-Caveat Lector-

Is it just coincidence that the US is promoting terminator seeds so that
other countries will become dependent on American to keep their people fed?
 No wonder the Clinton administration is upset that Europe doesn't want to
play ball.  The game is rigged...


Tuesday June 29 12:29 PM ET

European Biotech Fear Seen As Key U.S. Trade Threat

By Julie Vorman

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Europe's fear of genetically modified foods and
agricultural products is the ``single greatest trade threat'' faced by
the United States, a senior Clinton administration official said

U.S. farmers are rapidly adopting bioengineered soybeans, corn, potatoes
and other crops designed to resist certain insects or to enhance yields
at a time when the European Union has tried to put the brakes on imports
of genetically modified foods.

``Almost 100 percent of our agricultural exports in the next five years
will be genetically modified or combined with bulk commodities that are
genetically modified,'' Stuart Eizenstat, the nominee for the
second-highest job at the U.S. Treasury Department, told the U.S. Senate
Finance committee.

The EU's fear of bioengineered foods and farm commodities is ``the
single greatest trade threat that we face,'' he said.

Some European consumer groups, wary after a series of scares over
tainted food in recent years, have called for a moratorium on
genetically modified foods until more is known about their long-term

But U.S. scientists, farm groups and regulators maintain that
genetically modified crops are safe and simply the latest step in
breeding plants to produce better food with fewer chemicals.

Earlier Tuesday, U.S. Agriculture Secretary Dan Glickman and French Farm
Minister Jean Glavany met in Paris and promised to try to resolve
biotechnology issues before the next round of world trade talks begins
in November.

European Union environmental ministers last week decided effectively to
delay approval of any genetically modified crops until 2002, when a new
law on licensing the products is in effect.

The action came one day after the Clinton administration said it might
launch a World Trade Organization action against the European Union for
approval delays that cost U.S. corn farmers some $200 million in annual
lost sales.

The United States encouraged the European Union to help bolster consumer
confidence by creating a food safety regulatory structure with rigorous
scientific standards and procedures modeled after the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration, Eizenstat said.

A top U.S. priority at the upcoming round of world trade talks will be
the elimination of export and internal subsidies for
agricultural products, he said.

Australia, New Zealand and developing countries with agricultural
exports are expected to join the United States in pressing the
European Union to phase out its subsidies, Eizenstat said.

Eizenstat made only a passing reference to a long-simmering dispute with
the European Union over imports of U.S.
hormone-treated beef, saying Washington hoped to resolve that trade
issue ``amicably.''

A WTO arbitrator was scheduled to decide next month whether the United
States could $202 million worth of retaliatory tariffs
on EU goods. Two WTO panels already have ruled that the EU's decade-long
ban on beef from cows raised with artificial
growth hormones violates international trading rules.

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