-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

Dave Hartley

-----Original Message-----
From: jean hudon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2000 4:45 AM
To: undisclosed-recipients: ;
Subject: Food Safety Files 6: 87th Day of Hunger Strike: Robert Cohen on
GE, Biotech &rBGH + Monsanto = Pharmacia .. Corporate Death to
Pharma-c.i.a. + WhyWill Coke fire 6,000 employees? + The GMO
Swindling... "mega-deception,mega-hype and mega-corruption" + On Ja

Hello everyone

In my continuing Food Safety Files Series, this one really emerges as the
most revealing compilation about the Monsanto Hydra's multifarious schemes
to reap profits at the expense of everyone's health and of an horrendous
chemical and biological pollution of the Earth's environment. And the
people and NGOs featured in this email are the Davids fighting at the front
line to defeat this corporate Goliath.

And with everyone's help, they will succeed!

Jean Hudon
Earth Rainbow Network Coordinator

Date: Tue, 1 Feb 2000
Subject: 87th Day of Hunger Strike: Robert Cohen on GE, Biotech & rBGH

Today is the 87th day of my hunger strike.

This summer, will the corn "be as high as an elephant's eye?" Human genes
have been inserted into pig's cells and fish genes into tomatoes.  Will
corn stalks resemble elephant tusks, or is biotechnology just an ivory

Biotechnology and genetic engineering are here to save the world from
hunger, or so Monsanto and FDA continue to tell us. That promise is a
cleverly marketed lie.  The new seeds produced by Monsanto actually contain
the seeds for the farmer's destruction.

Many thousands of dairy farms will cease to exist in 2000 because there is
an enormous surplus of milk. Surplus milk means lower prices.  Lower prices
spell disaster for dairy producers.

Last year, dairymen were getting over $17 for every hundred pounds of milk
they produced.  Did they really need more milk?  Use of Monsanto's
genetically engineered bovine growth hormone increases a cow's milk by up
to 25%.

The most recent price farmers received for 100 pounds of milk was under
$10, and that spells bankruptcy.

Last summer, American corn prices averaged $1.94 a bushel. It costs a
farmer over $3 a bushel to produce that corn. Forty percent of America's
crop was grown with Monsanto's genetically engineered seeds.  Did America
need more corn? Are the world's hungry people benefitting from the surplus?
Last year, corn farmers drew 40 percent or more of their income from
government subsidies or emergency aid.  Two billion bushels of corn are
currently being held in warehouses, stocked as surplus.

Emerging world markets will seriously threaten farmers, as inventory
increases and prices drop.  Asia has been America's number one foreign
export market, but, the Chinese will export 5 million metric tons of corn
this year, and their freight costs will allow them to do it cheaper and
quicker than American producers can. Europe has shown the United States
that they want no part of our  genetically engineered milk, cheese, meat,
corn, or soybeans.

Don't we get it yet?  How many farmers will sell their stock this year and
close their barn doors, long after it is too late for them to discover the
effects of Monsanto's new world?

Robert Cohen http://www.hungerstrike.com

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From: "Dave" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:  Monsanto = Pharmacia .. Corporate Death to Pharma-c.i.a.
Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000

Pharmacia, that is: Pharma-C.I.A. is the new name for the well known
purveyors of death previously known as Monsanto. Let us all keep the
momentum against Monsanto in place, and not fall for the simple expediency
of their name change - Pharma-cia = Monsanto. Pharmacia (= Monsanto) has
brought us FrankenFoods, rBGH, Aspartame (the excitotoxic poison in "diet"
Coke and the majority of other "diet" supermarket products) and last but
not least: Bt genetically modified corn, spliced with gene to include a
pesticide in the altered crop (yum.) & the recently failed: Terminator
seeds & Water supply of the world as a corporate monopoly income source

This company has simply one of the worst records on the planet for
poisoning people and environment; for performing Fraudulent "science"
testing; for using political pull to cover-up LIES and FRAUD, to coverup
DEATH and DEBILITY directly caused by ASPARTAME (this coverup is carefully
coordinated with FDA, as most of the others mentioned).


