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Paramecium Caudatum - Exposed to 1150 Hz - Undergoing Evisceration, Electroporation, and Disintegration, from Plasma Wave.


This Page Last Updated 10-13-99


The Worlds Third Conference on the Technologies of Royal Rife was held in Edmonton, Canada this September of 1999. In excess of 190 people were in attendance. Please see the Conferences Web Site for more information and the upcoming availability of video tapes.

1999 Rife Conference

Audio Tapes and Real Audio downloads of my radio interviews done for the Laura Lee show and Jeff Rense's Sightings are available.

Go to Laura Lee Site

Go to Sightings Web Page

Due to the large number of sites now offering information and research on my device, a separate link page has been established. Please go to this page for more information and links to sites with reports on the devices useage. Links to sites selling assembled devices are also available.

Links Page

The Frequency Update Page updates the growing data base of frequencies that have been reported as having physiologic effects.

Frequency Updates

Rife Microscope Body Blueprint!

Full size detailed blueprint of the Rife Prismatic Microscope body are now available!

Microscope Plans Page

A picture page with a few of the R/B devices people have constructed is now online!

Go to Picture Page

AVI video of exploding Blepharisma organism after exposure to the plasma wave. 1.9MB, needs Windows 3.1, 95, 98 or other AVI viewer.Run time is about 15 seconds.

Download Video

A video tape is now available

This narrated 115 minute video tape consists of two parts. The first half shows a variety of Protozoan micro organisms being destroyed by the plasma wave originating from the device. This was accomplished without direct connection, through the air, from a distance of about four to five feet. The second half of the video shows you in a step by step process how easy it is to actually construct and operate the device.Go to the the end of this document for ordering information.

The video tape of micro organism destruction was made entirely with dark field illumination. This method of illumination produces higher resolution and truer color renditions than standard bright field microscopy. A variety of types of destruction of the micro organisms is shown on the video. Some organisms just die, apparently from some sort of metabolic disruption. Another organism shows the effects of internal self digestion apparently from lysosome destruction and release of various digestive enzymes. Most organisms just "blow up" and then disintegrate into extremely small particulate matter. Still photos of this effect are available off the links page. A couple of people have published their tests on micro organisms on the web . The VHS tape is available in both NTSC (Northern Americas' TV i.e. Canada, US, and Mexico) system format, and European PAL formats only! South American PAL and Asian SECAM are not avaialable.


Resonant Frequency Therapy

Building The Rife Beam Ray Device

A Book


James E. Bare D.C.

Copyright 1999, by James E. Bare D.C.

US Patent # 5908441. One US Patent Pending, Foreign Patent Applications Filed, PCT approved # US98/00217, W098/31418

This book is about a modern day recreation of a relatively unknown therapy device. A device first created and tested in the 1930's by Dr. Royal Rife, and then lost to humanity for the next 65 years. After several years of laboratory experimentation, Dr. Rife's device was deemed worthy to test in a clinical trial. This clinical trial of 1934 was performed at the Scripps Ranch in California, by a select committee of Medical Physicians associated with the University of Southern California. The results of this research experiment were that 14 out of 16 people in the test were pronounced cured of their Cancer in 60 days. The remaining two people were pronounced cured within the next 60 days.

Dr. Rife's Device through the process of electrical resonance, had the ability to destroy or devitalize specific cells and microorganisms. The Rife device also had the ability to remove cataracts from patients eyes. After some initial successes, the technology behind the device was lost . This is not the story of how the technology was lost, rather this book - manual is about how you can recreate a similar device yourself.

My patented device is not another model of the 1950's Crane/Rife device which utilized pads or electrodes and is currently available commercially from other sources. These electrode pad or transducer devices are similar in many ways to what is commonly known as an electric muscle stimulator. Over the years, these electrode devices, which need direct contact with the body to operate, have benefitted and helped many people. Yet all these electrode devices have one major drawback. These devices utilize electricity as medium to deliver the frequencies. Electricity has a tendency to travel along paths of minimum resistance. It is consequently sometimes very difficult to get the applied electrical frequency exactly where it needs to be. An instrument that uses electrodes or transducers for the application of frequencies, is not the device that produced the results Dr. Rife is famous for.

