-Caveat Lector-

From: Clarence Napier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: From the ENEMY's camp!
Date: Thu, Mar 25, 1999, 9:34 AM

At 09:39 AM 3/25/99 -0600, you wrote:
>I hope the battle-axe gags on her spittle!
>Should anyone want to THANK Anheuser-Busch for their support of our 2nd
>Amendment rights, call or write:
>Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc.
>One Busch Place
>St. Louis, MO 63118-1852
>Tel: (314) 577-2000
>No E-mail available
>March 22, 1999
>Washington, D.C. Sarah Brady, Chair of Handgun Control today condemned
>Anheuser-Busch, Inc. for its recent support of Proposition B, a Missouri
>state-wide referendum which if passed would give the state one of the
>weakest concealed-carry laws in the nation. The April 6 referendum marks
>the first time in the U.S. that the controversial issue of carrying
>concealed weapons has been put to a state-wide vote; a pro-gun Missouri
>group is calling the vote ‘the last great gun battle of the 20th century’
>and the gun lobby is pouring money and political clout into the campaign.
>Headquartered in St. Louis, the giant beer and entertainment conglomerate
>is the only major Missouri corporation to publicly support Proposition B,
>despite opposition from most Missouri law enforcement and health groups.
>Missouri newspapers reported that Anheuser-Busch decided to take the
>unusual step of publicly backing a lax concealed-carry system to refute
>Internet-based rumors that the company was "pro-gun-control."
>"The audacity of this endorsement is just breathtaking," Mrs. Brady said.
>"Here we have the world’s largest beer company telling the citizens of
>their home state that carrying loaded guns in drinking establishments is a
>good thing. Here we have a company that, for all its talk of the need for
>individual freedom, is pandering to the gun lobby."
>"What was Anheuser-Busch thinking? Why are they ignoring their own message
>– that drinkers should drink responsibly, shooters should shoot
>responsibly, and that guns and alcohol should never, never mix?"
>Proposition B would allow Missourians convicted of serious misdemeanor
>crimes including stalking, assault and child molestation to carry concealed
>weapons. The proposition is so vaguely worded that people with permits
>could carry assault pistols, including the Uzi and TEC-9, into daycare
>centers, on school grounds and busses – and into bars, sports stadiums,
>restaurants and other establishments that serve alcohol. Missouri currently
>is one of seven states that do not permit the carrying of concealed
>weapons, and its crime rate has declined by 22% in the last five years –
>more than that of most states which currently have lax concealed-carry laws.
>"Even the NRA tells its members never to consume alcohol before shooting,"
>Mrs. Brady commented. "Shooting ranges, many of which are run by NRA
>instructors, prohibit alcohol on the premises. So according to their logic,
>it’s not OK to go to a shooting range with a can of Budweiser in your
>pocket, but it’s fine to go into a Kansas City bar with a loaded handgun.
>The new Anheuser-Busch advertising slogan should be: Drink now, shoot later."
>Mrs. Brady was joined by Diana Conti, Executive Director of the Marin
>Institute, which has focused much of its research on alcohol-related social
>problems and on Anheuser-Busch, and by the daughters of Deborah Kitchen,
>who was rendered a quadriplegic by a drunken ex-boyfriend who had just
>purchased a gun. Although the relationship between alcohol and violence is
>complex, study after study has shown that in most violent events, both
>victims and offenders were drinking alcohol before the violent incident
>took place.
>"Unlike the gun lobby, Handgun Control does not call for a boycott of a
>corporation’s products because they take a position different from ours,"
>Mrs. Brady said. "Our many friends in Missouri, including the majority of
>law enforcement and health organizations, who oppose Proposition B do so
>because they know that Missouri does not need thousands of hidden handguns
>carried by the wrong people in the wrong places. What I will do is call on
>Anheuser-Busch to rethink its responsibility to the Missouri citizens whose
>lives and families would be endangered if Proposition B passes, and take a
>stand for public safety. No guns in bars. Guns and alcohol don’t mix."
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