Environmental Research Foundation
P.O. Box 5036, Annapolis, MD 21403
Fax (410) 263-8944; E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Back issues are available from http://www.rachel.org

Monsanto and it's public image

Damaging the environment

In the 1980s, Monsanto Corporation got a bad name for polluting every
square foot of the planet with noxious PCBs, dioxin, and harmful
pesticides. Now Monsanto is a leader in the biotech revolution that
threatens to engineer the genes of every food crop on the planet with
potentially disasterous consequences for the environment. In 1996, Monsanto
introduced its RoundUp Ready soybean - which has been genetically altered
to be resistant to the chemical herbicide glyphosate which is marketed by
Monsanto as Roundup. The inbuilt resistance allows farmers to use the
herbicide while the crop is growing. Other altered crops likeky to be
marketed include maize, wheat, sugar beet, letuce, potatoes and poplar.

Monsanto also owns 49.9 percent of Calgene, the maker of the Flavr Savr
tomato engineered for longer shelf life.

Irresponsible marketing

Since April 1995, the U.S. FDA has reported over 10,000 volunteered
consumer complaints stemming from NutraSweet (aka Equal, Aspartame). Among
the symptoms listed are blindness seizures, memory loss, loss of limb
control, slurred speech, skin lesions, extremity numbness, depression, mood
swings, anxiety attacks, coma and death. Absorbed very quickly into the
bloodstream it metabolizes into six to eight byproducts including methyl
alcohol and the class A carcinogen, formaldehyde. The early research
history of aspartame was plagued with deception. Although the US FDA gave
the product approval, it latter emerged that the results of animal
experiments had been manipulated to improve the results.

Monsanto's herbicide Butachlor, marketed in foreigh countries as Machete
and Lambast, has never been permanently approved by the EPA. Adverse
effects of the chemical include weight loss, weight changes in internal
organs, reduced brain size together with lesions. Butachlor, reports
Multinational Monitor, can be found in the U.S. food supply. It's used in
Argentina, Brazil, China, India, the Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand and
Venezuela, which means that the majority of rice imports could contain it.

Monsanto owns the drug company, G.D. Searle - producers of:

- Demulen, an oral contraceptive, is an estrogenic compound. Environmental
scientists are linking estrogenic pollutants to breast cancer.

- Flagyl, an oral synthetic antiprotozoal and antibacterial, can cause
convulsive seizures, peripheral neuropathy, a significant lessening of
white blood corpuscles, and can make candida infections worse.

- Kerlone for "management of hypertension" can contribute to cardiac

- Lomotil, the anti-diarrhea drug, has a number of adverse effects
including tachycardia, vomiting, depression, numbness of extremities and

Animal Abuse

Monsanto performs experiments on many thousand of animals each year. These
tests are as pointless as ever since not only are the results of animal
test inconclusive in terms of likely outcome for humans, but Monsanto (like
many other companies) has been known to manipulate the results to meet
their requirements (as was the case with aspartame). Monsanto's artificial
bovine growth hormone BGH (Posilac) is designed to make cows produce more
milk. Ignoring the fact that no body needs more milk, one of the problems
with the use of the hormone is that it pushes the cow to the limits of
production and causes illness such as Mastitis. In Monsanto's own words:
"Use of Posilac has been associated with increases in cystic ovaries and
disorders of the uterus... digestive disorders... enlarged hocks and
lesions (lacerations, enlargements, calluses) of the knee..." On March 1993
the Veterinary Medicine Advisory Committee of the FDA unanimously agreed
with the Monsanto conclusion that "Cows injected with Posilac are at an
increased risk for clinical mastitis." If you drink milk you will be
pleased to know that this disease is treated with high levels of
antibiotics which no doubt find their way into the milk supply. Since the
introduction of BGH in the USA, reports of serious health and reproductive
problems among U.S. cows have increased significantly.