My easily constructed device, utilizes a Radio energy excited gas plasma tube . To clarify what a gas plasma tube is, think of a simple neon sign tube. My device uses radio energy, instead of high voltage electricity as in a neon sign, to excite the gas into a plasma. My device is similar to what was used in the 1934 clinical tests, and needs no direct connection with the test subject. There is evidence, that the wave emitted from the plasma tube has an effective radius of at least 100 feet.

I make no claims of my device being the actual Rife device, but rather this device is a variant of the technology developed by Dr. Rife. Based on direct observation, some lab tests, and anecdotal reports from many thousands of users over the past four years, the effects of this device closely mimic and in some cases exceed those obtained by Dr. Rife. For example Dr. Rife's unit was used on one patient at a time. My unit may be, and is currently used by some owners, on a whole room full of people at one time, such is the strength and dissapation pattern of the plasma wave.

Many other researchers through the years have tried and failed to discover the secret of the Dr. Rife's device. The device I have created, and that you can build for yourself, does work, producing many positive physiologic effects in test animals.

The effects of the device are entirely non thermal in nature. No heating of tissue occurs in normal operation. A neon gas filled tube however does have considerable Infra Red output and will produce a noticable warming . This warming is not from RF induction however, only from the emitted Infra Red Radiation. There are several explanations that explain the effects of the device. One of the methods via which the device produces effects is called electroporation. Electroporation is a phenomena by which cells when exposed to an intense electrical field that is quickly pulsed will open pores on the surface of the cell wall. A properly constructed device will produce the very fast and intense electrical pulse that is a required to produce electroporation. Instead of using fixed electrodes, the device produces a transmitted field within which electroporation can occur. As an example, the output of a tube excited with 150 watts of RF, operating at 2000 Hz, was measured on an oscilloscope, with the oscilloscope probes about one meter from the tube. The pulse envelope, when adjusted to a typical SWR setting on the antenna tuner, had a leading edge electrical spike of but 24 micro seconds in length. The electrical field of the leading edge spike was measured at about 120 millivolts. One rather large tube that I have will produce spikes that exceed 1.2 volts at one meter from the tube. The potential voltage across a cell wall is typically only 60 mv. In the pcitures below, the device was outputting the 120 mv electrical pulse 2000 times a second. Applying 30,000 Hz, the leading edge spike tends to disappear, but the pulse width overall becomes about 17 micro seconds.

Pulse width of 120 mv and leading edge spike at 2000 Hz

Leading edge spike measured at 24 microseconds duration

Other methods via which the device may produce effects is first by producing an electrical charge within and without the cell. This may cause the electrical gradient across the cell wall membrane to shift, creating an active transport effect. A second method is based on what is known as Magnetic Resonance. A radio wave is in reality an Electrical wave and a Magnetic Wave. Operating in an audio pulse mode at 27.125 Mhz, the output of the device meets all the criteria to produce Magnetic Resonance. A Larmor frequency calculation can be made to determine the resonant frequency of a particular element such as Hydrogen . The emitted measured magnetic field from the device is almost negligable. One therefore simply uses the earths background magnetic field at 0.5 gauss for the calculation. The resulting Larmor resonant frequency will be in the audio frequency range. Other methods via which the device produces effects can be found in various published scientific papers relating to the effects of sonic resonances on cells, and the non thermal effects of RF fields on bacteria cultures. Other research and patents involving the use of pulsed electrical, magnetic, and RF fields on micro organisms and tumors also help to explain the devices effects. To review some of these patents and research papers, go to the Electro-Plasma Digest website. Make certain that JAVA is enabled on your web browser ( In the Preferences Section ).

