-Caveat Lector-

The Fourth Reich? Nazi Symbols Creeping Up in “Land of the (Once) Free”

Two U.S. Post Office Stamps That Would Have Made Hitler Proud

PHOENIX, Apr. 5 - The image was too much to take even for a writer who
discerned as far back as Sep. 20, that what was happening in America in the
aftermath of Sep. 11, was reminiscent of the early days of Nazi Germany
(see “War on Terrorism in America: Clash of Greens,” Sep 28, 2001).

Yet, when I first saw an e-mail from a TiM reader a couple of days ago,
enclosing the column “Imperial State Power in America,” by Al Martin, a
former U.S. Navy officer and a Washington government whistleblower, I could
not believe my eyes.  Nazi symbols creeping up in the “land of the
free?”  It can’t be!

It can.  They are.  It is happening, right here in the Imperial States of
America, the Fourth Reich.

Here’s what Al Martin said in that e-mail on Apr. 2 that grabbed my
attention instantly (excerpted):

“Now even US postage stamps will project the supremacy of American Imperial
Power into the world. The new 57-cent stamp shows an eagle, which is an
exact copy of the symbol of the Waffen SS (not “an exact copy,” but pretty
close - see the images at our web site - TiM Ed.), which in turn was taken
from the Imperial Praetorian eagle of Ancient Rome. This is one of the
first in a new series of postage stamps being released by the US Post
Office to commemorate the New Age of State Power. […]

The stamp portrays an eagle resting on triple-perched pediments. It's a
beautifully executed design, if one wants to portray State Power. This
eagle is man's most ancient and recognizable symbol of State Power. The
seven pediments on the eagle's chevron shaped breastplate represent the
seven hills of Rome. The three Ionic columned perch represents Order,
Discipline and Obedience, which was the pledge undertaken by the Obsidian

Any philatelist would recognize this eagle and any numismatist, who
collects Third Reich or Caesarian coins, would also know it. This
iconography is not original with the Third Reich, of course, since they
borrowed it from the ancient Romans.
The symbolism is stark. The Germans also duplicated it during the time of
the monarchy in the 18th century. During the subsequent reign of the House
of Hohenzolleren, you'd see many flags with the expression: Ruhe, Ordnung
und Sichheit (Calm, Order and Security).

The eagle then is not only a symbol of imperial power, but of the unity of
the State. As long as the State remains unified under the symbol of
Imperial State Power, then Calm, Order, Security, Discipline and Obedience
will prevail. It took the Romans centuries to squash out dissent. This is a
sublime warning for the people to be united under one banner, and that
banner is the imperial power of the State. In Ancient Rome, it constituted
a warning to any dissidents.

To get back to the design, the eagle is perched on the famed triple Ionic
column, which was the symbol of the much feared and dreaded Obsidian Order
of the Imperial Praetorian Guard, also called the Black Order. Obsidian is
a very hard lustrous black stone that has been used for thousands of years.

In Ancient Rome, the Obsidian Order was the most elite of the elite
Praetorian Guard, containing Caesar's assassins. They specialized in
liquidating dissidents… The Obsidian Order was the group, which quietly
liquidated those who dissented and any who threatened to tell the truth.”

To read the rest of the column, click here (at our web site).

Immediately upon reading the Al Martin piece, this writer went to the local
Phoenix post office.  “Do you have a 57-cent stamp?”

“Yes, we do,” the postal clerk replied.

”What is it used for?”

“For two-ounce first class mail.”

“May I see it?  I hear it has a Nazi eagle on it.”

“Well, the 55-cent stamp has the same eagle.”

“Okay then, please get me both of them.”

The clerk returned with two sheets of stamps - one with a bluish background
(57 cents) the other golden (55 cents).  I examined them carefully.  I
vaguely remembered seeing pictures of Nazi rallies at which Hitler spoke
under such gigantic eagles in the background (see the photo of one at our
web site with the US stamp superimposed on it).

“That’s the one,” I said.  “That’s what somebody told me was a Nazi eagle.”

“Oh, I wouldn’t know about that,” the clerk hedged uncomfortably.  “We call
it an art deco eagle.”

“Well, you’ve got it right then.  That’s the right era the 1930s.  So it
must have been done deliberately.”
The clerk was squirming uncomfortably.  “How many stamps would you like?”

“Just two,” I replied.  “One of each.”

“Just two?”

“Yes.  I want them as my Nazi souvenirs.”

I bought the stamps and then added to those images the original Nazi
insignia, both German the Army and the Waffen SS.  If you go to our web
site, you can see for yourself the Nazi symbols in the “land of the (once)
free” that your tax dollars buy.

Of course, the EU (European Union) beat us to it.  Longtime TiM readers may
recall our Nov. 1999 story about the new Lenin stamp being issued by
Belgium (click here at our web site to see it again).

Nazi symbols in the U.S., commie symbols in the EU… The new era of
totalitarianism is evidently upon us.  As Al Martin put it…

“If you don't believe it… look at the new Ed McMahon commercials for the
Department of Justice. Start looking for your new triangular State Security
street signs. And the orange knit capped people on your street with

…I said, if you give the average downtrodden citizen an orange and black
cap that says State Security and a clipboard, a whistle and an armband that
puts a little sense of power in their bellies, there's going to be a hell
of a lot of people, who not only get into it, but get into it in a big way.
It'll go to their heads. If you give the little guy a little sense of
power, he's going to run with it; and he's not going to want to give it up;
and he's going to do what he's told in order to keep it. That's human

Just like in Nazi Germany in the 1930s (see “War on Terrorism in America:
Clash of Greens,” Sep 28, 2001).  Or the Praetorian Guards.  Welcome to
Imperial States of America, the Fourth Reich!

The more the world changes, the more it stays the same (also see “Listen
Not to What They SAY, Watch What They DO,” Dec. 2000).
Phoenix, Arizona

Visit the Truth in Media Web site http://www.truthinmedia.org for articles
on geopolitical affairs.

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