found in France Reveal the Startling Truth?  Their
Discovery has Led to "One of the More Controversial
Books of the 20th Century"  Is it Possible that Christ
Did not Die on the Cross?  Did Jesus Mary and Father
a Child?  Is It Possible That His Bloodline Still Exists?
Is this the Heart of the Mystery of the Holy Grail? by
Richard Leigh, Michael Baigent, and Henry Lincoln,
1982 Paperback, 489 pages, Order #11163 $7.50

Madoc and the Discovery of America:  Some New
Light on an Old Controversy by Richard Deacon,
1966 Hardcover, 269 pages, Order #14116 $28.00

Welshman the real discoverer of America?

The Conquest of Democracy by Erminie King
Wright, Pamphlet, 35 pages, Order #14340 $15.00

Education as the tool of Statist tyranny.

Freemasonry Condemned from Its Own Sources:
Freemasonry Versus Christianity and Phallic Worship
of Freemasonry Unveiled by Benjamin L. Cook,
Ph.D., 1991 Paperback, 93 pages, Order #11674

Edited by Dr. Jurjevich.

Secret Powers Behind Revolution:  Freemasonry and
Judaism by Vicomte Leon de Poncins, 1929
Paperback, 260 pages, Order #12620 $14.95

The conspiracy to overthrow civilization.

The Secrets of Masonic Mind Control:  Alchemical
Psychodrama & the Processing of Humanity by
Michael Hoffman II, 1989 Paperback, 52 pages,
Order #11179 $75.00

Controversial, incredible, but lucid explanation of the Masonic Magic
that allegedly controls our world in the interests of the Occult
Cryptocracy, Hermetic Academy, or Invisible College.  Also must
reading for those interested in Fortean concepts of world organism.
Was the Kennedy assassination and the purposely obvious cover-up a
classic psychodrama designed to transform the 20th Century mass mind
just as was the "Jack-the-Ripper" episode and obviously bungled
investigation designed to manipulate and poison the 19th Century mass

Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare by
Michael A. Hoffman II, 1992 Paperback, 115 pages,
Order #13085 $25.00

Expanded edition of Hoffman's 1989 hot seller:  Secrets of Masonic
Mind Control.

The Secret Doctrine of the Rosicrucians:  Illustrated
with the Secret Rosicrucian Symbols by Magnus
Incognito, 1918 PB Reprint, 0250 pages, Order
#10970 $28.95

The Great Beast:  The Life & Magick of Aleister
Crowley by John Symonds, 1971 Hardcover, 413
pages, Order #14342 $85.00

A biography of the infamous Satanist and "Sex Magick" practitioner,
Aleister Crowley

The Illuminatus Trilogy [In One Volume]:  The Eye
in the Pyramid  The Colden Apple  Leviathan by
Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson, 1975
Hardcover, 805 pages, Order #14345 $55.00

"The ultimate conspiracy book. . .hilariously raunchy. . .the biggest
sci-fi cult novel to come along since Dune." -- The Village Voice

The Unholy Alliance  Pamphlet, 32 pages, Order
#11185 $10.00

Henry Kissinger:  Soviet Agent by Frank Capell,
1992 Reprint of 1970's Bircher Classic Paperback,
120 pages, Order #12158 $28.00

This new release contains a preface by Lawrence Patterson, publisher
of the ivestment, conspiracy newsletter Criminal Politics linking
Kissinger to Zionism and the recent coup attempt in the Soviet Union.
Like the book, however, the preface neglects the obvious theory,
supported by Kissinger's own reported statements at meetings of the
Royal Institute for International Affairs, that Kissinger ultimate
loyalty is to neither Zionism or Soviet Communism, both of whom he
has played footsie, but to the Crown!  Important information though!

Rhodes Scholar Booklet by Chicago Tribune, 1950
Pamphlet,  Order #11125 $20.00

Defeat of the Spanish Armada by A. Close,
Paperback, 0000 pages, Order #11702 $25.00

England Expects Every American to Do His Duty by
Quincy Howe, 1937 Hardcover, 238 pages, Order
#14344 $30.00

Anglophobic classic warned America early about Britain's overweening
propagandistic, financial, and diplomatic influence in America that
would lead to additional sacrifices of blood and treasure to perserve the
faltering British Empire.