Further information:
- Background information http://www.envirolink.org/arrs/essays/posilac.html
- Cancer threat http://www.monitor.net/rachel/r381.html - Milk, rBGH, and


Monsanto has tried to intimidate farmers and retailers in the USA who label
their milk products as BGH-free (see above). The corporation has actually
brought lawsuits against such farmers and, through a related organization,
has sued the state of Vermont over its permissive attitude toward BGH
labeling. This seems an obvious encroachement on the Americas' First
Amendment and is no doubt outrageous, but the Department of Justice appears
to do nothing to stop it. Monsanto Corporation, a major manufacturer of
phenoxy herbicides, in the late 1970s and early 1980s sponsored studies of
workers that the company had exposed to dioxin, and these studies showed no
increased cancer deaths among exposed workers. However, the Monsanto
studies have been criticized by a report from the National Research
Council, which says Monsanto's studies were "plagued with errors in
classification of exposed and unexposed groups, according to some reports,
and hence have been biased toward a finding of no effect." A 1990 analysis
of Monsanto workers, conducted by the National Institute for Occupational
Safety and Health, reported a statistically-significant increase in soft
tissue sarcomas.

As part of its multi-year scientific reassessment of dioxin, EPA recently
published a draft review of all scientific data linking dioxin to cancer
and other health effects in humans. The EPA's draft document concludes that
four separate studies of workers exposed to dioxin have revealed an
"overall increased mortality from all malignancies combined." EPA
speculates that dioxin's ability to mimic hormones gives dioxin the
capacity to cause cancer in many different organs and bodily systems in

There seems to be little room left for doubt: As the EPA's "scientific
reassessment team" told then-chief of EPA, William Reilly, January 27,
1992: "Dioxin does cause cancer in humans." Suing Monsanto on behalf of
plaintiffs who say they were harmed when a Norfolk and Western railroad
tank car derailed, spilling 19,000 gallons of a Monsanto chemical called
"ocp-crude" into the community of Sturgeon, Missouri the night of January
10, 1979.

Denial of responsibility means, basically, stonewalling pollution, even on
your own property. For example, Monsanto's plant in Sauget, Illinois has
over a dozen chemical dumps on it, according to the WALL STREET JOURNAL,
several of them containing substantial quantities of cancer-causing PCBs,
at concentrations as high as 74,000 parts per million (ppm), or 7.4
percent. For years, Monsanto's Sauget plant was the nation's largest single
manufacturer of PCBs.

Monsanto officials insist that the PCBs on their property do not
necessarily belong to them. Anyone could have dumped PCBs there, they say.
All told, there are more than one million tons of chemical wastes on
Monsanto's property--chlorinated pesticides,

PCBs and other chemicals that Monsanto manufactured on the site for
decades. Monsanto insists the wastes did not necessarily come from their
plant, located half a mile north of the dumps. It is company policy to
destroy waste records after 4 years.

Meanwhile the state of Illinois has spent 12 years and $1.3 million trying
to get the Monsanto site listed on the federal Superfund. An estimated 13
tons of chemical wastes leach off the Monsanto site into the Mississippi
River each year.

Monsanto products include: NutraSweet, Equal, BGH (aka rBGH, rBST,
Posilac), Simplese (an artificial butter fat), Simple Pleasures Frozen
Dairy Desserts, Salad Dressing and Mayonnaise; the artificial fibers
Astroturf and Wear Dated Carpets; the home insulation foam sheeting called
Fome-Cor; the garden herbicides Roundup and Dimension; agricultural
chemicals: Lasso, Harness Plus, Far Go, Avauer, Machete, Bronco, Bullet,
Cropstar GB, Freedom, Landmaster BW, Micro-Tech Partner, Ram Rod, Accord,
Buckle, Fallow Master, Lariat, Rodeo; the feed supplement and preservative
Alimet; the Flavr Savr tomato.

Campaigns and resistance

Boycotts: Family farm Defenders, P.O. Box 581, Hillsboro, Wisconsin, 54634,
for BGH Pure Dairy Commission, RR 2, Box 191, New Auburn WI 54757. for BGH
Betty Martini, 5940 Brookgreen Road, N.E., Atlanta, Georgia 30328, for
NutraSweet Outside links and further information

See also: Monsanto pushes pesticides at

Friday January 28, 2000
Julia Finch

Monsanto's name radically modified

The Monsanto company name, which has become synonymous with the genetically
modified food business, is to be ditched, the company revealed last night.

