-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

Dave Hartley

-----Original Message-----
From: Catherine Austin Fitts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, February 20, 2000 7:15 PM
To: Dave Hartley

"I know that you believe what you are telling me is the truth but I cannot
believe it."
                 -U.S. Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter's reply to a
eyewitness's description of Auschwitz in 1943
"The more we do to you, the less you seem to believe we are doing it."
                       -Dr. Joseph Mengle, Nazi research doctor recruited by
the US intelligence community to help teach and promote
                        mind control programming of US children for covert
operations in the US.

"Omission is the most powerful form of lie."
                       -George Orwell

  If we can face it, God can fix it"
                       -Bishop Alfred Owens

About a year ago, I came to the conclusion that the addiction of the
American financial system to "cocaine capital" was so bad that it was
pointless to try to build a new investment business. Whether with campaign
fundraising or the kind of money laundering we are watching at everything
from a local mortgage banking business to Bank of New York, we have reached
a point where there is no way that a company in the investment business can
be competitive unless it plays ball with organized crime.
The Solari team's performance through the 1990's has satisfied me that with
the Solari Investment Model ethical businesses can produce a higher return
on investment than those financed with low cost "cocaine" capital in head to
head competition in the marketplace, if the rule of law prevails. Without
the rule of law, we have not found a way to overcome the additional risks
associated with domestic covert operations that will move to ensure that
successes would be reversed. So I decided last year that instead of building
Solari, I would reorganize my life and my location to try to understand how
I might develop a business that would help my family, my church family, my
friends and I deal with the risks we are all managing.
Today, I reached a crossroads, and I very much need your prayers.
Here are just some of the things that happened this week:
* A radio talk show host in Jackson Tennessee interviewed some kids from
Jackson High School. They estimated that 85% of the kids were using drugs. A
family member reported to me today that this resulted in disciplinary action
being taken against the kids by the school principal;
* The House Select Intelligence Committee held closed hearings on Volume II
of the CIA Inspector General's report regarding Gary Webb's Dark Alliance
allegations that the intelligence networks run by George H. W. Bush as Vice
President, including the arms-drugs transshipment operation at Mena Arkansas
overseen by Bill and Hillary Clinton, used cocaine to finance covert
operations, fueling the network of cocaine distribution in South Central LA
that branched out into the Mid-west and Southern  states, including
Tennessee, during the 1980's. Volume II was published on October 8, 1998,
one hour after Henry Hyde's Judiciary Committee voted to move forward with
the President's impeachment, and was critical to shutting down any serious
effort to impeach Bill Clinton. Congressional calls for open hearings (the
hearing and its transcript and testimony accessible to you and me) ceased
when Congresswoman Maxine Waters's district got a large HUD grant earlier
that year. The CIA's own admissions of drug dealing in their network, and
their Memorandum of Understanding with the Department of Justice freeing
them of any obligation to report drug dealing by their networks, are only
one of many confirmations and reports on the Bush-Clinton operation at Mena,
Arkansas during Iran Contra.
* Numerous Internet media reported that we have passed the two million mark
in # of people in American prisons. We now have 5% of the world population
and 25% of the world's prison population. Leading the way is Governor George
W. Bush who has overseen an almost 400% increase in the Texas prison
population as governor. This is the same George W. Bush who picked up the
kilo of cocaine from Barry Seal who brought it down from Mena to Miami as
part of the drug distribution operations he ran part of George H. W. Bush's
networks to finance the Contras  At the national level, the Clintons, with
the help of Gore and Cuomo's "reengineering government" initiatives have led
the mandatory sentencing, longer sentences and prison privatization, that
are the hallmark of attracting $1/2 trillion private capital into prison
construction, ownership and management. This is big business for
corporations and governments, especially with prisoners being shipped long
distances. I read this week in the Feb issue of Harpers Magazine that New
York state projects making $21MM from long distance call charges on
* Harper's Magazine (Feb edition) provided a long, detailed report on the
manipulation of government financing, contracts and public and private
endowments and pension funds to ensure the personal wealth of George W. Bush
and the Bush network. While the writer stated that nothing was legally
wrong, I disagree. Any reading of fiduciary law and principles that guides
the investment our tax money and our retirement savings will show that
criminal violations are rampant. Now that America is deeply in debt, the
invasion of our retirement savings by public officials to benefit special
interests is no laughing matter. While I have yet to see a detailed
description of what the Clinton's did with Arkansas pension funds and
endowments, the record of Hillary Clinton and her partners in the Rose law
firm during the period for Jackson Stephens, the Arkansas Development
Finance Agency, or in connection with the First American operation, can
certainly match the Bush's for lack of regard for principles of fiduciary
principles and the law.
* Progressive Review reported that the "Gang Violence and Juvenile Crime
Prevention Act" has made it onto the California March 2000 ballot. Supported
by the prison guard association and corporations in the prison industry or
who use cheap prison labor, the Act provides for much greater ease of
putting children in prison. When Solari estimated that the prison population
was going to reach 2.5-3.5MM people with a total of 15MM under the
jurisdiction of the criminal justice system, we were assuming current
policy, but not changes to the eligibility of children.  Also, our estimates
of costs (GAO reports $154,000 per person in 1996) did not include the
increases that will result from significant reduction in eligible ages.