The Peabody Influence:  How A Great New England
Family Helped to Build America by Edwin P. Hoyt,
1968 Hardcover, 302 pages, Order #14346 $39.00

Little known Anglophile blue-blood Dynasty behind the founding of J.
P. Morgan, Britain's flagship in America.  Mentioned by Carroll
Quigley in Tragedy and Hope.

The Real Rulers of America by Helen P. Lasell, 1964
Pamphlet, 68 pages, Order #12914 $12.00

Anglophobic, "Christian" analysis of CFR, Bilderbergers, etc. in
Kennedy Administration before the assassination.

A Man Called Intrepid:  The Secret War -- The
Authentic Account of the Most Decisive Intelligence
Opertions of World War II -- And the Superspy Who
Controlled Them -- Sir William Stephenson by
William Stevenson, 1976 Paperback, 541 pages,
Order #11009 $12.00

Mystery Babylon:  A Present Day Reality--"To Seduce
If It Were Possible Even the Elect"--Mark 13:22 by
Don Bell, 1965 Paperback, 70 pages, Order #14341

Famous exposè of "British Israel" and "Identity" movements as covert,
underground support for the "conspiracy to rule the world".

Lost Israelite Identity:  The Hebrew Ancestry of Celtic
Races by Yair Davidy, 1996 Paperback, 448 pages,
Order #14333 $35.00

The United States and the British Empire Foretold in
the Bible by Harold Hemenway, 2000 Pamphlet, 82
pages, Order #14348 $12.00

Classic British-Israel Bible interpretation.

Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars:  An Introductory
Programming Manual - Top Secret Confidential  1979
Pamphlet, 56 pages, Order #11192 $12.00

This document attempts to masquerade as several chapters out of a top
secret National Security Council Operations Research Technical
However, its style and emphasis quickly gives it away as a
political-economic romance-satire in the tradition of Joly, the
Transcriber, and Colonel House.  However, its warning regarding the
subtle totalitarian potential of "operations research"
(social-economic mathematical modeling and manipulation) for
benefitting a covert elite at the expense of liberty, justice, and
prosperity is well taken.  Must reading!

Farewell America by James Hepburn, 1968 Spiral
Bnd, 418 pages, Order #11201 $35.00

Infamous book from a mysterious company in Liechtenstein which
claimed a right-wing, H. L. Hunt, Birchite conspiracy to kill JFK.  US
customs agents initially prevented this book's entry into the US.

Final Judgement--The Missing Link in the JFK
Assassination Conspiracy:  The Startling Truth About
the "French" Connection; Expanded 4th Edition 1998
by Michael Collins Piper, 1998 Qual PB, 594 pages,
Order #14343 $25.00

Controversial researcher builds his case against Israel and the Mossad.

Final Judgement: The Missing Link in the JFK
Assassination Conspiracy:  The Startling Truth About
the "French" Connection by Michael Collins Piper,
19981994 Paperback, 594 pages, Order #13690

The Israeli-Mossad connection to the Kennedy assassination!

Mind Control, Oswald & JFK:  Were We Controlled?
by Kenn Thomas and Lincoln Lawrence, 1997
Paperback, 193 pages, Order #14322 $16.00

Classic book on mind control and the Kennedy Assassination, Were We
Controlled reprinted with additional commentary by veteran conspiracy
author Kenn Thomas.

Idle Warriors:  What Was Lee Harvey Oswald Really
Like? by Kerry W. Thornley, 1991 Paperback, 0000
pages, Order #11470 $35.00

Presents author's Marine Corp experiences with Lee Harvey Oswald.
Written before the Kennedy Assassination in anticipation of Oswald's
defection to Russia!  Debunks Jim Garrison's theories of the
assassination.  Garrison thought Thornley was part of the plot!  Later,
Thornley began to agree...believing himself to be subject to CIA mind

The Struggle for World Power by George Knupffer,
Hardcover, 240 pages, Order #12027 $20.00

The author who was born in St. Petersburg explains how western
bankers brought communism to Russia.