Electro-Plasma Digest

I believe that the pictures and results which the book and videotape document, more than speak for themselves. My device has demonstrated an ability to destroy some microorganisms, " devitalize " other microorganisms, and stimulate the white blood cells into a state of hyper activity both in vitro and,in vivo.

The emitted pulse from the tube in many ways electrically mimicks the wave form used in TENS units. TENS units are electrical stimulators that are used to block pain.In reports from users, the device acts as a very strong analgesic, anecdotal reports which I present here not as a claim but merely as information, indicate that the devices' pain relieving ability may be at least equal to that of Codene, but not as great as some of the stronger narcotics such as Morphine. The device has shown an ability to sedate or stimulate the nervous system depending upon the type of gas used to form the plasma and the applied audio frequency, again from anecdotal reports from users.

Exposure often causes the subject to fall to sleep if the subject is extremely ill, or is emotionally distraught. Another aspect of the device is its ability to produce an extreme vitalizing effect, which is not stimulation as would occur with the administration of caffeine or some other drug. A better way to think of this is in terms of Chinese Medicine where the concept of "Qi", or a vitalistic healing energy exists. In the very ill this viatalizing effect has manifested as increased activity and energy, even if the illness is not directly affected by the device. Reports from users of the device also have shown some ability to relieve (not remove) and relax post traumatic scar tissue formation, relieve joint stiffness, and pain.

There have consistently been very encouraging reports of the devices effects on the syptoms of people suffering with Fibromyalgia. These informational reports from users are not claiming proved efficacy. There have been very encouraging reports with both Osteo and Rheumatiod arthritis. The device does not reverse the destructive effects of these diseases. Rather it seems to relieve the pain, inflammation, stiffness and to some degree the lack of mobility associated with the damaged joints. Effects from a single exposure can last from several hours to a few weeks. Daily exposures produce optimal effects in these conditions. From user reports, frequent exposure has a cumulative effect and has contributed significantly to the afflicted's quality of life.

I have had seasonal viral infections just like most of us. The difference is that I have been consistently able to clear most of these within 12 hours after an exposure. I have also had episodes where a valid frequency was not found and suffered just like everyone else does. The device is frequency specific, an incorrect frequency for a particular problem will have no effects. I am not making claims here about the treatment of virally based human disease. What I am saying, is that instead of suffering for two to three weeks, I recovered faster. Did the effects of the device, moderate the course of my disease? Reports to me from various device constructors, show the device has been used successfully with a variety of seasonal viral infections producing results similar to mine .

The use of the device on disease in humans is worthy of further investigation in a more appropriate clinical manner. Anecdotal reports from constructor - users of the device has shown rather dramatic effects on Herpes Virus outbreaks, Lyme disease, and an assortment of different bacterial infections. At the 1998 Rife Symposium one of the speakers was a Medical Dr. who uses the device in his practice. During last years flu and cold seasons he would run sessions for his ill patients. Frequently with 8 to 10 people recieving exposures at one time. Three exposures over as many days was typically necessary to eliminate all symptoms. Please be aware these reports are anecdotal, and I am not making claims for the devices efficacy. Rather pointing out the important need for further clinical investigation.

My devices' effects, on Cancer needs further investigation. I will state without reservation that the device is not a cure for Cancer. If somoeone responds to the device and then stops exposures, the cancer will come back quickly. Some initial reports from individuals using the device on Cancer, are extremely positive. Some researchers are apparently getting good effects from their use of the device, but the long term effects and prognosis of their testing is unknown. I can say that there are people who have significantly exceeded predicted survival times. These people had a terminal prognosis and are still here, some are now working as productive members of society after the use of the device. I must emphasize that at this time, the effects of the device should not be considered a cure for Cancer. From user reports, the device has shrunk and removed cancerous tumors in some people. From the reports of users, the device presently seems to provide a viable treatment that has both significantly prolonged survial times and increased the quality of life in some but most certainly not all people.