* I was notified by my attorneys that the federal government is requiring
what I estimate will be up to $1million of additional highly duplicative
subpoena compliance work in what has been a four year investigation of me
and my companies to prevent our prototyping of community databanks, on line
access for communities and neighborhood REITS and stock corporations from
proceeding. My companies, my insurance company, my colleagues, my creditors
and I have now spent cash or lost equity of $100-250 MM in the process of
managing 19 audits, investigations, and inquiries as well as ongoing
physical harassment and surveillance. Meantime, the Clinton Administration
is proceeding with implementing many of our local data servicing business
ideas, but with prison labor in Unicor, the Department of Justice's private
operation which markets prison labor to the federal government and Secretary
Cuomo continues to withhold over $2MM owed to one of my companies for work
performed and used by HUD. Before we judge children who deal drugs too
harshly we should ask why the government, who is profiting from the drug
dealing according to the CIA Inspector General and a few other sources, is
spending $40 MM of taxpayers money (our estimate of the cost of this affair
to the government so far) in this instance to make sure on line jobs and
education are not available as an alternative.

* HUD enforcement tools backing up nationwide gentrification got a big boost
as A U.S. federal appeals court ruled that tenants in public housing can be
evicted for a household member's drug use, even if they did not know about
it. In a 2-1 decision on Monday, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals
upheld a 1988 federal law that allows local housing authorities to apply the
Department of Housing and Urban Development's "one-strike" policy. The
closely watched case was the first challenge to the 1991 policy, which
applies to more than 3 million low-income tenants nationwide, to reach the
appellate court level. So a mother who is innocent and without knowledge of
a child's drug use, can lose her home while HUD continues to issue non
recourse debt to developers in her neighborhood who are free to get debt
forgiveness when they default. Meantime, Congress is readying changes to the
bankruptcy code to make sure that consumers can not avoid paying off credit
card debt even in bankruptcy.

* When I arrived in Tennessee last Sunday, my phone line was dead. It was
finally repaired late Wednesday. It turned out the wire connecting my line
at the box down the road had gotten somehow "disconnected". I am concerned
that this not be an indication that the harassment I left Washington to
avoid may follow me here.

* My cousin Will Louise Hanna died. Along with the sun rising and setting
each day, this was one of the few natural events in my week and surely the
most important and the saddest one. My cousin Jane says "nothing that is not
decent lasts." Will Louise was a powerful force for decency in our lives.

* I heard no mention of any of these events in any national media. This was
not a surprise. Late last year a showing of Mike McNulty's new video on Waco
disclosed to 170 reporters and 200 administration officials in Washington
that we had authorized the planned and intentional killing of the residents
at Waco in 1993 and had then lied about it. Film clips showed military
snipers machine gunning people as they tried to flee the burning building.
Former CIA and FBI officials provided corroborating testimony on camera. No
mention of the video or the new information has yet to surface in the
national media to my knowledge.

* I heard no mention of these events or their absence from any national
media in church in Jackson, Tennessee today on Sunday.

* At Gigi's for breakfast after church, I lost my temper . I believe that my
family and friends, and certainly their children and grandchildren, are in
very real danger and that silence is a pathway that no longer leads to
personal safety. My sense is that many of us believe that so long as we mind
our own business, people like us will be safe. For some reason, I can not
seem to communicate why we have to get off the Titanic and start building
arks now. For the first time, I am beginning to realize that perhaps God
wants me to help those who are willing to face what is happening.

The most precious thing that each one of us has is our time, our health and
our attention. I want to use mine to make sure that I and the people I love
are safe. After more than a year, I do not see a pathway to do that.  In too
many of the places where I am, the truth of what is happening is an
unspeakable topic, not fit for polite conversation. Or it is boring.
Depressing. As long as we can not face it, God can not fix it. I do not see
a pathway to make myself or just a few of us safe alone. Genocide is not a
profitable business long run. Ultimately, it eats its way around the circle
until it reaches us all...or our kids or our grandkids. If you look at how
the money works in America, my family and I are profitable targets---our
retirements savings and pension plans are plums being plucked, and plucked
again if the deficit problems continues and the stock market does not keep
going up.
I need you to pray for me. Please pray that I and my colleagues at Solari
understand what God wants us to do and that we will have the faith and the
courage to do it. Please pray that we can find a way to invest our time in
moving forward to do something useful..... pray the government ceases from
breaking the law and decides to honor its debts by paying us the money we
are owed for work delivered and used. Please say a prayer for the people,
for all of us. Please pray that we hear what God wants us to do.

Stressed and blessed,

Catherine Austin Fitts
Solari, Inc.

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