Inside the Company:  CIA Diary by Philip Agee,
1975  , 0639 pages, Order #10256 $15.00

CIA played God in South America through Philip Agee who finally got
disgusted with his work in 1968, resigned, and began writing his
memoirs while living on scraps...hounded by CIA for many years
without ever being charged with a crime.

Gehlen:  Spy of the Century by E. H. Cookridge,
1971 Hardcover, 402 pages, Order #12089 $38.00

Secret Power:  New Zealand's Role in the
International Spy Network by Nicky Hager, 1996
Paperback, 299 pages, Order #14323 $34.95

New Zealand activists expose the super-secret Echelon system spying
on world communications.

The Code-Breakers: The First Comprehensive
History of Secret Communication:  from Ancient
Times to the Threshold of Outer Space by David
Kahn, 1967 Hardcover, 1164 pages, Order #14359

Betrayal:  Opened the Door to Russian Missiles in Red
Cuba by Luis V. Manrara, 1968 Paperback, 169
pages, Order #14351 $58.00

"Individuals in the State Department and Individuals in the New York
Times put Castro in power." -- Ambassador Robert C. Hill

The Pursuit of the Millennium:  Revolutionary
Millenarians and Mystical Anarchists of the Middle
Ages by Norman Cohn, 1961 Paperback, 412 pages,
Order #14320 $37.00

Revised and Expanded Edition

Votescam:  The Stealing of America--The Book That
Indicts Attorney General Janet Reno. . .A Shocking
Investigation by James and Kenneth Collier, 1996
Paperback, 394 pages, Order #13786 $20.00

Is voting in America now a fraud?  Does the elite fix the elections?

The Triumph of Conservatism:  A Reinterpretation of
American History by Gabriel Kolko, 1967 Paperback,
344 pages, Order #13722 $35.00

Left-wing historian proves that the "progressive era" was no such
thing, but was a veiled triumph of the "vested interests".  Excellent
account of the founding of the Federal Reserve System.

Toward a New World Order by Donald
MacAlvaney, 1990 Paperback, 374 pages, Order
#11886 $12.00

"the environmental crisis is the vehicle upon which the New Age
movement, the New World Order...plan to move the world to global
government before the close of the 1990's...

Paranoia within Reason:  A Casebook on Conspiracy
as Explanation--Cultural Studies for the End of the
Century by George E. Marcus, Editor, 1999
Paperback, 440 pages, Order #14327 $38.95

"A curiosity about paranoia at its most reasonable is at the root of this
volume. . ."  Great cover image of "capitalist conspiracy" in a men's
club rom Sergei Eisenstein's 1925 film:  Strike! (Stachka!).  Written
from the perspective of "modern" scholarship.

The Tax-Exempt Foundations by William H.
McIlhany II, 1980 Hardcover, 302 pages, Order
#13286 $65.00

Definitive work on the collectivist influence of the great foundations on
government policy.

Who's Who of the Elite:  Members of the
Bilderbergers, Council on Foreign Relations, amd
Trilateral Commission by Robert Gaylon Ross, Sr.,
1995 Deluxe Paperback, 243 pages, Order #14062

Treasure trove of information on the ruling class/conspiracy.

Time Bomb in the Middle East:  Countdown to
Armageddon by Lester Surall, 1991 Paperbacl, 118
pages, Order #14317 $20.00

Bible prophesy and Middle East politics up-dated and clarified.

50 Greatest Conspiracies of All Time:  History's
Biggest Mysteries, Coverups & Cabals by Jonathan
Vankin & John Whalen, 1995 Paperback, 393 pages,
Order #14347 $25.00

A History of the Protestant Reformation in England
and Ireland:  Revised with a Preface by Francis
Cardinal Gasquet by William Cobbett, 1827 PB
Reprint, 402 pages, Order #11105 $22.00

Pro-Catholic, anti-Protestant history of the Reformation

The Vatican and Its Role in World Affairs by
Charles Pichon, 1950 Hardcover, 382 pages, Order
#14357 $35.00

Pro-Catholic counter to anti-Catholic Avro Manhattan's Vatican in
World Politics!  Also, a good counter to Catholics who ignorantly
claim their Church is not a geopolitical force of the 1st order.
Imprimatur by Francis Cardinal Spellman, Archbishop of New York.