The beleaguered American biotech company is merging with the US-Swiss drugs
group Pharmacia & Upjohn and the $50bn corporation will in future be known
as Pharmacia.

"We have chosen a name with power and global relevance," said Robert
Shapiro, chairman of Monsanto, who will lead the new company. "This name
and logo will create a strong new identity for our 60,000 employees and
will build value with our existing customers worldwide."

Mr Shapiro, who championed GM food, was once regarded as a visionary who
would mix nutrition, biotechnology, crop protection and medicine in one
commercial venture. But the Monsanto name became tainted last year as the
consumer backlash against GM food spread from Europe to the US.

In addition to food safety and environmental fears there were concerns that
farmers in developing countries would never be able to afford the new
Monsanto seeds.

Last month a shareholder campaign in the US unveiled a plan to target 24
companies, including Monsanto, demanding a moratorium on the use of GM food
until independent testing had been completed. The campaign is being
coordinated by 275 religious and other groups which claim to control $100bn
of shares in US companies.

Monsanto, which had been a high-flying pharmaceutical stock and darling of
Wall Street, fell swiftly from grace when its crop technology business,
which little over a year ago was regarded as a world beater, turned into an
albatross. Shareholders watched as their investments lost a third of their

The newly merged Pharmacia Corporation will use the names Searle, Pharmacia
and Upjohn for its three sales divisions. Only an autonomous agricultural
subsidiary will continue to use the Monsanto name.

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Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2000
From: Betty Martini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Why Will Coke fire 6,000 employees?

The photo of a crumpled can of Diet Coke told the story in the Atlanta
Journal Constitution, Coke's hometown paper.  Fitting, poetic, just, but
tragic for the company once rated "The Most Admired Business in the
World".  Today Coke wouldn't even make the list.  Sales are down, profits
collapsing, and 6,000 employees soon will be gone.  To make room for 6,000
defense attorneys?  The tragedy is stupendously larger than 6,000 jobs; it
affects hundreds of millions of unwarned, innocent, afflicted consumers
across the broad face of planet earth.

This crisis can't be solved by belt tightening, greater efficiency, more
advertising, etc.  It's so bad Coke can't say the word; to pronounce it
will bring instant cataclysm.  That word is aspartame, and their only
recourse is denial, denial, denial, though every ad and commercial builds
higher the scaffold upon which Coke shall surely hang.

Reality is in that twisted Diet coke can.  It's poison.  It's killing the
unborn, raining tumors and seizures on the population, destroying children,
incapacitating workers, mimicking MS, erasing memory and blinding.
Inexorably Diet Coke visits a plague of 92 symptoms listed by our FDA on a
secret report they'll never show which names diet soda as the first source
of aspartame disease.  And yes, Death was one of the 92.

Diet Coke is poison.  And it's addictive, some victims drink several liters
a day and keep it on their nightstands.  If Coke changes the formula to
remove aspartame the world will heal and the surge of hatred  and vengeance
by the disabled and bereaved shall certainly destroy Coca Cola.

The poison in Diet Coke is aspartame.  As a member of the National Soft
Drink Association Coke opposed FDA approval of aspartame for beverages.
Their objections, running to several pages published in the Congressional
Record of 5/7/85, said aspartame is uniquely and inherently unstable and
breaks down in the can.  It decomposes into formaldehyde, methyl alcohol,
formic acid, diketopiperazine and other toxins.  In a study on 7 monkeys 5
had grand mal seizures and one died, a casualty rate  of 86%.

Coke knew; and knowing, broke their good faith contract with customers, a
breach exhibited by the recent plot to program vending machines to raise
the price with the temperature.  Dissatisfied with selling flavored sugar
water plus phosphoric acid, they switched to pushing an addictive formula
called "Diet".  Addictive substances multiply markets, so Diet Coke soared
off the sales charts, spreading obesity in its flight..  We're fatter
because aspartame suppresses seratonin and makes us crave carbohydrates.