Please be aware that if a person has a prognosis of only a few weeks to live, and tries the device, the results have been universally poor. The degree of response to the device seems to be directly related to the overall ability of a persons body to respond and rebuild.If there is massive cancerous invasion of various organ systems with associated failure of the organs, the results of exposure to the device are very meager. But there have been reports from people with multiple metastatic sites that have responded well to the device.These people responded, as the damage done by the cancer was not severe enough to be immediately life threatening. Further our bodies seem to heal sites of prior tumors with scar tissue. Meaning that an organ damaged by cancer may still shows signs of impaired function after the tumor is destroyed.

A section of the video tape shows the blood of an individual with Cancer, that came to me with a device he self constructed from my plans. This individual wanted to know if his device was operating correctly. Video tape was made of his blood before any exposure, and after the first two exposures he took. The effects of the device were dramatic, his blood filling with large amounts of cellular debris. This documentation can be seen in the available video tape. I must point out, that treatment protocol is not fully developed for cancer, and any use of the device is done at the users own risk.

This book contains all that I know, no construction or operational aspects of the device have been withheld. This device can be constructed, and produce what some may consider dramatic physiologic effects, by following the instructions in my book.

My device utilizes a variable audio frequency square wave to generate significant amounts of harmonics and what are known as sidebands in the radio wave. These harmonics produce an effect similar to that of a musical chord when heard auraly. When the wave from plama tube enters the body, the cells are able to strip off, or demodulate the square wave . The square wave can produce audio resonances within the affected cells or cellular structures. At a certain point these resonances can and will produce disintegration or metabolic impairment in the affected cells. The good news is that the normal cells in our bodies are not easily detrimentally affected by the recommended power levels used in my device. Cancer cells due to their weak abililty to bond to each other are easily resonated by the device.

The device has shown microscopic evidence of it's ability to stimulate the white blood cells into a state of hyper activity. This increase in activity manifests as a faster rate of movement, meaning the White blood cells sweep or clean a larger area per unit of time. The increase in activity also deomonstrates an increased agressiveness and ability to phagocytize .

A square wave is a close mimic of a nerve impulse or command. There have been reports from users, of the device being able to stop seizures, to stop involuntary tremors in people afflicted with Parkinsons disease, and to decrease the need of some people for pyschoactive medications. These effects are not permanent, but rather seem to be maintained by occasional exposures.

This instrument is a solid state device which some knowledgeable Rife researchers may object to. What I have done is to overcome the problems in a solid state instrument by essentially duplicating and then improving upon the beneficial factors inherent in an electron (vacuum) tube instrument. It has been found that one of the main reasons other developers have been unsuccessful is the ease with which it is possible to control and regulate the output of a solid state circuit. Modern electronics desires that a device have very little distortion, tight control of the output, and rigorous frequency stability. Old tube based electronics had very little of these modern attributes. Consequently as a first step in construction, my book shows you how to easily modify the primary transmitter ( a CB radio ). This modification produces; a greater bandwidth, more harmonics that will fit in the widened bandwidth, and a gated RF pulse. These three factors taken together are then outputted into a linear amplifier which lacks any harmonic suppression.

The output from the linear amplifier results in a 10 to 25 fold increase in both the audio fundamental and all the harmonics present in the input. At least one of Dr. Rife's Beam Tube devices utilized only a six fold increase in amplification. The final 140 to 200 watt output from the linear amplifier is then fed into an Antenna Tuner which is connected to a Plasma Tube. The Antenna Tuner matches the RF and the Plasma Tube creating dramatic increases in the units efficiency. Dr. Rife did not use antenna tuning systems with his devices. Basically Dr. Rife just dumped the output of the transmitter into the Plasma Tube and used enough energy to get the Plasma started. What has been found is that the lower the Standing Wave Ratio (SWR - a measure of the power absorbed and radiated by the plasma tube), the more intense are the effects from the plasma tube. As the SWR falls below 1.5:1 each .1 difference in SWR can actually be felt physically, and noticed in results. I believe this is because harmonics are being allowed to enter the Plasma tube more efficiently .