The Tragedy of Anti-Semitism by A. K. Chesterton
& Joseph Leftwich, 1948 Hardcover, 296 pages,
Order #14358 $78.00

Debate between Chesterton and Leftwich on reality of Jewish world
power, Zionism, etc.

The Zionist Factor by Ivor Benson, 1992 Paperback,
205 pages, Order #11111 $25.00

Have global politics superseded religion as the motivation for Jewish
unity and exclusiveness?

The Secret World Government:  or The Hidden
Hand--the Unrevealed in History--100 Historical
"Mysteries" Explained by Major General, Count
Cherep-Spiridovich, 1926 Paperback Reprint, 203
pages, Order #12632 $25.00

100 historical mysteries explained.

The Rise and Fall of the Jewish Gangster in
America:  Revised Edition by Albert Fried, 1993
Paperback, 351 pages, Order #14356 $22.00

Scholarly history of Jewish gangsters in America such as Meyer
Lansky, Dutch Schultz, Bugsey Siegel.=

Light-bearers of Darkness by Inquire Within (Miss
Stoddard), 1930 Paperback, 207 pages, Order
#12619 $100.00

Reprint of 1930 classic.  Defector from the Stella Matutina Temple in
London reveals the occult conspiracy for world domination and Occult

New Libertarian Manifesto by Samuel Edward
Konkin III, 1980 Paperback,  Order #13082 $20.00

"Agorist" theory of building an alternative libertarian society now
explained... "counter-economics" (underground economy), ignoring the
state, etc...

The 10th Victim:  A Bullseye View of Guns and
Lovers by Robert Sheckley, 1965 Paperback, 158
pages, Order #14142 $28.00

Prophetic 60's novel...predicted escalating murder rate?

The Secret Power of Music:  The Transformation of
Self and Society Through Musical Energy by David
Tame, 1984 Paperback, 304 pages, Order #12485

Does music rule the world?

The Swastika:  A History by Robert A. Weger, BA,
1991 Paperback, 42 pages, Order #12051 $14.95

Historical study of the Swastika as an occult symbol through the ages,
especially in Hindu culture.  Apparently, very unbiased and objective.

Cosmic Trigger:  Volume I--The Final Secret of the
Illuminati  by Robert Anton Wilson, 1977
Paperback, 269 pages, Order #12319 $12.00

The Illuminatus Trilogy by Robert Shea and Robert
Anton Wilson, 1979 Paperback, 832 pages, Order
#12150 $35.00

Occult, libertarian classic explores conspiracy theories on a not always
fully serious level!

Revisionist Viewpoints:  Essays in a Dissident
Historical Tradition by Dr. James J. Martin,
Paperback, 0248 pages, Order #10917 $15.00

Dean of American Revisionists on war crimes, American terror
bombing, Fascism, the draft, Ameircan love affair with Stalin, "defense"
Imperialism, etc.

House of Rockefeller:  How A Shoestring Was Run
Into 200 Billion Dollars in Two Generations by Morris
Bealle, 1959 Hardcover, 287 pages, Order #14336

Unbridled Power:  Inside the Secret Culture of the
IRS by Shelley L. Davis, 1997 Hardcover, 284
pages, Order #14350 $28.00

The Gods of Eden:  The Chilling Truth About
Extraterrestrial Infiltration -- And the Conspiracy to
Keep Humankind in Chains by William Bramley,
1193 Paperback, 505 pages, Order #13960 $15.00

Coup of the Aliens:  Coup for a New Order by Ernest
G. Takala, 1998 Pamphlet, 16 pages, Order #14332

Technology from Nazi Germany the basis of phoney UFO's and allied
plot for a New World Order tyranny.

