>From NewsMax 9/5/200

Between a rock and very hard spot!  "We need the UN to save us from the
Robber Barrons"
should be the title I think.  It looks like to me that, leaving aside the
earth flopping on it's axis or New York being reduced to necular rubble, the
UN is here to stay and our nationalism will pass the way of the Buffolo.
Since I believe it to be true, that our government, perhaps all, are in the
hands of Corporate Raiders we can only pray the UN turns out to be
benevolent. D/
'World Forum' Bashes America, GOP

Austin Ruse Wednesday, Sept. 6, 2000

NEW YORK ­ Anti-capitalism and anti-Americanism were the order of the first
day of the State of the World Forum on Tuesday.

Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev said globalization has come almost
completely for the benefit of rich nations and has hardly benefited the
developing world. "Globalization has been privatized," said the former
Communist leader. "It has been Westernized and Americanized."

Gobachev founded the State of the World Forum six years ago, and it draws
deep thinkers from government, business and "civil society" to address
questions of global concern. The leftist politics of the participants is
readily apparent.

Gobachev complained that "transnational corporations" hold monopolies on
patents and all new technologies and that they do not share with poor
countries or people. Gorbachev even called for the establishment of a
Soviet-like central authority to be run by the United Nations that would
direct international economics and the environment.

The riots around the World Trade Organization talks were much on the minds
of Tuesday's speakers. Gorbachev called them a "legitimate protest" by those
who cannot abide the state of trade.

Billionaire Blames Republicans and Capitalists

Billionaire financier George Soros said the rioters' protests were
misdirected and should have been aimed at the Republicans in the U.S.
Congress. He said Congress and the Seattle rioters were strange political
bedfellows but both were "dangers to international institutions."

Soros complained the Congress had not paid America's U.N. dues and had not
committed to debt relief of the poorest countries. "So much for
compassionate conservatism," he said.

Soros also denounced what he called "robber capitialists" and "market
fundamentalists" who believe that markets alone can take care of the common

"Markets will take care of private interests, not the common good," he said.

Big Brother Will Solve Everything

Soros suggested that only governments could take care of the common good,
but they have come under the power of capital markets and therefore never

Soros praised the World Trade Organization for its binding juridical
authority. Echoing Gorbachev, Soros called for the establishment of
international organizations that have powers to bind states on labor and
environmental issues.

The Republican Party also came under attack when AFL-CIO President John
Sweeney said he intended to remove the GOP leadership on Nov. 7, Election
Day. The well-heeled crowd, who paid $1,000 to $2,500 a person to attend,
cheered wildly.

Sweeney said a global conservative movement led by former President Ronald
Reagan, British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and German Chancellor
Helmut Kohl created globalization.

"From the suites of Davos to the streets of Seattle, globalization is now
known as a failure. And a free-market solution is likely to be
catastrophic,² said Sweeney.

Out of dozens of speakers, a few conservatives will be heard form this week,
including former National Review Editor John O¹Sullivan and former Chairman
of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Colin Powell.

Also see: Annan Wants Four Decades of Treaties Ratified.

* * *

Austin Ruse covers the United Nations and related topics for NewsMax.com.

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