So why is aspartame/NutraSweet/Equal/Diet Coke/Diet Pepsi/etc on the
market and in thousands of foods?  Can you say CORRUPTION?   One FDA
Commissioner and one acting Commissioner have changed sides to work in the
NutraSweet industry, plus 6 underlings and two federal attorneys assigned
to prosecute NutraSweet for submitting fraudulent tests to get it
approved.  "It's like a script for Abbott & Costello." lamented an honest
FDA scientist writing to Senator Metzenbaum.  It works like  this:
"Approve our poison, and when you stop being a bureaucrat we'll make you a
plutocrat!  After its licensed we'll pay off the American  Dietetics, the
American Diabetes Association, the AMA and anyone we need  who's for sale."

The jig's up!  Worldwide consumer action has exposed aspartame, and
millions have kicked the habit.  Coke's profits are down 37% and for a year
Monsanto's been trying to sell The NutraSweet Company.  Finally they  sold
NSC, producer of the phenylalanine in NutraSweet for $125  million.  Now
Monsanto faces a $71 million lawsuit for exaggerating profits.  Monsanto
stock is in the toilet, but they may have found a buyer in the Swiss firm
Pharmacia-Upjohn.  P.U. for short!  The deal won't  finalize for a year.
The plans are to ditch the Monsanto name as its stench is unendurable.  CEO
Bob Shapiro may soon be history, like Doug  Ivester of Coke who just
resigned.  Will the last one out please turn out the lights!

Betty Martini, Mission Possible International, 5950 H State Bridge Road,
PMB 215, Duluth, Georgia 30097 Phone: 770 242-2599

References:  Thousands of pages on website  www.dorway.com
(Send empty email to  [EMAIL PROTECTED] for map)



www.presidiotex.com/aspartame  (in Spanish asparspan)

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From: Anna Gyorgy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, January 30, 2000
Subject: Women & Life on Earth: the truth will out, but must we wait and
suffer until then?

Thanks to Lorna Salzman, long-time environmentalist and safe energy
activist, for the following news and commentary:

The Saturday (Jan. 29) New York Times featured a front-page story that all
anti-nuclear activists have known for a long time: that low levels of
radiation, within the existing government standards for radiation exposure,
have caused huge numbers of cancer among workers at nuclear weapons
facilities since the 1950s.


"After decades of denials, the government is conceding that since the dawn
of the nuclear age, workers making nuclear weapons have been exposed to
radiation and chemicals that have produced cancer and early death.

"The new conclusion comes from the government's most comprehensive review
of studies of worker health and raw health data. The review accepts the
conclusion of many of those studies, some of them done under contract for
the government, that workers were made sick by their exposure.

"In the 57 years since the Manhattan Project began processing radioactive
material to produce bombs, the government has until now minimized the
hazards of radiation and chemicals, criticized epidemiological research
that raised questions related to them and spent tens of millions of dollars
in defending itself against lawsuits charging that the bomb plants had made
workers sick...

"The cancers were found among nearly 600,000 people who have worked in
nuclear weapons production since the start of World War II. They range from
leukemia and Hodgkin's lymphoma to cancer of the prostate, kidney, salivary
gland and lung. ...elevated cancer levels were found at Savannah
River..Hanford...Rocky Flats...Fernald Feed Materials Center...and at the
Lawrence Livermore and Los Alamos national laboratories."


These studies, started by Dr. Thomas Mancuso at the Hanford laboratory (he
was later fired because the government didn't like his findings), were
simply confirmation of what radiation health experts have known all along,
though were reluctant to admit publicly for fear of undercutting their
nuclear physicist colleagues. The late respected Dr. Karl Z. Morgan,
considered the father of radiation health physics and a long-time
government employee, along with Dr. John Gofman (also fired for his
integrity and commitment to truth, along with Dr. Arthur Tamplin), were
among the very few who dared to speak the truth about low level radiation.

Gofman and Tamplin, formerly at the Lawrence Livermore nuclear weapons lab,
were given the job by the Atomic Energy  Commission of investigating the
claims of Dr. Ernest Sternglass, long-time gadfly and dissident, about the
dangers of low level radiation. They came back and said: well, in fact
there is merit to his claims. Zap, they lost their jobs.