Maury Island UFO:  The Crisman Conspiracy by
Kenn Thomas, 1999 Paperback, 287 pages, Order
#14324 $14.95

The original 1947 UFO sighting and the bizarre intervention of known
intelligence operative Fred Crisman, allegedly one of the Dallas tramps!

A Reformers' View of ANTICHRIST:  An
Examination of the Papacy as Seen by the Reformers
and Others Who Have Been "Worn Out" by Rome by
Ronald N. Cooke, 1999 Hardcover, 191 pages,
Order #14326 $18.95

World's leading living anti-Catholic Protestant theologian makes the
historical case for viewing the Pope as the anti-Christ.

Exc Vatican-Jesuit Global Conspiracy by Rev.
Cooke, Pamphlet,  Order #11178 $15.00

Excellent antidote to the one-sided exposès of the
Judeo-Masonic-Protestant anti-Vatican cabal.  Shows the extent to
which "right-wing" conspiracy researchers have become dupes of the

Power and Secret of the Jesuits:  Persecuted,
condemned, ridiculed by the best minds in Europe, yet
they built up the most powerful and important secret
society of all times.  The story of its development
unfolds the drama 400 years of world history. by Renè
Fulöp-Miller, 1930 Hardcover, 523 pages, Order
#11614 $85.00

Never Tire of Protesting:  The Story of IN FACT and
Other Revelations by George Seldes, 1968
Hardcover, 288 pages, Order #13840 $30.00

Reveals dinner meeting between Carroll Quigley's mentor, Jesuit Father
Edmund Walsh, and Joseph P. McCarthy on Page 182 in which the
anti-Communist Walsh who had also expressed anti-Semitic ideas in his
books along the lines of Catholics Coughlin and Fahey, recommend an
anti-Communist Crusade to the eager McCarthy.

Oddly enough Quigley confirms Seledes on page 931 of Tragedy and
"Until early 1950, Communism meant little to McCarthy.  He had been
elected to the Senate over the incumbent, LaFollette, in 1946, as a
result of Communist-controlled votes in the labor unions of Milwaukee.
As a Senator he collaborated in a joint Nazi and Communist plot to
injure the United States and its army by reversing the convictions of
German SS troops for atrocities committed on American prisoners of
war captured in the Battle of the Bulge.  But, by January 1950,
McCarthy was looking for an issue to be used for his reelection in
1952.  At a dinner with three men, two of them associates of mine (!!!),
in the Colony Restaurant in Washington DC (January 7, 1950) he asked
what issue he should use.  After several suggestions, he seized upon
Communism:  "That's it," he said, "The government is full of
Communists.  We can hammer away at them."

The Drug Story by Morris A. Bealle, 1949
Hardcover, 239 pages, Order #14335 $85.00

The Patent Medicine conspiracy against YOUR health!

The New Drug Story by Morris A. Bealle, 1958
Hardcover, 250 pages, Order #14353 $135.00

Up-date of Morris Bealle's famous exposè of the patent medicine

Your Life is Their Toy:  Merchants in Medicine by E.
M. Josephson, MD, 1941 Hardcover, 0000 pages,
Order #11554 $75.00

Rockefeller conspiracy behind AMA and other medical rackets.

The History of Monetary Crimes by Alexander del
Mar, Paperback, 106 pages, Order #11362 $12.00

Private institutions usurping State's power to issue money leads to
disaster throughout history.

Mormonism, Masonry, and Godhood:  Can Angels
Be Trusted by Dr. Cathy Burns, 1997 Paperback, 117
pages, Order #14334 $6.95

Occult, Masonic connections of Joseph Smith?

The Body Electric:  Electromagnetism and Life by
Robert O. Becker and Gary Selden, 1985 Paperback,
364 pages, Order #12210 $20.00

Invisible warfare?

Mass Control:  Engineering Human Consciousness by
Jim Keith, 1999 Paperback, 253 pages, Order
#14319 $16.95

Here stands the New Man.  His conception of reality is a dance of
electronic images fired into his forebrain, a gossamer construction of
his masters, designed so that he will not, under any circumstances,
perceive the actual.  His happiness is delivered to him through a tube or
an electronic connection.  His God lurks behind an electronic curtain;
when the curtain is pulled away we find the CIA sorcerer, the media
manipulator. . .

