-Caveat Lector-

Seems that this "flu" is heavy in Serbia too. Same symptoms as widely

Dave Hartley

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 07, 2000 6:17 PM
To: homeopathy mailing list
Subject: RE: The Flu was Re: New Remedy of the Week

Your following message has been delivered to the 1905 members of
  the list [EMAIL PROTECTED] at 17:17:24 on 7 Jan 2000.

These are the same symptoms as the flu that is epidemic in the U.S.
Hospitals in many areas are too full to accept any more patients.
Many people notice a connection between "chemtrail" aerial spraying by large
planes which leave typically cross-hatched patterns of particulate matter,
as the planes fly back and forth over populated areas.

Dave Hartley

-----Original Message-----
From: Aleksandar Lojpur [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 07, 2000 4:54 PM
To: Joanne Haffly; homeopathy mailing list
Subject: Re: The Flu was Re: New Remedy of the Week

Hallo from Belgrade, Serbia, Yugoslavia.

We have a very strange flu here, some 70.000 registered cases (in a city of
about 1,5 million) and twice more not registered.

It starts with dry cough from the larynx, which develops within 24 hours
into a cough with extremely high temperature 39-40 C. Temperature lasts from
2-3 days. Very often it ends with a pneumonia.

Everybody is taking antibiotics.

I refused to take antibiotics, was trying aconite, phosphorus and belladona,
than I gave up and when a neighbor who is a doctor told me she does not hear
down part of my lungs on both parts, which indicated start of pneumonia, I
took antibiotic too. Now I am O.K.

My son worries me, he is 3 years and was treated with stramonium by his
homeopath in Prague a month ago. He had early morning coughing attacks while
remaining asleep, and our homeopath rightfully came to the conclusion it was
effect of fear during bombing.

Now we can't help my son treat the cough after the flu. His lungs are clear.
He had the temperature for two days, now he does not have the temperature.
He usually drinks a lot of orange juice, now he only occasionally sips from
the bottle. Refuses food. Dry cough from larynx which nothing can stop
disturbs his sleep and makes us very worrying. Phosphorus does not help.

(We do not have here in Belgrade a homeopath, we usually live in Prague and
are here because of sudden death 20 days ago of my mother in law.)

Any ideas?

Aleksandar Lojpur

-----Original Message-----
From: Joanne Haffly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: homeopathy mailing list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, January 07, 2000 10:31
Subject: The Flu was Re: New Remedy of the Week

>I have had some pretty good success with Kali Carb with this flu in the
>Pacific Northwest.  The ending hacky cough with yellow-green mucus.  The
>cough that started at night as soon as the child fell asleep was cured with
>Kali Bi.  It hasn't always been these two remedies, of course, just this
>Take care,
>>  In honor of the 'flu (can I take a poll of the northern
>> hemisphere - how many people do you know who *don't* have it?)

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