-Caveat Lector-


-----Original Message-----
From: Craig M & Ronda K. Foster [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, September 03, 1999 2:54 PM
Subject: Re: [RKBA!] PARENTS! Remove your child from public
schools-Don't re-enroll in Fall.

From: "Craig M & Ronda K. Foster" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To All:
This Mom And Dad did check it out,  after sending 2 children through the
school system a few years back and finding out(mostly after the fact ) that
this and more is actually going on in the school systems We are now
are 2 younger children.  It is a wonderful and enjoyable experience,  I
spend anymore time teaching than I use to spend aiding with homework and
have to spend the time "UNteaching" the garbage they would have learned in
I can assist in links on Homeschooling and would gladly answer any questions
anyone has that is considering it.
 (altough I will be gone away from the computor a couple of days.)

Bard wrote:

> From: "Bard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Folks, Don't have your Children accuse you of not providing them with the
> best Education available.
> Our public schools breed violence, crime, and sexual dysfunction.
> Do what is best for your child and start the process of finding out about
> HomeSchooling
> by checking out some of these Sites:
> (have you checked with your child to see if the public school is doping
> child
> and/or forcing them to attend classes wherein alternative lifestyles are
> taught
> without your consent?)
> Do you feel you can't afford HomeSchooling?
> Get busy and search for a Site which will answer your concern.
> Provable Accusations against American Public Schools
> http://www.riverpup.com/brainwash/school2.html
> GO TO:
> rch
> for Links to Homeschooling.
> More Links to Homeschooling:
> http://search.yahoo.com/bin/search?p=homeschooling
> HomeSchool Association of California
> http://www.hsc.org/home.html
> "..both the NEA and the AFT promote policies that protect the jobs of
> incompetent or poor teachers at the expense of those who would improve the
> system."
> http://www.bretschundler.com/neapublicenemy.html
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andre Traversa [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, September 02, 1999 11:22 PM
> Subject: Re: [conservative] "Gay [homosexual] Awareness Film Sparks
> Debate" [1stGraders]
> From: Andre Traversa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Rhianwen,
> Many people in america are doing precisely that. Home-schooling has grown
> by leaps and bounds. To answer your question, I don't know how common this
> kind of endorement is in public schools here, since I don't think there
> are available stats on what goes on in every classroom, there's so mch
> that goes unreported, so much that parents don't know. Man parents don't
> even know what cirricula are being used in their classrooms, but this is
> gtheir own fault, and they should take the tme to find out.
> Andre
> On Thu, 2 Sep 1999, [iso-8859-1] Rhianwen wrote:
> > From: =?iso-8859-1?q?Rhianwen?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> >
> > As you guys may know, I don't live in the US, so I am
> > a little concerned. Is this endorsement of homosexual
> > ideals very common in schools there? 3rd grade seems a
> > little young to be talking about that sort of thing :(
> >
> > If this happened here, I would home school.
> >
> > Rhianwen
> > ===
> From: "Bard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Gay Awareness Film Sparks Debate
> By Martha Irvine
> Associated Press Writer
> Tuesday, August 31, 1999; 12:30 p.m. EDT
> CHICAGO (AP) -- Third-graders in New York are seen debating the idea of
> marriage. Eighth-graders in San Francisco are heard firing questions at a
> gay man and a lesbian who visit their classroom.
> Storytime for first- and second-graders at a school in Cambridge, Mass.,
> shown to include the book ``Asha's Mums'' about a little girl who has two
> lesbian mothers.
> All are excerpts from a controversial documentary, ``It's Elementary:
> Talking About Gay Issues in School,'' which first caused a stir when
> public television stations decided to air it this summer.
> Now it's being used by many school districts nationwide as a training tool
> for teachers -- unifying what some say is a growing move to incorporate
> and lesbian issues into school curriculums.
> Critics say talk about such issues belongs at home. But others argue it's
> matter of dealing with issues that students already see every day in
> newspapers, on television, in movies -- and maybe even in their own
> communities or classrooms.
> ``Both schools and families have to address the issue somehow because it's
> there -- and it's not going back into the closet,'' said Tony D'Augelli, a
> psychologist at Penn State's College of Health and Human Development.
> Chicago school officials -- who stress that ``It's Elementary'' will not
> shown to students -- said last week that the district's 589 principals
> view the film beginning in September and receive a copy for their schools
> Today, however, officials said they have revised that plan, saying
> principals will be told about the film during training sessions and can
> request a copy for their schools.
> A city official who helped get the film into the district and who will
> conduct the training sessions said the decision to provide the film was
> aimed at fostering tolerance and, in turn, preventing violence against gay
> and lesbian students.
> ``It's practical. It makes good sense. It's about safety for children. I
> don't think anybody, regardless of their religious background, can argue
> with that,'' said Mary Morten, Mayor Richard Daley's liaison on gay and
> lesbian issues.
> School officials in San Francisco, who also are using ``It's Elementary,''
> have gone as far as imposing a ban on anti-gay slurs.
> ``Go stand on a playground. I guarantee you that you will hear within
> minutes kids saying, 'Oh, that's so gay. What are you, a fag?''' said
> Gogin, who counsels kids at the San Francisco Unified School District.
> Moves to address gay issues in the classroom are not, however, without
> opponents, among them tough-talking radio talk show host Dr. Laura
> Schlessinger and several religious groups who have made ``It's
> a priority target.
> Patti Johnson, a member of the Colorado Board of Education who has spoken
> out against the use of the film in her state, said she agrees with having
> no-slur policy but said some teachers are going too far.
> ``I don't think you have to go into big, deep explanations, especially
> kids are little,'' Johnson said. ``It's kind of like when you want to stop
> 2-year-old from running into the street. They don't always understand
> or dying. But they understand a quick swat on the butt.''
> Filmmaker Debra Chasnoff, who directed and co-produced the film, said
> simply providing resources to teachers who already have to deal with such
> issues in the classroom.
> ``It just doesn't work to say, 'We're going to all be nice to one another.
> Don't use those words here.' I think you need to explain who those words
> hurtful to,'' she said.
> l
> Let freedom ring .......
> then the truth will prevail.
> Bless all you for keeping the Faith in your
> pursuit of exercising your personal-responsiblity
> to a better life.
> Regards,
> Bard
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