An antenna tuner can be considered to be another key factor in the devices operation. As you change the applied audio frequency, the entire apparatus shifts its resonant point. This makes lighting the plasma tube difficult and creates a very high SWR thus decreasing effectiveness. Without the antenna tuner, a shift in radio frequency and perhaps modification of some of the internal parameters of the linear amplifier would be called for to bring the unit back into resonance.

The use of a Plasma Tube is the final vital component part necessary to the devices operation. The Plasma Tube acts as something of an electronic mixer where the RF wave and its modulated audio wave are further modulated onto light waves. Modulation is the process of putting one wave on another, as in a radio wave with its attached (modulated) voice or music wave. The inverse may also be true where light waves are modulated onto RF waves. The plasma tube serves as something of a semiconductor diode with RF energy being allowed into the tube and then not allowed out. The RF energy entering the tube becomes converted into another form of energy within the plasma. From the plasma tube emanates a fourth wave that is more than just a combination of Audio, Radio, and Light Waves. This fourth wave (Plasma) seems to have effects that are inherent unto itself and not merely due to the actions of its constituents.

This Plasma Wave has the ability to enter into cellular structures through a process that is not electrical induction. The plasma wave seems to overcome the natural defensive properties of cells to outside foreign stimulus. In other words the plasma wave bypasses the "skin effect" and allows for deep tissue penetration. Very few people can feel a radio wave, nearly everyone after a few exposures can feel and sense the plasma wave. In fact when first exposed to the device many people are temporarily startled as they expect to see a simple neon tube in operation,and instead feel their body couple in some manner with the plasma wave. This effect is not at all unpleasant, just somewhat startling.

The effects of different types of glass, tubes, and Noble Gasses are discussed in the book. Neon for example is vitalizing, sedating, warming ( due to its Infra Red output), muscle relaxing, and pain relieving. Argon is vitalizing, cooling, sedating or stimulating depending on the physical and emotional status of the test subject. Argon is also pain relieving and most importantly ,it has intense devitalizing and in some cases destructive effects on micro organisms. As a point of controversy, I don't recommend using a tube filled solely with Helium gas as it suffers from many operational difficulties related to internal resistance of the gas and resultant overheating of the tube. The same can be said of Xenon, and Krypton gasses. Helium, Xenon , and Krypton gasses are best used in small percentages as a mixture with other gasses.

The different effects of each gas are due to their respective spectral outputs, the modulation of the radio and audio waves, onto the different spectral wavelengths. Another phenomena related to this is that the spectral colors produced by the plasma varies directly with the applied audio frequencies. Which is part of why the audio frequency from the square wave generator is varied to produce different physiologic effects. The book and video tape have pictures of micro organisms which were destroyed by the device, through the air,with no direct connections between the device and the micro organism from 4 to 5 feet away. The word devitalize as I am using it, needs to be explained, this does not mean death necessarily, but also biochemical impairment, a loss of activity and growth, and Pleomorphic conversion to an alternative part of the organisms life cycle.

This machine I have developed, produces effects and results that when when judged against the current health care practices appear somewhat unbelievable. There are presently in excess of 4500 of my devices in use worldwide. Although the preceeding statements of this web page may seem to be gross exaggeration, in reality the statements are severe understatements. For more specifics, join the rife-list. A couple of hundred owners of devices are presently on the rife-list which can be reached from the link to Horizon Technologies found on the links page.

One should not limit their thinking to merely health care. The device offers potential in insect control ( certain frequencies are very irritating to insects and they will leave the area). Reports have been recieved of the device killing roaches, mites, and other insect pests.The device may make possible non toxic control of various vermin, rodents, and agricultural diseases.