*  From the first stirrings of the psychological and technological control
of humanity at the turn of this century, to the creation of an education
system intended to dumb studens down rather than teach them

*  From the creation of the CIA and secret societies of the elite, to
mass drugging of the poplulation

*  From the use of subliminal persuasion, to the creation of cults of

*  Finally, to the invention of top secret mind control devices with
capabilities far beyond anything that the media has ever revealed to an
unsuspecting public

All of this and more is told in this thoroughly documented history of the
control of mankind!

There has never been a book which so carefully and thoroughly
exposes the secret plans to dominate world consciousness.

Jim Keith is one of the foremost writers and researchers on political
conspiracy in the world today.  His books include Black Helicopters
Over America, Mind Control and UFOs, Casebook on Alternative 3,
The Gemstone Files, Casebook on the Men in Black, and other classics
in the literature of conspiracy.

False Memory by Dean R. Koontz, 1999 Hardcover,
627 pages, Order #14338 $26.96

Excellent novel makes real for doubters the now operational
technology technology of hypnotic mind control.  Gun control and
other totalitarian government schemes are now promoted by bizarre
incidents facilitated by mind controlled zombies.

False Memory by Dean R. Koontz, 1999 Audio , 627
pages, Order #14339 $30.95

Excellent novel makes real for doubters the now operational
technology technology of hypnotic mind control.  Gun control and
other totalitarian government schemes are now promoted by bizarre
incidents facilitated by mind controlled zombies.

Who Will Tell the People:  The Betrayal of American
Democracy by Walter Greider,  Hardcover, 656
pages, Order #11805 $20.00

The Secret Empire:  How 25 Multinationals Rule the
World by Lowe, 1992 Hardcover, 248 pages, Order
#11834 $85.00

Trilateralism:  The Trilateral Commission and Elite
Planning for World Management by Holly Sklar,
1980 Paperback, 604 pages, Order #10389 $24.00

Reveals that Brzezinski recommended at the founding of the Trilateral
Commission the study of "Control Over Man's Development and
Behavior" and a task force to consider "the social-educational
implications of the availability, especially in advanced societies, of new
means of social control.

A Planned Deception:  The Staging of a New Age
"Messiah" by Constance E. Cumbey, 1985
Paperback, 271 pages, Order #14141 $30.00

by author of The Hidden Dangers fo the Rainbow

The Hanson Connection:  The book they don't want
you to read -- Sometimes Fact is Stranger Than Fiction
by Richard Deacon, 1997 Paperback, 140 pages,
Order #14355 $15.00

Serving up right-wing ideology to youth through fiction.

Clinton's Carnage of Congress, Constitution and
Country by Paul Edward Hadinger, 1999 Paperback,
361 pages, Order #14354 $20.00

Former Federal Agent with Top Secret clearance exposes plagues of
criminality and tryranny unleashed by the Clinton Administration.

Betrayal:  Opened the Door to Russian Missiles in Red
Cuba by Luis V. Manrara, 1968 Paperback, 169
pages, Order #14352 $58.00

"Individuals in the State Department and Individuals in the New York
Times put Castro in power." -- Ambassador Robert C. Hill

Why Waco?:  Cults and the Battle for Religious
Freedom in America by James D. Tabor and Eugene
V. Gallagher, 1995 Hardcover, 252 pages, Order
#14337 $38.00

"Balanced and Reasoned Analysis of the WACO tragedy."

