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Falling Eagle
Martin Vander Weyer

List Price: £20.00
Our Price: £16.00
You Save: £4.00 (20%)

Availability: Usually dispatched within 24 hours
Category(ies): History, Business & Finance

Weidenfeld & Nicolson General; ISBN: 0297644068 Sales Rank:  614

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Many people have, at best, a love-hate relationship with their bank. Unless
you simply stuff your cash under the mattress, you need one--but the service
you receive may seem too little and the charges too high. That said, do you
want to read about one? A book about Barclays may not seem immediately
appealing; one subtitled "The Decline of Barclays Bank" is perhaps a little
more interesting; one by an author with inside knowledge and a P45 to show
for it is better still.
Falling Eagle is part history, part exposé. It tracks the bank from its
19th-century origins to the present day, liberally peppering the narrative
with revealing anecdotes. It dissects the organization and its hierarchical
structure, charts the bank's successes (it was the first to install cash
dispensers and move away from the traditional bank layout to something more
like a high street shop) and chronicles its troubles, of which there have
been many over the years (for example with the ill-fated BZW, Barclay's
investment division).
Perhaps a little self-indulgence creeps into the writing as the troubles are
unfolded--the author gives the impression of feeling he is well out of
it--but the net effect makes an enthralling story. Well-researched,
well-written and entertainingly presented, Falling Eagle is a title that
deserves much wider readership than the average corporate biography. --Patrick
In November 1998, Barclays chief executive Martin Taylor walked out of his
job. Widely regarded as one of Britain's cleverest businessmen, Taylor had
reached the end of his tether after a series of trading disasters and
boardroom clashes. In this account, Martin Vander Weyer traces the decline of
what was once Britain's leading bank, and uncovers a story rich in
personality, intrigue and social nuance.

Customer Comments
Average Customer Rating:  Number of Reviews: 1
[EMAIL PROTECTED] from Hook UK , 11 March, 2000
A fascinating and entertaining book
You would expect a well written book from a journalist of Martin Vander
Weyer's reputation and well written is a fair description. But it's much more
than that. Falling Eagle is well researched and highly amusing in it's
description of the activities of so many Barclays people over the years. A
must for Barclays insiders,Barclays watchers and students of the faults of
large companies.


 © 1998-2000, Inc. and its affiliates
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Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
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