-Caveat Lector-


-----Original Message-----
From: Carolyn Hart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 1999 3:59 PM

Strange story--what 55-year-old President would write that many letters
to an eighth grade girl?  Gives one the creeps.


           Tuesday, July 6, 1999

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     Loyal young friend cherishes Clinton's personal letters to

     By MICHAEL QUINLAN, The Courier-Journal

     LEXINGTON, Ky. -- Meghan Johnson, 14, stood in the bright sun at
Blue Grass Airport
     yesterday morning next to local politicians and business leaders
waiting to greet President
     Clinton, who was making a stop on his way to Eastern Kentucky.

     Meghan, a soon-to-be-freshman at Madison Central High School, was
wearing a T-shirt that
     said, "First Pen Pal," and she held another T-shirt for Clinton.
Printed on the back were the
     words: "Meghan's Pen Pal."

     Meghan and the president have been exchanging letters since she met
him on the
     campaign trail in 1996, during a stop in Ashland. Since then,
Clinton has written the
     Richmond girl 35 letters.

     When Clinton walked off Air Force One, he gave Meghan a hug that
she would later call the
     "presidential gut squisher." Clinton then looked at his present and
burst out laughing, and
     he had one of his photographers snap a picture of him holding it

     Clinton chatted for three or four minutes with Meghan and her
parents, Keith and Mary
     Johnson of Richmond, before boarding a helicopter to fly to Jackson

     The blossoming of this unlikely friendship has meant a trip to the
Oval Office for Meghan and
     her family, and for a boy she knew who was dying of cancer. It has
led to gifts from Clinton.
     But what Meghan treasures most are the letters -- like the two-page
letter he wrote her two
     days before the House voted to impeach him, when he thanked her for
being a loyal friend.

     And lastly, the friendship involves one heck of a fish story. More
on that later.

     The first meeting came in Ashland during Clinton's railroad train
campaign swing. Meghan
     had seen Hillary Clinton at a Lexington bookstore earlier that
year. Her parents thought it
     would be a good experience for her to see the president, too, to
"give me something to talk
     about when I grow up."

     Meghan was at the rally holding a sign that said, "I'm a Kid for
Clinton," when Clinton
     pointed her out to a Secret Service agent and had her brought on
stage. Later, backstage,
     Meghan gave Clinton a letter she'd written him that included a $4

     Clinton wrote her a letter thanking her for the donation and her
letter. Meghan was so
     impressed that she named her new betta fish "Bill," in honor of the
president. Then she
     wrote a speech for her 4-H class about how she came to name her
fish after the president.

     She won a blue ribbon for the speech and wrote Clinton telling him
about it. He wrote her
     back and invited her and her parents to the Oval Office, where they
listened to him deliver
     one of his radio addresses and then "hung out with him for about 20
minutes," Meghan said.

     They kept up the letter-writing. Meghan would write Clinton about
her family and friends and
     her interest in playing the flute. She said that Clinton would
sometimes write about current
     events, but mainly it was about his interest in playing the
saxophone and other personal
     things that Meghan refuses to discuss.

     "We write about our love of music," Meghan said. "I told him that
when he's done being
     president that we need to make a CD together, with me on the flute
and him on the

     Meghan said that Clinton has confided in her and discussed personal
things, but she
     steadfastly refuses to discuss any of the details.

     "He has a wonderful sense of humor, I can say that," Meghan said.
"But I wouldn't feel right
     talking about the personal things."

     Meghan said that Clinton came through like a true friend when one
of Meghan's friends
     developed bone cancer in 1997. Meghan asked Clinton to write her
friend, and he did.
     Meghan's friend's cancer is now in remission. But there was another
child at the same
     hospital who was suffering greatly. Meghan wrote to Clinton about
the boy, and Clinton
     invited the boy and his family to the White House. The boy has
since died.

     "President Clinton has really been a friend to me," Meghan said.
"He's very thoughtful."

     Mary Johnson said her daughter was disappointed with Clinton over
his affair with Monica
     Lewinsky. But her loyalty never wavered, she said: "Meghan said
that she knew that he was
     a good person but that she'd learned that even good people do bad
things and make stupid

     It was during that scandal that a neighbor of the Johnsons lost
control of his car and drove it
     into their house, crashing into the wall outside Meghan's room. The
impact shattered
     Meghan's aquarium.

     "It was a hectic scene," Mary Johnson said. "We were on the carpet
trying to scoop up Bill
     before he died. We saved him."

     Meghan wrote Clinton about it and entitled her letter "Bill the
Comeback Fish." "She told the
     president, don't worry about the scandal," Mary Johnson said. "She
told him that Bill the
     Fish survived and so would he."

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