The Federal Siege at Ruby Ridge:  In Our Own
Words by Randy and Sara Weaver, 1998 Paperback,
171 pages, Order #14330 $15.95

Randy and Sara Weaver tell the horrifying story of the Ruby Ridge
atrocity in their own words

Seed of Anarchy:  A Study of Campus Revolution by
Frederick Wilhelmsen, Editor, 1969 Paperback, 128
pages, Order #14349 $35.00

"Responsible" Conservatives respond to campus revolt to the 1960's:
Russell Kirk, Jeffrey Hart, John Meyer, Thomas Molnar, M. Stanton
Evans, Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn, Jane Bret, Michael Lawrence,
Ronald Reagan

Generals in Grey Suits:  The Full Story of the 24
Conspirators of the I.G. Farben Cartel by Josiah F.
Dubois, 1953 Hardcover, 374 pages, Order #12361

Blowback:  The First Full Account of America's
Recruitment of Nazis and Its Disasterous Effect on Our
Domestic and Foreign Policy by Christopher
Simpson, 1988 , 398 pages, Order #11966 $25.00

Did Nazis start the cold war?

Secrets and Lies:  The Anatomy of an
Anti-Environmental PR Campaign by Nicky Hager &
Bob Burton, 1999 Paperback, 288 pages, Order
#14325 $17.95

Exposè of a public relations propaganda campaign, conducted at the
behest of major corporations.

The Limits to Growth:  A Report for the Club of
Rome's Project on the Predicament of Mankind by
Dennis L. Meadow, Donella H. Meadows, 1972
Paperback, 205 pages, Order #14328 $25.00

The nortorious MIT computer simulation of the planet's "limits to
growth" bought and paid for by the Malthusain "Club of Rome."

Mankind at the Turning Point:  The Second Report to
the Club of Rome by Mihajlo Mesarovic and Eduard
Pestel, 1974 Hardcover, 210 pages, Order #14329

Follow-up to Limits of Growth which demanded an end to economic
growth demands an "integrated world system."

Buckley Family:  Wall Street Fabians in the
Conservative Movement  1976 Pamphlet, 30 pages,
Order #11183 $12.00

Hostage to Khomeini by Robert Dreyfuss, 1980
Paperback, 241 pages, Order #13422 $35.00

Famous LaRouchian exposè of the AngloAmerican conspiracy behind
the fall of Iran!

The Ugly Truth About Milton Friedman by Lyndon
H. LaRouche, Jr. and David Goldman, 1980
Paperback, 347 pages, Order #14321 $20.00

The Grand Chessboard:  American Primacy and Its
Geostrategic Imperatives by Zbigniew Brzezinski,
1997 Hardcover, 223 pages, Order #14314 $26.00

  Can we glean the New World Order's plan to use America as the
spearhead of world imperialism?

Out of Control:  Global Turmoil on the Eve of the 21st
Century by Zbigniew Brzezinski, 1993 Hardcover,
240 pages, Order #14318 $21.00

They Were White and They Were Slaves:  The
Untold History of the Enslavement of Whites in Early
America by Michael A. Hoffman II, 1991 Paperback,
137 pages, Order #11444 $9.95

Expanded edition of the author's challenging book.  In addition to the
obvious use to which this book is being put in pro-White circles to
counter Black claims for quotas and reparations, the question of the
conspiracy's real motives through Establishment History in suppressing
and minimizing white slavery through the ages and, in particular, in
colonial America, is very effectively raised.  Will the New World Order
be truly "multi-cultural" with the eventual amalgamation and
obliteration of the races or are Whites, and Colored too, being subtly
encouraged to view remain separate through a laughable false history
which depicts Whites as the only real slavers and Blacks and Native
Americans as the only real slaves in the interests of maintaining a
"divide and conquer" system?  This falsehood obviously intensifies
Black rage against the entire White Race instead of the tiny ruling class
(including Jews) which benefitted from slavery and continues to rule
the world.  Whites, on the other hand, are encouraged to believe the
false notion that they are and always have been a specially privileged
elite.  This leads them to unconsciously serve as the bodyguard of the
conspiracy against the assaults of enraged "minorities".  This system of
manipulation may continue to work even after Whites are no longer the
majority in America!***********************************
Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research (POB 20273,
Ferndale, MI 48220), a ruling class/conspiracy research resource for the
entire political-ideological spectrum.  On-Line Journal, book sales,
rare/out-of-print searches, New Paradigms Discussion List, Weekly Up-date
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