These things happened in the 1960s and 1970s, thirty to forty years ago.
Now we are in a similar position with genetic engineering, where a few
biologists are speaking out about the potential hazards and uncertainties
connected with GE, while most of them, concerned more about their jobs,
grants and status, are keeping mum at best, or actively promoting the
technology like Dr. Prakash and his pathetic petition designed to save the
asses of the asses whose livelihood depends upon this untested, potentially
dangerous technology.

Like the GE proponents who see nothing but a rosy future making profits off
foodstuffs peddled to the third world by the first world who has
appropriated the third world resources, labor and economies in order to
produce those foodstuffs to sell to them, those who pooh-poohed any dangers
of low level radiation were proven wrong. Sadly what proved them wrong were
the dead bodies, which the government finally, though reluctantly, decided
to count.

We now have the same situation with biologists who, one would think, might
be more responsive to living things than physicists who diddle around with
formulas and don't have to face up to real life forms. But no, we have the
same kind of denial, the same kind of anti-scientific attitude which, if
practiced in their labs, would produce even more deformed grotesque and
dangerous results. I shudder to think that the medicines we take or the
medical treatments we undergo - or the food we eat - may have been
developed by scientists who cared not a whit about the huge gaps and
uncertainties they found in their research and who chose to ignore those,
even if it meant risking human health and lives.

While we struggle to keep these scientists honest, let us right now,
without delay, point the finger and put the responsibility on the basic
biology researchers working in the genetic engineering field. Let us tell
them that we hold them directly and personally responsible - perhaps even
more than the food corporations - for the ultimate consequences of their
work. We cannot let them off the hook or accept the excuse that they were
just doing their job, that basic research is separate from its
technological application, like the nuclear physicists did. They must be
made to understand that they are personally accountable to a fundamental
set of ethics that in fact is purportedly embedded in their work: to not do
harm, to demand evidence before making wild claims for the benefits of
their work, and above all to align themselves not with those who pay them
but with the larger society that they claim they are serving.

The deductive method of science - seeking empirical evidence to support a
hypothesis and discarding that hypothesis if evidence is contradictory or
lacking -was cast to the winds first by the physicists and now by the
biologists.  They are hell-bent on either ignoring contradictory evidence
or on hiding it in any small nook and cranny, to "prove" their hypothesis.
If others find damaging evidence, they will ignore it or castigate and
denounce those individuals as kooks or a minority voice. They will round up
their wagons around them to defend themselves against the marauding
citizens who are crying out for proof of safety and efficacy. They will use
their positions and connections to hammer the complacent mass media into
compliance with their views and hostility towards those of their critics.
They will invent the most outlandish but fiendishly imaginative fictions to
seduce the gullible: solving world hunger, rescuing  third world
economies,providing jobs, improving agriculture.

We are talking mega-deception, mega-hype and mega-corruption here. That
these are being committed by those endowed with public trust and public
money makes such deceit doubly intolerable. Let us make it clear that our
battle against unproven genetic engineering is a battle not only for health
and environment but for the soul of science itself. If scientists deplore
the anti-science attitudes of the public, they have only themselves to
blame for it. Let us hope that there are a few courageous individuals out
there who have the wisdom to understand this and the strength to change
it....soon, not forty years from now.

Lorna Salzman East Quogue, NY, USA [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SOME GOOD NEWS: Also on Jan. 29th more than 130 countries agreed to a
U.N.-sponsored Biosafety Protocol agreement that -- when ratified by at
least 50 countries -- will establish an international framework for trade
in genetically modified crops.  Environmental organizations such as
Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth worked hard in support of regulations.
Said Greenpeace's Benedikt Harelin: "This is a historic step towards
protecting the environment and consumers from the dangers of genetic
engineering... These minimum safety standards must be implemented
immediately, and until the protocol has come into force all exports of GMOs
should be prohibited."

