Republic of Texas Files For UNPO Membership
Posted Tuesday, July 18, 2000 at 1:58PM CDT by Vice President Daniel Miller:


This week the Republic of Texas filed for formal membership as a member of
Unrecognized Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO), headquartered in The
Netherlands.  If accepted, the Republic of Texas would enjoy international
recognition by as many as 55 countries, including three who are members of
the United Nations.

UNPO is an international organization created by nations and peoples around
world who are not represented in the world's principal international
such as the United Nations.

Founded in 1991, UNPO today consists of over 50 members and observer nations
peoples who represent over 100 million persons. UNPO offers an international
for occupied nations, indigenous peoples, minorities, and even oppressed
majorities who currently struggle to regain their lost countries, preserve
their cultural identities, protect their basic human and economic rights,
and safeguard the natural environment.

Some of the peoples and countries represented by the General Assembly of
UNPO are East Timor, Estonia, Tibet, and Taiwan.

"Events will move very quickly from this point," stated Secretary of State
the Republic of Texas Bernard Grover.  "We are moving forward with a
plan that will culminate in a national election of a Congress and the
of a new Constitution."

The office of Provisional Government President Archie Lowe is scheduling a
press conference to announce that Texas is taking her rightful place in the
world as an independent nation. "We have suffered for years under the
military occupation of the US federal government," said President Lowe. "We
are very much aware of the historic significance of this new development. We
pray that God Almighty will guide the hands and hearts of the Citizens of
Texas as they begin the awesome task of restoring self-government to their

The acceptance of the application by UNPO is a large step in the attempt to
gain additional international recognition for the Republic of Texas.  The
application will move to the Steering Committee of UNPO.  If it passes
there it will move to a final vote in the UNPO General Assembly.

The General Council of the Provisional Government will be meeting in San
on July 22nd at 10am at the Crockett Hotel.  One item on the agenda will be
formally accept the UNPO membership documents.  Updates will be posted
regularly to the government's website located at www.republic-of-texas.net.
Further information on UNPO can be obtained from www.unpo.org.  The public
and media are encouraged to contact the Provisional Government for general
questions or formal interviews.

Republic of Texas Information Line  -  (877) RTX-INFO  (877) 789-4636
President Archie Huel, Lowe  -  (903) 326-4684
Secretary of State Bernard Grover  -  (713) 984-2797

If you feel that you should not be receiving this message and/or
you would like to be removed from the "News" email notification
list, you may do so at http://www.republic-of-texas.net/news .
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