-Caveat Lector-


Dave Hartley

OBSERVER (London)      Sunday September 5, 1999

(Brit.)Labour (party) : quartermaster to tyranny in East Timor

In 1965 Michael Stewart, the Foreign Secretary in Harold Wilson's Labour
Government, surveyed the mass graves of Indonesia with an air of
satisfaction and expectation. Britain had facilitated the murders of about
one million Indonesians in the coup that brought pro-Western General
Suharto to power.

'A little shooting in Indonesia would be an essential preliminary to
effective change,' Sir Andrew Gilchrist, our Ambassador in Jakarta, had
told the Foreign Office earlier in the year. To ensure that one of the
great massacres of the century could be executed without the killers being
distracted by pressures from abroad, the British Army was pulled back from
a confrontation with Indonesian forces in the disputed colonial territory
of Borneo.

Stewart showed no remorse and the myth of British decency ensured that few
have demanded that the politicians and diplomats involved in Cold War
crime should be held to account since. 'It is only the economic chaos of
Indonesia which prevents that country from offering great potential
opportunities to British exporters,' he told Wilson. 'If there's going to
be a deal with Indonesia... I think we ought to take an active part and
try to secure a slice of the cake ourselves.'

The Michael Stewart of our days is Robin Cook and the cake that New and
Old Labour have both gobbled is bought with the profits of the weapons
trade. On the rare occasions when the national conversation turns to arms,
it usually degenerates into vacuity. One side tells us we must defend our
prosperity, even though the merchants of death have been downsizing with
enthusiasm and receive lavish subsidies. Their opponents respond with a
kind of simple-minded pacifism, which lays them open to the great modern
charge of living somewhere other than 'the real world'.

What is missed is the scale of the enterprise. Britain is the second
largest dealer in the global arms market. For hundreds of millions of
people, British foreign policy is not the endless temporising about Europe
or Tony Blair's ambition for his Third Way witterings to inspire the
world, but our willingness to supply the instruments of coercion to their

No government likes to tell its citizens that a large part of the human
race has good reason to hate them, and last week Baroness Symons, the
Defence Procurement Minister, was sent to the studios to ooze counterfeit
reassurance. She was well suited for the task. Symons was the leader of
the senior civil servants union, who accepted a peerage and an unelected
Ministerial appointment after the 1997 election, thus making a bit of a
nonsense of Whitehall impartiality. Her husband, Phil, works in Downing
Street and churns out articles 'By Tony Blair' that persuade naive
newspaper readers that the PM is addressing them personally.

As she tried to dismiss British complicity with the slaughters in East
Timor, Her Ladyship adopted the Blairite tone of pleading and menace -
like a teacher lecturing retarded children. Applications to arm Indonesia
were scrutinised 'very, very carefully' because 'we do not sell arms that
can be used for internal repression,' she said with an unwarranted
confidence, before developing a curious argument that Indonesia, a country
whose armed forces exist solely to repress its people, and which invaded
East Timor in 1975 in contravention of the UN charter (killing 200,000 or
so in the process), had a right under that same UN charter to buy weapons
for 'self-defence'.

The Observer is a polite newspaper which wouldn't wish to suggest a
politician was lying - that would be ill mannered. Let us say Lady Symons
did not appear to be well briefed. The public would get more from her if
she, along with Blair and Cook who have propagated the same line, were to
read a report on Anglo-Indonesian relations, to be released this week by
the Campaign Against the Arms Trade.

Official secrecy and commercial confidentiality cover 'defence' sales and,
like so many enquirers before them, the peaceniks found they could learn
more about what their Government was doing in archives in New York and
Washington than London. They have assembled the facts that are on the

Even this inevitably incomplete account makes the official position an
insult to the dead of East Timor and the intelligence of the British. Of
course, our weapons are being used for internal repression - why else
would Indonesia, a country without external enemies, want them? Hawk
aircraft made by British Aerospace have flown in East Timor, as the
Government was forced to admit last week.

In opposition, Cook ridiculed Conservative claims that Indonesia would
refrain from sending them on bombing runs over the island. In government,
he suddenly found merit in the Tory position and sanctioned their sale.
Lord Hollick, a BAe board member and owner of Express newspapers, was,
coincidentally, advising the Department of Trade and Industry when the
deal was done and Ken Jackson, the Labour loyalist who runs the
engineering union, lobbied the Government hard and successfully to let the
purchase go ahead.

Meanwhile, water cannon made by Tacita have been turned on students. The
Indonesian defence attache in Britain admitted that armoured cars from
Alvis were roaring round the mountain roads of East Timor, and so it goes
on. What strikes the reader is the evident expectation of Ministers that
they can deny the incontrovertible and get away with it.

As for the claim that applications for arms sales were scrutinised 'very,
very carefully', an analysis of the deliveries that have been authorised
shows it to be, as the Campaign Against the Arms Trade says with
understandable exasperation, 'pathetic'.

True, Robin Cook did block a sale of sniper rifles in 1997. A
well-informed Financial Times correspondent reported that Blair was
furious. George Robertson, liberator of oppressed muslims of Kosovo, told
Cook that he was offending General Prabowo, an 'enlightened' military
leader who deserved to have his demands treated promptly and with courtesy
by British politicians. Prabowo is the leader of Indonesia's paramilitary
death squads, who has authorised mass killings and rapes. His fortune was
made by marrying into the fantastically corrupt Suharto family.

Since his moment of rebellion, the Foreign Secretary has been a good boy.
Last year, New Labour rejected a mere 2.4 per cent of applications to sell
to Indonesia. It's no longer novel to say that the Tories had a better

It is easy in the dog days of summer to watch the news and think that we
are hearing of a far-away island only because nothing else is happening in
the silly season. But the arms trade ensures that we retain a global
influence over slaughters in countries of which we know little.

The Timorese crisis would be seen as a British story if Ministers, who are
either deliberately mendacious or stunningly foolish, were unable to
pretend that they were following an ethical foreign policy. Until that
happy day, Britain's business and political leaders will continue to defy
received wisdom by having their cake - and eating it too.

PS: A reader motivated by necessary contempt has sent us a copy of an
article by an ambitious and talented Labour MP, from the New Statesman of
30 June 1978. 'How little we care with whom we do business,' the
perceptive young author wailed, somewhat inelegantly. 'The nation of
shopkeepers' had become a 'military bazaar' selling weapons to 'the
world's least likeable governments'. 'Every war for the past two decades
has been fought by poor countries with weapons supplied by rich
countries.' Was it 'legitimate' for Labour to destroy the achievements of
aid workers by extracting vast sums from the Third World?

The more the angry Scot thought about the arguments used by his elders,
the more spurious they seemed. British companies were not simply selling
weapons but transferring military technology so that rival industries
could develop abroad - to Egypt in the Seventies, to Turkey in the
Nineties. The taxpayer was being robbed by being forced to subsidise 'the
historic costs of [military] research and development'.

What stuck in his craw was the 'particularly disturbing' sale of 'aircraft
to Indonesia'. Labour Ministers were using the 'ingenious excuse' that
they didn't have 'a devastating potential'. All in all, the arms industry
was corrupt. It inflamed conflicts in the Middle East and between India
and Pakistan Britain had an interest in preventing but was protected by a
Government which ignored the squalid records of its customers.

'Labour got Britain into this sordid trade... It would help make amends if
Labour were to start us on the first few steps to getting out of it.'

And with that flourish Robin Cook signed off. What the hell happened to


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