" Resonant Frequency Therapy - Building the Rife Beam Ray Device " contains 23 short illustrated Chapters covering; the development, full construction, and operation of the device. As a true bonus a set of audio treatment frequencies taken from the Plasma Tube Rife Device once owned by an M.D. in the mid to late 1950's is included. This Dr.made accurate measurements of the treatment frequencies of his machine prior to the machines demise. Recently made pictures of an actual Rife Ray tube produced in 1947 and still in existence, but not in use, are also included. Considerable space is taken to explore the transmitters; basis of operation, Plasma Tubes, noble gasses, and problems inherent in operation. Attention is given to details in construction that make the process relatively easy. Two separate devices are discussed, a low power device that does not need a linear amplifier, and a high power device that utilizes the linear amplifier.

I do not sell completed machines or individual parts for the machines. A list of suppliers is given in the book, and all parts are easily available ready made off the shelf. Further I have no financial relationship with any of these same suppliers. No one part is overpriced, or difficult to obtain. All parts have both ; multiple redundancies, and suppliers letting you mix and match as you desire . Minimal tools such as a screw driver, soldering gun, side cutters, and the like are necessary for construction. No expensive electrical test equipment is required. The only electrical testing instrument necessary is an easy to use digital multi meter which costs about 40 dollars.

I have labored to produce a book that is understandable by those not versed in electronics, as many readers who would otherwise be interested, might feel daunted by unknown electronic complexities. Through a series of simple explanations, the reader will be guided through the technical aspects of the devices operation.

AN UNDERSTANDING OF THE ELECTRICAL THEORY OF HOW THE DEVICE WORKS IS NOT NECESSARY FOR THE DEVICES CONSTRUCTION (not yelling here, just making sure this statement is noticed). Actual construction time is about four hours including some parts chasing. Most of the parts are available with only a phone call, and once acquired, just connect together. I realize that my foregoing explanation may be intimidating to many people that have had no experience with electronic devices outside of maybe turning a TV or radio on and off. Once assembled however,the device is very easy to operate. The device is designed so that it broadcasts on a radio band allocated for use by the FCC for Industrial, Scientific, and Medical Devices (27.12 Mhz which is channel 14). Measurements have been taken of the plasma tube with nearly 200 watts of Radio Frequency energy input. In a well constructed unit, the plasma tube will absorb over 99 % of RF energy input to it. Very little RF energy is actually radiated from the device. In doing microscopic testing, I operate the device within 5 feet of over 3000 dollars in electronics including TV's, video cameras, VCR's, and oscilloscopes with minimal to no interference. We live in the information age, and now that information so long forgotten, so long suppressed, can be yours.

Please be aware that like all experimental devices, this device has the potential to cause physical harm. It is not a toy, and produces effects many of which are presently unknown. As such this device is not a substitute for other viable treatments that may exist. The only way to judge any response from the device is with laboratory tests! Simply because one may feel better from whatever treatment is tried is not necessarily a reason to believe that a disease state is improving.

This device is for real, as are the effects of its use. Construction should not be undertaken without some consideration as to how the device will be utilized. The use of this device should be for experimental and investigative purposes only. The device should be used in conformance with all applicable laws and regulations that would control its operation. This book opens a new technology to humanity, and will be of interest to you even if you don't build the device.

" Resonant Frequency Therapy - Building The Rife Beam Ray Device " is available either by phone order or by mail. We accept Master Card and Visa Cards, both domestic and foreign If ordering from out of the USA, please send any cashiers checks or money orders payable in US funds.

Procede to Order Page to order Book, Video Tape, or Microscope Plans.

Order Page

If you have questions or comments about the book, the device, or the device's construction

Send E Mail inquiries to:

James Bare

This Rife Research Ring site is owned by
James E. Bare, D.C..

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