-Caveat Lector-

Experiments suggest trees disappointing sink for carbon dioxide

Copyright © 2001 Nando Media

By PETER N. SPOTTS, Associated Press

(May 24, 2001 11:14 p.m. EDT) - North Carolina pine stands are sending a
sobering message to governments as they prepare for a new round of
global climate talks in Bonn, Germany, in July.

The message: Don't count too heavily on forests to bail you out of reducing
greenhouse-gases emissions. This verdict comes via experiments in which
forest plots were subjected to sustained increases in carbon dioxide.

The news could alter computer models used to forecast how much heat-
trapping carbon gas can be "locked up" in tree trunks, leaves and soil. To
date, the models have predicted that until 2050, forests - particularly those
in the northern hemisphere - will soak up much of the CO2 that humans
pump into the air.

But after nearly eight years of experiments, Duke University researchers
are less optimistic. "Our results are clear. Forests will be a modest, if not
disappointing, sink for carbon dioxide," says William Schlesinger, a Duke
biogeochemist who led one of two teams reporting results yesterday in the
journal Nature.

The results come as the Bush administration is trying to craft an alternative
to the 1997 Kyoto protocols, which would commit industrial countries to cut
greenhouse-gas emissions by 2012 to levels 5 percent lower than those in
1990. Conflicts over how much credit countries should receive for their
forest "carbon sinks" scuttled efforts to agree on ground rules for the
protocols in talks last November.

In March, the President effectively rejected the treaty. It has also drawn
opposition in the U.S. Senate, which would have to ratify it. Earlier this
week, a senior administration official was quoted as saying he hopes to
have an alternative ready for Mr. Bush to take to Europe in June. Leaders
there have heaped scorn on the administration for backing away from the
Kyoto accord.

Scientists began the ongoing North Carolina experiments in 1993, with a
prototype plot to see how forests would react to CO2 levels projected to
exist by 2050.

By 1996, the experiment included three more stands of loblolly pine, with an
array of towers injecting C02 into the air overhead, plus three control
stands that received no extra carbon.

The trees initially responded to higher CO2 levels by producing 24 to 34
percent more wood than the control trees, but growth tapered off to
marginal increases after about three years. The limiting factor appeared to
be soil nutrients. When the researchers added nitrogen fertilizer to half the
trees in one CO2-rich ring, their growth accelerated compared to the
unfertilized trees. Trees not receiving extra CO2 also grew faster when
fertilized, but not as fast at the trees getting more fertilizer and more CO2.
Moreover, a drought in 1999 cut by 25 percent the amount of CO2

The notion that plant growth depends on moisture and soil nutrients, as well
as what's in the atmosphere, is something of a "no-duh" proposition, says
Ram Oren, leader of the Duke team measuring tree growth . "Even farmers
in Mesopotamia should have known that."

But these factors have not been adequately captured by computer

A team led by Dr. Schlesinger looked at how effectively forest soils would
lock up carbon dioxide. While they found that leaves and other forms of
forest litter built up more quickly in the CO2-rich sites, the gas also returned
quickly to the atmosphere - in about three years.


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