For more information, see postings at:
http://www.thecampaign.org/newsupdates/index.htm For background, see also:
www.centerforfoodsafety.org; www.purefood.org And an article in the Feb.
2000 issue of "Mother Jones" discusses ignored warnings of scientists on
genetically engineered food.  Read "Pandora's Pantry" at:

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Subject: Seminis -- GE vegetable seeds
Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000

Pesticide Action Network Updates Service

Seminis -- GE vegetable seeds

January 31, 1999

In the past five years, the California-based company Seminis Vegetable
Seeds has gained control of approximately 19% of the worldwide fruit and
vegetable seed market; Seminis now provides the seeds for some 40% of all
vegetables sold in the United States. Through the combined strategies of
controlling large amounts of germ plasm and entering cooperative agreements
with biotech developers such as Monsanto, Seminis Vegetable Seeds is
positioning itself to lead the way in future genetic engineering of fruit
and vegetable seeds.

Seminis is a subsidiary of the Savia Corporation, formerly known as
Empresas La Moderna (ELM). Based in Monterrey, Mexico, Savia is part of the
Pulsar Group, headed by Mexican billionaire Alfonso Romo Garza. Pulsar's
activities range from health care to insurance to agribusiness. The company
was created through the merger of three large seed brands -- Asgrow,
Petoseed and Royal Sluis -- plus the acquisition of nine smaller ones.
These smaller brands include regional specialties such as Choong Ang, which
supplies seeds in South Korea, and Horticeres, which operates in Brazil.

Seminis has seed production facilities in Arizona, California, Idaho,
Oregon and Washington as well as in over 18 other countries; major
processing facilities in California, Idaho, Chile and the Netherlands; and
research centers in France, Italy, South Korea, the Netherlands and the

Seminis is developing a range of crops with traits such as herbicide,
virus, insect or fungus resistance, as well as foods with "improved"
characteristics intended to appeal to consumers. Plans are in the works to
introduce fungus-resistant lettuce, virus-resistant melon with longer shelf
life, peas with high sugar content, and disease-resistant tomatoes with
increased levels of the nutrients beta-carotene and lycopene.

A collaborative agreement established with Monsanto in 1997 lays the
groundwork for applying Monsanto's genetic engineering technologies,
including insect resistance (Bt toxin) and glyphosate resistance, to
vegetable and fruit seeds. Seminis is developing Roundup Ready lettuce
(engineered to tolerate Monsanto's Roundup herbicide, active ingredient
glyphosate); if approved for sale, the lettuce could enter supermarkets as
early as 2003. Work is also under way to develop Roundup Ready tomatoes.

Seminis is currently field testing many of its genetically engineered
crops. In California alone, Seminis is testing or has recently tested plots
of glyphosate-resistant lettuce, peas, cucumbers, and tomatoes plus a wide
variety of fungus-, insect-, and virus-resistant vegetables. Among its
activities in other states, Seminis has planted or is currently testing
insect-resistant tomatoes in Florida and glyphosate-tolerant lettuce in
Georgia and New Jersey.

One of Seminis' genetically engineered products, a virus-resistant squash,
is already being grown commercially. Developed by Asgrow, the first
transgenic squash was approved for commercial production in 1994. A second
variety, with resistance to three viruses, was approved in 1996 and a third
is now being field tested. Domestic squash has a number of wild relatives
in the United States. Thus a real threat exists of genetic pollution, in
which the trait for virus resistance could spread to wild relatives
creating "super weeds" with a competitive advantage. Asgrow's tests for
ecological safety have been criticized as entirely inadequate by ecologists
and organizations such as the Union of Concerned Scientists, but were
accepted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture as sufficient for approving
commercial cultivation of the crop.

Seminis' 1999 prospectus states that "the application of genetic
improvements to crop plants has provided greater value to growers which can
be captured by the seed industry through higher prices and greater demand."
An illustration is Seminis' long shelf life tomato seeds, which sell for
$5,200 per pound, contrasting with $1,400 per pound for traditional
varieties. Another way Seminis expects to profit from genetic engineering
is by producing a "reallocation of grower spending": farmers will spend
less on agricultural chemicals and therefore will be willing to pay more
for seeds.

Source: "Expanding the Biotech Frontier -- Seminis Vegetable Seeds," Global
Pesticide Campaigner, December 1999.

Contact: Pesticide Action Network North America (PANNA)
Web: http://www.panna.org

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