-Caveat Lector-

"We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant
facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies and competitive values. For
a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and
falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its
       President John F. Kennedy

------ Forwarded Message
> From: robert faust <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2002 19:07:33 -0400
> To: Recipient List Suppressed: ;
> Subject: 'Add me to your lists' Mr. Bush.
> Alan Morse: 'Add me to your lists'
> Posted on Monday, October 21 @ 09:48:54 EDT
> By Alan Morse, Common Dreams
> Add me to your lists Mr. Bush.
> Send my name to Mr. Ashcroft. Forward it to the FBI, the local police, the INS
> and the IRS.
> Make sure your Secret Service takes note.
> Copy my name to every blacklist, enemies list, security list, and watch list
> your scribes scribble.
> While you detain activists at airports, I am ashamed to travel unchallenged.
> While you abduct untold, unnamed foreign-born Americans, I am ashamed to sleep
> in my own bed.
> While you steal food, not just rights, from millions of families, I am ashamed
> to eat.
> I am ashamed to wear new clothes; ashamed to drive; ashamed to share
> ill-gotten wealth with your kind; even ashamed I can provide better for my
> little daughter than almost any father on earth.
> I am not a threat to you, but I stand with billions. God is not on my side­or
> yours­but the best traditions of freedom, right, and non-violent resistance
> are with me. I stand alongside the Senator your intern calls senile. I stand
> with the Congresswoman your operatives unseated in the primaries. I stand with
> the loud but lonely voices of those in print and broadcast media who are not
> afraid to challenge you. I stand with the growing number of principled
> government clerks who quietly undermine you. I stand with countless noble
> people across the world who are no longer cowed by bully-America.
> I am but one speck you can blow aside, but even your family and friends can¹t
> ignore legions of us. In your ignorance, you have wakened forces that will
> bring you down.
> You remind me of forgotten traditions: ancestors who fought non-violently for
> peace in eighteenth century Virginia; antecedents who broke nineteenth century
> laws to help slaves to freedom; parents¹ siblings who aided conscientious
> objectors during World War II; my own non-violent resistance to Vietnam, and
> more recently, to Reagan¹s adventures in Nicaragua.
> Your adept predecessors persuaded with honey and intelligence, but your
> ignorance now shakes us. For that, and for that alone, I thank you. Now we
> will resist and topple your kind.
> You have guns, bombs, but we have the power of non-violent resistance. Those
> who read know that firepower is laughable in the face of such force. Be
> afraid, Mr. Bush, and all who serve yourselves in backing this fragile regime,
> for you have germinated the seeds of your downfall.
> We do not threaten your person or your pathetic toys, but we will cast you on
> the trash-heap of history. You can lead only by our consent...that, you have
> squandered.
> Add me to your lists, Mr. Bush. I may be insignificant, but wait. I have time,
> history, and numbers on my side, and I am not the tiniest bit afraid of you.
> Alan Morse lives in Phillips, Maine. Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> © Copyrighted 1997-2002 www.commondreams.org
> Reprinted from Common Dreams:

------ End of Forwarded Message

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