-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

Dave Hartley

From: "Bill Asenjo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Former Iowa Congressman Berkley Bedell found a cure for his
prostate cancer in Gaston Naessens 714-X. He testified to this fact before
Congress, has written about it in popular publications (see below), and
recently started his own foundation for research into alternative medicine
due to
his frustration with federal bureauracy, see:
And to eliminate the guesswork, time and effort of trying to
decide which treatment is best for your particular situation, I suggest the
services of People Against Cancer. They will fax a patient's records to more
than a dozen select alternative and complementary medical practitioners
and clinics, consult with you about the results by phone (in person
if you want to visit them), assemble a report the size of a phone book (I've
seen 'em), and ultimately help you as much as you need to reach your
decision. Although non-profit, they do have to keep the lights on so there's
a fee,
however, if you're in financial difficulty they'll reduce or waive their
In May I co-presented at a conference on alternative medicine
and cancer with their founder and president, Frank Wiewel. If I had a
diagnosis today, they'd be my first call.
See http://www.dodgenet.com/nocancer/
Bill Asenjo, MS, PhD(c), CRC


The Access to Medical Treatment Act

©Copyright 1996 by Berkley Bedell
(Explore Issue: Volume 7, Number 2)

One never knows what personal experiences will occur to change the direction
of one's life.

I was very disappointed when Lyme disease made it necessary for me to retire
from the United States Congress. And I was devastated when shortly after
that I was diagnosed with prostate cancer.

In both cases I went the route of conventional medicine without apparent
success. A series of strange coincidences caused me to then turn to
alternative treatments for both diseases, and I no longer suffer from

The treatment for my Lyme disease was a special whey from cow's milk, and
the cancer treatment which I administered to myself was an injection into my
lymph glands of a product called 714-X developed by a Canadian
microbiologist, Gaston Naessens.

Working with my friend, Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa, I had a significant role
in the establishment of the Office of Alternative Medicine at the National
Institutes of Health. I serve on the Advisory Committee to that Office. I
have been disappointed in the reluctance of the NIH to investigate
alternative treatments, but I believe the establishment of the Office has
given a great boost to alternative medicine. The fact that the federal
government has recognized the importance of alternative medicine by
establishing an Office of Alternative Medicine has helped to increase the
awareness of and the legitimacy of alternative or complementary medicine in
our society.

  There are those who would like to portray practitioners of alternative
medicine as just a bunch of quacks. I have found just the opposite. I have
found most of them to be highly motivated, capable scientists and
practitioners who have developed science and treatments that hold great
promise. But they are threatened at every turn.

The major problem is that it costs millions and millions of dollars to go
through the Food and drug Administration procedure in order to get approval
to distribute a medicine. I argue that this tremendous cost prevents any
non-patentable medicine from getting into the system. Most of the developers
of promising treatments I have found would not have the finances to go
through this process if it were to cost 1% of current costs.

Working with another friend of mine Senator Tom Daschle of South Dakota, we
have drafted and he has introduced The Access to Medical Treatment Act. The
bill provides that every person will have the right to be treated by
whatever treatment that person desires providing the following provisions
are met:

The treatment is administered by a properly licensed practitioner who has
examined the patient.
There is no evidence to indicate that the treatment would be of danger to
the patient.
The patient has been completely informed of the contents of the treatment
and any possible side effects, including in writing the following: "Warning:
This food, drug or device has not been declared safe and effective by the
Federal Government and any individual who uses such food, drug or device
does so at his or her own risk."
There have been no advertising claims made for the treatment.
The patient signs a statement that they have been informed about all the
above, and still wish to be treated.

  In the Senate the bill was introduced by Senator Daschle, the minority
leader, and co-sponsors include Senator Dole, the majority leader, and
Republican candidate for President, as well as 11 other Senators, both
Republican and Democrat. Senator Harkin a Democrat, and Senator Hatch a
Republican, who are both leaders in this area are both among the

In the House, the bill has been introduced by Congressman DeFazio of Oregon
with 36 co-sponsors, including some of the Republican leadership of the

One would think with such an impressive list of co-sponsors the bill would
be sure to pass. I am sorry to report that due to the current situation in
Congress, such is not the case. Because of the heavy backlog in Congress,
and the coming election, it is not going to be easy to get this bill passed
unless the message comes through from the people that they want it.

If you believe that properly informed people should have the right to choose
their medical treatment, as they are permitted to do in almost every other
area of our society, rather than having a government agency tell them what
treatments they can have, and which ones they cannot have, I urge you to
contact your Senators and ask them to co-sponsor the Access to Medical
Treatment act, #S-1035 introduced by Senator Daschle. And contact your
Congressperson and ask him or her to co-sponsor the Access to Medical
Treatment Act, HR-2019 introduced by Congressman DeFazio. Ask them to reply
as whether they have co-sponsored the Act.

Surely it is worth the time to write such a letter. It might save your
life-and the bill is not likely to be considered unless you do.

  To subscribe/order Explore Publications download our order form.

-----Original Message-----
Date: Tuesday, February 22, 2000 12:57 AM
Subject: [cancercured] Digest Number 260

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